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April 26, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-26

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R4nnual Dances
r+ __
Pan-American Traditional M
BalI To Feature To Feature V
PhilBreStof Carnival atnosphere will
whien the Women's Athlletic As
Mexican Figures, Maps, Flags fion presents its annual Michi
Mexicn FiuresMaps F frgm. 8 p.m. to midnight tomori
To Adorn League Ballroom; Barbour and Waterman Gyms.
Few Tickets Still Available The traditional affair, for al
dents, wvill feature booths ma
Amid typical Latin American sur- by campus residences in Wate
roundings, the members of the Latin Gym and dancing in Barbour4
under a canopy of maize and 1
American Society of the University Tercoof izera
will present the third annual Pan- The booths will offer ca
American ball, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ga's "Duck Derby" to Newi
today in the League Ballroom. "House of Horrors." Kappa 1
Various Mexican figures will dec- Gamma will offer "Wolf Bean
orate the walls of the ballroom, and the Delta Gamma's will allow
a map of North and South America booth patrons to throw sponp
will appear behind the bandstand. A them and the "D.U.'s " will1
colorful array of the twenty-one flags "Down Beat Room." The Alph
of the Western Hemisphere will line silon Phi's will feature "Loo
the entrance. Leg," the Beta's will present "I
Detroit Orchestra Bezerk," telegrams will be del
Phil Brestoff, his violin and his or- by Sorosis, a turtle race will 1
chestra, will furnish the music for tered by Pi Beta Phi. and Theta
the formal affair. Jinny Lou's "Songs will run a "Games of Chance"
with a southern accent" and George Other carnival games in
Ball, "Romantic baritone," will be the "Electric Penny Pitch," offere
featured vocalists of the evening. The the Sigma Chi's, miniature
orchestra, heard daily over Detroit run by Zeta Tau Alpha and
networks, is known for its variety of tune telling will be run by K
musical numbers ranging from swing Alpha 'T'heta. Running a b
to rhumbas and tangos of Latin- which will feature throwing r
America. wads at caricatures will be A
Additional entertainment will take lDelta Pi, floating flames wil
place during the intermission in cury Chi Omega's booth, A
which members of the society will Omicron Pi will offer a side
present a program of songs and and Betsy harbour will take
dances of the various countries. Gil- ets for a three-legged race.
berto Pesquera, chairman of the loon breaking will occupy Mos
dance, will act as master of cere- Looth and Jordan will sell
monies. cream and popcorn.
To Commemorate Holiday Couzens flall will man a boo
The dance which was first present- potato chips, Gamma Phi Bet
ed in 1944 has become an annual af. Alpha Gamnia Delta will sell
fair held in commemoration, of Pan-
American Day. This. holiday was of-
ficially proclaimed in 1931 to further D ream Fantas'
unity among the American countries.W
A few remaining tickets may be '11 , 0'
purchased at the Union and the In- WernatioCaljCenter
ternational Center. ~ Th rhtcue ad Dsg

To Be Held Today'

ichilodeon Carnival
aried Entertainment

Dent Students


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and a special "apple polishing" booth
will be run by University professor,
who will polish apples before each
Flowrs ,lios will occupy- the spot-
light at 9:30 p.m. and at 10:30 pj.
in the Dance Studio of Barbour
Gym and highlighting the presen-
tation will be a skit by Alpha Chi
Omega. A local magician will also
Tickets will be purchased at the
Barbour Gym door and they will be
in five cent denominations. Each
carnival game will cost one ticket
and refreshments will also be paid
for in tickets.
ATO To Give
BlaClkoot Ball
'The Michigan chapter of Alpha
Tan Omega will revive a tradition
discontinued in 1942 when they pre-
sent the Blackfoot Ball from 9 p.m.
to midnight tomorrow in the League
Members of ATO chapters at Mich-
igan State, Adrian, and Albion, and
presidents of campus fraternities will
attend the affair, for which approxi-
mately 400 mvitations have be'n is-
Woodworth To Play
Eddie Woodworth and his orches-
tra will be featured at the formal
ball, which is the highpoint of the
state ATO conclave held in Ann Ar-
bor this year. Conferees will be en-
tertained by the local chapter at a
staff banquet prcein te anc(e
and will al o ; . tid ti baseball
gaIfl(' witlh iea.o Uniiversi ty I ninor-
Matrons expected at the affair in-
clude Mayor Edward Jeffries of De-
troit, and Governor Harry F. Kelly.
Ex-governor Murray D. VanWaggon-
er, who is an ATO, was the first of
the state governors to attend the
Ball. The conference last year was
held at Michigan State College in
East Lansing.
"Blackfoot" Origin
The name "Blackfoot" originated
at the founding of the first chapter of
Alpha Tau Omega at Virginia Mili-
tary Institute in 1865. The name has
been used to designate ATO's since
that time.
An annual affair at most colleges
having an Alpha Tau Omega chap-
ter, this year's ball is under the direc-
tion of Don McAlonan, Jack Waters,
Clayton Gordon, and Kenneth Arm-
strong, all members of the Michigan

