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March 31, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-31

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Chinese Writer Interprets U.S.
From University Experiences
Former Professo r's Handbook Introduces
Foreign Students to Americani Customs

Reflections on his years of studying
at the University provided Dr. Ching-
Kun Yang with enough observations
of what makes Americans tick that
he could write "Meet the U.S.A.," a
handbook to introduce foreign stu-
dents to America.
As a graduate student, having
carned his A.B. and M.A. at
Yenching University, America's
quick economic changes, lack of
class barriers and rapid progress
seemed, Dr. Yang begins, "as a
cocktail shaker in which the Amer-
icans came into contact and mixed
with each other."
Dr. Yang came to the University
from Canton, China in 1934 to serve
as an instructor in sociology and
work on his PhD which he received in
1940. While here he was active in
the Chinese Club.
Published by the Institute of Inter-
national Education, "Meet the U.S.A."
is a conversationally styled analysis
of America, and its people and their
distinctive characteristics. Among
them Dr. Yang finds these particu-
larly noteworthy:
Hustle-Bustle: "In a little more
than a century, these Americans
cleared a wild continent and built
the world's richest and most lux-
urious civilization from forests and
empty prairies . . . how could the
Americans have accomplished all
this without frantic haste?".. .. .
Love of Talk: . . . "Not limited to
private life, but extends to public ac-
tivities. Digging into one's purse in
order to listen to someone talk is an
American custom."
Tolerance of Opposition: "You can
take a few steps in a public square
and hear opinions of all shades. On
any newstand . . papers and maga-
zines of every political hue. On the
floor of the legislature opponents may
be shaking angry fists at each other
...but you frequently see them later
seated together over a glass of beer."
Modes of Travel: There's plane,
railroad and bus and "if you stand
on the side of the highway and raise
your thumb in the direction you
wish to go, you will find that cars
will frequently stop to pick you up."
Attitude toward Women: "We
should observe the general practice
of giving women special considera-
tion in social life. When attending
a formal dance with a girl, secure a
cab or automobile so she will not
soil her evening dress by waleing on
the street. Never joke about a girl's
being too plump or too thin."
Informality: "Everybody calls
-.- - - ....._.-- -- -----

everybody else by his first name. The
common people, in addressing an im-
portant official whom they know will
often call him by his first name."
rench Student
Reports Trials
At Nuremberg
An opportunity for which many
students would trade their best type-
writer ribbon; or even their type-
writer, has been given to a young
French girl who is a court reporter at
the Nuremberg military trials.
Ginette Meriot is one of the six
members of the French Delegation
who daily take their turn to record
the statements of the twenty defen-
dants. She related her first-hand ob-
servations recently in a letter to a
fellow-journalism student at the Uni-
The accused, she remarked, "need
no opera glasses to see the profound
distaste in my eyes that they inspire."
They are always trying to show silent
signs of protest, especially Goering
and Saukel, who smile bitterly, shrug
their shoulders, or shake their heads.
Some, like Funk, connot control their
tears when they hear of the Mpany
atrocities. Hess, with the eyes of a
mad man, looks like a grinning pup-
pet doing a death dance, while Von
Ribbentrop remains master of him-
self and seriously takes notes."
Refusing to pardon the Keitels and
Jodls who have clear consciences un-
der the pretext that they had only
fulfilled their duties as soldiers, Gin-
ette termed their excuse falacious,
,since, she said, Hitler would never
have succeeded without the help of
his military advisers.
Schacht, Director of the Reichs-
bank, she remarked, seems surprised
to find himself at the trial. "Perhaps
he was not directly responsible for
the Nazi crimes," Ginette said, "but
he made them possible through his
political-ecenomic genius."
"Sauckel and Speer," she contin-
ued, "beasts that they are, led the
populations of the eastern occupied
territories, treating them with an in-
humanity impossible to imagine.
Seyss-Inquart, Von Neurath, and
Fritsche complete the twenty who
strangled the world in the name of a
mad ideology, and who now expect
Curious to know more about Amer-
ican girls she wrote, "Like a shot, I
have made up my mind to be intro-
duced to one of them. It is very funny
. in Paris I am on friendly terms
with several American officers, but
never have I spoken to a WAC. Is
it not stupid? But I dare not. They
seem so cool, so indifferent to us,"
she concluded.
Action Against Army
In Germany Demanded
WASHINGTON, March 30-(P)--
Rep. Celler (Dem-NY) said today he
will demand "summary action"
against all U. S. Army personnel who
allowed German police to raid a dj.
placed person camp near Stuttgart in
the American Occupation zone of
The raid yesterday by a force of
320 police was aimed at black mar-
kets. It touched off a two-hour riot
in which one Jew was killed and two

German People's
Health Is 'Good,'
Dr. Salk Says
r.The health of the German people,
s "remarkably good," Dr. Jones Salk
Af the School of Public Health said
Dr. Salk has recently returned from
a three-month visit to Europe on a
special mission from the SurgeonI
General's office of the War Depart-
He attributed the good condition
there largely to the fact that the
Germans built up a large food sup-
ply from the plundering of other
nations. "There is little evidence
of malnutrition, and during the
past war there was very little res-
piratory disease," he added.
Nonetheless, he continued, Ger-
many has fallen many years behind
in the advancement of medical sci-
ence. The once superior German
medicine has deteriorated markedly,
for all German technological and sci-
entific advances were directed toward
the prosecution of the war.
In his visits to such institutions
as the University of Heidelberg and
the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Frank-
fort, Dr. Salk observed a rather con-
sistant story as to how their best
men lost their positions, either be-
cause they were non-Aryans, or be-
cause they spoke against the regime.
Prof. Salk was sent to Germany
by the War Department to be on
the lookout for the beginnings of
an influenza epidemic. Although
there was no epidemic, he assisted
in setting up "watchposts" through-
out the American zone, in which
medical men are kept constantly
on the alert for any signs of dis-
ease. Laboratories, both for the
German civilians and the Ameri-
can military, were established to
diagnose diseases and discover
causes and effects.
"Germany today is faced with the
problem of developing biological ma-
terials and drugs for disease study
and cure, for their former sources
have been destroyed. The American
military government, which is -giv-
ing aid in the preparation and manu-
facture of vaccines, is trying to help
the Germans to help themselves," he

