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November 08, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-08

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NOVEIMBER 8, .1945


Chinese Communists
Capture Two Generals
As Undeclared Civil War Continues
Government Armies Retreat To South
By The Associated Press
CHVNGKING, Thursday, Nov. 8-Chinese Communists have captured
two Central Government Army .Commanders-one reportedly committed
suicide-in Southern Hopeh province and forced the government armies to
retreat, a military spokesman acknowledged today.
The scene of this reversal in China's undeclared civil war is the same
one where the Communists claim they have routed 70,000 government troops.
The spokesman said one of the captured generals was Ma Fah Wu,
Commander of the 41st Army. He is understood to have committed suicide.
*The other was Kao Shu Hsun, Com-


Cleveland Orchestra To
Present Concert Sunday

Exchange Sales
Approach Final
$1,000 Total

President Attributes
Success To Students

Having completed a season de-
scribed as "more successful than we
thought probable or possible" by Pres-
ident Wayne Saari, the store of the
Student Book Exchange at the Game
Room of the League closed yesterday.
The final tabulation of sales has
not been completed, but John Hou-
ston, store manager, expects the sales
total to approach 1,000 dollars. Mem-
bers of the Exchange attribute this
success to the cooperation of students
in dealing with the organization in
buying and selling used texts.
Besides general campus coopera-
tion, the Exchange success depends
directly on the contributions of work
made by more than 50 students who
helped at the store, in preparing pub-
licity and in collecting books. Saari
points out that the cooperation of the
student officers and staffs of the
Union and League are also responsi-
ble to a great measure for the suc-
A general membership meeting of
the Exchange will be held at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 302 of the Union.
Reports on the activities of the Ex-
change since it opened October 29
will be made and plans for future
functioning discussed.
Game Progress
To Be Recorded
At Grid Shuffle
The Grid Graph, designed to let
stay-at-home fans follow visually the
progress of the Michigan-Navy game
at Baltimore, will be prominently
featured at the Grid Shuffle, first
campus mixer of the term from 2 to 5
p. m. Saturday in the Rainbow Room
of the Union.
Crossed by 11 lines to indicate yard
markers on the gridiron, the pro-
gress of the ball toward the opos-
ing goal will be marked by colored
chalk, yellow for the Wolverines and
blue for the Middies. Each play will
be recorded, as well as a notation of
the down and the time left to play
in the quarter. The board will be
wiped clean at the beginning of each
As they note the score of the game,
students will be dancing to the music
of popular phonograph records over
the ballroom's public address system.
Various mixing stunts and circle
dances will be initiated throughout
the afternoon.
"Thetsuccess of Grid Shuffles last
season indicates that there should be
a capacity crowd in the ballroom Sat-
urday. We can confidently promise a
fullyafternoon's entertainment for
everyone," John Sorice, head of the
Union Campus Affairs Committee and
director of the Saturday mixer de-
clared yesterday. Spectators may
come with or without dates and there
is no admission charge.
The radio report of the game will
not interfere with the music for the
dancers, as the scorekeeper will keep
posted through earphones. Whenever
either team reaches scoring territory,
however, the radio will be turned up
so that all the fans can receive the
first-hand account.

mander of the Eighth Army.
The spokesman said the 8th and
41st armies, attacked north of
Tzehsien in Hopeh by several tens of
thousands of Communists, were
"taken unawares and were unable to
concentrate in time to ward off the
He said their commanders were
captured the night of Oct. 30 at dif-
ferent points and their armies subse-
quently withdrew southward to await
orders from Chungking.
The dispatch said about 30,000
Communists are concentrated at
Tsaochow in Western Shantung pro-
vince, preparing to attack the Lund-
Hai railroad.
Intensified fighting flared on sev-
eral fronts and both Chinese and for-
eign quarters in Chungking agreed
that the situation is nearly beyond
repair and full-scale war is almost
The Communists claimed that
under able Gen. Ho Lung, the Com-
munists drew their fiery siege ring
tighter around Kweisui, capital of
Inner-Mongolian Suiyuan Province.
Other Red forces battled for the be-
sieged rail junction of Tataung to
the east and prepared to assault Pao-
tow to the west.

