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April 28, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-28

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SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1946

I ~

Student Rates at Health
Service To Stay the Same

ice has made charges for essentially
elective services in trying to carry
the budget and costs of the new
building," Dr. Forsythe said. "Price
adjustments in this area may have to
be made, but nothing of that sort
has been determined yet," he indi-
For certain acute illnesses, such as
appendicitis, the Health Service re-
fers its patients to the University
Hospital, with the Health Service
paying the basic Hopsital fees, so that
it is possible for a student to have
the operation without cost to himself.
Any increase in the Hospital fee will
be absorbed by the Health Service
from its operating budget.
Depending on how the Health
Service fares with its budget this
year, the largest in its history,
charges to students for elective serv-
ices next fall may be revised up-
ward. There may even be some re-
traction made of student privileges
at the Health Service which are n'ow
covered by tuition rates, although
this is problematical.
Bennett To Be
Del %raeLo AIA
Dean Wells I. Bennett of the Col-
lege of Architecture and*Design will
participate in the annual meeting of
the Association of Collegiate Schools
of Architecture and will attend a
meeting of the American Institute of
Architects in Miami, Florida, from
May 4-10.
A former president of the Associa-
tion of Collegiate School of Archi-
tecture, Dean Bennett is a member of
its executive committee and chair-
man of the program committee. He
will preside at this meeting in a panel
discussion and will speak on "Current
Problems in Architectural Schools."

Begins Fourth
Week of Activity
Lectures and Bridge
Are Planned for Wives
The University's activity program
for wives of student veterans at the
former bomber plant community at
Willow Village swings into its fourth
week tomorrow.
The day-by-day schedule will con-
tinue with the child care class con-
ducted by Mrs. Agnes Stahly, instruc-
tor in Public Health Nursing. She
will lecture at 2 and 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Village's West Court Commun-
ity House.
Prof. Leslie Maurer of the School'
of Journalism, will lead a discussion
at 2 p.m. Tuesday on "Democracy
Under Pressure" in the weekly lecture
series for veterans wives.
Bridge at 2 and 8 p.m. Wednesday
will vary the class activity which will
continue at 2 p.m. Thursday with a
lecture by Adelia M. Beeuwkes on
"What's New in Nutrition."
Dr. Fred G. Stevenson of the Uni-
versity extension staff will conduct
the leadership class at 8 p.m. Friday
on "Howto get democratic group ac-
tion, and parliamentary procedure."
Dancing classes for beginning and
advanced couples are also scheduled
at 7 and 8 p.m. Friday in the Willow
Lodge Community House Auditorium.
A Saturday dance is planned in the
club room.
Prof. Allen F. Sherzer will present
a movie and lecture at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday in the Auditorium on "Life in
the Antarctic."
Roxas Chooses Cabinet
Anticipating Election Win
MANILA, April 27-(A')-Manuel A.
Roxas claimed victory today in the
Philippines presidential election and
began choosing a cabinet as his lead
over President Sergio Osmena ex-
ceeded 125,000 votes.

Petoshey, Former Football End,
WJidl Be' Awatrde(I Silvcr Star
By BETTYANN LARSEN the actual landing craft assault," Pe-
Former voosity foball end and toskey explained, "in order to deter-
former LieU;. ).g. Lrnet t a ek. Pc- mine the knd of reefs and other haz-
toskey, will be avardd the Silver ards off shore."
Star in full parade ( ltn4! i't "We not only had to determine,
p.m. Wednesday at Soth Ferry Fiel. what kind they were, but, with ex-
As a memnber of t'v Navy's long- plosives that we floated in on 'jungle
secret underwater idemiolitiOn team. bladders'--a kind of rubbery pillow-
Petoskey will receive -the award for our object was to destroy these bar-
"distinguishing himself conspicuous- riers."
ly by gallantry and intrepidity in ac- "Our 'uniforms' were hardly the
tion in March, 1945, as member of an regulation officer or enlisted men's
assault unit participatng i landing garb, because all we wore was a pair
cn the Okinawa cto of trunks, fins, a face mask to im-
fangerons Work Described prove our vision, a knife and a life
"Our job consisted of swimming belT," he said. "Shortly before the
reconnasance scveial days before end of the war, some of us were ir
{the states training with rubber suits
in preparation for preliminary recon-
ra s ' ter isance of Japan to determine the
location and destroy an estimated
9 f6,000 mines along the enemy coast.'
o u" Team Democratic

T reatment Not Only in Lab;
Post-Cure Check-UpNeeded

<Continued .rom Page 1)
cancer," he explained. The records1
are available to them for study and
survey of present methods of treat-I
men, their effectiveness and possible
methods of improving them.
"The successes in all kinds of
surgical and radiation treatment
are being increased by this study,"
he said, "and in five or ten years
from now we will be doing a much
better job."
The question of whether "new"
atomic energy will be useful in the
treatment of cancer is in some res-
pects amusing and in others very in-
teresting, he continued. The amusing
side lies in the fact that doctors have
been using atome energy for aboutl
fifty years in X-ray and radium rad-
iation treatments.
Several interesting possibilities
have been brought to light recently
in atomic research, however, he
added. One is the possibility of ele-
ments which can be made radioac-
tive by the uranium pile, which as
yet is used only in manufacturing
the atomic bomb, provin1g equ~ally
useful with radium in clinical rad-
iation treatments.
Other even more interesting pos-
ibilities lie in research work using
elements such as phosphorous, iron
or potassium, which have been made
radioactive, as tracers in the human
body. "For example," he said, "if
radioactive phosphorous was given to
a person, either orally or intravenous-
ly, it would be possible to follow it
through the entire process of metab-
olism. This work will certainly dis-

