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April 11, 1946 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-11

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See Page 4

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Government Survives













Contractors Hit U'Building Plan

1 -. ,_

Rutliven Emphasizes Emergency
Needs of Student Vets in Answer

Is Approved 2 to I
Election For Choosing Representatives
To New Government Will Be Held Soon
Student government survived its first election test in three years yes-
terday when the Congress-Cabinet constitution won a sweeping 2,492 to
1,115 victory over the Council-Forum plan in the largest campus election
in history.
The decisive campus vote, which exceeded by 607 the 3,000 minimum
necessary for ratification set by the Student Affairs Committee, was swelled
by unusually heavy second-day balloting. This was the campus' first af-
firmation of student government since the war'-time death of the Student
Senate in 1943.
Election Marked by Fairness
Congress-Cabinet won its 2-1 majority in an election which Harry
Jackson, president of Men's Judiciary Council, said was "marked by its
fairness and by the unusually keen interest of student voters." Only a

Six Day Work-Week,
Double Pay Protested
The University's entire emergency
building program is designed to aid
veterans, President Alexander G.
Ruthven asserted yesterday in reply
to an early-morning protest by the
local General Contractors Associa-
tion that the University's program
threatens to stifle Ann Arbor's com-
munity housing plan.
While University officials and Gov-
ernor Harry Kelly worked to clear
priorities for the University program
with the Civilian Production Admin-
istration, the association, in tele-
grams to federal and state housing
officials, cl~ imed that plans for a
six-day wrk-week on University
construction will place a burden on
servicemen home-builders that most
of them will be unable to carry.
Double Pay
Skilled workmen on the six-day
University building schedule would
be paid for the sixth day. An associ-
ation spokesman explained that if
the University hires on that basis, it
would be practically impossible to
hire construction specialists for five-
day work-weeks on smaller projects.
The contractors further pointed
out that the $10,000 ceiling on vet-
erans' home construction leaves lit-
tle operating margin on a five-day
week. The ceilings, according to the
contractors, makes it impossible to
boost costs by hiring on a six-day
Union Chief Agrees
Louis C. Hackbarth, secretary of
the local Bricklayers, Masonsyand
Plasterers Union agreed with the
contractors in their protests.. He
charged that the contractor for new
University dormitories is trying to
induce bricklayers' and other special
skill workers to come here by offering
doubletime pay for Saturday work.
Raymond C. Daly, construction
superintendent for the building pro-
gram, said the six-day week plan is
out of his hands. He said that skilled
workers must be imported because
there are not enough building spe-
cialists in Ann Arbor to fill Univer-
sity construction demands. The six-
day week plan and overtime pay are
necessary incentives to fill the need,
he said.
Ruthven 's Telegram
President Ruthven's telegram was
sent to the same officials to whom
the contractors association sent their
message. These include Wilson
Wyatt, federal housing expediter;
John McGillis, CPA administrator in
Detroit; Senator Homer Ferguson;
Representative Earl C. Michener; R.
J. Gray, secretary of the Interna-
tional Bricklayers Union; and Wil-
liam L. Hutcheson of the Interna-
tional Carpenters Union.
The text of President Ruthve's
telegram follows:
See 'U' BUILDING, page 2
Colleges Able
To Take Vets
WASHINGTON, April 10-(P)-
hle problem of fitting veterans into
colleges next fall may not be so tough
after all.
A Veterans Administration official
said today after a survey that veter-
ans won't have any trouble "if they
are willing to take the schools they
can get into."
The survey, based on replies from
1,029 of the nation's 1,686 junior col-
leges and universities, plus estimates
on the others indicated there would
he room for 243,472 veterans who
have not yet applied for fall enroll-
ment, the VA said.
College enrollment for the fall
term was forecast at 1,558,081, in-
cluding 695,321 veterans. College ca-
pacity was estimated at 1,673,349.
There were more than 400,000 veter-
ans attending last month.