Bam I in Union
Juniors Will Honor Graduating
Seniors at Traditional Affair;
Layton's Band To Be Featured
Dental students and their guests
will dance to the music of Bill Layton
-nd his orchestra at the 1946 Odonto
Ball from 9 p.m. to midnight today in
the Rainbow Room of the Union.
This is the 12th annual affair since
he tradition was originated in 1936.
honoring graduating seniors, thes
balls are presented by the junior
class. Only dental students and mem-
bers of the dental faculty are eligible
.o attend the closed dance.
coed Vocalist'
Coed vocalist Patti DuPont will be
.potlighted with Layton's campus or-
hestra at the semi-formal dance,
and a special program of favorite
popular and instrumental numbers
has been promised by Layton.
Punch and cookies will be served on
the terrace off the dancefloor and
coeds will receive special programs as
favors. Pre-dance dinners will be
sponsored by the three dental fra-
ternities, Delta Sigma Delta, Xi Psi
Phi, and Alpha Omega.
Pascoe May Entertain
"Texas Jack" Pascoe and his "Frus-
trated Five" ensemble will appear at
the Delta Sig party and it is rumored
that he will be on hand to furnish in-
termission entertainment at the Ball.
The unique organization contains a
dulcemer, zither, harpsicord, oboe
and bassoon, according to Leonard
Kowalski, publicity chairman for the
Ball, and is headed by Jack Pascoe,
dental school junior and class come-
dian from Flint. Versatile, Pascoe
will accompany his group with his
guitar, occasionally doubling on the
& A /

Woren Teawl
To Participate
In Swim Meet
Teams from women's sororities,
dorms, and league houses will partici-
pate in the annual WAA swimming
meet, to he held at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day in the Union pool.
The meet is to be open to the pub-
lic, and will feature contests in the'
25-yard freestyle, 25-yard backstroke,
25-yard breaststroke, 50 yard free-
style, 50-yard backstroke, and 50-t
yard breaststroke and diving. In ad-
dition to these individualeevents,
there will be a 100-yard relay inI
which house teams will compete.
Participating in the various con-
tests will be teams from 13 sororities,
six dormitories, and several league
houses. The three top-scoring houses
and the three individual women who
make high scores will be announced
as winners of the meet.
The diving events will be judged
by members of the faculty of the
Women's Physical Education Depart-
ment, and each contestant will be re-
quired to do one front dive, one back
dive, and one dive which she may
choose at her option.
Feature of the evening will be a
medley relay with teams chosen from
among members of the WAA Board
and League Council as participants.
All petitions for posts on the
central committee of the 1946-47
Soph Cabaret must be put into
the Judiciary petition box in the
Undergraduate Office of the
League by noon tomorrow. Coeds
should sign for an interviewing
time on the interview schedules
posted in the Undergraduate Of-
fice when turning in their peti-
tions. Interviews will he held Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Cue Ball, third in a series of
special Union dances, will be pre-
sented from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
morrow in the Rainbow Room of the
Bill Layton and his orchestra will
play for the dancers, and vocals will
be supplied by Patti DuPont. The
Union Tap Room will be open for re-
freshments. "Behind the Eight-Ball"
is the theme of the dance, and deco-
rations will be kept secret as a sur-
prise for the dancers.
During intermission, two Univer-
sity student amateur billiard players
will play for the Union billiard cham-
pionship in the billiard room of the
Union. There has been an elimina-
tion contest for the past week to de-
termine these two finalists.
"The Union realizes that the aver-
age student is behind the eight ball
throughout the semester, and this

Cue Ball To Be Given by Union
Tomorrow in Rainbow Room

dance is being given in his honor,"
George Spaulding, Union social
chairman, announced.
The Sweater Dance and the Bunny
Hop were the first two in the series
of special Union dances to be given
this semester.



