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April 06, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-06

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SA :I?

Fifly-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . .Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz ...... .......Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mills.. . . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Collegs Publishers Representative

* These Names Is Writ In Waler

Letters to the Editor



Suffer Little Children
ONE OF OUR FRIENDS is the tolerant kind
who not only doesn't tell his barber to shut
up, but actually listens to him. It could never
have happened to us, but he swears to the verity
of the following quotation:
"I'm awfully glad that the price of children's
haircuts has been raised to that of adults. It
used to irritate me to have to take a child know-
ing it would cost a dime less, and I hated to feel
that way toward little kids."
Goodbye, Sweet Pr'incess
soul-mate was suggested last night by a
bumbling night editor who walked his date, wear-
ing her last pair of nylons, smack into a prickly
barberry hedge.
Mess Attendants, Our Foot
The Associated Press is not always as well-in-
formed as some people are inclined to think.
They've been completely taken in by an Army
Public Relations Office story, a story that th
veriest tyro around here wouldn't fall for.
In big black type out of Washington, D.C., we
are informed that there will be no more kitchen
police duty in the jolly, jolly air corps. But we
read the rest of the item which speaks in glow-
ing terms of permanent mess attendants who
"will be afforded an opportunity to make an
Army career out of food service." We just had
four years of that kind of double talk and double
duty. Under the clean exterior of that mess at-
tendant beats the rough and ready heart of a
The Literary Invasion
TOU GIVE THESE "Perspectives" staff mem-
bers a desk (one desk) and they take an in-
teroffice memo.
"Perspectives" people, a very literary group,
don't talk to each other when they walk into the
office, they send each other notes-not the us-

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are writ!en by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

va _ ____. _ . ____ ______ ____


Tuition and Cosmopolitanism

crease in the tuition fees to $70 for Michigan
students and $150 for out-of-state students re-
presents a complete negation of this University's
once famed cosmopolitan attitude.
The figvres show a "slight adjustment" of'
$5 for state students over the tuition for this
term, or an increase of $10 over the fee for
the spring term of 1945. But for out-of-state
students there is an increase of $40, or 800 per
cent of the resident increase.
It was all right when the University barred any
further out-state enrollments because of the
pressure of enrollments of returning veterans
and the strain on teaching facilities and hous-
ing which resulted. We are fully appreciative of
the University's stand in this regard.
We will also grant that some increase in tui-
tion may be necessary at this time, to compen-
sate for the general increase in prices, the neces-
sity for a program of repair and maintenance of
university buildings, and perhaps for readjust-
ment of faculty salaries. The fact of an increase
in tuition, in general, is not what we are taking
issue with.
However, when the increase for out-of-state
students represents 800 per cent of the increase
for Michigan students, we can certainly feel
that this is completely out of proportion.
New Germany
when American occupation methods are be-
ing openly ridiculed in German-published news-
All is not going well for several reasons:
fundamentally, the cause for this German con-
tempt is the certainty that the United States
is no longer interested in maintaining a strong
military force in Europe, and nothing is more
influential in molding that contempt than
our gradual withdrawal of troops from that
Another reason for German contempt of our
action is the lack of uniformity in the execution
of policy and administration existing throughout
the American zone.
Criticism of the important role the Germans
now play in creating their own future is not
meant to chastize them for inability and in-
competency. That isn't it at all. Rather, we are
remembering what happened when democra-
cy was thrown in the faces of the German
people following World War I, and when they
looked at this blessing we call democracy, they
saw only chaos. This was simply because they
weren't prepared to assimilate an entirely
new type of government as rapidly as we as-
sumed they would.
THERE is that same unsureness in Germany
now. There can never be a mutual confidence
between Germany and the United States until
the Germans and the Americans are considered
as individual men and not part of a huge grim
object of hati'ed called the Nazi state or a glor-
ified, freedom-loving instutition called democ-
s n.n-t T~n-.,moan.-. ', ' s vi, -a 1 pnfidrhne be-

