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April 28, 1946 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-28

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Detroit Will Commemorate
Historical, Automotive Events,
Anniversary of British Evacuation, Raising
Of First American Flag To Be Celebrated

By The Associated Press
DETROIT, April 27-Along with
the automotive industry's golden jubi-
lee celebration, Detroit will observe
another anniversary in its 245-year
his ory-the evacuation of Detroit by
the British and the raising of the first
American flag in this area.
The 150th anniversary of this is
on July 11, but it was decided to merge
the observance with the Automotive
Festival which opens May 29 and con-
tinues for two weeks.
The Evacuation Day ceremonies
will get under way Memorial Day
when a women's committee will
place flowers on the grave of Col.
John Francis Hamtramck, IPetroit's
first comnandant, in Mount Elliott
The actual surrender took place in
downtown Detroit, the British Fort
occupying the present Federal Build-
ing site, but sponsors of the Holly-
Wood-trimmed reenactment are
thinking of the modern spectators'
comfort. The performance will be held
in Olympia Stadium, Detroit's largest
indoor arena.
The United States, history shows,
acquired Detroit the hard way--
by fighting.
The British held Michigan until the
(Continued from Page 1)
For the control of atomic energy,
he said he favored the, McMahon Bill
"with any amendments that are
needed to mollify the armed serv-
ices," but emphasized that "the prin-
ciple of civilian control of all branches
of government must be observed."
He called for speedy adoption of
the State Department's plan for in-
ternational control of atomic energy.
He called for speedy adoption of
the State Department's plan for in-
ternational control of atomic energy.
Questioned on his attitude toward
Russia, Saari said the Soviet Union
had fought a war rendering "invalu-
able service" in the defeat of facism
but that "now it is time for Russia to
show that she is capable of giving
her citizens democratic rights-po-
litical economic and social-to which
all peoples are entitled."
He maintained, however, that Rus-
sia "must first feel secure" and that
"we must build a system of collective
security which will make it possible
for all people to enjoy economic and
political freedom."
A political science and economics.
major, Saari has been active in the
Student Religious Association, the
Committee for Liberal Action and
the campaign for student govern-
He was a campaign manager in the
local Democratic party organization
in the 1944 election.
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 7177

Jay Treaty although the Treaty of
Paris, (1783), closing the War of the
Revolution, had ceded it to the United
Because Great Britain not only held
the area but also kept the Indians
stirred up, Congress decided to take
action. Successive expeditions against
them were led by Col. Josiah Harmer
and Gen. Arthur St. Clair. Both end-
ed in defeat.
President Washington then
played his ace card. He ordered
Gen. Anthony (Mad Anthony)
Wayne, commander-in-chief of the
American Army, to end the upris-
ings and win back territory held by
the British.
With a force of 3,000 men, includ-
ing 1,500 mounted Kentucky Rangers,
the colorful Revolutionary War gen-
eral used new tactics against the In-
dians and their British-Canadian
Allies at the Battle of Fallen Timbers
(near the present site of Toledo) on
Aug. 20, 1794, and won a decisive
This led to the Treaty of Green-
ville with the Indians and opened
the way to new negotiations with
Great Britain.
Many of Detroit's citizens of 1796
didn't like the change in ownership.
There was a mass exodus of British
merchants to Windsor, Sandwich and
other nearby poinxts in Canada. Be-
fore the surrender, Detroit's popula-
tion was 2,200 but within a few
months it had dwindled to about 500.
+ U

B-29 Bomber
Wil Investigate
Cosmic Rays
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 27-An es-
pecially-equipped B-29 bomber will
lead a new attack on the secrets of
cosmic rays-the mysterious particles
of great energy which constantly
bombard the earth from outer space.
This was announced today by Dr.!
Gilbert Grosvenor, president of the'
National Geographic Society. LateI
in May, the Geographic Society, to-
gether with the Army Air Forces and
the Bartol Research Foundation of
the Franklin Institute will commence
researches designed to obtain "fuller
information" on cosmic ray inten-
sities as they vary with latitude and
Flying Laboratory
Their superfort "flying labora-
tory" will range over an area
4,800 miles in length and climb to
altitudes up to 6% miles, recording
on sensitive instruments the impact
of cosmic messengers which may hold'
the key to many unsolved secrets of
the universe.
Four round trips will be made be-
tween a point near the northern bor-
der of the United States and the
"magnetic equator-which is some
20 degrees south of the geographic
Intensity of Mesotrons
It is the specific objective of the
aerial expedition to measure the in-
tensity of "mesotrons,"-tiny particles
into which the primary cosmic rays
are believed to split after entering the
earth's atmosphere.
Mesotrons' are believed to represent
the end products of an atomic dis-

