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April 06, 1946 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-06

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4r i F M TI AN o Ir-N




Daly Sports Staff
EDITOR'S NOTE: This column will be used from time to time by the members
of the Sports Staff to air their views on any number of subjects.
"SOUTH OF THE BORDER, DOWN MEXICO WAY" is a tune that brings
bad thoughts to the minds of many baseball club owners and managers
these days. The Pasquel Brothers, four in number, have opened undeclared
war with the American baseball clubs and so far have made notable gains in
their offensive, with the signing of several major and minor league stars in
the last two weeks.
Jorge Pasquel is backed by a fortune of several million dollars made
in the silver mines in Mexico. He and his three brothers have already
signed 16 former major leaguers and it is known that bonuses with
five zeros to the left of the decimal are waiting many more of the greats
such as Hank Greenberg, Ted Williams, Red Ruffing and many others.
It is the first time since the Federal League in 1914 that there has been
a serious threat to organized baseball as we know it. In that year Harry
Sinclair, the millionaire oil tycoon, financed a one year loop that enticed
such greats as Hal Chase, Mordecai Brown, Bennie Kauff, and Leslie Mann
into the fold.
FOR THE FIRST TIME club owners do not have the right to tell a player
to play for me or else not play. Players now, should they be dissatisfied
with the terms offered them, need only to turn south, where a big bonus and
salaries almost unheard of in the U.S. are waiting them.
Baseball czar, A. B. "Happy" Chandler, has imposed a five year re-
striction on all those players who turn to the south for more money.
Some club owners have told the press that they were not worried while
their secretaries were writing holdouts that the club had decided to meet
the player's demands as to salaries.
The Dodgers, Giants, Browns, and other clubs have already suffered
losses that might mean the difference between a pennant contender and
just another ball club. Vern Stevens, one of the best shortsops in baseball
today, got tired of waiting for the Browns to pay him the salary he wanted,
then signed with Pasquel.
THE DODGERS have lost Mickey Owen, a great backstop, and Louis 01-
mo, an outfielder. Both of these men were dissatisfied with the terms
that had been offered them, so rather than wait for the club to come to
terms accepted lucrative positions to play for the Mexican League.
Three Giants were told to accept the money offered them, so the
Giants are now without the services of Roy Zimmerman, Sal Maglie,
and George Hausman. Zimmerman is the first sacker that the New York
club paid 25 thousand dollars for last summer, while Hausman was the
regular second basemen on the club for the past two years. Maglie was
a promising pitcher who won five games for the Ottmen in the last
month of ulay last year.
Coach Adolph Luque, third baseman Nap Reyes, Danny Gardella, and
pitcher Adrian Zabala had jumped the club after the close of the 1945 season.
Other major leaguers who have decided their future will be south of the Rio
Grande are Bobby Estalella (Athletics), Alex Carrasquel (White Sox) and at
least a dozen others who have had trials in the big time recently or before
they went into service.,
SO FAR the Mexicans have had it all their own way. Will their success
continue, or will the league fold after a season or two with the problem
of what to do with the players having jumped their clubs? After the Feder-
al League folded the "lifelong restrictions" on the players were lifted and
the players were accepted back by their own clubs.
But the Mexican loop looks as it may stick. Crowds of 20,000 fans
are common occurences and some of the ball parks have had more than
35,000 fans pass through the turnstiles at a $1.20 a ticket, for the games
that are held three to five times a week. Mexico always has supported
their Class B ball and early indications have shown that the new league
is making money for the already wealthy Pasquels.
Even if the Pasquels should decide to give up their venture, they have
already removed some of the unjust policies that the dictatorial club own-
ers have had the power to enforce over the men who they controlled.
Hit, ghts -The World of Sports

Baseball Team Plays Practice Game Today
Detroit Amateur Pepsi-Cola
'Squad To Furnish Opposition

Michigan's 1946 baseball team will
be placed on public view for the first
time today at 2:00 p.m. when it meets
the Detroit Pepsi-Cola amateur nine
on the Ferry Field diamond today.
The game will be a tuneup for the
season's opener on April 19 against
Wayne University, and Coach Ray
Fisheris. planningto see what many
of his charges can do against out-
side opposition.
Visitors Have Octstanding Record
Pepsi-Cola has had one of the out-
standing amateur baseball teams in
the country over a period of years,
150 Gridmen
To End First
Practice week
Their numbers already swollen to
over 150, Coach H. O. (Fritz) Cris-
ler's footballers are rapidly getting
down to the serious business of spring
With the initial week over today,
Crisler has had his charges going
through stiff drills. Among the vet-
erans from last year, the Wolverine
mentor is already experimenting
with some changes.
Lou Brunsting, who played at end
in 1945, is trying out for quarterback
while George Chiames, a fullback last
year, is working out at guard. Sever-
al prospects who have caught Cris-
eir's eye are Ralph Kohl, Ernest Vor-
encamp and Art DerDerian.
Kohl is a tackle transfer from the
University of Kentucky. Vorencamp,
a 215-pound lineman, played three
years of ball with Father Flanagan's
great Boys' Town while DerDerian
has looked good at quarterback.,



