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March 31, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-31

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SUNDAY, :MARCH 31, 1946


FormCl Rushing




Coed Pledging
To Take Place
At 3 O'clock
686 Eligible Women Attended
Rushing Activities Sponsored
By 18 Campus Sororities
(Continued from Page 1)
Smith, Mary Thomson, and Annette
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Shirley August
Lois Bendes, Peggy Berris, Virginia
Brown, Harriett Friedman, Irma Lou
Galansky, Lois Garnitz, Vivian Gold-
berger, Beverly Herman, Marilyn Ko-
pel, Naomi Krause, Sally van Minden,
Marjorie Plaut, Roberta Reiter,
Edythe Rogal, and Helen Siskin.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Mary Margaret
Bird, Mary Anne Brice, Barbara
Clark, Martha J. DeLano, Gloria Go-
nan, Beverly J. Haley, Dorothy Je-
mal, Jacqueline Langan, E. Gay Lar-
sen, Jeanne Lindsey, Carolyn Jo Mio-
skowski, Rosalie Ellen Moore, Mary
Ann O'Connor, Sally Pearson, Mar-
garet Schalk, Corinne Schild, Char-
line Thieleman, and Phyllis Wendt.
Alpha Phi: Frances Bond, Mary H.
Campbell, Nancy Culligan, Barbara
Driscoll, Mary Dubois, Barbara Gib-
son, Frances A. Hall, Carol Holly,
Rachel Kirn, Patricia Laus, Margaret
Speckhard, Sally Stanton, Suzanne
Tolford and Mary Carolyn Wright.
Alpha Xi Delta: Lois Bagley, Janet
Bird, Betty Christmani, Mary Jean
Cuddihe, Bonnie Elms, Virginia Gai-
ser, Jeanne Feldman, Virginia Foren,
Lucy Carol Fraser, Shirley Johnson,
Paula H. Kemmer, Thomasine Neer-
ing, Nancy Rothfuss, Joan Smith,
Beverly Van Stone, Martha Weig,
Elizabeth Whittaker.
Chi Omega: Elizabeth Adams,
Charlotte Clark, Nancy Constantine,
Jeanne Deary, Mary Alice Dunivan,
Dorothy Goodin, Helen Griefer, Mar-
ilyn Haley, Margaret Herold, Eleanor
Hoffmaster, Jere Hurley, Betty In-
yart, Doris Krueger, Joan Lince, Wil-
ma Lyons, Nancy Musselman, Nancy
Phillips, Judith Robbins, Mary Fran-
ces Rogers, Nancy Stanton, Patricia
Stevens, Barbara Stickney, Dawm
Collegiate Sorosis: Elizabeth Barss,
Ingrid Burkland, Virginia Coffin, Sal-
ly Forman, Lisbeth Hildebrandt, He-
len House, Alice Huntington, Mary
Ellen Krauss, Laura Manthei Betsy
Moore, Ann Owens, Natalie Tayler,
Joyce Thomas, Suzanne Toepel, Nan-
cy Vedder, Sonia White.
Delta Delta Delta: Mary Elizabeth
Buell, Audrey Buttery, Elizabeth Dix-
on, Betty Estes, Ann Follinger, Polly
Hanson, Mary Lou Hill, Rae King,
Fean Lyman, Marjorie Reber, Joey
Reichert, Mary Soule, Jeanne Thorne,
Nell Wilson, Evelyn Wohlgemuth.
Delta Gamma: Patricia Baumgar-
ten, Betty Jane Bloxsom, Sarah E.
Bowen, Jean Bozell, Jeannette Buck-
ley, Mary Lou Dove, Margaret Elling-
wood, Dolores Farah, Ann E. Gestie,
Diana Gillis, Patricia Hannagan,
Nancy Loud, Martha Marshall, Jane
Massey, Agnes McIntyre, Patricia