Auto Delivery By JOHN CAMPBELL j
The Stage Coach Johnny has been
By The Associated Press replaced by a potential Buck Rogers
DETROIT, April 27-The situation in the transportation world. A com-
with respect to retail deliveries of new
model passenger automobiles appears plete history of how the modern en-
destined to become a lot worse before gine returned the horse to the stable
it gets any better. can be found in the Transportation
The industry's supply lines are Library, located on the first floor ofI
threatening to dry up at any moment East Engineering. The entire devel-
as the coal strike further curtails
steel shipments. opment of the transportation industry
No manufacturer has a normal is to be found within the volumes con-
stockpile within reach; all are operat- tained in the country's foremost
ing on a hand-to-mouth basis; con- collection of the literature on trans-'
tinued operations have been possible portation.
only because output volume has been The growth of the Transportation
held back. Library from an idea to its presentl
Retailers' books are filled with or- unrivalledreminence has been rapid.
ders; in some instances the demands The Library was founded in the fall
call for more cars than the dealer of 1923 when John S. Worley came,

can hope to get this year.
The industry will not reach normal
production levels for another two
months, even under more favorable
circumstances than are now indicated.
That would be just a year from the
time the car makers were authorized
to resume the manufacture of civilian
On the basis of the current outlook
the car assembly plants by July 1 will
have turned out about 500,000 passen-
ger vehicles against an accumulated
demand for upward of 12,000,000
All the car makers have been allo-
cated steel on the basis of a percen-
tage of their consumption during
the four years immediately preceding
the war.
The car industry definitely is fight-
ing an uphill battle in its production"
division. It has facilities to produce
half a million cars and trucks a month
but it never has been as hard-pressed
for parts and material as it is today.

Navy Displays
New Four Foot
Pocket Engme
By The Associated Press
pocket-type engine which Navy
spokesmen said was the first one
built that would drive an airplane
faster in level flight than the speed
of sound had its initial public dem-
onstration here today under Navy
Department auspices.
The power plant weighs 210 pounds
less than the average automobile en-
gine and operates on a mixture of
liquid oxygen and alcochol.
Its overall measurements are only
about four feet in length and two
feet in height.

Little Prospect
Seen for Quick

Library Traces Development of Transportatin

to the University to become professor1
of transoprtation and railroad engin-
eering. Prof. Worley had planned and
built railroads, had been for many
years a consulting engineer in New
York City, and knew the backgrounds
and literature of his profession. Find-
ing that nowhere in the country was
there anything like a complete collec-
tion of literature of transportation,
he determined that the University
of Michigan should have such a
Donations Received
Prof. Worley was advised on thel
project by Dr. W. W. Bishop, librar-
ian of the University, who agreed
to the proposal that the new library
should be made an independent unit.
Generous financial assistance was
given by several automobile manu-
facturing companies, and large dona-'
tions were received from interested
individuals. With these funds a num-
ber of highly important private col-
lections were secured which formed
the early nucleus of the Library.
The shelves of the Library are.
loaded with documents, reference
manuals, technical journals, society
proceedings, government commission
reports, laws and charters, annual
company reports, and general refer-
ence books. The different fields cov-
ered by these references include wat-
erways, land transportation, air
transportation, communication, pipe-
line transportation and public
Correspondence Collection
The Library also has on file an
enormous volume of correspondence
and personal papers. Included in this
collection are the personal effects of
Colonel Charles Ellet, Union officer
in the Civil War, which were obtained
through the cooperation of his des-