into this university should be based on qual-
ifications and conform to the entrance require-
ments only. Out-state students already enrolled
should not be discriminated against by any ques-
tion of finance.
The increase will undoubtedly cause a great
hardship for many students who have already
reached their junior or senior years, but who
don't want to transfer to a college in their
home state even though the new tuition fee
will strain their resources to the utmost. It
may even force some out-of-state students to
leave the University. Perhaps this is what the
administration wants.,
MICHIGAN has long been known not only in
this state, but throughout the country for
its high standard of educational facilities. The
presence of many students from New York and
the east coast, and even from the Far West,
should be sufficient proof of this. It has had the
reputation of being one of the more cosmopoli-
tan of the large state universities, not only be-
cause of the presence of many foreign students,
but for the very fact of its high esteem across
America as evidenced by the large out-state en-
We can grant that the banning of any further
out-of-state enrollments is a necessary measure
at this time. But why the discrimination against
out-state students already enrolled? Why can
we not have a proportionate increase which will
place the burden on all students alike?
-Frances Paine
Labor Debate
WE SPEAK with a new glibness of fact-finding
boards, collective bargaining, picket lines
and arbitration, terms we used to study in poli-
tical science and economics courses.
These words are now part of our everyday
vocabularies; we use them, hear them, see them
constantly. Living in the center of the greatest
industrial disturbances of any time or place, we
are vitally affected by current labor-manage-
ment problems.
Tomorow August Scholle, regional director of
the C.I.O. in Detroit, and W. J. Grede, a director
of the National Manufacturers Association and
an alternate delegate to the President's Labor-
Management Conference, will speak at the In-
tercollegiate Parliamentary Session on Labor Re-
lations, in Rackham Amphitheatre.
As representatives of the two forces making
the nation's top news, they will be here to dis-
cuss with students all phases of labor-manage-
ment relations, in an open session. To all those
interested, to all who must be interested, this
discussion will serve as a tie-up between text-
books and newspaper headlines.
-Nita Blumenfeld

ual uninformative, unimportant note--notes
frought with interest and pathos.
One such message ran along these lines:
"I suggest all the poetry from one writer be
stapled together. We can't accept scraps of pa-
per with words crossed out, either. It spoils our
prestige. Agree?"
"No prestige to spoil yet." the reply said.
It's like we say, pathos ..
SOME of these postwar enterprises everybody
has been waiting for scare the hell out of us.
A couple of days ago we had occasion to tra-
vel to Dynamic Detroit (Malcolm Bingay's "Own
Home Town") and saw a truck marked "Pro-
gressive Dishwashing Co."
At first, things like that don't make much of
an impression, but after thinking it over, we
wondered just what a dishwashing company
does for a living.
Our companion would not let us dismiss the
obvious without some speculation concerning its
legitimacy. There was a deeper meaning to all
A dishwashing company, washes dishes, of
course, we told him. At 4:45 p.m., seven little men
in white coats marked "Progressive," etc., in-
terrupt the party, by that time neatly draped
around the Hepplewhite, and after a locomotive
for the firm, proceed with the obvious.
(All items appearing in this column are writtan by
members of The Daily staff and edited by the Editorial
Horse Meat
W ASHINGTON-An important debate has
been taking place among food experts inside
the administration regarding the use of horse
meat for feeding Europe.
Horse meat is a type of food which Ameri-
cans know little about. Within Europe it is
standard diet and certain countries, especially
France and Belgium, have repeatedly informed
the United States that they would like to buy
more horse meat here. If two and a half bil-
lion pounds of horse meat could be sold to Eur-
ope-which is the amount available in the
U.S.A.-it would take care of most of Europe's
feeding problems and eliminate any need for
-U.S.A. rationing.
Such a program has been urged by UNRRA of-
ficials and also by some experts in the army and
navy. However, the plan has run up against se-
veral snags, chiefly that of U.S. meat packers.
The big packers don't want the American pub-
lic to get the idea that horse meat is processed
in their plants. They fear that the suspicion
would linger in the consumers' mind even after
the emergency. Harry Reed, who doaes most of
the meat procurement for UNRRA in the Depart-
ment of Agriculture leans toward the big meat
packers and they never have wanted small state
packers to get into the inter-state business.
Feeds Zoo
pected to come from the many horse lovers
throughout the country who probably would
claim that the United States was being de-nuded
of horses.
Officials point out, however, that several
hundred horses are slaughtered weekly all over
the United States to Teed the zoos of the na-
tion. Furthermore, the United States today has
a larger surplus of horses than ever before in
history. Agriculture department estimates are
that 3,000,000 surplus horses are now on the
ranges and farms of the country. The grain
which they alone consume would go a long way
toward feeding Europe.
Officials estimate that these 3,000,000 surplus
horses would supply a total of two and a half
billion pounds of meat, also give fats for soap,
together with hides to ease the scai'city of lea-
Note-While prices of almost everything
tended upward during the war, the price of
horses did not. Government buyers purchas-
ing draft animals for UNRRA report that the
country has thousands of four to six-year old

