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November 08, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-08

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Verdicton League
Houses Due Tod
Washington OPA Price Department
To Decide Two-Year Old Question
Wiether league houses are exempt from OPA regulations, basis of a
two-year old University-Price Administration controversy, will be decided
today by the Washington OPA price department, A. D. Ruegsegger, OPA
regional attorney announced last night.
Announcement of the impending decision came just two days after
University president Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven sent a telegram to OPA
director Chester Bowles, protesting OPA "solicitation" of local student
&complaints against alleged league
, ..house price-ceiling violations.
Commulnity Students Complain
The controversy came to light last
Chest Dive weekend when it was revealed that
University students filed complaints
W ill Continue with the local OPA office against
operators of several league houses
'U' Must Raise $12,000 charging violations of price ceilings
for food.
To Reach Chest Quota Specifically, it is charged that rates
Since the Ann Arbor Community have been raised 20 per cent over
Chest Campaign failed to realize its 1943 prices. This, University offi-
goal of $139,864 at the close of the cials did not deny.
drive yesterday the effort will be Before the fall semester, the Board
continued indefinitely until the quota of Regents officially okayed the price
is reacher, campaign heads announc-
ed. increase. According to University
Pledged' to collect $25,000, the Uni- vice-president Marvin L. Niehuss, the
versity division realized 52% of its Regents acted under the conviction
quota in its three day drive. The that "league houses of the University
campus collections amounted to are a part of the University housing
slightly ovr $13,000. Plans are being system and as such are specifically
formulated to intensify the campus exempt from OPA control."
campaign in an effort to reach all League Houses Separate
students. The OPA, on the other hand, con-
At a dinner meeting of division tends that league houses are separate
chairmen yesterday, it was revealed and distinct from the University, and
that all but approximately $26,000 of that they are, unlike the University,
the quota had been obtained. Ann in business for profit and therefore
Arbor is pledged to raise $139,864. they fall under OPA regulation.
Contributions will be accepted all At present 20 out of 89 league
this week and probably on into next houses are serving meals to residents.
week in the campus area, so that The OPA decision will affect approx-
those who have not yet given, or those imately 300 University women.
who may wish to increase their gifts,
may have an opportunity to share in
the drive. IRA Initiates
Funds raised in the Community
Chest Drive are used both locally and c
distributed abroad. The need for fill- o aca
ing the Chest is urgent, and every one,
student as well as local citizen, should Di scri nia tion
feel the responsibility personally,
leaders of the drive emphasized.
"In the past the IRA has been
characterized by excessive verbaliza-
AM Objects tion and too little action," Herbert
Otto, president of the Inter Racial
To CIO ~a e Association told the group at a meet-
ing yesterday.
Level M otion Presenting a report reviewing the
past activities of the association and
making recommendations for activi-
spokesmen for the CIO and the Na- ties for this term Otto said, "A proj-
tional Association of Manufacturers ect has been initiated by members of
clashed publicly tonight on whether this group which will result in action
President Truman's labor-manage- on the subject of racial discrimina-
ment conference should consider the
question of national wage levels. tion. This action will directly affect
A few hours after CIO President the students of this campus."
Philip Murray succeeded in getting a Emphasizing the need for those
wage resolution before the confer- willing to work, Otto invited all those
ence's powerful executive committee interested "In this project to improve
-which would have to clear it before racial equality at the University" to
it reached the conference floor-NAM attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mon-.
president Ira Mosher declared his op- day at the Michigan Union.
position. An announcement was also made
Must Discuss Principles First that IRA is one of the member groups
Mosher said it would be putting affiliated with the Unitarian Church
"the cart before the horse" to take student group engaged in organizing
up the wage question without first a campaign to establish a permanent
having found agreement on the col- Fair Employment Practices Commit-
lective bargaining principles by which tee.
wage and other questions are to be The election of officers, which was
settled by unions and management. postponed because of insufficient
His stand, understood to represent representetion, will be held at the
the opinion of the management dele- next regular meeting at 7:30, p.m.
gates generally, was believed to have Wednesday in the Union.

