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April 06, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-06

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Jitney Licensing Proposed To
Alleviate DSR Strike Tie-Up

Jeffries Summons Cit
Plan; Meeting Held T
DETROIT, April 5- (P) - Mayor
Edward J. Jeffries today proposed
the licensing of jitneys to alleviate
hardships caused by the five-day
strike of Detroit street railway trolley
and bus operators.
He summoned the City Council to
a special Saturday session to consider
the plan. Jitneys have been out-
Veterans Will Speak
At Verein Meeting
With six student veterans as guest
speakers, the Deutscher Verein will
hold its first meeting of the semester
at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Hussey
Room of the League.
"Germany-My Impressions" will
be the subject of discussion for the
speakers. Clayton Bigelow, Gustav
A. Butterbach, Charles Knorpp, Jack
E. Short, J. Gerald Wetzel, and Asa
Springer, Jr. Most of the talks will be
in English.
Singing of German folk songs, with
William Sinnigan at the piano, and
a short business -meeting are also

ty Council To Consider
ro 'Clarify the Issues'
lawed by ordinance in Detroit for
two decades.
The DSR Commission met for two
hours today mwithsofficials of the
striking AFL's Amalgamated Associ-
ation of Street Electric Railway and
?Motor Bus Employes in what both
sides said was an effort to "clarify
the issues."
A commission spokesman said,
however, that the meeting was not a
"negotiation." He said the commis-
sion and Mayor Jeffries were holding
to their stand that they would not
talk settlement terms until the strike
As 900,000 ordinary DSR riders
trudged through another day without
municipal transportation, the Detroit
Retail Merchants Bureau produced
some figures of how the strike has
affected business.
Retail trade slumped sharply Mon-
day a few hours after the strike be-
gan, the bureau reported, but has
since returned almost to normal.
Industrial plants reported a sharp
but not severe increase in absentee-
ism the first day of the strike, but
later reported this had fallen off to a
point near normal.


. , .t



' '

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 1Oc for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 ptr 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST - Camera in Arboretum on
flats. Film inside-pictures im-
portant! Reward. Call 7037.
LOST--Gold ring with black onyx
setting. Has initial "14" in onyx
setting. Lost in Econ or Main Lib-
rary. Reward. Call Jean Darnton
at 2-3193.
LOST: Pair of red rimmed glasses
in blue case. Please call 2-5161..
NURSE'S Elgin Wristwatch with red
sweep second hand, between Wash-
ington and Catherine Streets. Con-
tact Donnabelle Collins, Beal Res-
LOST: Gray "51" Parker fountain
pen Tuesday. Call Grace Hansen,
24561, Mosher. Reward.
turn of black notebok bearing in-
scription L. G. Balfour Co. Attle-
boro, Mass. picked up in error.
Phone 9533.
FOUND-Fountain pen. Owner iden-
tify and pay for ad. Call 4652.
717 N. University Ave. J

LOST: Gold Bead necklace Thurs.
noon in vicinity of Mich. League or
Union. Family heirloom. Reward.
Phone 6632.
LOST: One soft ball and bat on Beer
Mountain, Mar. 30. Call Pi Beta
Phi, 2-4514.
WANTED-Veterans and wives who
can wait table for Schoolmasters'
club on April 26 are invited to drop
in Personnel Office, 209 University
Tall, at once.
WANTED-Student veteran requires
good matched set golf clubs. Phone
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
boarders. For information contact
.Hugh Carpol, 8623.
HELP WANTED-Male. Part time
and weekends. Allenel Hotel.
WANTED-Experienced waitress for
part time work. Apply Mr. L. W.
Anderson, Willow Run Bowling Al-
feys. 1065 Midway, Willow Run
Village. Phone Ypsi. 1852.
STUDENTS: The Willow Run Bowl-
ing Alley can use students to set
pins one or more nights per week,
also Saturday and Sunday after-
noons. You can earn from $2.00 to
$4.00 per night. We will arrange
your work to fit in with your stud-
ies. If you can use a few extra dol-
lars a- week see Bowling Alley Man-
ager. Willow Run Bowling Alley,
1065 Midway, Willow Run Village.
Telephone: Ypsilanti 1852.
STENOGRAPHER, shorthand and
typing, for two hours every other
day. Cal 6669-ask for Fred..
FOR SALE: 1937 Hudson Sedan, anx-
ious to sell this week. First $400
buys. Phone 2-2205. E. A. Nielsen
320 S. State St.

