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April 28, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-28

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t ,

Is Fascism Dead?
IT IS A YEAR since the end of the war in
Europe and Mussolini's body has been dug
up from the pauper's graveyard in Milan, by
members of the "Fascist Democratic" party, who
promise to parade the corpse of fascism one day
in the sunlight. In Bavaria, university students
tell each other that Hitler lives; and so in the
one country a cadaver, in the other a ghost, be-
come symbols around which some, at least, hope
to concreti~e a resurgent fascism. Are these real
movements, or are they absurd little flutters,
death-rattles a year old? Shall we laugh or shall
we worry? Shall we say that fascism is dead,
and doesn't know it, or shall we say that it is
reviving, and we don't know it?
Small signs, perhaps; inconclusive, perhaps;
but fascism is always a crank movement until
it becomes a government. And in the Uni-
versity of Munich an American reporter has
been shocked to find an instructor, Prince
Wilhelm Karl von Isenburg, still teaching a
course in racial theories, which was first insti-
tuted under the Nazis in 1935. Ah, but Prince
Wilhelm was not a Nazi; his military ques-
tionnaire shows it, and since we hunt and
identify the enemy strictly by surface appear-
ance and by formal signs (as if we were clas-
sifying butterflies) Prince Wilhelm has, at
least until this writing, been left unmolested.'
Again, shall we worry, or shall we laugh it
off? Is Prince Wilhelm a comic figure, or a
dramatic one?
AND it is very difficult to write pieces like this,
for this one is, frankly, a warning; a warning
uttered well in advance of any possible event,
and therefore difficult to justify. But let us look
at it this way: a year ago we did not know
whether militaristic and reactionary figures
would be allowed to teach in German univers-
ities; now we know that they are. A little ques-
tion has been answered, a little beachhead has
been won by the other side.
A year ago we were all uncertain about the
future of the German right; it was doubtful
about itself and we were doubtful about it; then,
like a faint, slimy sheen over our occupation
zone, its members began to turn up in positions
of comparative authority; and now it is a solid
incrustation. American reporters say casually
that "Nazi sympathizers and militarists retain
positions of control and authority;" Prince Wil-
helm is only one blazing example of a common
state of affairs, for most of the University of
Munich is cast in his image. And so a kind of
molecular rearrangement has taken place dur-
ing our year in Germany.
And of this we can legitimately be afraid;
not afraid of a Prince Wilhelm for what he is
in himself, but of Prince Wilhelm as a baro-
metric reading, as a sign of a process and of a
stage in a process. It is not his irrfpudence which
is frightening, but our acquiescence in his im-
pudence, and our seeming helplessness before it.
Grave questions are raised; for though we sym-
pathize wit.h the left, our sympathy has very
little content, perhaps because of our fear of
Russia; and though we oppose the right, our
opposition also seems lacking in content, maybe
for the same reason; and so the forces press
against each other, and the molecules of popu-
lation arrange themselves, and the right arises.
And the right watches us. There are cer-
tain crucial moments at which we could set
it back; perhaps by taking a strong posi-
tion against Franco, when that question
comes up. But the moment passes, we do not
take a strong position; and the right, every-
where in the world, relaxes, smiling. nsr we
could give a signal by our stand against
Peron in Argentina; but he wins an election,
and we smile upon him, and Colonel Peron
at once begins to gather around himself a'
bloc of Paraguay, and Bolivia, and perhaps
of Uraguay and Brazil and Chile, aimed at
us (see the right rising!) and everywhere in
the world, from the chamber of a piffling
little professor at Munich to the executive
offices of a rightist demagogue in Latin
America, the content of our position is felt,
and the molecules arrange themselves.
Shall we laugh or shall we fret? Is it comedy
or is it drama? Drama, I think, and the third