Palestine To
Be Subject of
Debate Today
Sosson, Hopkins
Will State Views
"Should the United States favor
unrestricted Jewish immigration into
Palestine" will be debated by Profs.
Preston Slosson and Clark Hopkins
at 4:10 p.m. today in the Rackham
In interviews yesterday salient
points in their respective arguments
were given by the contestants. Prof.
Hopkins, associate director of the
Greek and Latin language depart-
ments who will represent the nega-
tive case, argues that "by receiving
500,000 Jews into Palestine already,
the Arabs, in proportion to the efforts
of any other nation, have done more
than their share in finding homes for
Jewish refugees."
The case against the Jews in
Palestine does not reflect on the
Jews themselves, lhe pointed out.
Rather it is a question of whether
or not any new group of settlers
should be allowed into a land where
the group already received there
has proved unassimilative. Prof.
Hopkins believes that "a large pro-
portion (of the Jews) would choose
America" were all nations open to
"Is the insistence by factions in
America and Great Britain on the
open door in Palestine merely a de-
sire to avoid the question of whether
or not we should open our doors to
refugees here?" he asks. Efforts
could more suitably be spent in try-
ing to reduce immigration barriers to
Jewish refugees in other countries,
he said.
Prof. Slosson, authority on inter-
national affairs, asserts that "to deny
the Jews this one small corner-a cor-
ner long associated with Jewish life
and tradition, and where the presence
of the Jews is benecial to the pros-
perity of the whole country-is self-
determination run mad."
Prof. Slosson points out that
Palestine, which is geographically
accessible to Europe, is only one
state of refuge, but one which the
Jews themselves desire. "The prob-
lems of whether or not additional
Jewish refugees should be allowed
into Palestine is one which cannot
be considered from the standpoint
of the local population, but rather
as it bears on the issues of the
world," he maintains.
The most suitable solution to the
problem, Prof. Slosson holds, is that
for which there has been the most
agitation, namely to effect a reversal
of policy on the part of the British
government, through internal poli-
tics and external pressure from the
United States and other nations.
The debate is sponsored by the Ann
Arbor League of Women Voters, the
program under the direction of Mrs.
John Benson, international affairs
chairman for the group.
* * *
Arabs Slay 74 Jews
During Three Day
Rioting ig Tripoli
Cairo, Nov. 1-(P)-Seventy-four
Jews and one Arab were killed in
bloody anti-Jewish rioting the past
three days in Tripolitania, but a cur-
few and stern shoot-to-kill orders to
troops tonight had suppressed dis-
orders in most of the Mediterranean
Arab mobs looted and gutted Jew-
ish quarters and assaulted Jews in
Tripoli, Souk El Juma, and Tagiura
"in a serious outbreak of rioting, vio-
lence and arson" started on Sunday
night, British headquarters declared.

Tripoli itself was under heavy
guard today and "the provinces re-
mained generally quiet except for
the eastern provinces

While taking diametrically oppos-
ing views on the record of Dutch rule
of the East Indies, both Prof. Albert
Hyma and Prof. Harley Bartlett last
night agreed that it should continue.
Prof. Albert Hyma led off with a
brief discussion of the "Historical
Background of the Indonesian inde-
pendence Movement in the East In-
dies," citing several authors who
praise the tolerance, industriousness,
lack of arrogance and interest in the
native populations on the part of
Dutch civil administrators. The rec-
ord of Dutch administration, he said,
boasts a law, enacted in 1870, forbid-
ding outsiders to buy native land.
Since 1872, no taxes collected from
Indonesians went to the Neherlands,
and seven years later, mineral lands
became the collective property of
the natives.
On December 7, 1942, Queen Wil-
helmina promised the East Indies
eventual equal status with Holland,
with complete control over their own
laws, natural resources and educa-
tion. In 1943, Prof. Hyma stated, the
editors of Time, Life and Fortune
suggested that the Netherlands ad-
minister British and Dutch East In-
dies, including Singapore, to pre-
pare the peoples for independence. In
view of the consistent praise for
Dutch colonial administration, Prof.
Hyma expressed bewilderment over
current opinion in the United States
and in Australia supporting the In-
donesiankrevolutionists led by Dr.
I. R. Soekarno.
"What has happened all of a
sudden?" he asked.
The answer to this question came
from the next speaker, Prof. Harley
Bartlett who, while favoring con-
Gore, Selesnick
Elected OIC
Council eads
Jack Gore and Sheldon Selesnick
were elected chairman and vice-
chairman, respectively, of the execu-
tive council of the Student Organi-
zation on International Cooperation
Other officers on the council in-
elude Marian Johnson, secretary;
Bobbie Simonton, treasurer; and
Florence Kingsbury, historian.
Four temporary committee chair-
man, who were appointed, should
be contacted, it was announced, by
anyone interested in working on
their committees. The chairman ap-
pointees are as follows: Arthur Der-
Derian (9322), Publicity; Lynn Sper-
ber (4121, Ext. 115), Correspondence;
Herb Otto (2-2218), Arrangements;
and Wayne Saari (2-1642), Public
Relations. When these committees
meet, each shall elect its'own perma-
nent chairman.
The SOIC constitution is to be re-
turned to the member organizations
on campus for ratification.
The next meeting of the executive
council will be at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-
day, in the Union.
Edit Tryouts
Daily Editorial staff tryouts
who have not yet submitted eligi-
bility cards for endorsement by
the managing editor must submit
their cards by Friday evening.
Cards may be deposited in the
upper-right hand drawer of Ar-
thur Kraft's desk in the senior
editors office by Friday evening.
Those failing to comply with this
requirement, will be dropped from
the staff.

