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March 31, 1946 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-31

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SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1946



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Petitions for Assembly Board
Posts Will Begin Tomorrow

League To live Coed n d Red
Undergraduates To u Total

Cross Collects
Of $2,312

Positions Are Open
For Qualifying Coeds
Petitioning for Assembly Board for
1946-47 will begin tomorrow, and will
last until noon Saturday, April 6.
All petitions are to be placed in
the box provided in the Undergradu-
ate office in the League. Women
must also sign up for interviews
which will be held during the week of
April 8, in the Assembly office, Room
D, thirdfloor of the League. The
hours include from 4 p.m. to 5:30
p.m. Monday and Wednesday and
from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and from 4
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday.
The qualifications for the offices
include senior standing for all posi-
tions except secretary-treasurer and
personnel administrator. Seniors
must have had at least one year's ex-
perience in League activities. A good
scholastic standing, interest in As-
sembly's aims and functions, plus en-
thusiasm,. initiative,, a .cooperative
spirit,. and. understanding. of .the
problems facing the Intedpendent
women are further essentials for all
The positions open and the duties
include the president of Assembly
who will preside at board meetings
and represents Independent women
on League council. The president also
coordinates activities of Assembly, is
a member ex-officio of the League
Executive Council and represents In-
dependents on all-campus organiza-
tion committees.
The vice-president representing
dormitories will be responsible for
conducting weekly meetings of dor-
mitory house presidents (including
auxiliary dorms and cooperative
houses). At these meetings campus
events and activities are reported and
discussed as well as the problems of
house presidents. The also directs
and coordinates activities of dormi-
tory presidents, installs new house
presidents each fall at Installation
Night, and as a member of Assembly
board helps to plan and conduct
teas, dances, campus drives and proj-
The vice-president representing
league houses has similar duties. She
conducts the weekly meeting of the
presidents, directs and coordinates
their activities, and initiates various
programs for league house residents.
In addition to this the vice-presi-
dent installs the house president at
Installation Night, and is also a
member of Assembly board.
The secretary-treasurer keeps the
records of board meetings, maintains
a file of newspaper clippings, pro-
grams, records, and handles all As-
sembly funds.
The personnel administrator is in
charge of maintaining a file of the
interests of Independent women, di-
rects a personnel committee which
sets up a file and calls individual girls
when a need for their particular tal-
WAA Invites Coeds
To Help In Carnival
All women interested in working
on the various committees for the
WAA all-campus Carnival, to be
held Saturday, April 27, are invited
to attend a mass meeting at 5:15
p.m. tomorrow at WAB. Committee
chairmen of the Carnival will ex-
plain the duties of committee mem-
bers and coeds are reminded that
working on the Carnival will give
them added credit when they petitiOn
for WAA positions.

mnts arises, and encourages partici-
pation in various activities.
Activity chairmen of both league
houses and dorms compile activity
hours of each Independent house,
contact activity chairmen of the
meetings. In the event that activity
sheets are discontinued next fall, one
chairman will become the social di-
rector and will direct all Assembly
social affairs such as League House
Dances, President Installation Night,
A3embjy teas, Independent Fort-
night, ard any new social event which
he might suggest.
Women desiring to petition are
urged to read past president reports
which are available in the League li-
brary and to come to the Assembly
office for advice and suggestions
from present board members.
Junior Posts
To Be Opened
For Petitioning
Women petitioning for positions on
Junior Girls Play, for Junior assis-
tant positions, and as junior mem-
bers of Judiciary Council must turn
their petitions in by noon Saturday
to the Judiciary Box in the Under-
graduate office.
Ruthann Bales, president of the
council, also announced that women
petitioning must sign for interviews
when they turn in petitions. Inter-
viewing for these junior positions will
be held from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on
April 8, 9, 10, and 12 in the Council
Room in the League.
Petitions Must Be Complete
Petitions should embody in full the
candidate's original ideas for the po-
sition, and Miss Bales emphasized
that constructive criticisms of this
year's work are desired. The petition
should also show a thorough knowl-
edge of the duties of each office for
which the coed is petitioning.
If a woman is petitioning for more
than one junior position, she should
include plans for all of these offices
in her petition and list them in order
of her preference on the front of the
Every coed who has an eligibility
card and will be of junior standing
next fall is urged to petition for these
positions Women petitioning for
three memberships on the Judiciary
council should bring as references_
the names of her housemother and of
an upperclassman.
Assistant's Job Open
Openings for juniors on League
Council positions include one assis-
tant to the secretary, five on the ori-
entation central committee, four on
the meritutorial, two aides to the per-
sonnel chairman, six on the social
committee, five assistants to the
drives chairman, and two on the pub-
licity committee.
Positions as members of the cen-
tral committee for the 1946-47 Junior
Girls Play open to coeds petitioning
are chairman, assisant chairman, di-
rector, secretary-treasurer, stage
manager, music (composer, lyric writ-
er, and choral director), dance, tick-
ets; costumes, scenery, properties,
make-up, publicity, and ushering,
and program.
For information concerning the po-
sitions coeds should attend the meet-
ing at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the League
Ballroom. Past League Presidents'
reports may also be consulted, and
coeds interested should watch the
bulletin boards in the Undergraduate
office for statements concerning du-
ties of the various jobs.