Appearing for the fifth consecutive
year, the Cleveland orchestra, con-
ducted by Erich Leinsdorf, will pre-
sent the second Choral Union concert,
at 7 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
Erich Leinsdorf, returning to the
Podium after a year in service, has
established himself among the fore-
mest younger conductors of America.
He has appeared as guest conductor
in Germany Italy, Canada, Cuba and
in many American cities. Now in its
twenty-eighth season, the orchestra
was first conducted by Nikolai Soko-
loff and later by Artur Rodzinski.
Winter Concerts Numerous
During its winter season, the or-
chestra presents nearly fifty con-
certs in addition to its forty regular
subscription concerts in Cleveland,
twilight concerts, ballet performances,
civic concerts and radio concerts.
The Cleveland Orchestra is one of
the few symphony organizations to
own the hall in which it plays. 8ev-
erance Hall, its home, the gift of the
noted philanthropist, John Long Sev-
erance, was first opened to the public
on Feb. 5, 1931.
Broadcast to World
The Sunday night program will be
highlighted by the orchestra's per-
formance of the Bruckner "Sym-
phony No. 7 in E major." Ravel's "Bo-
elro" and the suite from the ballet,
"Appalachian Spring" by Copland
complete the program.
Two years ago the Cleveland Or-
chestra added a series of nineteen
world broadcasts toits activities,
Soviet Construction
Shown at Rackham
"Building in the Soviet Republic"
is the subject of the architectural ex-
hibit being shown by the School of
Architecture and Design from 2 to
5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m., today through
Nov. 18 in the Rackham Galleries.
The exhibition, consisting of some
200 photographs, maps, charts and
panels of texts, covers the major de-
velopments of Russian architectural
history form the earliest pre-iedieval
days to World War II.

DOOLITTLE FLIERS ASHES-Two military policemen (L-R), Pfc. William Richardson, Lexington, Ky., and
Cpl. Paul Wardzale, Chicago, Ill., stand guard over 40 boxes containing ashes of American prisoners of war,
including those of three Doolittle raid fliers executed by the Japs in Shanghai. These ashes are in a Shanghai
funeral home operated by Americans before the war.

Exhibit Shows Change in Life
Of Students Through the Years


9' 1
Forestry Club To Meet
The Forestry Club will hold its first
meeting of the semester at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 2039 Natural Science
Frederick L. Hopkins, president of
the organization, announced that a
nominating committee would be ap-
pointed to draw up a slate of officers,
and that plans for the year would be
* * * ,
Esperanto Classes Begin
Students will have the opportunity
to study Esperanto, international
auxiliary language, at the Ann Arbor
Secretarial School, 330 S. State, Nich-
els Arcade. The first class is to be
held at 8 p. m. November 7. Dr.
Hirsch Hootkins will be the instruct-
or, and no tuition will be charged.
Alpha Phi Omega To Meet
Alpha Phi Omega, campus service
fraternity, will hold its, first meeting
of the semester at 7:30 p. m. today in
the Union.
All members and former fraternity
members from other colleges are re-
quested to attend the meeting to
plan future activities. Among the
past projects directed by the frater-
nity were the V-E Dance, War Bond
sales and War Chest drives.
* * *
Sphinx To Elect Officers
There will be a tmeeting of the
Sphinx at 7:15 p. m. today in the stu-
dent offices of the Union at which
new officers will be elected.
Foreign Students'
Reception Planned
Plas are being formed for the An-
nual Foreign Students Assembly and
Reception to be held Nov. 14 in the
Rackham Building.
Arrangements have been completed
to have President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven as one guest speaker at the As-
sembly in the amphi-theater.
More complete details will be an-
nounced later in the Daily.