having been Detroit city champions
four times, National Champions once,
and runner up in the national tour-
ney last year.
The visitor's coach, Leroy Ruppert,
will bring to Ann Arbor several hold-
over's from his last year's team that
boasted an excellent record in ama-
teur circles, although it is known that
the team has not had much oppor-
tunity for outdoor practice sessions
this early in the season.
Fisher To Use Five Hurlers
The Wolverines will field their
starting team which will see four or
five pitcherstaking their turn on the
mound. The infield will be either
Jack Tallet or Tom Rosema on first,
Dom Tomasi on second, Don Robin-
son at short, and Walt Kell on third.
Both first basemen will probably see
some action in the warmup game.
Fisher plans to use at least four
men in the outfield. Jack Weisen-
berger and Bob Nussbaumer have
been named as two regulars and it
is certain that Bob Chappuis and Ed
Bahlow will see action in the third
position in the outfield.
Swanson, Chappuis Will Catch
Elmer Swanson and Chappuis will
share the catching duties. All four
returning lettermen will see some ac-
tion in today's tilt, Bliss Bowman,
Pro Boim, Dick Savage and Cliff Wise
all are slated for duty tomorrow.
Chances are that the Maize and
Blue coach will let Dick Bodycombe
and Earl Block see what they can do
against batters other than their own
teammates. Seeing what a larger
number of hurlers have on the ball
will mean that Fisher will not let his
hurlers stay on the mound as long
as they have been doing in practice
sessions the past two weeks.
In the final day of practice before
today's tilt, Weisenberger Robinson
and Rosema were the leading stars in
the two hour long batting session.
Weisenberger nicked pitcher Bud
Rankin for three straight safeties,
a double and two singles. Bahlow hit
the longest blow of the day, a triple
to deep center,

WEST LODGE ATHLETIC MANAGERS-Left to right, kneeling-Walt Zach, Abe Ackerman, William Ridran,
Intramural Director at West Lodge; standing-J. D. McDaniels, Assistant Director, William Juskowitz, David
Gover, Joe Kerin, and Louis Anderson. -Courtesy Ann Arbor News
Fraternity, Residence fail Track
Meet Wiit'Befield Here Tuesda

Non-varsity men on campus who
have a desire to compete on the cin-
der paths will find the opportunity
waiting for them next Tuesday, April
9th, when the annual intra-mural
track meet wil be held in Yost Field
Boston Braves

Not only x ill there be a chance for
gaining individual honors, but also
team championships will be deter-
mined. Champions will be named for
two classes, one for the fraternity
loop, and one for residence halls. To
qualify for one of these titles, how-

5 Beat Detroit

ever, a fraternity or residence hall
must euter a squad of at least ten
A prog ram of nine events has been
prepared, Clie first, race to get under
way 7:30 p.m. The mile run starts
the evenng. followed by the half-
mile, 440 yard run, 60 yard dash, 60
yard high iurdles, 60 yard low hurd-
Irs, shot put , and high jump. The
meet will reach a climax in the final
event, a half-mile relay.
In addition to providing some in-
teresting competition, Tuesday night
may well see some good times turned
in by potential varsity runners.
Michigan's thin clad coaching staff
will undoubtedly be watching the
affair, and any man making a good
mark would logically be able to go
on and win added honors as a mem-
ber of Michigan's varsity track squad

On First Baseman's Homer


Wally Weber of the Athletic
Dept. will show moving pictures of
the 1945 Michigan-Ohio State
football game on Sunday, April 7
at 7:30 p.m. in Willow Village's
West Lodge.
Watch this space for the announce-
nient of the prize headpin tourna-
ment to be held soon at the WIL-


Phone 2-1721

Unknown Leads Masters
AUGUSTA, Ga., April 5-(AP)-The
Masters Golf Tournament reached
the halfway point tonight, and a
slender, blue-eyed "unknown" nam-
ed Herman Keiser still was far out in
front of the nation's super-stars,
threatening to give them the beating
of their gilded careers.
Keiser, 31-year-old ex-soldier who
shot a fine 69 in yesterday's high
wind to tie for the lead at the end
of the first 18, came right back today
with a spectacular 68-four under
par for the Augusta National
Course-to show there was nothing
accidental about it.
St. LOUIS, April 5--P-)-President
Trichard C. Muckermarn of the St.
Louis Browns announced tonight that
shortstop Vernon Stephens who had
jumped to the Mexican League last
week had rejected the American
League club and signed a 1946 con-
Lorenzo Thomtas
Dies At His Home
Lorenzo D. (Tommy) Thomas,
Michigan groundskeeper at Ferry
Field for nearly 46 years died yester-
day at his home in Ann Arbor.
Thomas, an employee here since
1900 had been sick for nearly two
years. Well known among Maize and
Blue trackmen, Thomas directed the
building of Ferry Field and annually
took care of the outdoor track.