act begins just when we thought there was
nothing left to do but to sweep out the theatre.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Steps Forward
TWO New England educational institutions,
long known for rock-ribbed conservatism,
have delivered two direct blows at bigotry and are
traveling a path that so-called "liberal" schools
would do well to follow.
A sorority in a Vermont college pledges a
Negro student, not because she is a Negro, but
because she meets the social plus whatever
other qualifications one must meet to pledge a
sorority, and thereupon its rushing privileges
are revoked for refusing to "answer letters."
THE FRESHMAN CLASS at Bowdoin college
has taken a much more significant but un-
publicized step towards counter-acting the defin-
ite racial inequality that is so pronounced on
campuses throughout the country. Matthew
Branche, a Negro student was elected president
of its class, after having established an enviable
record as student and athlete. A few weeks earlier
Branche was elected to Delta Epsilon, national
social fraternity. He was the first Negro elected
to a class office or to a social fraternity at that
ivy-league institution.
A definite step forward in the fight against


£~elle~i to thl6blor


To the Editor:
IN RELATION to his stand on whether Negroes
should be admitted to white fraternities and
sororities, I shoruld at least expect one with the
presumed intellige e of Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald,
president of Alpha Siguma Phi, to be consistent.
He states that "I do not believe that I would
desire the average Negro us a fraternity brother."
Would Mr. Fjitzgerald desire the "average" white
man for a I aterrity brother? The 'average'
Negro to whom he alludes never gets to college
and in all probability would not be a candidate
for any fraternity, black or white. Neither does
the "average" white man attend college. I have
found nothing to irove that the "poor whites"
have any more cultural background or intel-
ligence than Neg-roes from the same economic
level. Culture wa. >stensibly the basis of distinc-
tion since Mr. t7itzg.rald hinted that there was
a vague chance that Negroes of college standing
might be acceptable. Since non-cultured whites
are not included in the exclusion, it is clear that
the discrimination is purely on the basis of race
and color. Is Mr. Fitzgerald afraid to admit that
he hates on the basis of race?
These "average" Negroes you served with
for 21 months, Mr. Fitzgerald, were good
enough to fight along side and to help save
your hide, but they are not good enough to
enjoy the same social privileges as you back
home. Would you have shared the fox-hole
of one of these "average" Negroes?
JF YOU have not guessed it by now, I am a
Negro. Perhaps you'll never know what it
is being forced to live a dual existence; not be-
ing able to act naturally and spontaneously in
situations where whites are concerned; always
having to remember that in my own group I do
as I please and act like a human being; in a
mixed group I must conform to certain false
standards which make me little better than a
dog. I, too, have learned to hate, perhaps more
so than you, but my conscience is clear. I have
reasons. How long will you and the millions of
others like you continue to keep this rotten, de-
grading, irrational system alive? Who knows,
perhaps your own hatred will destroy you!
--Carroll Little

t citly u dinit the existence of rules, national
or local, prolibitinf pledging of Negroes and
Of the ,( chapter presidents who stated their
opi)oSition to segregation of minority groups,
NONE. was aie to di; more than make a state-
Ient. NONE could 1rove that a more liberal
policy was now being followed in his house.
I culd spend time here stating further reasons
for the abotliion of all Greek-letter houses in a
Stat e-sipporti chI 5()l sich as this where mem-
bers of all nauionl ,IrIli ious and racial groups
come to learn.
Or I could spend some time on semantics:
asking whether these organizatiocna realize
that dark-skinned peoiile from India are "Cau-
casians" and that people who practice diserim-
ination of any kind can not be defined as
itI i chi- irslead to take it-ne to indicate
that cooperative houses on campus have,
since their inception in 1932, consistently re-
fused to place any bars on membership.
The result has not been catastrophic. On the
contrary, residents of co-op houses have learned
to practice what has long been preached in soc.,
poli sci, psych courses. They now do what they
used to merely say they believed in.
Now is a good time to make non-discrimination
the practice of all student residences at the U
of M.
--Ann Fagan Ginger
finsigh I Pr(Iis(-'d
T-o the Editor:
(N THE CAMPUS, students should have an
opportunity to express their views through
the press. The letters to the editor of The Daily
is one very gcod way. But, until very recently,
it has been the only way. Every other alert
campus has a serious magazine for the encour-
agement of literary talent and thought in gen-
eral. Why is it that the U. of M. has so long
been delinquent in this matter? Is it that the
war has left us with the desire for a maximum
of gaiety and a minimum of serious thought?
Implying no objection to the Gargoyle, without
which our more primitive selves would be lost,
the complaint concerns mainly the "devil may
care" attitude of many students on campus
evident in the unusual absence of a serious mag-
azine. It is a shameful situation on a campus of
this size and importance.
Now the situation is improving with the stu-
dents' late effort to publish a magazine of "stu-
dent concern," that is a serious student publi-
cation through which campus opinion can be
express;,d and formulated. The first issue of the
magazine "Insight" came out in March. Its first
issue sold 500 copies, a surprisingly good number
considering that it is not yet well known or
appreciated. Therefore, encouraged to continue
the project, the students have sent the second
issue to the printers, and it will be out next week.
Most of the articles have been witten by
We must not ignore this publication. Its po-
tentialities are unlimited. As future citizens, we
must realize that every freedom means a cor-
responding responsibility. It is our responsibility
to see that freedom of the press, on the campus
and in our country, is given the best and most
constructive use.
-Barbara Jean White

