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April 11, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-11

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_____________________________________________________________________________________________ I

Campus Highlights

SOIC Will Meet .. .
The executive council of the Stu-
dent Organization for International
Cooperation will meet at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Union.
Members of Panhel, VO, Newman
Club, Unitarian Student Group, CLA
and the Engineering Council, as well
as all other member organizations,
are requested to attend.
Hillel Production.. ..
Scripts and program plans for
"Hillelzapoppin" are due Monday
at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
"Hillelzapoppin" will be present-
ed May 25 in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Any group which wishes
to present a skit, dance number or
comedy act is eligible to take part
in the program. Numbers should
be limited to 15 minutes.
The catch-all program is a re-
vival of a pre-war annual produc-
tion. A silver cup will be awarded
to the group which presents the
best number.
Further information about "Hill-
elzapoppin" may be obtained from
Ethel Isenberg, program chairman.
Play Rehearsal .. .
The cast of the Russian play will
hold a rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. today
at Rm. 2219 Angell Hall.
Lecture on Artists.. ..
"French Artists in America" will
be the topic of a lecture by Helen
Hall, Curator .of the Institute of
Fine Arts, at 4:10 p.m. today in Rm.
D Alumni Memorial Hall.
The lecture, sponsored by Le Cer-
cle Frncais, will deal with the con-
temporary period, and will be illus-
trated with slides.
Delta Tau Delta...
Delta chapter of Delta Tau Delta
elected the following officers April 8:
President, Robert E. Foote; vice-
president, Robert A. DeRose; and
treasurer, David Addison.
Conversation Group ...
The weekly conversation group of
La Sociedad Hispanica will not meet
today as planned.
a * *
Canterbury Club...
The Canterbury Club will have In-
tercessions at 12:10 p.m. today, fol-
lowed by luncheon in the Student
Steere To Lecture.. ..
Prof. Douglas V. Steere, of the
department of philosophy at Hav-
erford College, Pa., will speak on "A
Christian Report on Europe" at 8
p.m., Thursday in Rackham Am-
Prof. Steere, who will speak un-
der the sponsorship of the Student
Religious Association, has just re-
turned from Europe, where he di-
rected relief work under the aus-
pices of the American Friends Serv-
ice Committee. He is a member of
the National Council on Religion
and Higher Education.
Held Over - Thru Friday
1TAe spctacular
love story of
the Son of
' ~Robin Hood'

SRA Seminar .. .
The Student Religious Association
seminar on the student Christian
movement, with 'Franklin H. Littell
as leader of the discussion, will meet
at 4:15 p.m. today in Lane Hall.-
Two Spanish Plays,...
La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-
sent two one-act plays, "Rosina es
Fragil," and "Las Codornices," at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Sale of tickets will start at 2 p.m.
Monday. Members of La Sociedad
will be required to pay only the
federal tax.
Square Dancing ...
Scott Colburn will act as instruc-I
tor and caller at a square dance ses-
sion, sponsored by the Youth Hostel
Group, which will be held at 7:30 p.
m. today in Lane Hall.
No previous experience in square
dancing is necessary and the session
is open to all interested persons.
Beetles Enjoy
Private Room
In U' Museum
The housing shortage is no worry
to certain inhabitants of the Univer-
sity Museums Building, where a room
known merely as the "Bug Room"
has been set aside for the exclusive
use and pleasure of a colony of beet-
Hundreds of larvae and adults of
lomestic beetles roam the walls, floors
and ceiling of the room. "They are
here for a purpose," Dr. Emmet T.
Hooper, Assistant Curator of Mam-
mals in the Museum of Zoology, said.
"Much of our work here in the lab-
oratories is concerned with examina-
'ion and study of the characteristics
of fish, amphibians, mammals, rep-
iles and birds.' These skeletons mut
'first be cleaned. This was formerly
done by hand, entailing a lot of pains-
taking work and much valuable time,
particularly with such small speci-
mens as birds, bats and shrews," he
"But now," he said, "fresh skele-
tons are merely placed in the 'Bug
Room' for about a week. During this
time the beetles feed upon them, and
when they are removed, they are per-
ectly clean and easily examined."