Exhibition Baseball Scores
At Selma, Ala.,
Boston (A) 100 100 000 -2 7 3
Cincinnati (N) 100 200 01X-4 9 0
Harris, Clark (7) and McGah;
Vandermeer and Mueller.
At Atlanta, Ga.,
New York (A) 000 003 000-3 6 1
Atlanta (SA) 000 001 000-1 8 2
Page and Dickey; Ayers, McGown
(8) and Unisney.
At Columbia, S. C.,
Brook. (N) "B" 405 040 200-15 18 4
N.Y. (A) "B" 000 001 101-- 3 6 1
Nothe and Franks;1Moore, Dubiel
(3) and Garbark.
At Mobile, Ala.,
&t. Louis (N) 230 000 221-10 19 2
Mobile (SA) 011 000 020-- 4 11 2
Brecheen and Rice, Burmeister (6);
Patterson, Parkhurst (8) and Calder-

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., April 5-/P)
-First baseman Johnny McCarthy
belted A second inning homer here
today as the Boston Braves blanked
the Detroit Tigers 1 to 0 back of
Johnny Cain's five-hit pitching.
The Boston triumph broke a five-
game losing streak in the Braves'
exhibition baseball series with the
World Champions.
Sain went all the way to best De-
troit's Virgil (Fire) Trucks in a bril-
liant pitching duel. Trucks gave up
six hits, four of them in the first two
Sai Yields Three hits
Sain, giving only three hits in the
first seven innings, permitted only
two Tigers to get as far as second and
only one to reach third. Detroit
made its only bid in the fourth, when
Barney McCosky and Hank Green-
berg singled with nobody out, but
Dick Wakefield popped out, Pat Mul-
lin lifted a fly to center, sending Mc-
Cosky to third, and Pinky Higgins
bounced out to end the inning.
Higgins sent Carvel (Bama) Row-
ell far back to the left field score
board in the seventh inning to haul
down his 415-foot drive, but Rowell
made the catch to protect Boston's
one-run lead.
T'uks Pityhmes Ii i oriwtow i'
Trucks, pitching effectively tor the
Birmingham home folks, fanned live
Braves, two of them in the opening
inning after Boston had bunched two
hits with one out and put men on
second and third.
-111Y ti'1011

Aside from McCarthy, whose big
blow meant the ball game, Trucks
had his only trouble with center field-
er Johnny Hopp and pitcher Sain,
both of whom collected a pair of sin-
Detroit's defeat was its first since
March 29. The Tigers and Braves
tangle again tomorrow at Rome, Ga.
Budge Refuses
'To Alibi forI
Losses to R a igs
DETROIT, April 5 -- 0"! - Don
Budge, down 13 matches to thlrce in
his cross-country challenrge 1ma",0l0
xwith Champion Bobby Riggs for pro-
fessional tennis' World Singples tit le
isn't making any concessions or ofrer-
ing any alibis as a result, of Rig:gs'
top-heavy lead at the outset of the
45-match tour.
"Bobby's simply at, the trop of hZis
game, playing the finest tennis I ever
saw him play," Budge said here todayE
as the touring prosi arrived for a ('uinit'
appearance pr'ior to their Dvctroit
mna ltcl S 1turda y .at;()lyini'(1- rolls
her e the tour ih fifto luEw As 11 11 Mndayand run
"Getting away to at, ' IK 1:
ac'tually has been goodt for ifif-''
Budge continued. "It makes mee (al-=
ize how complacent I had becomei
about my tennis and now I know I
have to bring my game up.
"I'm not giving up on tis; toar,
Over the long st retchi :[ stilt fe el I
can win. It's going to be knock -downi,
dr'ag-out from here in."
- -

... ..


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At Selma, Ala.
Boston (A)
Cincinnati (N)
Dobson and I


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010 1-2 6 2
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At Shreveport, La.,
Chicago (A) 000 010 000 -1 4 2
Pittsburgh (N) 100 101 20X-5 12 0
Grove, Caldwell (7) Eckhardt, (8)
and Dickey; Gables and Smith.
At San Antonio, Texas,
Chicago (N) 000 000 000 --0 4 1
St. Louis (A) 100 000 00X-1 3 2
Bithorn and Scheffing; Zoldak,
Galehouse (8) and Helf.


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