horses which have never been harnessed. Far-
mers haven't had time to break them in, would
like to sell them if prices were right.
Troops in India
sergeant in India: "How pathetic it is to see
grown men exiled by their own people. I am the
first sergeant of a group of men here in India. It
is up to me to help keep the morale of the men
up. There is no work to do, so I try to organize
games to keep their minds busy. But it is up
to the people back home to see that they, at
least, have hopes of something to look forward
to-some definite information instead of depres-
sing rumors.
"In the last month I have lost three men to
the mental ward. One I had the misfortune of
seeing last week, a fine, healthy, American
sergeant, this week a babbling idiot in a strait-
jacket, who can remember nothing but his
wife's name. There are dozens of such cases,
and they certainly aren't war casualties."
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Tuition Raise
To The Editor:
Increased costs of operation were
given as the reason for the raise in
tuition in Herbert G. Watkins' an-
nouncement for the Board of Regents
Included in the tuition is a five dol-
lar fee for membership in the Union
or League.
The Union and League are making
tremendous profits on their rooms,
cafeteria and dining rooms, and the
Union, at least, has set up a huge sur-
plus reserve for building additions.
(Both, incidentally, are exempted
from OPA ceiling prices on food sold,
being state institutions and "non-
profit" organizations.)
The League also gets the residue
profits from such events as Soph
Cabaret, usually a pretty fair sum.
The increase for most out-of-state
students was forty dollars, or a 36
per cent raise over last semester's
tuition. The increase for in-state,
students was five dollars, or slightly
under eight per cent.
It is difficult to understand why
the out-of-state students are respon-
sible for eight times as much of the
additional operating expense as the
Michigan residents.
-Harvey Frank
Gilt Diploma
To The Editor:
I chortled when I read in yester-
day's Daily that the tuition for non-
state residents has been hiked to
$150. It's about time that the univer-
sity realized that a degree from this
institution is so enviable that out of
state students will gladly pay more
than double to get it. When I entered
this university, I paid $100 for the
privilege of receiving instruction
here; when the tuition was raised to
$110, I immediately noticed an im-
provement in the quality of educa-
tion for which I was a subject. I am
looking forward to next Fall, as I
know I can expect an increased de-
gree of excellence in my training
commensurate with its price. May
I hope for a gilt-edged diploma?
Marcia Wellman
Hare System
To The Editor:
Don't be fooled! Understand what
you are being asked to vote for! If
one uses the complicated Hare system
of proportional representation in vot-
ing for officers of the student govern-
ment as is provided for under the
Cabinet-Congress plan the largest
number of candidates that he casts
his ballot for is ONE PERSON!
As Prof. Dorr of the Political Sci-
ence Department says," "Under the
Hare system of proportional repre-
sentation the voter uses the prefer-
ential system in marking his ballot
(i.e. indicating by the use of num-
bers the order in which he desires to
have candidates elected) but his vote
is to be counted BUT ONCE and for
ONE candidate only.
"In the counting of the ballots an
attempt is made to cast the ballot in
the order of the voter's preference
for the first candidate whose election
could be assured through the use of
this particular vote."
Although you might think you are
voting for more than one person
when you mark your several choices
on the ballot your vote will be cast
for only one person and the candi-
date who ultimately receives your
whole vote is largely a matter of
Persons favoring the Cabinet-Con-
gress plan must realize that they are
being asked to give up their right
guaranteed under the Council plan
to vote for all 9 candidates (100 %)
with a real chance of helping to elect
a majority of the government for a
plan, which, at best, helps elect only
one person, a tiny fraction of the gov-
Any person who still advocates the
Hare Plan which clearly trades
in the right of voting for a majority