War Threatens
Over Slide Rule
<CoOtin om pa
the engineers, however, and in 1904
the lawyers' annual Swing Out Pa-
rade was interrupted when they dis-
covered that the enginers had bar-
ricaded the Arch to prevent t hem
from marching through.
The lawyers of that (lay also were
on the receiving end of several bril-
liant engineering feats which con-
sisted mainly of showvering passing
I word-twisters with water and other
more uncomfortable missles from
vantage points above the Arch. Thel
inevitable result was a series of "fun-
fests" in which the engineers and
lawyers organized to mangle each
other as seriously and permanently
as posible.
Traditional Struggle
The traditional struggle took a new
turn in 1929, when a mass of lawyers
tried to beat the stock market and
crash the Slide Rule Ball. A lively
discussion resulted, during which
the more reasonable of the visitors
evaporated through the windows and
the rest were forcibly ejected.
Next year the lawyers, their pride
deeply wounded, resorted to the low
trick of absconding with the Slide
Rule just before the Slide Rule Ball.
For the engineers no greater humil-
iation could be possible. The seethni
and determined engineers combed
their hair, bared their teeth, and
managed to recover the Slide Rule
i in time for the (lance.
But No Slide Rule
Despite the most elaborate precau-
tions the Slide Rule has a habit of
disappearing each year about this
time. Last year the engineers bound
the Slide Rule in several turns of
strong chain and locked it with three
padlocks. Confident that it could not
be highjacked, they returned a few
hours before the dance to find a
chain and three padlocks but no
Slide Rule.
The Lawyers' Crease Ball has come
in for its share of trouble also. One
year someone gained entrance into
the building housing the Crease Ball
revelers by walking through the heat-
ing tunnels located under the cam-
pus. That night the dancing was
postponed for a couple of hours be-
cause some conniving individuals had
strategicaly placed and detonated a
number of nauseating "stink bombs."
The indignant and asphyxiated law-
yers tried to pin the crime on the
engineers but the case was tossed out
of court.

C operative British-American
Relations Started Back in 1796

year-old Portugese woman, embraces her son James Cunha, of New
Bedford, Mass., at La Guardia Field, New York, after arrival from Lisbon.
Mrs. Costa arrived unexpectedly and refused to eat, drink or move from
a waiting room bench until her son arrived.
fU' Building Program Attacked

(Continued from page 1)
The entire building program at the,
University of Michigan was designed
to be of assistance to veterans. Hous-
ing units under construction, or au-
thorized, will all be for student vet-
erans. These include 176 family
units, in apartments, and space in
dormitories for a minimum of 1,000
and a maximum of 2,000 veterans. It
is one of the outstanding building
programs in the state, and perhaps
the nation, for veterans.
All housing units are 'built on a
self-liquidating basis and not at tax-
payers' expense. These units have
so far been no burden on the local
building trades since only a few men

in Ann Arbor are engaged in work-
ing on them.
Educational buildings which the
University plans to build, and for
which contracts have been let, will
be used for laboratories and class-
rooms for veterans in large measure.
It would meet only half the problem
if the University provided residential
facilities and none for the veterans
to carry on their educational pro-
gram that brought them to the Uni-
The University has requested the
contractors to erect the buildings as
rapidly as possible to meet the needs
of veterans. The George Fuller
Company is engaged in only the resi-
dential construction phases of the
University's building program.

Idications of friendly relations
between British and Americans are
evident as far back as the early days
of the republic, according to Univer-
sity War Historian F. Clever Bald.
At the time of the British evacua-
tion of Detroit in 1796, England was
already demonstrating courtesy and
cooperation in dealings with Ameri-
cans, he said. An example ws the
lend-leasing by the British of 20,000
pounds of pork for American troops,
on the stipulation that the loan would
be repaid in fresh beef when it was'
Popular History Wrong
Dr. Bald pointed out that British
troops did not destroy public property
before leaving Detroit in 1796. Popu-
lar stories, written in some history
books, such as the tale that the city
was vacated by the British after the
wells had been filled with stones,
windows broken and the gates of the
fort locked, are inaccurate, according
to Dr. Bald.
"The myth has done a great deal
of harm in keeping alive American
animosity towards Great Britain," he
British 'Most Polite'
Not only did the British not destroy
property, but General Wayne, com-
mander of American troops taking
over the fort, reported that it had
been surendered in "the most polite,
friendly and accommodating manner."
He was so pleased by the British atti-
tude that he once ordered a ship's
captain going to Mackinac .to trans-
port British troops on the return trip,
Dr. Bald said.
Referring to the historical lend-
lease incident, Dr. Bald said: "This
early practice of lend-lease, put into
operation informally by an agree-
Plai Bike Trip
Cyclists who plan to go on the
American Youth Hostel's overnight
bicycle trip on Saturday, April 14 to
Saline Valley are asked to make res-
ervations with Nancy Smith, 7211,
before tomorrow night.
The trip is open to all interested
but reservations are necessary because
of limited sleeping accommodations.
The group will meet at Lane Hall at
2 p.m. Saturday.
There will be an outdoor picnic
supper at the Saline Valley Farms,
which is a cooperative farming ven-
ture. The group will return to Ann
Arbor the following day.
Hostelers are asked to bring their
own blankets or sleeping bag as well
las eating utensils.
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 7177

