PAGE TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I Campus Highlights SOIC Will Meet .. . The executive council of the Stu- dent Organization for International Cooperation will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Union. Members of Panhel, VO, Newman Club, Unitarian Student Group, CLA and the Engineering Council, as well as all other member organizations, are requested to attend. Hillel Production.. .. Scripts and program plans for "Hillelzapoppin" are due Monday at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- tion. "Hillelzapoppin" will be present- ed May 25 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Any group which wishes to present a skit, dance number or comedy act is eligible to take part in the program. Numbers should be limited to 15 minutes. The catch-all program is a re- vival of a pre-war annual produc- tion. A silver cup will be awarded to the group which presents the best number. Further information about "Hill- elzapoppin" may be obtained from Ethel Isenberg, program chairman. Play Rehearsal .. . The cast of the Russian play will hold a rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. today at Rm. 2219 Angell Hall. Lecture on Artists.. .. "French Artists in America" will be the topic of a lecture by Helen Hall, Curator .of the Institute of Fine Arts, at 4:10 p.m. today in Rm. D Alumni Memorial Hall. The lecture, sponsored by Le Cer- cle Frncais, will deal with the con- temporary period, and will be illus- trated with slides. Delta Tau Delta... Delta chapter of Delta Tau Delta elected the following officers April 8: President, Robert E. Foote; vice- president, Robert A. DeRose; and treasurer, David Addison. Conversation Group ... The weekly conversation group of La Sociedad Hispanica will not meet today as planned. a * * Canterbury Club... The Canterbury Club will have In- tercessions at 12:10 p.m. today, fol- lowed by luncheon in the Student Center. Steere To Lecture.. .. Prof. Douglas V. Steere, of the department of philosophy at Hav- erford College, Pa., will speak on "A Christian Report on Europe" at 8 p.m., Thursday in Rackham Am- phitheatre. Prof. Steere, who will speak un- der the sponsorship of the Student Religious Association, has just re- turned from Europe, where he di- rected relief work under the aus- pices of the American Friends Serv- ice Committee. He is a member of the National Council on Religion and Higher Education. M ICHIGAN Held Over - Thru Friday 1TAe spctacular love story of the Son of ' ~Robin Hood' SRA Seminar .. . The Student Religious Association seminar on the student Christian movement, with 'Franklin H. Littell as leader of the discussion, will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in Lane Hall.- Two Spanish Plays,... La Sociedad Hispanica will pre- sent two one-act plays, "Rosina es Fragil," and "Las Codornices," at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Sale of tickets will start at 2 p.m. Monday. Members of La Sociedad will be required to pay only the federal tax. Square Dancing ... Scott Colburn will act as instruc-I tor and caller at a square dance ses- sion, sponsored by the Youth Hostel Group, which will be held at 7:30 p. m. today in Lane Hall. No previous experience in square dancing is necessary and the session is open to all interested persons. Beetles Enjoy Private Room In U' Museum The housing shortage is no worry to certain inhabitants of the Univer- sity Museums Building, where a room known merely as the "Bug Room" has been set aside for the exclusive use and pleasure of a colony of beet- les. Hundreds of larvae and adults of lomestic beetles roam the walls, floors and ceiling of the room. "They are here for a purpose," Dr. Emmet T. Hooper, Assistant Curator of Mam- mals in the Museum of Zoology, said. "Much of our work here in the lab- oratories is concerned with examina- 'ion and study of the characteristics of fish, amphibians, mammals, rep- iles and birds.' These skeletons mut 'first be cleaned. This was formerly done by hand, entailing a lot of pains- taking work and much valuable time, particularly with such small speci- mens as birds, bats and shrews," he said. "But now," he said, "fresh skele- tons are merely placed in the 'Bug Room' for about a week. During this time the beetles feed upon them, and when they are removed, they are per- ectly clean and easily examined." Engine-Lawyer War Threatens Over Slide Rule