On Campus
Vocational Talk . ..
John L. Davis, executive secretary
of the Board of Higher Education for
the Disciples of Christ, will speak on
"The Importance of a Christian Phil-
osophy in Your Vocation" before the
Congregational-Disciples Guild at
7:30 p.m. today in the Guild House.
Prof. Henle To Talk .. .
Prof. Paul Henle of the philo-
sophy department will discuss Ber-
trand Russell's "History of Western
Philosophy" for the Lane Hall
Saturday Luncheon at 12:15 p.m.
Reservations for the luncheon
must be at Lane hall before 10 a.m.
Unity Leader To Speak..'.
Elizabeth Sand Turner, Unity lea-
der, .teacher and lecturer, will speak
on "What Shall I Do With This
Man?" at 8 p.m. Monday in the
Michigan League Chapel.
Miss Turner will speak under the
sponsorship of the Unity School of
Christianity and Ann Arbor Unity.
'Europe and Palestine'.
The campus chapter of the In-
tercollegiate Zionist Federation of
America (formerly Avukah will
present a panel discussion on "Eur-
ope and Palestine-Rescue and Re-
demption" at 8 p.m. tomorrow at
the Hillel Foundation,
Stuart Goldfarb and Sam Rosen
will give eye-witness reports on the
situation of Jews in Europe and in
Palestine during the war. Beth Lai-
kin will be moderator for the dis-
A social hour will follow the
Williams Guild Forum .. .
The Rev. C. I-I. Loucks will review
"A Partisan Guide to the Jewish
Problem," by Milton Steinberg, for
the Fireside Forum of the Roger
Williams Guild at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Guild House.
East Indies Lecture . .
Lt. Brand, of the Dutch East
Indies Army, will discuss the po-
litical situation in the Dutch East
Indies at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Lane
Prof. Albert hlyma of the history
department will introduce Lt.
Brand, who spent three years as a
Japanese prisoner. The lecture is
being sponsored by the Student
Evangelical Chapel.
Steere To Speak. ..
Prof. Douglas V. Steere, of the de-
partment of philosophy at Haver-
ford College, Pa., will speak on "A
Christian Report on Europe" at 8 p.
m. April 18 in Rackham Amphitheat-
Prof. Steere, who will speak under
the sponsorship of the Student Re-
ligious Association, has just returned
from Europe, where he has been di-
recting relief work under the aus-
pices of the American Friends Ser-
vice Committee. He is a member of
the National Council on Religion and
Higher Education.
Organ Recital
To Be Given

RED TROOPS MARCH OUT OF IRANIAN CITY-Russian troops march through the eastern Iranian city of
Meshed during evacuation movement. Withdrawal of Red Army troons from Iran under long-range scrutiny
of the United Nations Security Council, may be followed quickly by the election of a new Majlis (Parliament).

Byrnes Asks
Conference on
Peace Treaties
WASHINGTON, April 5--(AP)--Sec-
retary of State Byrnes has proposed a
meeting of big power foreign minis-
ters to begin in Paris April 25, the
State Department announced today.
Byrnes sent his suggestion yester-
day to Foreign Minister Molotov of
Russia, Bevin of Britain and Bidault
of France through the United States
embassies in Moscow, London and
Byrnes made it plain he was pro-
posing the meeting of foreign minis-
ters to speed completion on the
drafts of proposed peace treaties with
Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary,
and Finland because he was "much
distressed" at what he called the
"slow progress" made on those docu-
ments by the deputy foreign minis-
ters now meeting in London.
The Secretary of State urged that
the foreign ministers instruct the
deputies to "press forward their work
on the drafts with utmost speed."
The deputies should reserve "major
matters on which they cannot agree"
for disposition at the suggested meet-
ing of foreign ministers in Paris,
Byrnes said.
Overnight .Bike
Trip Planned
The Ann Arbor Youth Hostel group
will make the first of their April
overnight bicycle trips April 13 and
14 to the Saline Valley Farm Hostel,
where an outdoor picnic supper is be-
ing planned.
Though the trip is open to all stu-
dents, cyclists are requested to bring
a sleeping bag or blankets, eating
utensils and a hostel pass.
Hostelers will meet at 2 p.m. April
13 at Lane Hall, at which time they
will start their twelve mile trip to
Saline for a picnic supper and folk
and square dancing. The night will
be spent at the farm and cyclists
will return the following day to Ann
Reservations are necessary, since
the group is limited to 20 because of
shortages of sleeping accomodations.
To place reservations and for fur-
ther information, those interested
may call Nancy Smith, 7211, or Doro-
thy Armstrong, 7695, after 8:15 p.m.