Dominie Says
ONE of the most difficult issues be-
fore the leaders in every nation
is that of education and religion.
More specifically, the question is how
Shall the search for values which must
un through all life be pursued in
home, church, community, state and
nation? Though religion at its best
is a binding back to origins, a wor-
shipping of the Deity, yet the insti-
tutional expression of religion is a
divider of men. In India, it is Islam
set in opposition to the Hindu people
which sets the stage. Many will argue
that the Christian English advance
the division for purposes which do not
serve Christianity. In China, while
right to the land on the part of those
who cultivate it and forms of social-
ization are what we hear about, one
party insists upon doing away with
the Confucian family system while
the other defends Confucianism as
vital to China and her future. It is
religion which divides them. In Spain,
while religion is not directly involved,
the Republicans repudiate the Church
while the Franco regime has its bless-
ing. In the United Nations, though
religion as such is never in the debate
nor Communism mentioned, we are
bogged down by the fear of an eco-
nomic order which makes its theory
of life a reality in its national econ-
omy. On this point the USSR may
well defend itself by pointing out its
vital thoroughness as a deeply sincere
demonstration. On the other hand
the opponent of Communism, will in-
sist that his Christianity makes him
a Capitalist. Here, then, religion ac-
tually is involved.
The quickest way to get directly
at the issue is to ask how can re-
ligion be successfully taught to all
of the children in your home com-
munity? To answer that question,
England has completely overhauled
its educational system and appro-
priated funds for the teaching of
religion in all schools both private
and public. To meet this issue,
Russia has brought about ten major
alterations in their structure, stop-
ping the direct teaching of Atheism
in the schools, eliminating the week-
ly paper, "The Godless," turning
back to clergy most of the edifices,
and offering freedom to worship on
the part, not only of the Orthodox
but of other religious groups. But
the Soviets do not take education
nor any part of it away from the
State and hand it to the Church.
The schools are completely in con-
trol of the State. Religion for chil-
dren must be taught at home. The
aid of the State at this point is that
since the reforms of 1942 and 1944
symbols may be sold, a great aid to
the parents who teach the Ortho-
dox faith.


(Continued [rum Page 3)