But Moreso in 1862

]Than I-ow, Ur ... h
Pranksters on the Michigan campus
perform tame feats to bedevil faculty
morale nowadays as compared to
some of the terrors of bygone eras.
The "boys of '62," a group of aver-
age college students not more than
thirty years old, transported an aged
donkey from a local Ann Arbor farm
to the second story of South Wing
one night and tied him securely to1
the professor's desk. A bundle of
hay was generously left upon the desk
to keep the animal from starvation.
The next morning the professor,
upon perceiving the situation, re-
marked, "Well, gentlemen, I am ex-
tremely delighted this morning to see
that you have chosen one of your own
number to preside, and consequently
do not need me."
One day a student brought a large
portion of skunk cabbage to a botany
class and ground it onto the floor
with his foot. The professor, over-
come with the fumes, reminded the
students that his was a botany, not
a zoology class and requested that
the small odiferous animal be re-
A student, attempting to exploit
the knowledge of his science profes-
sor, constructed with paste and wire
a "new specimen" of ;invertebrate na-
ture from -various parts of insects col-
lected from the fields adjacent to the
campus. Before class he marched
up to the professor and asked what
kind of a bug he had found. After a
brief moment of silence the professor
replied, "A humbug, sir."
Ann Arbor Is Expected
To Reach Red Cross Quota
Ann Arbor is expected to have
reached its 1946 Red Cross quota
when the campaign officially ends to-
day. Before yesterday's returns were
computed, it was within $5,359 of its
$48,460 goal.
Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN


In the Ann Arbor of two gal-
ons of whiskey sold for,,thle, paltry
gum of one dellar--no age require-
ments specified--according to a
storekeeper's account book en display
at the Michigan Historical Collee-
ions in the Rackhai building.
.A private lior 'e to Detroit, round-
trip, could be rented at the mini-
mum rate of two d&!lars, and 400
peunds of pork (tsoneone obvious-
ly preparing for Civil War ration-
ilrg) could be purchased for fifteen
John Allen and E. W. Ruinsey, the
men who made this possible, came
iere in 1823 and settled Wilfred
Shaw, director of alumni relations,
writes his bock on the Histcry of the
In 1850, the early settlers had de-
veloped Ann Arbor into a thriving

cttlement replete with seventy busi-
ness establishments, as evidenced
from the Business Directory, a sup-
plement of the "Washtenaw Whig,"
the town newspaper.
Among these was the film of
Thompson and Bach, formerly on the
corner of Main and Washington,
which sold groceries, crockery, hard-
ware and "all kinds of country pro-
duce," plus if you please!) manufac-
tures of boots and saddles.
George Grenville, listed as a
druggist in this publication, sold
paints, oils, dye-stuff, clock,s,
watches, jewelry, lamps and wicks.
In very small letters at the bottom
of the ad the following was writ-
ten: "Also, all the patented medi-
cines of the day." One might justly
uppese that these enterprises were
the forerunners of the modern gen-
eral store.

Ann AI'borites were also privileged
to "Call upon the Emiperor"-the em-
peror of the west, who gladly cut,
shaved and performed their hair for
a minor minimum fee.
The only advertisement concern-
ing the medical profession was a den-
tist's ad which was illustrated with a
pair of pliers and a set of "store"
teeth. Dr. Burger offered to engage
in any operation in dentistry "which
will be warranted to please."
Vets Get One-Third Cars
Of Ford Dearborn Branch
DETROIT, March 30-(P)-The
Ford Motor Company said today one
of every three new 1946 cars deliver-
ed through Feb. 1 by its Dearborn
branch area has gone to a World
War II veteran.


Ann Arbor in 1850 Provided Student Life
Of Dire Hardship (?) -rn No Age Requirement


__________ _"'

The Bell-Hop Look
The short, short jacket that
hugs your ribs . .. makes your
waist look even tinier in con-
trast to the flaring skirt.
Spring's young favorite-"the
bell-hop look' - in a suit
played up by all three of the
leading fashion magazines.
Silver-buttoned Hockanum
wool in lime, powder blue,
jade green, cocoa brown.
nfiOr SiZeS.

Now that Spring is here, a young man's thoughts will
turn to engagement rings - and all eyes will turn to look
at her ring if you make your choice from our large selec-
tion of solitaire White Rose engagement rings.
We have all types of WATCH BANDS.
Cents - leather, gold, stainless steel, expansion bands
Ladies - leather, cord, gold.


2 2 1 E"A S1T LI BERTY



, __




ii you want to look your best...

'; f. ''Sry,;
S . Y"


If it's a new spring ensemble
or just that extra somethiig
to make it complete, Collins
has it!
Add a crisp blouse or dickey,
smart purse, colorful gloves,
and one of our new short top-

'ake the WAS'T'E from your waist-
line with Ranger Shorts...middle
magic that makes you look years
younger. Made of all-elastic, this
trimmer makes you look inches
slimmer. And best of all ...you never
know you've got it on.--doesn't
bind...doesn't pull! And it does
give you the gende support needed
by men of action.
' 'I'D J



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