$Pecia1 Otices
Coeds Will Use Grand Rapids,
Ethel Hussey, Game Rooms
For Extra-Curricular Activitics

Faclihtie, New Siudent Rooms
A total of $2,312.20 has been col-
WH~ F e Fxolaine Visitors lected for the Red Cross fronm most

'1 r " ''
tIs f;z



The Bcard of Governors of the
League has made several changes in
its policy of making rooms available
to alumni and private groups, ac-
cording to an announceme made$
yesterday by Mrs. Lucile Cong er, ex-
ecutive secretary of the Alumni Coun-
As a result of the increased en-
rollment of women students since the
building of the present League in
1929, the board has recognized the
corresponding increase in women's
activities. They have therefore desig-
nated a number of the rooms in the
League exclusively for undergraduate
use, among them the Grand Rapids
Room, the Ethel Fountain Hussey
Room, and the Game Room on the
second floor, and the A, B, C, D, and
E rooms on the third floor.
New Offices, Meeting Rooms
The rooms will be used as offices
and committee meeting rooms for
the various departments of the
League Under-graduate Council, in-
eluding Assembly, Panhellenic, and
the freshman, sophomore, junior, and
senior projects.
The building, which was opened in
1929 as a center for the activities of
the 2800 women then on campus, has
been available to alumni and local
groups for meetings and private par-
ties. Since there are now approxi-
mately 5,400 women on campus, the
Board of Governors has felt it neces-
sary to curtail the public use of
League facilities in order to give
the undergraduate women sufficient
space for managing their student ac-
tivities and projects.
Growth Of Activities
"While these changes mean a cer-
tain curtailment of privileges to
many who have enjoyed the League's
generosity, it is gratifying to the
aluminae who built the League to
know that the building is fulfilling its
original purpose," Mrs. Conger said.
"As the enrollment of women has
increased, there has been a broad-
ening of extra-curricular interests
and a growth in the membership of
the Undergraduate division. The
splendid results of the opportunities
which the activities program has
given the college women cannot be

C (-a j
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OC7r of the women's dormitories, sorori-
', e tes, and league hems. announced
San Gafney, League teaurer.
-, s fa- Collegiate Sorosiss contribution of
n 5?.00 was the highest of any of the
asis_ .ocrities. Storkwell headed the
_ ast- drmitory contributions with $250.70,
ndut- while Mosher ran second with $191.22.

WAA Notices
The Fencing Club will meet at 4:20
p.m. Tuesday at the WAB for fenc-
ing on the terrace.
The 'lennis Club will meet at 5,
p.m. Tuesday at the WAB.
The Camp Coumtscors Club will
hold a cookout at 5:30 p.m. Wednes-
day at the WAB. Each coed should
bring her own food. Club members
and any others interested are invited.
Coeds interested in officiating at
softball games should meet at 4 p.m.
Friday in Barbour Gym.