To the Editor:- I
IT IS ALWAYS a sign of weakness when a
group cf people refuse to stand up to be
counted. This is true of the U.S. Congress, and
it is equally true of members of Pen-Hel and
Inter-fraternity Council. When faced with an
issue, 39 decline comment, have nothing to say
regarding their stand on racial discrimination
in Greek-letter houses.
Of the 12 who were willing to state their pos-
ition, 4 outspokenly opposed admission of non-
Caucasians and non-Christians." A number
Q.100 M
LEONARD FEATHER, the Arbiter Eleganti-
arum of jazz for a prominent monthly mag-
azine, has gone to considerable trouble this
month to seek out the reasons for the disappear-
ance of Benny Goodman's band from the fore-
fronts of the national jazz polls. The whole dis-
cussion strikes me as just the sort of hot-house
argument that typifies the magazine's jazz at-
titude, but since it coincides with a release of
some of the music they cherish, it merits com-
ment here.
The record mentioned is the Victor Green
Label of "Metronome All Out" and "Look
Out," played by the Metronome All Star Band,
with Duke Ellington and Sy Oliver, respective-
ly, the guest conductors. It is strictly large
jazz - ten brass, six reeds, and so on - of the
sort that Feather admires, and it's really not
bad music either. Some of the choruses, espec-
ially those by Williams, Edison, Hodges and
Wilson, are very good, and the arrangements
are slick enough, but it's my guess you'll find
the whole thing too over-powering for a steady
THE POINT,, though, is that Feather men-.
tions this style as the new ideal in hot music,
and criticized Goodman for being recherche
enough to stick to what is labeled a "puny and
thin" small organization. Not content with this
simple statement, or else not certain enough to
offer it as his own opinion, Feather backs up
the discussion by pointing to the single vote the
band received in his magazine's recent poll and
this is where his whole argument starts to come
apart at the seams.
He claims, or 'rather he says "musicians"
claim, that the Goodman band's style is out-of-
date and inferior, largely because it failed to
win some coveted statuette. Well, men, the
statuette he refers to was won this year by
Woody Herman, of the screaming trumpets and
that abominable "Caldonia," a result which
speaks more lustily than any words of mine
about the value of this particular poll and its
results. As Wolcott Gibbs would put it, Feather:
if that's good jazz, the sort swing musicians like
the best, then I'm Ty Cobb.
-Lex Walker

City of Detroit Civil Service an- p
iouncements have been received in t
this office for: t
Junior Accountant. Salary, $2625- A
$3095. V
Semi-senior Accountant. Salary, t
Senior Accountant. Salary, $4365-
Closing date, May 14.
Historical Museum Assistant. Sal- 8
ary, $2415-$2719.
Closing date, May 15. C
- - - -_i
State of Michigan Civil Service an-
nouncements have been received for:
Social Worker A2. Salary, $175-a
No closing late.p
School Accounting Examiner T.b
Salary, $200-$240.T
Closing date, May 15.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Victory Gardens: The plots for vic-
tory gardens at the Botanical Gardent
are ready for use. Employees of thef
University who sent written requestsa
for space to Mr. Roszel can learn the
numbers of their plots by callingD
him at the Storehouse.t
It has been found necessary to askf
each gardener, (even those who didG
so last year) to contribute one dollar
toward the expense of preparing the
land, and it is hoped that these con-c
tributions will be made promptly andf
without further notice.1
A restriction on watering must be1
made because of lack of facilities for
providing unlimited water to all gar-
dens. Gardeners are reminded thatt
water may be carried from the fau-1
cets in cans and pails, but the use
of hose is prohibited.<
Willow Village Program for the
week April 28-May 5.
Sunday, April 28: Classical Music,
Sunday, April 28: Vespers: Rev.
James Van Pernis, Protestant Direc-
tors Association, 4-5 p.m., Conference
Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 28: Football Movie,
University of Michigan vs. Indiana,
commentary by member of Athletic
Staff, 7:30 p.m. Auditorium, West
Monday, April 29: Child Care Class.
2-4 p.m., and 8-10 p.m., West Court.
Mrs. Agnes Stahley, Public Health
Tusday, April 30: Lecture Series.
Professor Leslie Maurer, School of
Journalism, will lead a discussion of
democracy under pressure. 2-4 p.m.,
Conference Room, West Lodge.
Tuesday, April 30: Child Safety
Course, sponsored by Washtenaw
County Chapter, American Red Cross
and Federal Public Housing Author-
ity will hold its first meeting in the
Willow Village Community Building.
8:00 p.m.
Wdnesday, May 1: Bridge. 2-4
p.m. and 8-10 p.m., Conference Room,
West Lodge.
Thursday, May 2: Home Planning.
"What's New in Nutrition," last of
series of lectures and movies present-
ed by Miss Adelia M. Beeuwkes, In-
structor in Public Health Nutrition.
7-4 p.m., Conference Room, West
Friday, May 3: Leadership. Dr.
Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff
"How to get democratic group action,
and Parliamentary Procedures." 8-10
p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge.
Friday, May 3: Dancing Class. Be-
ginners, couples, 7 p.m.; Advanced
couples, 8 p.m.; Dancing for all, 9
p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge.
Saturday, May 4: Record Dance.
8 p.m., Club Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, May 5: Classical Music
(records). 3-5 p.m., Office, West
Sunday, May 5: Movies and Lec-
ture. "Life in the Antartic", presented
by Professor Allen F. Sherzer. 7:30
p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge.