close a vast amount of information
about normal and abnormal body
processes and will probably be ex-
tremely valuable in gaining more
know ledge for cancer research."
The importance of the work of
the American Cancer Society must
not be underestimated, Dr. Lampe
centinued. Cancer is the second
most frequent cause of death, tak-
ing up to 175,000 American lives
each year. There is no age limit on
the disease. We have had six-month
old babies and ninety-five year old
adults with malignant tumors, al-
though the greatest number of
cases are found in adults above
Mrs. H. M. Pollard, chairman of
the Ann Arbor chapter of the Field
Army said yesterday that for several
years the cancer drive here has been
undertaken as a part of the Commun-
ity Fund Drive which takes in all
welfare projects.
Spec ulaiti Roused
By Haiegran Visit
QUANTICO, Va., April 27-()-
President Truman today invited Rob-
ert E. Hannegan to join him aboard
the Williamsburg tomorrow, stirring
speculation that he may decide soon
cn Supreme Court and other vacan-
cies which he must fill.
The Postmaster General and Dem-
ocratic National Chairman is due at
this marine base tomorrow morning
for his first visit with the President
since March 23.


In describing the team. Petoskey

WASHINGTON, April 27 said that there were about 85 enlisted
The world may be started on a half- men and 15 officers, "but, the team
century of progressively colder wea- was a very democratic unit. I never
ther, the Weather Bureau reported wore a bar during the whole time we
today. wore together. We swam with part-
A reversal of the 50-year, world- ners, and were more interested in the
wide trend toward steadily warmer man's ability to swim than his rank."
weather began for the United States, "Of course, it was more than swim-,
at least, about five years ago, the ming." he added. "Because we came
Bureau said. so close to the enemy shores, we were
"This does not mean that it will excellent targets, and although the
freeze this summer or that next year's silver paint we sometimes used
snow storms will be appreciably blended us in with the sun reflections
worse than last," it added. "It could on the water, we still were in great
happen that this summer would be danger when the day was cloudy."
the hottest ever and next winter un- Ccmpleting Final Semester
usually mild. There was also the danger that
"But if the cycle continues down- the tide might go out before the work
ward for the next half-century as was finished, he explained, "and that
it has continued upward in the past, was the main reason why we did our
it may mean a return of the cold job during the day."
winters that existed when Grandpa Petoskey, who was a member of
was a boy." the V-12 Unit here before his com-
"Grandpa is right." said the Bu- missioning at Columbia, played var-
reau, in maintaining that " the win- sity football during the 1942 and 1943
ters were colder and the snow deeper seasons.
when he was young." _
Special charts prepared recently
"show unmistakably that, until the Njie Gnls Pledged
last few years at least, the tempera-ri
ture throughout the world has be- To Mu Phi Epsilon
come steadily warmer," despite many
year-to-year variations, the Bureau Mu Phi Epsilon, music professional
declared. sorority, announced the pledging of
The charts were prepared by J. B. orit arnou ce th s ple
Kincer, bringing up to date a study nine girls in a service this week.
he made for the Bureau which estab- The new pledges are Ann Hubbell,
lished in 1933 the existence of a Kathryn Karch, Nancy Marsh, Mar-
worldwide trend toward warmer wea- ion Riegel, Dorothy Goodin, Marayl
ther which had been in progress for Wyle, Lois Forbanger, Beverly Hare
years. and Sister M. Susanne (Krupp).

r_ ,

Starts Today!

116. d



LOST: Pearl bracelet of great senti-
mental value. Single chain. Call
5578, please. Reward.
LOST: Shell rim glasses. University
Golf Course, Saturday. Call 3146.
LOST: Friday night at League, ladies
black patent bag containing money
and personal items valuable to the
owner. Ample reward. Box 52.
Michigan Daily.
WBLP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience,
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
WANTED-Experienced waitress for
part time work. Apply Mr. L. W.
Anderson, Willow R n Bowling Al-
leys. 1065 Midway, Willow Run
Village. Phone Ypsi. 1852.

MAN'S Rollfast bicycle. Good condi-
tion. $25.00. Call 3757 between 5:00
and 9:00 P.M.
TUXEDO, size 35 long, in excellent
condition. Call Larry Burns, 7595
between 11-1.
APARTMENTS: Wanted, to contact
person desperately needing apart-
ment for next school year who
meets ALL following requirements:
Veteran, married, has small child,
U student next year, not now in
school, not now working, able to
start work now, able to support self
while working, willing to work hard
all summer in exchange for use of
small apartment for next school
year. If you know such a person
please have them write P.O. Box
373, Ann Arbor at once giving de-
WILL EXCHANGE Detroit 3-room
unfurnished apartment available
July 1 or earlier for 3-room or
larger furnished or unfurnished
house or apartment available July
1. Phone 5918, 3-5 p.m.




Continuous Daily
1 :30 to 1 1 :30 P.M.




Need waitresses for soda fountain
work, ave full time jobs open or
part-time week-ends. Meals and
uniforms furnished. Good salary.
Liberal discounts on purchases.
Work in an air-conditioned store
this summer. Apply in person at
226 S. Main.
FOR SALE: Two desirable aisle seats
for entire May Festival series. Sec.
5, Row P, seats 1 and 3. Phone



F. I , i m I: I 1 1111,111 ill I, J I 1 11111111,111 1



- - - - - - - - -


Shows Sunday
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From Wild Bill
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.. a

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