tinued Dutch rule until the next gen-
eration of Indonesians are prepared
to assume the responsibilities or local
government, recounted from personal
experiencermaladministration by
Dutch civil servants.
While white people cannot own
land in the East Indies, he said,
Dutch administrators have driven
natives off their ancestral property
through high taxes. The land is then
leased as part of the public domain
to European plantation owners,
A Sumatran tribe, Prof. Bartlett,
its deputy chief, declared, were
sent off their ancestral property
and into the jungle with unsigned
receipts for their houses and prom-
ises of cash jobs, when their land
Dental School
Offers Veterans
Review Course
A two week postgraduate course in
oral surgery is to be given at the
School of Dentistry November 12 to
23 for dentists returning from mili-
tary service.
The course is designed for refresher
training for these dentists before they
resume civilian practice. Fourteen
dentists have registered for the
course, enrollment in which usually
numbers 12. Each member of the
course is supposed to take care of two
clinical patients daily.
Yesterday, only seven patients were
registered for next Tuesday and this
was the largest number of patients
listed for any day. In order for the
trainees to take full advantage of the
course, an increased number of pa-
tients for extraction of teeth and
other minor oral surgery procedures
is needed.
Patients needing such services may
call, by phone or in person, the oral
surgery department of the School of
Dentistry for appointments. N
charge will be made for services ren-
* * *
Jeserich To Discuss
Dentistry at Meeting
Discussing "Graduate and Post-
graduate Education in Dentistry," Dr.
Paul H. Jeserich, director of the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation Institute, will
address a meeting of the New York
Academy of Dentistry at 8 p.m. to-
Dr. Jeserich's talk will be the chief
feature of the acadamy's regular
meeting at the Columbia University
Club in New York City.
Bevii Rbequests
Open Policies
Asks Great Powers to
Place Cards on Table'
LONDON, Nov. 7 - (P) - Foreign
Secretary Ernest Bevin, hinting that
Britain was suspicious of Russia's
territorial demands, appealed tonight
to the great powers to "really put the
cards on the table face upwards."
Bevin spoke in a full-dress debate
in Commons on foreign affairs after
Winston Churchill had urged that
Britain support the United States in
refusing Russia the secret of atomic
bomb production. Russia, Churchill
argued, would not share the secret
if she alone possessed it.
Did Not Name Russia
While Bevin did not name Russia,
he said:
"You cannot help our being a little
bit suspicious if a great power wants
to go right across the throat of the
British Commonwealth."
He apparently was referring to re-
ported Soviet demands for sole