University Lecture. Dr. Alice Ham-
ilton, Assistant Professor Emeritus of
Industrial Medicine in the Harvard
Medical School, will lecture on the
subject, "The History of Control of
the Dangerous Trades in the United
States," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, April
30, in the Rackham Amphitheater,
under the auspices of the Office of
the Dean of Women. The public is

Mathematics Lecture: Captain 11.
soldsteine on leave- from the De-
'artment of Mathematics will talk on
he Eniac (Electronic Numerical In-
egrator and Computor), built for the
rmy at the University of Pennsyl-
ania, on Monday at. 4:15 p.m . in
lhe Rackham Amphitheatre*.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Tuesday a
:30 a.m., Room 1564 East Medical
Building. Subject: Antibiotics in the
Control of Fungi. All interested are
Pol. Sci. 154: "old" students of 68
are requested to hand in now the
titles and outlines of their term pa-
pers, and to be present at the panels
beginning with "China Proper" on
'Tuesday, April 30.
Frank Huntley
Student Recital: Margaret Wardle,
harpist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:30 tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. A pupil of Lynne Palmer,
Miss Wardle has planned a program
to include compositions by Bach,
Gluck, Debussy, Prokofieff, Salzedo,
and Ravel. The public is invited.
Student Recital: Dorothea Markus,
will present a program in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30
Monday evening in Lydia .Mendel-
ssohn Theater. The public is invited
and the concert will include composi-
tions by Pugnani, Bach, Corelli, De-
bussy, Vieuxtemps, Granados, Ravel,
and deFalla. Miss Markus is a pupil
of Gilbert Ross.
Sunday Night Record Concert at
7:30, North Lounge, Union. All stu-
dents invited.
Events Today
International Center: Any individ-
ual having any connection with the
National Tsing Hue University of
Peiping, China, is cordially invited
to attend a picnic to be given today
in commemoration of the 35th anni-
versary of the organization of the
University. Meet in the lobby of the
Union at 10:00 a.m.
ComingEn is
The Annual French Play: Le Cercle
Francais will present "Les Femmes
Savantes," a comedy in five acts and
in verse, by Moliere on Wednesday,
May 1, at 8:30 p.m., in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
All seats are reserved. Tickets will
be on sale at the box office Monday
and Tuesday from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
and Wednesday from 2:00 to 8:30
p.m. Call 6300 for reservations. Mem-
bers of Le Cercle Francais will pay
the federal tax only.
Ensian tryouts: There will be a
meeting Tuesday at 4:15 in the Stu-
dent Publications Building for all
persons who have worked as 'Ensian
tryouts on the editorial staff this year.
Please be prompt. Plans for next year
will be announced. Art and photo-
graphy tryouts are also expected to
The Polonia Club will meet Tues-
day at 7:30 in the International
Center. During the business meet-
ing, a lecturer will be chosen. Definite
plans for the picnic will be announced.
A social program is also scheduled
for the evening. Refreshments will
be served.
The Deutscher Verein will meet
again Tuesday at 8 p.m., in Rooms
316-320 of the Union. A German So-
cial Hour, including singing, recita-
tions, games, and refreshments, has

been planned. Membership cards will
be distributed at this time.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples of Christ) Morning Worship,
10:50 a.m. Rev. F. E. Zendt will deliver
the morning message.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet tonight at 6:00 at the Con-
gregational Church for a cost sup-
per followed by a discussion on "Is
(Continued on Page 7)