of the student government for the,
chance of selecting one tiny fraction
can only defend his position by claim-
ing that it allows representation of
The Cabinet-Congress plan KILLS
this only possible justification for
the Hare plan, because it establishes
a powerful Cabinet of 7 executives
who are elected from the (at present)
36 members of Congress. The major-
ity in Congress will pick these execu-
tives and the minority will be left out
in the cold.
The strength of a "student govern-
ment will lie principally in the fact
that it is the representative of the
student body. The Council (which
hasdall "adminisrative and policy-
making powers") is DIRECTLY elect-
ed by the entire campus and will,
therefore, have greater prestige
strength in negotiating on the stu-
dent's behalf than the INDIRECTLY
elected cabinet.
Since we have no campaign organi-

nation we ask you to tell these facts
to others.

Pris. Hodges
Harvey Anderson
Jean Norris
Roland W. Ure, Jr.
Lyman 1. Legters

No Head

To The Editor:
Everyone picks on poor little Paula.
For shame! There's bigger game. May
[ suggest the farce of student govern-
nent? The blind leading the halt!
Dr better yet, how about that hapless
substitute for Barrie Waters in the
Cinema (ugh )department, Hap
Eaton? You might possibly consider
he contortions of our controversial
onvolutionist our pale pink hero-
Ray Ginger!
Still further along on the editorial
page of that crusading cross of
journalism, The Daily, we could con-
sider the weeping willow editorial
writers who have to grind out their
daily quota of slop.
"Just a minute, just a minute!
What are you trying to do-tear down
the foundations, the pillars of our so-
iety? You see-here's how it works:
ye send out a call for columnists; we
assign each of the acolytes to attend
the first musical event of our worthy
musical season. ( Where else could
you get a May Festival like this one
oming?) Then they must dash madly
o our schoolroom and manuwrite
(we know they can type) three or
four paragraphs which fit the code
of the Wild West, suh; The Michigan
Daily style book, that is! The lucky
kid who seems to combine the most
knowledge of music with the best
GOOD TASTE, TOO!) gets the job.
Clear like gold? Bien? Gut!
I leave the Student (Ha!) Board in
Control to your imagination and con-
mend rather heartily the food and
prices at the League and Union.
Discard Sam Grafton's column if it
comes in one second late! Cut Drew
Pearson out entirely (or have you
done that already?) Remove the news
(?) from the first page and give
space to the advertising department.
Expand the DOB to a full page! Even
spell my name incorrectly as you al-
ready have done twice to my brother's
(who is an instructor, not professor.
of sociology, not anthropology, in the
Department at Wayne University,
there being no anthropology depart-
mrient there).
But-touch one hair on Barnaby's
head and it's your head as well.
Yours in victory and clover,
Edward Tumin
EDITOR'S NOTE: If anybody makes
anything out of this gibberish, will he
please let us know.)
For The Defense
To The Editor:
The past few editions of The Daily
have carried protests of varying emo-
tional intensity belittling Miss Paula
Brower's review of Alec Templeton's
performance. The majority ofthese
expressions of anger have had no le-
gitimate basis.
There are cardinal rules in music
as in all the arts and sciences, and
among these rules is the axiom that
a good performer will play a selection
as it was written. If Miss Brower is
to be criticized because she expects
to hear Beethoven's works played as
Beethoven composed them, then the
great majority of our most competent
critics suffer from the same peculiar-
Greater luminaries than Mr. Tem-
pleton have taken their lumps for
the very same reasons Miss Brower
disparaged the playing of Mr. Tem-
pleton. Among our great names in
music who have been rightfully ac-
cused of re-editing selections is that
of Mr. Leopold Stokowski, who has
oft times improvised or reorches-
trated compositions to afford greater
opportunity for the display of his no
doubt expressive gestures.
An artist who dissects a great work
of music so that it can suit his tech-
nique is decidedly unworthy of that
name, and on that basis Miss Brow-
er's criticism was absolutely justifi-
I suggest, that in the future, Mr.
Templeton pioneer a new type of con-
cert. Let him play and compose his
music as he goes along, and then
both he and the audience will be free
to delight at his innovations and ex-