To Address Group
Miss Sarah G. Blanding, newly-ap-
pointed president of Vassar College,
will address a meeting of the State
Association of Deans and Advisors of
Girls at 9:15 a.m. today in the Michi-
gan League.
Miss Blanding, who is at present
Dean of the College of Home Eco-
nomics at Cornell University, will
speak on the topic, "Women's Op-
portunity for Creative Citizenship."

LIa CAN PCOTAeti neiq

Fri day


The Architecture and Design
c> c :sc < t School "Dream Fantasy" party will be
GROOM FORSPRING c held from 8 pfm. to midnight tonight
with a Abstract designs will be the key-
HOT OIL SHAMPOO $2.50 note of the decorations, according to
VdA the co-chairmen of the decorating
anda committee, Ann Helwick and Dan
HOT OIL MANICUR E Flannigan, and there will be square
dancing, games and a floor show pro-
$1 50 vided for entertainment.
The OBSERVATORY Refreshments for the affair will
include "pigs-in-blankets," punch
BEAUTY SALON and cookies. Bob Hughes, photog-
. 1402 Washington Hts. Phone 2-3413 raphy chairman, will, take random.
shots of the people attending.



A LOVELY DRESS is a thought-
ful gift for Mother - one shea
will enjoy for months and
months to come - A charming
selection is a dressy soft black
- always right - always smart
-Dress at right - Sofie Wag
ner crepe - at $19.95.
\ ,
Whether she is a young Mother, one
a wee bit older, a larger Mother or
a very diminutive Mother - we have
a beautiful selection of dresses for
you to pick from - Dressy blacks -
bright prints and lovely pastels -
Pricedr1U.1r 5.lU. Size -15 and



Over Week End
The social calendar for the week-
end includes several parties, open-
houses and pledge dances.
Alpha Omicron Pi will hold a
pledge formal from 9 p.m. to mid-
night today with Klass Kuiper and
his orchestra providing the music.
Formal pledge dances will also be
sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta and
Sigma Phi Epsilon from 9 p.m. to
midnight today.
Zeta Tau Alpha will hold an open-
house from 8:30 p.m. to midnight to-
day and Sigma Delta Tau has planned
an informal pledge dance from 9
p.m. to midnight today.
The All-Nations Club will give an
all-campus record dance at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Building.
The Lutheran Student Association
will sponsor swimming and volley
ball as entertainment at a party to
begin at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
Sigma Alpha Mu will present an
informal pledge dance, Alpha Phi a
semi-formal pledge dance, and Theta
Chi an informal dance from 9 p.m. to
midnight tomorrow.

Basic to a reed-slim you... Power
Miracle, the waist-whittling
wonder mesh that controlswith
a caress....obbreviates bulges.
Bi-directional stretch makes it
supple as your skin, yet oh so
curve-convincing In panties
and girdles. At better stores- 5.

Mirss E V E T E C
4SW YORK t, N. Y+

Spring Group
U. i. Wragge Classics
1/3 Les
1 Grey Flannel Suit with Jersey Blouse, Size 16
Was 57.90.
3 Blue Wool Jackets, Sizes 12, 14 and 16
. . . Were 35.00.
3 Navy and White Plaid Wool Jackets, Sizes 10, 12
and 14 . . . Were 35.00.
I Luggage Tan Wool Jacket, Size 16 ... Was 28.28_
Matching Skirt . . . Was 14.95.
15 Dresses - Wool jerseys and rayon fabrics -
Sizes 10 to 18 . . . Were 29.95.
5 Dresses - Wool jersey casuals - Sizes 12, 14 and
16 ... Were 35.00.
1 Printed Rayon Crepe Skirt, Size 16 ... Was 14.95.
2 Jersey Playsuits, Sizes 11 and 16 . . . Were 27.95
and 29.95.
2 Prs. Black Wool Slacks, Sizes 12 and 16
...Were 16.75.
8 Prs. Flannel Shorts . .. Were 10.00.
3 Black Rayon Crepe Bra-Halters . . . Were 7.95.

98c and 1.98
Youthful styles for casual
and dress wear. Straws and
felts in a wide assortment
of pastel, bright and -dark
Belted trench coat style in
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ic. Aqua only. Misses'
and ENDS
2.98 -- 3.98




are two - piece
separate shorts

rayon blouses
jewel neckline,
shirred neck,
and tailored

and halters.

3.98 pr.
Low-heeled pumps suitable
for dress or street wear.
Brown or black gabardine
with novelty trim.
19c to 5.98
Included are framed pic-





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