trusteeship of Tripolitania, former
Italian colony on the Mediterranean's
southern shor'e, and a base in Eritrea
-two steps which would leave Russia
straddling British communications to
the Middle and Far East.
Endorse Truman
Churchill and Bevin both endorsed
President Truman's 12-point foreign
policy program and said if this one
had existed in 1914 or in 1939 neither
world war would have occurred.
Churchill urged the Labor govern-
ment not to put "pressure" on the
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was cleared for a rubber plantation.
Neither materialized, he added.
The revolting Indonesians have
not forgotten such demonstrations
of bad faith as this.
Neither have they forgotten the in-
creditbly high tax of five guilders
($2.65) a cubic meter which natives
must pay in order to cut their own
lumber, Prof. Bartlett said. Mean-
while, he said, plantation owners,
after securing a permit from the gov-
ernment, are allowed to cut and burn
trees on land belonging to the Indo-
nesians. Prof. Bartlett failed to get
permission from the Dutch adminis-
trators for his tribesmen to lug
through 20 miles of swamp and jun-
gle already cut wood desperately
needed to rebuild houses.
"I had to buy the piece of lum-
ber so that one of the tribesmen
could erect a traditional burial
post for his dead child. The lum-
ber came from a tree planted by
the mourning tribesman's grand-
father," he said.
Another time Prof. Bartlett's pea-
ple asked the governmnt for a
school, a teacher, and books in the
Dutch alphabet. When nothing came
of the request, Prof. Bartlett person-
ally petitioned for a teacher. The na-
tives built their own schoolhouse,
using only knives as implements. "A
school teacher came," he said, "and
stayed until the day after I sailed
"The hope of the future lies in this:
that there are a lot of decent, well-
wishing Dutchmen. The need of con-
tinued Dutch rule is that the natives
are not prepared for self-government
and will not be for a generation."
* * *
Native Leaders
Submit Peace
Plan to British
By The Associated Press
Batavia, Java, Nov. 7-Indonesian
leaders today submitted to the Brit-
ish a plan to preserve peace in strife-
torn Java While British troops finish
disarming the Japanese and rescuing
thousands of European internees
menaced by extreme nationalists.
President Soekarno and Foreign
Minister Soebardjo of the "Indone-
sian Republic" proposed the plan
during a meeting this morning with
Lt. Gen. Sir Philip Christison, Allied
Commander in the Dutch East Indies.
The two Indonesian leaders were
expected to confer again today with
acting Governor General Hubertus J.
Van Mook on the deadlocked Dutch-
Indonesian dispute over long-range
plans for The Indies. Late in the day
there was no word of such a confer-
Soekarno suggested to Christison
that Java be divided into a number
of regions where contact bureaus
would be set up consisting of Indo-
nesian local leaders and British of-
Band Holds
First Rehearsal
The University Concert Band, under
the baton of Prof. William D. Revelli,
held its first rehearsal of the fall
semester last night, with an attend-
ance of 85 members.
Plans were announced for the
forthcoming Varsity Night, to be held
Nov. 23 in Hill Auditorium. Four
feminine trumpeteers will be featured
at that time. The quartet is com-
posed of Dorothy and Margaret Boss-
cawen of Mishawaka, Ind~, who have
done professional work and appeared
on the radio, Mary Kelly of McCook,
Neb., who has had extensive solo
experience and is the winner of a
national championship and Annetta
Kelly from Napoleon, ., who has

performed with the Chicago Civic
At the conclusion of the rehearsal,
Prof. Revelli declared that this Band
is superior to any Concert Band in
several years and promises to be out-
standing in its performance this
New Officers Added
To Naval Unit Staff
Two officers and one chief petty
nffinrp hohv bon nAAnA +n +n p+.