Morley, Nancy Patton, Susan So-
cum, Mary M. Walch, Elizabeth
Gamma Phi Beta: Barbara Bartley,
Carolyn Chandler, Carla Cobb, Phyl-
lis "Collins, Shirley Fransworth, Es-
ther Gommesenn, Frances Klein,
Clara Lawrence, Kathryn Lynch, Leo-
na Martin, Patrucia McKenna, Jo-
anne Miles, Jacqueline Reid, Mary
Maragaet Robinson, Dona Schneider,
Rose Marie Schoetz, Gwen Sperlich.
Ruth Spore, Jean Van Leeuwen.
Kappa Alpha Theta: Lois Ander-
son, Beverly Ballantine, Eleanor
Brundrett, Joan Corlett, Mary Lou
Dickinson, Mary Joan Dodge, Betsy
Driscal, Cynthia Finn, Marilyn Jer-
vis, Eugenia Losch, Ursula Maister,
Suzanne Martin, Patricia Matheson,
Mary C. Nester, Mary C. Patterson,
Marion Riegel, Elizabeth Rhode,
Nancy Sayre, Helen Stegeman, Jane
Stout, Mary Stuart.
Kappa Delta: Barbara Bolmer,
Barbara Brown, Ann Griffin, Irene
Johnson, Gretchen Markle, Bonnie
McClelland, Norma Melter, JaneMu
holland, Laurene Pickford, 'Eileenj
Scanlon, Phyllis Smith, Sue Ann
Snyder, Marjory Stern.
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Virginia
Jeanne Blinn, Donna Brown, Mary
Buckmaster, Carole Castricum, Fel-
icia Duvall, Barbara Forster, Nancy
Hess, Joanne Hill, Jeanne Hunt, Joan
Kampmeier, Karin Lindh, Penelope
Newhall, Margaret Rathke, Barbara
Sickels, Ruth Sights, Mary June
Simpson, Marjorie Sutfin, Barbara
Pi Beta Phi: Jean Boos, Joan
Broadbridge, Barbara Busse, Joyce
Cavins, Theodus Courtney, Ellen
Crowley, Dorothy Ellis, Harriet Ann
Fenske, Marylou Kinally, Jo Ann
Lambert, Karin Larson, Betty Man-
ning, Sue Montgomery, Charlotte,
Peck, Nancy Perry, Shirley Smith
Mary Stierer, Ann Tuck.,
Sigma Delta Tau: Sue Braveman,
Loraine Cobrin, Marilyn Davies, Mir-
iam Eckerling, Devora Fiedler, Sol--
veig Heimann, Betty Levin, Judith
Levin, R. Marcia Lipsett, Harriet
Mermelstein, Vivian Miller, Betty
Lou Rafelman, Rosalyn Rittenbaum,
Marjorie Schlenger, Joan Silverman,
Genevieve Steiger, Florence Wohl,
Marjorie Zaller
Zeta Tau Alpha: Barbara Crosby,
Alice Dallmeier, Ruth Gerstner, Joyce
Jackson, Elaine Keebler, Jean Lipke,
Joan Richardson, Rosemarie Young.
Badminton Matches
Urging a speed-up in the badmin-
ton matches, Mary Perone, badmin-
ton manager, emphasized the neces-
sity of each winner contacting her
next partner.
The tournament is lagging far be-
hind schedule and promptness of
playing off the second match of the
series is necessary if the tournament
is to be completed on time.
(Continued from Page 4)
a.m. Subject: "Reality" Sunday
School at 11:45 a.m.
A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 706 Wolver-
ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth,
where the Bible, also the Christian
Science textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5

Women eceP
Entertainment Committee Needs
Students To Perform at Hospital



Weems' Band .
To Be Heard at
Slide Rule Ball
Engineers and their guests will
dance to the music of Ted Weems and
his orchestra instead of Eddy How-
ard, as was previously announced, at
this year's presentation of Slide Rule
Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to mid-
night Friday, April 12 at the Union
Decorations for the ball will be cen-
tered around a huge slide rule, as is
the tradition. An arch resembling the
Engineering Arch will be built over
the doorway, and caricatures of vari-
ous engineering professors will be dis-
played along the corridor leading to
the ballrcom. The walls will be de-
corated with the insignia of the var-
ious engineering societies.
Tickets are being sold from 10
a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
every day but Saturday and Sunday
at the Engineering Arch, and stu-
dents purchasing them must show
their cashier's receipt for the spring
The committee members for the
dance include Robert Royce, chair-
man; Russel Shields in charge of
music; Henry Kaminski, business;
William Squire and Hal Walters, de-
corations; Milton David and Russel
Cutting, tickets; Betty Hansen, pa-
trons; Mary Pat King, programs; and
George Spaulding, publicity.
Ted Weems. who was recently dis-
charged from the United States Mari-k
time Service, claims that the qual-
ity of the average band from now on
will be far above anything in the past.
He goes on to say, "Bands will be a
solid combination of sweet and hot
without too much sugar on one side
or wild swing on the other. The ac-