No Brerationngn
Seenby Anderson
WASHINGTON, April 10 tom') Secre-

Jap Housewife
First Member
Elected to Diet
Complete Nip Election
Results Still Uncertain
TOKYO, Thursday, April 11-')-
A 38-year-old housewife - whose
husband was ousted from the Diet
by Allied decree - today became the
first candidate of either sex to be
vrtually assured of election to that
As incomplete returns from Ja-
pan's general election yesterday
rolled in, Mrs. Satoko Togano, a can-
didate of the Japan People's Party-
a minor organization - had piled up
24,000 votes.
She is the wife of Takeshi Togano,
former newspaperman and a mem-
ber of ex-Premier Tojo's House of
Representatives who was disqualified
by General MacArthur's purge of
Mrs. Togano was the only woman
candidate in Tochigi prefecture,
about 100 miles north of Tokyo.
The second to be virtually assured
of victory was Yukio Ozaki, 87-year-
old member of every Japanese Par-
liament in modern history. His plat-
form of old-line service was inter-
mingled with a surprising "New Lib-
eralism." He recently startled the
political world by conferring with
Communist leader Sanni Nosaka and
permitting himself _to be quoted,l as
favoring the Communist-sponsored
"Democratic Front."
Religions Must
Make 'Appeal,'
Indian Asserts
If religions are to live they will
have to become more scientific, hu-
manistic, and have more universal
appeal, Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrish-
nan, visiting Indian professor of
Eastern religions and ethics, declared
yesterday in a lecture at Rackham
The factors operating in the world
today are the spirit of scientific de-
velopment, ethical humanism and
the desire for world solidarity, he
said. It is because religions as we
view them today seem void of scien-
tific spirit and seem to aim at social
divisions that they are less powerful
and less popular with the people
than in former days.
Sir Radhakrishnan advocated a
type of religion which is humanistic
because it takes account of the God-
like qualities of human beings and
scientific because it is based on hu-
man nature. It is the non-spacial
and non-temporal quality of human-
ity which can enable men to tran-
scend their selves and their separate
intellects, leading to the conscious-
ness of the universal self, he said.

GROMYKO RETURNS-Andrei Gromyko, (left) Soviet delegate, returns to his place at the United Nations
Security Council session in New York, for the first time since his "walkout" when the council prepared to dis-
cuss the Iranian dispute on March 27. At right is Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.,. U.S. delegate.
* *V V

PolanId Accuses Franco SpainO
Of Endangering World Order

Charges Shelter, Aid
Given Nazi Scientists
NEW YORK, April 10-(,)-Po-
land accused the Franco government
of Spain before the United Nations
Security Council today of endanger-
ing world peace, sheltering Nazis,
and aiding German scientists in "de-
vising new means of warfare."
It asked the Council to crack
down on the regime with the full
weight of the United Nations.
The Polish charges against Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco were an-
nounced by the United Nations Sec-
retary General as the council, in ex-
ecutive session, decided to meet again
next Monday at 3 p.m. E.S.T.
Iran Case Resumes
At that time the Council will be
confronted once more with the Rus-
sian-Iranian case. Russia is demand-
ing that the whole affair be dropped
from the council agenda. Iran is in-
sisting it should be held pending un-
til May 6 to see whether Red Army
troops completely evacuate Iran.
The consensus of UN observers
tonight was that Russia would be
voted down and the case would re-
main before the council.
Lange Lists Charges
Dr. Oscar Lange, Polish delegate,
in his letter to the Secretary Gen-
eral, Trygve Lie, dated April 9, and
made public today, ticked off these
charges against Franco and his re-
1. The United Nations Assembly in