ilaladministration Is Charged

'U' Veteran nrollment SetsfRecord

Survey Shows
Campus Tops
Eight, Schools
Overall Registration
Jumps -35 Per Cent
The University of Michigan tops
eight leading colleges and universities
in World War II veteran enrollment
and it is likely that on a percentage
basis, more vets are attending the
University than any other similar in-
stitution in the nation.
This was revealed to the Daily last
night following an enrollment survey
conducted by University officials.
2000 Enroll
Michigan State College Pennsyl-
vania State College, Chicago, Purdue,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana and
Iowa were covered in the survey.
Attending the University this term
are approximately 2,000 veterans.
This figure represents 18 per cent of..
the total enrollment of 11,200, Mar-
vin L. Niehuss, University vice-presi-
dent said.
10 Per Cent
Average number of veterans rela-
tive to total enrollment attending the
schools in the survey is 11 per cent.
Average total enrollment increase in
these schools is 10 per cent, which is
far below the University increase of
more than 35 per cent.
Approximately 800 veterans are en-
rolled at Michigan State College
while 900 are attending Wayne Uni-
versity in Detroit.
Stating that both veteran and ci-
vilian enrollment have exceeded all
pre-term estimates, Niehuss pointed
out that increased registration may
be the result of a relatively late fall
Registration Continues
University officials said that flow
of veteran enrollment would proba-
bly continue for the net few days.
More than 160 veterans are en-
rolled in the University School of
Business Administration while the
Literary and Engineering Colleges
and the music and forestry schools
reported heavy veteran enrollment.
Helen Douglas
Acclaims New
Vet Committee
The American Veterans' Commit-
tee was acclaimed "the good one" by
Helen Gahagan Douglas at, an in-
formal meeting following her lecture
here Tuesday and she expressed hope
for the new chapter being organized
at a meeting 8 p. m. today, Rm. 305,
in the Union.
"I feel strongly that the American
Veterans' Committee with its progres-
sive outlook will serve as an effective
antidote to various veterans organ-
izations both old and new which seem
merely to exist for the benefit of a
few," Mrs. Douglas said.
When asked by a veteran to com-
ment on whether she felt the vet
ought to try to serve his community
and help change or improve his soci-
ety as a veteran or a regular citizen,
Mrs. Douglas answered that primar-
ily he should do it as a citizen but
also with a group such as AVC which
exists with broader outlooks. "The
dividing line between veteran and
civilian can slowly but surely be eras-
ed," she claimed.
Mrs. Douglas was most impressed
by Charles G. Bolte, national chair-
man of AVC, at recent senatorial
hearings regarding veteran employ-
ment seniority.
The organizational meeting of the
AVC is open to all World War II vet-

Faculty Man
Awarded Medal
Lt. Col. Robert H. McDowell, a his-
tory department faculty member on
leave of absence, has been awarded
the Bronze Star Medal for meritori-
ous service in Yugoslavia.
The citation commended Colonel
McDowell, an Army intelligence of-
ficer, for "genuine skill and mastery
in diplomacy . in a situation of the
utmost delicacy" in contacting Yugo-
slav Nationalist Forces from Aug.
28 to Nov. 1, 1944.
Before entering the Army in 1942,
Colonel McDowell was doing archae-
ological research for the history de-
nrtment in the Neav rast.

virtually removed any chance that the
wage question would reach the con-
ference, since the AFL also opposed
its consideration.
Committees Formed
After two days of speech making,
the conference which seeks to set a
course of industrial peace, broke up
into committees to study the several
items on the agenda.
Murray's action underlined his con-
tention that wages are the basic cause
of all major labor disputes and for
that reason should be recognized by
the conference.
Today Profs. Slosson and Hopkins
debate "Should the United
States favor' unrestricted
Jewish immigration into
Palestine?" at 4:10p. im.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Today All students are invited to
SRA song fest at 4:30 p. m.
in Lane Hall.
Nov. 9 GridShuffle dance with
graph following the Navy
game from 2 to 5 p. m. in
the Rainbow Room, the

Sr Tryout Meet
Tryouts for the Gargoyle staffs,
including those who have already
signed petitions, will be interview-
ed anytime today between 12:30 p.
m. and 5:00 p. m. at the Gargoyle
office in the Student Publications
Building. Previous experience is
not necessary.

Sailor Survives Five Days on Meager Diet

"Two crackers, two malted milk
tablets and a bite of spam was all I
had during the whole time we were
Boatswain's mate, first class, Wayne
Sladek, 21, who reported for duty at
Naval headquarters in North Hall
Tuesday, subsisted on that diet for
five days-and five nights-after his

of the ship which had carried the
first atomic bomb to a B-29 base on
Tinian, and of the ship which was
the flagship of the Fifth Fleet.
"I had been off watch about 15
minutes," Sladek said, "when a tor-
pedo hit the bow, and shortly after-
ward, another one struck below sick
bay-forward of midships."
"The strike was so sudden that

by an A.P.D.-attack personnel de-
Only 43 of the 180 were left to
pick up, however, for the men had
had no fresh water during that
time and the "rations" weren't even
allotted until the third day. Two
other groups, that were also picked
up, were spread over an area of 60
miles, fliers told Sladek.
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