Education Seniors
Announce Elections
Th. Senio Cla of the Scho)l of
Eduction announces its elections:
Chaillotte A. Wood will be the new
21 esid ent: Patricia Judson will be the
Sie-president: and Bonnie J. Huff-
man will be secretary-treasurer.
The following women have been
clhosen to represent the Senior Class
of the Shool of Education on eah of
the various committees: Martha A,
Peet. Swingout; Dorothly L. Gray,
Senior Announcements; and Ann
Schuemacher will serve on the Jun-
ior Banoutot ComZmitte.

a"In general, the donations for this
in mma dn .sf ornisiwl beyear were very good,- said Miss Gaff-
actits ney, "in spite of the fact that no
ais whiiih quotas were set for individuals or
haive nLot r. a e for houses.' " MG -
verd l '~r . ~t The money collected in the annual r r
a A 1v d Cross annual membership drive
mc vd thet r offica up C .. .n .Oi- will go the finance the activities of N ewst c r r fIt-t
& ion C12 . A new the American and iternational Red ' e bycoiirage . . . the at op
rroeect k in Cioss. A portion o each dellar col- bob Soit, shiny , na t . styledy
stallest yl.edl slected is retained in the United States
eing ex2Untr: - for emergency services in case of any 'our shi sta fto pese "coke
'y 2 . n f disaster. Pa t of the mroney is used crowd!Easv-to-care-formexpensive.
these rOOmsli is t( ae a a. Uuy alSl to finance Red CrOSS a('tities which j
whide the c ther x. iii t. ' c.n. erted help to relieve world wide sutering.
into a icunge (cot'e' v -h ,b' lbx.---- cV
Large meetings will aLs iii held there Blonde to brunettes is one of the
when the (ca2n t1d The latest fads to be adopted by the col-
League library has _-e erXiendd and tege coed. And the means is a simple gr UI aU. v 'ut2L ton
11ore boas 1 r UnPe1-S1i''csene; carbon paper, rubbed over
have ;jee t aded hs'sonde locks results in....ives the1205 Sour UNIvRsIY PhONE 4818
The aii..;( lns x uct 'darkening necessairy to change the
rooms and all Leage a . tics will type. ,
be coveied on the - - ---
tours there will b a meetn ; held at :-_-_------_- _--------_----------_--
4 p.m. to explain p cit io i 0-
League pOsitions.
"This year' leagut Open Houxli- i.
the first to be presented sin,: 194
and the piactice Will contintuie ach
year to enable wmen to become ac-
quainted with their League, women's
activities and the methlc of PeL-
tioning for League posiious," an-
nounced No-a MacLaughlin, p2eC-;l'
dent of the League Cutnuil,

W AA Table Tennis
Inteihouse t able tennis playof s,
preliminary to the all-campus tour-
nament, will begin this week, accord-
ing to Janet Morgan, table tennis
Each dorm league house, and so-
rority is expected to complete their
house elimination Inatches by April
20, and nmatches may be played from
J a.m. to noon any Saturday at Bar-
bcur G:m. if the particular house
la ks table tennis facilities.
House winners will automatically
enter the all-':impus match, sched-
uled to begin April 20.


piece dress
s a
civy or

you'll be a dand
in the easter parade in this two-p
with its basque silhouette plus
flirtatious peplum . . . in nc
black rayon stonecutter fabric
misses sizes . .. 1X,9



N W Srl y E
The Short
Bright Coat P
a beautiful group of the new ,
Shortie Coats. In all pastel
r colors and Navy and Black.
r Sizes 9-15; 10-14.
[l Priced from

t Y' f '
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r f f ;
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r l i

itravel light with a
dopp-kit clever case for toilet
articles and accessories that opens wide
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in black or brown pigskin, calfskin,

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oiled silk lining . .
. 3.75 to 10.00.

plus federal tax.

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precious navy blue calf
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everyone wants in an open toe,
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. also in

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Oscar Hayman Spun Rayon. Juniors 9 to 15.

$1 9 5

1 i

Oscar Hoyman Spun Rayon. Juniors 9 to 15. ii L

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