ment between British and American
Army officers without the neces-
sity of an act of Congress. shows that
courtesy and cooperation marked the
dealings of the British and Ameri-
cans, instead of a spiteful attitude."
Blakeman Is Guest
Speaker at Cornell
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Coun-
selor in Religious Education, was
guest speaker yesterday at the cele-
bration of the twenty-fifth anniver-
sary of the Board of United Religious
Workers at Cornell University.
Complimenting the religious groups
on a pattern of cooperation which
"challenges every university in Amer-
ica," he said that the demand for an
adequate goal for enduring peace
means that religion is getting "fresh'
consideration in the educational
centers of the world."


For Sale at


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five ,words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST: Grey flannel suit coat. Vicin-
ity of Hill and Packard. Also, black
suede pocketbook. Initials J.E.L.
Call John Hunter, 7157. Reward.
LOST: Gold bead necklace Thurs.
noon in vicinity of Mich. League
or Union. Family heirloom. Re-
ward. Phone 6632.
LOST: Black and gold Parker "51".
Probably in Romance Languages.
Substantial reward. Call Beverly,
LOST: Log-log duplex slide rule in
West Engineering Bldg. Please call
owner at 24551. Reward.
LOST: Single strand pearls, April 5-
Angell Hall, Natural Science, Jor-
dan or points between. Jean Rae,
2-4561. Reward.
Phone 2-1721
Small Move Jobs

LOST: Brown Kangaroo skin wallet
between League and 417 E. Liberty.
If found call State Theatre and
ask for Henry H. McGuire.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
KELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience.
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
HELP WANTED-Male. Part time
and weekends. Allenel Hotel.
WANTED-Experienced waitress for
part .time work. Apply Mr. L. W.
Anderson, Willow Run Bowling Al-
leys. 1065 Midway, Willow Run
Village. Phone Ypsi. 1852.
WANTED: Men who would be inter-
ested in waiting table or dish wash-
ing in exchange for meals. Theta
Chi, 1351 Washtenaw phone 2-3236.
RENT A JUKE BOX for your party!
$12.00 including records. Ph. 22878.
tion insurance for your wives. 1399
Sudbury, Wilow Run. Phone Ypsi-
lanti 3583W2.
TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented,
repaired. Work guaranteed. Two
days service. Office Equipment Co.
111 4th St. Phone 2-1213.
NELLE! Nous enseignous la gram-
maire, la conversation et la litera-
ture francaise. $2 l'heure. Sol Ben-
cuya, 220 Fletcher ou. Joshua Jean
Grauer 6669.

Publication in the .Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 111
L.S.&A. Freshman Five-week Pro-
gress Reports will be given out in
the Academic Counselors' Office, 108
Mason Hall, in the following order:
Wednesday 1:30-4:00 S through Z.
Thursday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 L
through R.
Friday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 F
through K.
Saturday, 9:00-12:00 A through E.
Graduate Students expecting de-
grees at the June Commencement
must have their diploma applications
in the Graduate School office no later
than April 15.
Doctoral Students expecting de-
grees this term are requested to file
the titles of their dissertations with
the Recorder.
All women students attending the
Slide Rule Ball will have late permis-
sion until 1:30 a.m. Friday, April 12.
Physical Education-Women Stu-
Registration for the outdoor sea-
son will take place in Barbour Gym-
nasium as follows:
Friday, April 12-8:00-12:15 and
Saturday, April 13-8:00-12:30

Miss Katherine M. Snyder, repre-
sentative of the Katharine Gibbs
School for secretarial training and
Director of the Chicago school, will
be at the Michigan League Building
on Friday, April 12, after 4:00 p.m.,
and all day on Saturday, April 13, to
hold individual conferences with
young women who are interested in
going to Katharine Gibbs School for
preparation. Appointment may be
made through the Office of the Dean
of Women.
for veterans and their wives:
Thursday, April 11, "Home Plan-
ning." Miss Catherine B. Heller, As-
sistant Professor of Design in the
College of Architecture. 2:00 p.m.,
Club Room, West Lodge.
Friday, April 12. Leadership: How
to be a Club Leader. Dr. Fred G.
Stevenson, Extension Service staff.
2:00 -p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Conference
Room, West Lodge.
Friday, April 12. Dancing Class for
beginners (couples). 7:00-8:00 p.m
Advanced (couples), 8:00-9:00 p.m.,
Auditorium, West Lodge.
Saturday, April 13. Open House
(dancing). 8:00-12:00 p.m., Auditor-
ium, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 14, Classical Music
(Continued on Page 4)
Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN

340 South State Street

on the campus


Telephone 3008.


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