Reminders of the years when the
University advertised that room,
board, lights and fuel" could be ob-
tained by students for "$1.50 to $2.00
a week," and when the way to decor-
ate a room was to pin as many pic-
tures as possible on a fishnet spread
over one wall, are now on exhibition
in the office of the Michigan Histori-
cal Collection, 160 Rackham Building.
Tickets for Sousa
In an attempt to present the pic-
ture of "Freshman Days-1843 to
1945," the glass cases have been filled
with such materials as a ticket for
"Sousa and his Band" and pictures of
students' rooms at the turn of the
Believing that letters from students
tell many things about University life
that might otherwise not be known,
Miss Dorothy King, assistant curator,
has included in the exhibit a yellowed
letter written by a boy to his parents
in 1875 telling, among other things,
of a "great baseball game" played
with Kalamazoo.
Changes Shown
Side by side are the first edition of
The Daily and this year's freshman
supplement, emphasizing the changes
Native Lands
Topic of Talks
Latin Americans Visit
Michigan Communities
Under the sponsorship of the Uni-
versity Extension Service, cooperat-
ing with the Office of Inter-American
Affairs at Washington, groups of
Latin-American students from this
University have been traveling to
communities in the LoweraPeninsula
to lectur about their native countries.
During the period between semes-
ters groups of foreign students vis-
ited Jackson, Kalamazoo, Hillsdale
College and Hope College in Holland.
They spoke to high schools and serv-
ice clubs, Spanish classes and clubs
as well as the college assemblies. They
exhibited films on Latin America in
each community, and pamphlet ma-
terial provided by the Office of Inter-
American Affairs.
These lecture groups are being sent
as part of a program "promoting un-
derstanding of and good-will toward
the countries of Central and South
America." It is hoped that the Latin
American project can be continued
later in the semester.

which have been made in the paper
since a front page article urged every
1890 rugby player to "put his foot in
the ball." In another case, next to an
1843 catalogue and 1856 admittance
records, is a notebook containing
clippings on the then weighty subject
of women entering the University,
compiled by George Willard, regent
from 1864 to 1874.
These and other similar objects
may be seen daily from 8 to 12 a.m.
and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. throughout the
month of November.
Kala To Speak
Nov.15 at First
Of TU' Lectures
Dr. Maximo M. Kalaw, Secretary of
Public Instruction and Information
in the cabinet of President Osmena,
will open the 1945-46 University lec-
ture series Nov. 15 in the Rackham
Dr. Kalaw, exchange professor of
political science here in 1931, will
speak about "The Philippines under
Japanese Rule." Before the war he
was dean of the College of Literature
and the Arts at the University of the
Kazakevich To Talk
Other lecturers on the tentative
program are Vladimir D. Kazakevich,
whose subject Nov. 16 will be "Rus-
sia's Economy and Postwar Recon-
struction;" Newton B. Drury, direc-
tor of National Parks; Joseph Hud-
not, dean of the architecture school
at Harvard; Prof. Van Rensselaer Lee
of Smith College; and Dr. M. S. Di-
mand of the Metropolitan Museum of
Kazakevich, one of the principal
lecturers for the Committee on Edu-
cation of the National Council of
American-Soviet Friendship, Nle'
York, will speak under the auspices
of the economic department.
Trained in Russia
Born in St. Petersburg, Mr. Kaza-
kevich received training in a Russian
school in Harbin, where his father
was engineer and general manager
of the Chinese Eastern Railroad. He
later studied in the United States at
i the University of California and Co-
lumbia University. Besides teaching
economics and finance at Columbia
and in the American Institute of
Banking, he has contributed to sev-
eral volumes on economic affairs and
to numerous magazines and journals..

To. Hold Annual
The twentieth annual Michigan
Accounting Conference will open Sat-
urday morning at the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
Sponsored jointly by the Michigan
Association of Certified Public Ac-
countants and the University School
of Business Administration, the con-
ference will be highlighted by the
luncheon speech of John D. Morrison,
auditor general of Michigan.
Buy Victory Bonds!