IVY GRIPPED THE STEPS by Elizabeth Bowen.
Knopf, New York, 1946. 233 pages.
IVY GRIPPED THE STEPS is a collection of
short stories about the experience of rather
ordinary people in England during the war. Un-
like many such stories, these have immediacy
and violence, caught in almost insignificant
incident. Miss Bowen says in her preface that
"these are between-time stories-mostly re-
actions from, or intermisison between, major
events." She wants to show what happens to
human personality not at moments of high
strain, but in ordinary living under indefinitely
lasting strain. The stories, written at various
times during the war, and not especially for this
collection, nevertheless relentlessly make one
point: the mind cannot take in the tremendous
events of war. Miss Bowen sees people taking
refuge in dreams, hallucination, or memory of
experience they can understand.
This escapism produces some curious stories.
In GREEN HOLLY, for example, a small group
of people isolated by their secret war work be-
come so tired of only each other that they begin
to see ghosts, which seem very much alive, and
which represent the life they knew or want. In
THE DEMON LOVER, a middle-aged London
lady returns from her country exile to her closed
house in town on business, and disappears in
panic with the ghost of her first lover, killed in
World War I. In MYSTERIOUS KOR, a soldier
and his girl, with nowhere to be together on his
leave in London, create for themselves the
mysterious land where they are alone. The
dreams and hallucinations tear the stories away
from reality with violence, and so produce the
effect Miss Bowen wants: one of emotional
terror and intellectual failure in people who
superficially retain normalcy.
-Martha Bradshaw

IN the United States the movement
has taken the form of petitions for
a segment of the Public School time.
Overlooking the failure of Churches
to attain community solidarity for all
children, the Church citizens in many,
states and in such great cities as New
York, Chicago, Detroit, and Los An-
geles, are asking that children be
released at various hours of school
days to repair to Church classes. In
so petitioning they are ignoring the
fact that Saturday-Sunday, two-sev-
enths of every week originally was left
free from public school schedules spe-
cifically to be used by the Religious,
but has not been utilized. A study
of this issue on the broad basis of how
shall the United. States keep its edu-
cational solidarity and yet encourage
a search for supreme values including
religious truth for all children will
make us aware of the American pre-
dicament; namely, freedom to be
Christian and democratic yet unable
as parents thoroughly to teach that
significant basic way of life.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
General Library List
Antheil, George
Bad Boy of Music. Garden City,
New York, Doubleday, 1945.
Jameson, Storm
The Other Side. 'New York,
Macmillan, 1946.
Martin, John Stuart
A Picture History of Russia.
New York, Crown publishers, 1946.
Masters, Dexter
One World or None. New York,
Whittlesey, 1946.
Richter, Conrad
The Fields. New York, Knopf, 1946.

Bingay, Malsoln
Detroit Is My Own
Bobbs-Merrill, 1946.
Adams, J. Donald
The Treasure Chest.
Dutton, 1946.
Cook, Fannie

Home Town.
New York,

Mrs. Palmer's Honey. Garden City,
N. Y. Doubleday, 1946.
Graf, Max
Legend of a Musical City.
New York, Philosophical Library,
Wolfe, Thomas
A Stone, a Leaf, a Door. New York,
Scribners, 1945.

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.



I was alone in the house when
heard sounds in the living room.
I called out .. .But that was a

What was stolen,
Mr. Shultz.. .?

Gracious. Read this.
A most lurid tale. I
told you not to take

By Crockett Johnson
It distinctly slates that vandals or
the Refrigerator Bandit are suspected.
A likely deduction ... But we are not

Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron . . .
Clark Baker . . . .
Des Howarth . . .
Ann Schutz . . . .
Dona Guimaraes

Editorial Staff
. . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
. . . . . . . Associate W omen's Editor

Business Staff

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