London condemned Ctieh "Fascist re-
gime of Spain" as having been
founded with Axis support.
2. The French government on Feb.
26, 1946, was compelled to close the
frontiers between France and Spain
and the border still is closed.
3. Oan February 27, the Franco
government ordered the concentra
tion of troops at the border of
France. N
4. Franco has given haven to "the
largest aggregation of Nazi assets
and personnel."
5. Franco has given refuge to a
large number of war criminals and
Nazi leaders who continue to act
from Spanish territory.
'Lady' Thriller
T Show Agam
Mystery Melodrama
Features Veteran
Th, second performance of "Kind
Lady," Play Production's mystery
melodrama, will be presented at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Dorothy Murzek, familiar for her
parts in other Play Production pre-
sentations, will take the title roll.
Her leading man will be Richard
Stewart, who was recently discharged
from the service.
Adapted by Edward Chodorov from
Hugh Walpole's play, "The Silver
Basque," the plot of "Kind Lady"
centers around a wealthy woman
who finds her home has been usurped
by a clever band of thieves. Using
the pretext of charity, one of the
thieves manages to come into her
home, imprison her and almost take
away all her possessions.
In addition to Miss Murzek and
Stewart, other important members of
the cast include Robert Bouwsma,
Ruth Schnoor, Naomi Vincent and
Annette Chaikin.
"Kind Lady" will run through Sat-
urday. Special rates are offered for
today's performance to University
and high school students.
Second A4VC Group
Organizes Today
The Ann Arbor American Veterans
Committee will form its second chap-
ter at a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today

Loan to Britain
Passes Senate
Banking Gro up
WASHINGTON, Apr. 10-(,')-The
Senate Banking Committee gave the
proposed British loan a 14 to 5 bless-
ing today and Senator Barkley
(Dem., Ky.) predicted "a substantial
majority" of the Senate would ap-
prove it.
Prospects of sharp debate, how-
ever, appeared in the 11 to 7 mar-
gin by which the Committee turned
down one proposal. This was that
none of the $3,750,000,000 loan be
granted until Britain agrees to per-
manent U. S. ownership of wartime
bases now held under a 99-year lease
Four of the committee votes
against the base transaction plan
were cast by proxies. The author of
the proposal, Senator McFarland
(Dem., Ariz.), took notice of these
absentee votes in telling a reporter
he would raise the issue again on the
Senate floor.
Senator Barkley told reporters the
loan legislation would be called up
for Senate action the first of next
week and predicted that a week's
consideration would precede a vote.
Barkley, Democratic leader of the
Senate, acted as chairman of the
Banking Committee during public
hearings, in which testimony on the
bill was almost wholly favorable.
The bill would set up a $3,750,000,-
000 credit which would be interest-
free until 1951 and then carry an an-
nual rate of 2 per cent.

Council Asked
To Reject New
Cab Ordinance
Taxi Owners Maintain
Equipment Unavailable
Several hundred petitions request-
ing the City Council to reject the
proposed taxicab ordinapce were
circulated yesterday as local cab
companies prepared to counter what
they consider a law that would end
profitable business for them.
Hubert Thompson, attorney for
two of the companies said he had
telephoned "all over the United
States" yesterday and found that
neither meters nor new cab equip-
ment of any kind is available.
Thompson said that cab drivers
could not average 60 cents an hour
for the equivalent of a 10 hour day
"which everyone knows it is not a
living wage" under the proposal.
Costs Prohibitive
Even if equipment were available,
Thompson said, the cost of opera-
tion on a cab run would often be
greater than rates, making profit
out of the question. According to
figures of the American Taxicab As-
sociation, the average license fee
throughout the United States is $15
and the average cost per mile for
cabs in Michigan and other northern
states runs from 15 to 18 cents.
A few amendments to the existing
ordinance "which we all favor" would
remedy the city's taxi problem,
Thompson said. Regarding Alder-
man Moore's statement that taxi
companies had failed to file infor-
mation on their operating expenses
with the Council's Special Taxicab
Committee, Thompson said that he
had offered to meet with the com-
mittee in December, but this had
never been arranged.
Service Essential
Thompson classed taxi service with
bus, milk delivery and dry cleaning
firms and said'he could not see why
taxi companies should be singled
out for regulation which would make
profitable operation impossible.
Mimeographed copies of the pro-
posed revision of the taxi ordinance
were available yesterday at the City
Clerk's Office. Representatives of
the taxi companies met in conference
late yesterday to discuss the legality
of proposed revision.