'U' Rifle Club
Ends Season

Tearn Wins FourLoses Two AS PART of the Camp and Hospital
Intercollegiate Postal Matches Committee, which functions in
croperation with the Red Cross. a,
The Women's Athletic Associationnw committee is being formed toi
The ome's thlticAssciaionI: ovie entertainment for the wound-
Rifle Club finished a successfurll sea- :dc soldiers of Percy Jones Hospital.d
son yesterday, having won four of :Ted EnertainmenCosHita.n
its seven Intercollegiate Postal Ierly needs both men and women
Matches, Lou Estell, chairman of the y
s s ers, either solo or group, instru-.
group announced. ,mutalists, classical and popular
The Rifle Club defeated North- pianists, magicians, tap dancers,
western, 490 to 4789Penn Hall Junior whistlers, and specialty acts.
College, 480 to 391; Univers'ity of_
Wisconsin, 965 to 944: and Boise Rifle rpRYOUTS will be held from 4 to 6
and Pistol Club, Women's Division, p.m. Wednesday in the Grand
Boise Idaho, 483 to 478. atids Room of the League for those
one tie, students who would like to help in
The clubs record shows eetiignevcmn.Mseen
483, with Penn State. Beaver Collegeentertaining servicemen. Mrs. Leona
Jenkintown, Pa., defeated the Michi- P. Diekema, social director of Martha
gan team, 483 to 480; and Drexel In- Cook dormitory and chairman of the
stitute of Philideiphia won its match, Committee, will be in charge of the
492 to 43. auditions. The first engagement at the
Hospital will be Thursday, and the
The average high scorer for the
season was Gloria Miller who finished
with a 99 average. Lola Patton, Lou
Estell, Barbara Crosby, and Lydia
Ann Creed each had a season average
of 95.6.
Rhoda Crooks was designated as
the women who had shown the most
improvement in the beginners group.
Lt. Leslie Ericson was the instruc-
tor for the Rifle Club and Miss Bever-
ly Sidell of- the Women's Physical
Education Department was the group>
Paris has begun to send it's latest

Ied Cross will provide transportation
r'HE Camp and Hospital Commit-
tee, along with the Red Cross,
has helped to aid the wounded by do-
nating money for wheel chairs and
reading projectors. Martha Cook
Building and Soph Cabaret have also
donated to the project.
Mrs. Diekema, commenting on the
work of the committees, said, "We
hope we are bringing a little sunshine
into the lives of the wounded boys at
the Hospital, for whom the war will
never be over."
Linens have taken a new lease on
life! And their inspiration has come
from Mexico. This year, the coed
will wear black skirts combin-
ed with a ruffled peasant blouse.

Bridge Party
Will Be Held
Reviving an old tradition, the Coed
Annual Bridge Party will be held
from 2 to 5 p.m., Saturday, April 13
in the League Ballroom.
Tickets will be fifty cents each in-
cluding tax, and women are asked to
come in groups of four so that there
will be no difficulty in arranging
tables. The ticket sales will be an-
nounced at a later date.
Highlighting the afternoon will be
a style show presented by an Ann Ar-
bor department store and featuring
spring ahd summer fashions modeled
by University coeds.
Cottons, as treated by high fash-
ion designers, has gone sophisticated.
Mull and batiste are shown in dark
colors, with demure necklines and
puffed sleeves. Wonderful, they say,
with a summer's tan!


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fashions to the United States. Ship-
ments of fabrics, trimmings, and
completed garments are crossing the
Atlantic increasing quantities.
Paris contouriers have changed
their fashions, however, to appeal to
the taste of the American women.





-..~.With the coming of
Warm Weather...
May we offer a suggestion
Change to one of our light weight
100V virgin wool blankets. We
have them in lovely light pastels
and in bright plaids. Our blankets
are guaranteed to brighten any


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No man ever forgets Le Dandy. Dis.
turbing and timeless as Love itself, it is
one of the greof perfumes of all time.

r--- r F- 'M C A\N/

FROM 3.00 TO 28.50
Plus F cerac Tax

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WORSTED GABARDINE carefully precise
but, oh, so feminine. . . in a soft suit manipulated
to perfection-fit. Deep armholes and a nipped-
into-nothing waist dramatize the saucy slashed
flirt skirt . . . just what you want for Easter

This and many

other styles

shown on our mezzanine floor.
Unique and distinctive accessories you'll love to
partner and parade . .. awaiting your selection
on the main floor.

} { it .'
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(.iyrmfini conIl rsationl
priiit. Gold, henzna and

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