playing a weekly hour's broadcast
program over stations. in the United
States, Canada and by short-wave to
Central and South America and Eu-
rope, as well as Africa and the Pacific
war front.
SRA Invites
All Students
To Song Fest
Churches Schedule
Other Social Functions
All students are invited to the Song
Fest at 4:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall
by the Student Religious Association.
A new feature of the SR.A program
this year is Hobby Night which will
be introduced at 7:30 p.m. today, also
in Lane Hall. Square dancing and
games are among the activities on the
program. Students interested in the
Camera and Poster Clubs or the
Workshop are especially urged to at-
A Coffee Hour will be held at 4:30
p. in. tomorrow in Lane Hall. Fresh-
men and transfer students who are
new to the campus will be special
guests. Hostesses for this informal
gathering are Harriet Beck and Carol
Local Churches Plan
Studeti Activities
Student activities for tomorrow
have been announced by Ann Arbor
CHURCH will hold open house from
4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow at the Student
Center, 408 Lawrence St.
For a hayride party students are
asked to meet at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
lowing the ride refreshments will be
served at a party in the Foundation.
TER, 1304 Hill St. will be open for the
evening both tomorrow and Saturday.
Following Sabbath eve services at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow in the HILLEL
FOUNDATION, A. K. Stevens will
lead a fireside discussion on the topic
"Minorities, Labor and Public Opin-
MYDA Elects Officers
At First Formal Meeting
The members of the Michigan
Youth For Democratic Action Society
on campus eleted Jack Gore presi-
dent at their first formal meeting
Our personnel is ready to
serve you with the latest hair
styles and tonsorial services.
You are welcomed. Head-
quarters for the B.M.O.C.
Between Michigan & State Theaters







$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request


WANTED-Veterans and any stud-
ents interested in dance work by
former Campus Band leader. Lee
Brant. 537 Elm. Phone 5291.
WANTED-Students who wish to
work for their BOARD. Contact
F. J. Ruck at Sigma Phi Epsilon,
733 S. State St. 6764.
WANTED: Male reader for blind stu-
dent. 60c hour up to 20 hrs. week.
Jerry Dunham 1111 S. University.
Rear apt.
"Saginaw News" campus corre-
spondent desires news and social
items. Contact Gwen Sperlich, 581
Jordan, 2-4561.
WANTED-Couple with baby will ex-
change 3 room apartment near
campus, no children, for apartment,
fiat, or house in Detroit. Call
WANTED: One concert series tickets,
preferably 1st balcony seat. Call
Madelyn Heeney, 26112, after seven
p. M.

WANTED: Boy to wash dishes. Mar-
tha Cook Bldg. Apply any morn-
ED ROOM with adjoining private
bath for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone
Ypsilanti 990-W. 1200 Whittier Rd.,
LOST: Blue lady's wallet containing
identification and snapshots. Finder
may keep money. Bring to Box 1,
Michigan Daily office or phone
Helen Balowin. 2-3279.
FOUND: Top of Eversharp pen, North
University, Nov. 1st. Call Dr. Wang,
Dental School.
FOUND: Sh*ffer fountain pen. On
Maynard St. Call Jane McKee.
LOST: Heavy silver identification
bracelet engraved, Ellen R. Gold-
berg. Please return to 300 Victor,
Vaughn House or Telephone 2-5553.
LOST-Blue wardrobe trunk picked
up mistakenly at NYC station Oc-
tober 25. (Check No. D14-53-83)
Call 8568.
LOST: Large black Waterman pen,
Ice skating rink, Oct. 25th and,
pair of brown gloves. Graduate
school, Nov. 2nd. Call Dr. Wang,
Dental School.
ALTERATIONS on ladies garments.
New address, 410 Observatory. Vi-
cinity of Stockwell Hall. Phone
2-2678. Alta Graves.

Buy a 'hlToRfi Nb See this\
Vc ory PREMIERE Great Show
Band- REElr,
Wed., Nov. 28th - 9 P.M.
at the State Theatre

Bonds Purchased at
theatre receive


Continuous from 1 P.M.
Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M.


i .1




for a Healthy Start

. 9 }*~
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and the
in thc comedy romance
RL V 11fl

Check your
the .9

We are
of all

receiving new large supplies
textbooks sold out in the

ut of Stock Titles
Are Arrivin Daiy



first days of the school rush.
1UrD Al I I I lt/rcI- 1-r 1/ fnM inr














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