cendants. Colonel Ellet's most notable
achievement in the war was the use
of a task force of rams to destroy
Confederate shipping. Colonel Ellet,
owner of a fleet of boats, was the
author of numerous reports on bridge
construction and waterways which
are preserved in the Library.
One of the most valuable of the
cets of ersonal papers is that of
Oliver Evans. early American engi-
neer. In 1805 Philadelphia crowds
watched Oliver Evans rattle down
Market Street in an amphibious jeep
straight into Delaware River- in
what was actually thie first steam-
driven motor vehicle in history.
Exhibit Cases
Along the walls of the Library and
in the hall outside stand exhibit cases
containing models and relics of the
past history of transportation. The
walls themselves are liter ally covered
with pictures, prints, photographs, old
advertising and maps.
Prof. Roger L. Morrison, present
director of the Library, emphasizes
that from the outset the Transporta-
tion Library ha. had a double pur-
pose: it is intended to be a treasure-
house in vhich can be accumulated
the literature of the subject, and it
is intended to be as complete a ref-
erence and research library as can be
gathered, serving the active fields
of the profession as well as the grad-
uate and undergraduate student
bodies of the University.
Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN




Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1946
VOL. LVI, No. 126
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at hone to students
Wednesday, May 1, from 4 to 6
School of Education Faculty: The
April meeting of the faculty will be
held Monday in the University Ele-
mentary School Library, at 4:15.
The Administrative Board of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts at its meeting April 19 took
the following actions:
Students whose total records are
below a "C" average at the end of the
Spring Term, 1946, will be asked not
to register again, unless in the opin-
ion of the Administrative Board they
can prove extenuating circumstances.
Students who are asked not to regis-
ter may petition for the privilege at
a later time.

' 8


Spring and June

' __J

This regulation does not apply to
The special regulation passed by
the Administrative Board January
29 concerning veterans will stand.
That regulation reads: "Veterans,
even though they may have earned
an unsatisfactory record in their first
term of residence, will not be asked
to withdraw. They will, however, be
asked to withdraw at the end of their
second term of residence unless they
can earn at least a "C" average for
their elections of that term.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Monday,
April 29.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
men and sophomores and white cards
for reporting juniors and seniors. Re-
ports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall,
those of juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at midse-
mester is "D" or "E", not merely
those who receive "D" or "E" in so-
called midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
E A, Walter
Men's Residence Halls: Reappli-
cations for the SUMMER SESSION
for men now living in the Residence
Halls -are ready for distribution.
Blanks may be secured from the Of-
flee of the Dean of Students. All ap-
plications for reassignment must be
in the hands of the Dean of Students
Due to the critical housing situa-
tion and to the fact that a number of
the buildings of the West Quadrangle
will be closed during the summer for
decorating and repairs, it may not
be possible to accept all students who
apply for reassignment.
Reapplications for the Fall Term
will be available at a later date,
which will be announced as soon as
Men's Residence Halls: Michigan
residents, not now living in the resi-
dence halls, who wish to live there
during the Summer Session should
apply at once at the Office of the
Dean of Students, Room 2, Univer-
sity Hall.
Notice to Sophomore and Senior
Students taking the Profile Examina-
tions: You will be excused from
classes where there is a conflict with
the examinations. Present to your

instructor my communication regard-
ing the test as proof of your eligi-
Hayward Keniston, Dean
Chairmen of Graduation Announce-
ments Committee in All Colleges:
If you plan to sell graduation an-
nouncements of the June graduation
exercises, get in touch with Dean
Rea in Room 2, University Hall, on
Monday. You can obtain all infor-
mation concerning the sale and also
get the supplies necessary for the
sale on that (Iay.

material at once, since it is now ob-
solete. The Office of the Dean of
Students will be glad to furnish up to
date information upon request.
La Sociedad Hispanica offers three
summer school scholarships, both to
the University of Mexico and the Uni-
versity of Havana this year.
Those interested should apply to
302 Romance Language Building as
soon as possible, and no later than
May 10.
Hit .hhik r"Tho Offirao ftho

Always Reasonably Priced.

. . . . ..I. . . . , s

c mteners: n e uince of e e
Dean of Students has information
Administrative Offices which have regarding an overcoat which was left
printed information regarding Wil- in a car last weekend by a student
low Run Village which was published who was given a ride.
in February 1946 should destroy this (Continued on Page 4)
"i" 'il


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