Prof. Emeritus Thomas G. True-
blood, first chairman of the Depart-
ment of Speech and oldest living per-
son affiliated with the University, is
celebrating his ninetieth birthday at
Bradenton, Florida today.
Prof. Trueblood, who received his
education at Blue River Academy
and at Earlhan College in Indiana.
became instructor in oratory at the
University in 1884, and was promoted
from assistant professor of oratory
in the English department to chair-
man of the newly-organized speech
department in 1892.
Before coming to the University,
Prof. Trueblood and Robert L Ful-
ton had established the Fulton
and Trueblood School of Oratory
in Kansas City, Missouri. Prof.
Trueblood had received special
training in speech and dramatics
under Prof. S. S. Hamill, and James
E. Murdoch, the Shapespearean
At the University he organized the
first Midwest debate with Wisconsin,
and later, debates with Northwestern,
Wisconsin, Illinois, Chicago, and In-
diana. He was a founder of Delta
Sigma Rho, an organization for hon-
ored debaters, and the National
Speech Arts Association.
Prof. Trueblood also organized the
Oratorical Association Lecture Course
in 1911, and was chairman of the
sponsoring faculty committee until
he retired from teaching in 1926. In
1930, he founded the Michigan
Emeritus Club, which he served as
president for six years.
During sabbatical leaves, he lec-
Local Orchestra To
Enter State Festival
The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra,
under the direction of Prof. Joseph E.
Maddy, will participate in the first
post-war Michigan Massed Orches-
tra Festival to be held at 3 p.m. to-
morrow at Michigan State College.
During the war, the festival was
held in conjunction with the School
of Music each spring at Hill Audi-
torium. This year, Hans Lange, con-
ductor of the Chicago Civic Orches-
tra and associate conductor of the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, will
be guest conductor.
Sixteen orchestras will participate
in the festival. The program will be
broadcast over station WKAR.


tured in Tokyo, Manila, Beirut,
Syria (where he found a former
student who had become president
of a Syrian college) and in Hawaii,
New Zealand and Australia.
Prof. Trueblood, who played varsity
aaseball and football at Earlhan
when footballs were round, was well-
known for his golf and tennis skill
while at the University. He was a
member of the Faculty Tennis Club
and held the club's championship
ranking for the last five years of his
membership. Ordered by his physi-
cian to give up tennis, he developed
an interest in golf, and helped or-
ganize the Ann Arbor Golf and Out-
ir Club.
He was also the author of the "Lo-
comotive" yell that has since been
adopted by many colleges and high
schools. The Locomotive, according
to Prof. Trueblood, is good voice cul-
ture. The old yell has been too hard
on the voices of his speech students.

Prof. Thomas J. Trueblood'
Celebrates Ninietiethbirthday

AVC Chapter
Urges Passage
Of Science Bill
Resolution Wired to
State Congressmeu

A resolution endorsing the Kil-
gore-Magnuson Bill, which would es-
tablish a national science foundation,
was telegraphed to Michigan con-
gressmen and senators yesterday by
the Ann Arbor chapter of the Ameri-
can Veterans Committee.
Adopted at the AVC meeting
Thursday, the resolution reads:
"Because of the necessity of main-
taining constant scientific research
for the continued improvement of
our standard of living and to secure
the maintenance of national defense,
the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Ameri-
can Veterans Committee endorses S.
1850, the National Science Founda-
tion Bill, to promote these ends."
Pointing out that the bill provides
for substantial grants to states and
private institutions, AVC officials in-
dicated that scientific research at the
University might be expanded if the
bill were passed.
The resolution was adopted follow-
ing an address by John Lemish of the
Legislative Action Committee, who
pointed out that the bill has been fa-
vorably received by scientists in gen-
eral, and that it would eventually
create many job opporutnities for
veterans. The fundamental aims of
the bill, he said, coincide with the
policies of AVC toward achieving a
better post-war world.
TU' Grad Heads
Philippine State
Vincente Del Rosario, formerly a
Philippine government fellow at the
University, is now Governor of the
Philippine province of Batangas.
In a letter to the Alumni Associa-
tion, Del Rosario, who received an
L.L.M. degree here in 1921, writes of
his occupation since leaving the
Active in Philippine public service,
the 55-year-old legalist has served
as judge in the Philippine Supreme
Court, technical assistant in the De-
partment of Interior and as a mem-
ber of the University of Philippines
Board of Regents.


Continuous Shows Daily Starting 1:30 P.M.
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Claire Coci, organ virtuosa,


zThe dieyel //teI
PHONE 4241
With Easter coming THE ALLENEL intends to serve
its traditional FAMOUS EASTER DINNERS. Start
planning now to enjoy a quiet, satisfying Easter Sunday
dinner at Ann Arbor's MOST FAMOUS RESTAUR-
ANT. Watch for the appearance of our EASTER
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6 -# ttZ i~

present a program of organ music at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audito-
Miss Coci's several transcontinen-
tal tours, from Montreal to Los An-
geles, have won her nation-wide ac-
Miss Coci studied at the University
for two years as a special student
under Prof. Palmer Christian of the
School of Music. For the past three
years, she has been an instructor on
the organ faculty at Oberlin College.
She is the wife of Bernard La
Berge, a concert manager in New
Miss Coci has chosen a compre-
hensive program, ranging from Bach
to contemporary composers.
Michigan State Reports
Record Enrollment Figure
EAST LANSING, April 5-0')-
Final registration figures for Spring
Term show that Michigan State Col-
lege has the highest enrollment in its
history, 8,042 students--4.632 men
and 3,410 women, Registrar Robert
S. Linton reported today.
The previous high recorded was 7,-
231 students.

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