perimentations. And, those who are
satisfied to accept the works of Bach
Beethoven, or Schumann as they were
written, will be spared the agony o
hearing them mutilated.
Milton Feder
More Approval
To The Editor:
After glancing through the vituper-
ative letters anent your review of
Templeton, I feel it necessary t
write this timid card in commenda
tion of your excellent essay on the
subject. May I be permitted a bit o
vituperation in return? The reasor
for your critics' enthusiasm for Tem
pleton undoubtedly stems from th
fact that he puts the fodder dowr
where the jackasses can get at it.
Darnell Roaten
Were Allies Sincere?

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 107
Identification Pictures are now
available in the booth outside of
Room 2, University Hall, for stu-
dents who had pictures taken during
Spring Term registration or since.
Aif men students registered with
the Student Employment Bureau,
Room 2 University Hall, are request-
ed to bring their records up to date
by adding their Spring Term sched-
ules, and also any changes of address.
Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean of Students
Superintendents in Dexter, Belle,-
vue and Adrian will be in the office
on Monday and Tuesday, April 8 and
9. Those persons who are interested
in positions in these towns may make
appointments by calling Miss Briggs
-Extension 489. Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information.
Wanted at Oonce: Men students
who are willing and able to do inside
and outside work, such as houseclean-
ing, painting, yard and garden work.
'here are several requests for stu-
dent help listed with the Employ
ment Bureau, Room 2, Universty
Hall, apply to Miss Smith, Ext. 2121.
Joseph A. Bursley
Dean of Students
The Gradulte School is holding
mail for the following persons:
Mr. Edwin Crosby
Mr. Miguel Kawwass
Mr. J. P. Kapur
Mr. Manghir Malani
Mr. Robert Dick Pierce
Mr. John B. Wall
If letters are not called for by
April 10, they will be returned to
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
The five-weeks' grades or Navy
and Marine trainees (other than En-
gineers and Supply Corps) will be due
April 6. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper offices.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
The civilian freshman five-week
progress reports will be due today
in the office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall.
Dr. Frederick M. Watkins, formerly
Associate Professor of Political Si-
-nce at Cornell University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Peace and Jus-
tice: The Political Thought of Proud-
hon," at 4:15 p.m., Monday, April 8,
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar will meet on
Tuesday, April 9, at 8:30 a.m. in
Room 1564 East Medical Building,
Doctor Nungester will discuss "Some
Technical Problems Encountered in
the Detrick Program." All interested
are invited.
Veterans' Tutorial Program
The following changes have been
made in the schedule:
English Composition - Tuesday,
Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 2235 Angell
Hall. (Beginning)

English Composition - Tuesday,
Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 3216 Angell
Hall; Friday 5:00-6:00 p.m. 3216 An-
gell Hall. (Advanced)
Spanish (31) (32)-Monday, Tues-
day 4:00-5:00 p.m. 408 Romance
Lang.; Thursday, Friday 4:00-5:00
p.m. 408 Romance Lang.
Preliminary examinations for the
Ph.D. in Economics will be held about
, the middle of May. Students plan-
ning to take these examinations
f should leave their names and, the
fields in which they are to be exam-
ined with the Secretary of the De-
partment as promptly as possible.
- Claire Coci, guest organist, will
f make her third recital appearance in
0 Ann Arbor on Sunday afternoon,
- April 7, in Hill Auditorium. Her
e program will include works by Bach,
If d'Andrieu, Franck, Hindemith, Peet-
n ers, Dupre, and Liszt.
- Scheduled to begin at 4:15, the re-
e cital will be open to the public, with
n the exception of small children.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Water colors and oils by Mr.


Jimmied the kitchen door? And raided
the icebox? Undoubtedly o matter for
the gendarmerie. Hmm . . . If your Fairy
-Af.6 o ..h - - --

By Crockett Johnson
- - 1

But Mr. O'Malley, you and Gus,W
the Ghost, ate up the chicken.
After your lecture. Remember?



Which reminds me. I hope that your parents
will be available for my second lecture.
Er... Having missed one they'll have some
homework to catch uo on-Hmm. Better not



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