handful of protest votes - for nei-
ther constitution - were cast, ac-
^ording to Jackson.
President 1uthven last night ex-
pressed his pleasure at the large vote
and congratulated students on the
interest shown.
Second Election Scheduled
A second election is scheduled in
two and one-half weeks to select
personnel for the new student gov-
ernment program.
Robert Taylor, one of the framers
of the Congress-Cabinet constitution,
hailed the election as a definite sign
of the reawakening of student in-
terest after its three-year dormancy.
"This election proves that we are
ready for democratic self-rule and
establishes the basic framework for
an active student government," Tay-
lor said. But he called this positive
sign "only 'the beginning."
"The first Student Congress facs
the task of bringing to the campus
a new spirit of student initiative.
Student government can be the voice
of the campus only if we elect rep-
resentatives who are determined 'to
achieve real policy-making author-
ity," he said.
Small Groups' Support
Formulated at the end of the last
semester, the Congress-Cabinet con-
stitution was supported in this elec-
tion largely by the leaders of the
smaller campus organizations.
The heavy second-day balloting
which firmly established the new
government has no precedent in past
elections. Until yesterday morning,
ratification was a doubtful issue, ac-
cording to Jackson.
May Receive
Pay Increase
WASHINGTON, April 10-(/P)-A
House Military Subcommittee ap-
proved a flat $400 a year pay in-
crease for all servicemen today and
Rep. Harness (Rep., Ind.) announced
he would move to make it a basis for
halting draft inductions.
"With a $400 increase, the Army
and Navy will get enough volunteers
so continued drafting will not be re-
quired," Harness told a reporter.
"Army spokesmen have told us
they can get along for several months
with a suspension of inductions and
still have enough men. If they can
do that and then we give them the
pay raise to provide still more in-
ducements for enlisting, theydought
to be able to do without the draft at
Other committeemen contended,
however, that additional enlistments
which a pay increase would bring
would be sufficient only to prevent
the necessity for increasing the rate
of draft inductions beyond its pres-
ent level.
Harness predicted that the full
military Committee will approve the
$400 increase before the House takes
up Friday the bill to continue the
draft for nine months beyond its May
15 expiration date. He said he will
offer on the floor his proposal to sus-
pend inductions which the commit-
tee yesterday rejected.
State Lacks Men
For Draft Allotment
LANSING, April 10--(M)-Michi-
gan will be a "long way" from filling
its April draft quota because "there


Engine Council Promises War
If Slide Rule Is Appropriated'

Debate Rages Over Claim That
Danger Lurks in Every Kiss

It's been going on since 1901..
"Any attempt by residents of the
Law Quad to appropriate the Slide
Rule will precipitate open warfare,"
declared the Engineering Council
in a special communique issued late
last night. The statement added that
"drastic precautions are being taken
to insure the safety of the Slide Rule,"
and that "tampering may easily prove
Precautionary Methods
No definite information was forth-
coming on the exact nature of the
precautionary measures. The strong-
lv-worded statement was belived by

day when it was announced that Or-
rin Tucker, whom the lawyers had
hoped to have for their annual Crease
Ball, would play Friday at the Slide
Rule Ball.
Most observers, agreed, however,
that the present crisis could be traced
back as far as 1901 when the lawyers,
claiming that the engineers had too
much grease on themselves to parade
in the "more respectable" parts of
the campus, prohibited their pre-
sence on northwest campus where the
former law school was located.
Traced Back to 1901
This move met with quick retalia-
tion from the engineers. At that time

Is the Union darkroom a hotbed
for communicable diseases? Should
the Arboretum be closed, as a health
measure, to unchaperoned couples?
Campus interest in these questions
has been aroused by a recent report
from Washington about some highly
scientific female who kissed a slab
of agar-agar just to show how many
germs a kiss contains.
Results of the tests disclosed ba-
cilli, bacteria, and streptococci to be
present in large amounts.
Controversy Begins
Controversy began when Dr. Sam-

ess are trench mouth, the common
cold, diptheria and influenza."
In support of his theory that "you
may get the kiss, but that's not all
you'll get," Dr. Brace related the
story of a charity bazaar held re-
cently in an upstate community at
which kisses were seld for a dollar
by one of the local maidens. The
sale realized 17 dollars, but within
a short time 17 of the male members
of the community were snowed under
by bacteria.
Warns Rural Men
Men on campus from rural areas
were especially cautioned by Dr.

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