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February 14, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-14

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I -M Ballroom T
With Vivid, Sp
Traditional Bopth I
Ref reshments Will,

(Continued from Page 1)

Ide, booth chairman. Realizing the
usually inadequate facilities for meet-
ing friends and resting between
dances, the committee felt the tradi-
tional booth plan should be revived,
Miss Ide continued. All furniture
must be set up in booths by noon,
Friday, March 8, and removed by
noon, Saturday, March 9.
A refreshment bar and place for in-
dividual dance pictures will be set up
in one of the small gyms, dispensing
with the congestion of the lobby coke
bar and overcrowded dance floor. In-
Motar Board
ill Present
Coed-Bid Dance
All women on campus are invited to
bring a date to the informal Pay-Off
Dance which will be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight, Saturday, March 9, the
day after J-Hop, in the League Ball-
room, sponsored by Mortar Board,
senior women's honor society.
Tickets priced at $1.50 may be pur-
chased from the House Presidents
this week, and beginning Monday,
March 4, tickets will be sold on cam-
pus. The band which will play for the
dance and the program, to be pre-
sented will be announced soon.
Since this is one of the few women-
bid dances presented on campus, the
Pay-Off dance will be a good oppor-
tunity for women to repay their
J-Hop date o'r any of their other
dates," Doris Heidgen, general chair-
man for the dance explained.
This year's presentation of the Pay-
Off Dance is a revival of a traditional
pre-war function. Mortar Board tra-
ditionally presented the dance the
week-end after J-Hop but it was
abandoned during the war. The dance
was last given in February of 1942.

o Be Decorated
arkling3 Colors
PIan To Be Revived;
Be in Extra Room
dividual pictures will be taken against
an unusual backdrop, providing dif-
ferent scenery for pictures of an ex-
travagantly different dance.
J-1Id Extra Will le 1istributed
Unique programs and the special
Daily edition of the J-Hop Extra will
be distributed as favors at the dance.
Feattued in the Extra will bie humor-
ous satires of campus life, the janitor
>f the Student Publication Building's
>wn plan for an effective student
government, pictures of previous
Hops, cuts, quips, and cartoons. Shots
:aken at the Hop will appear in the
second edition of the Extra Saturday.
Identification cards should be pre-
Mented at the trine of ticket applica-
tion and tickets will be allotted pro-
portionately by class. Juniors will re-
2eive approximately 900 tickets, sen-
iors, 200, and underclassmen, the re-
.nainder. A stamped, self-addressed
envelope must be turned in with each
ipplication blank to facilitate mailing
reply cards.
Reply Cards To Be Mailed
Reply cards will be mailed to each.
applicant Saturday, and no tickets
will be issued without an accepted re-
ply card. Tickets may be purchased
Monday and Tuesday, March 4, 5, at
the Union Travel Desk. .All tickets
will sell for $7.50 and will be paid. for
upon receiving them. Students who
applied for tickets at the first price
f $10 need not reapply.
Women have been granted 2:30
a.m. permission for the event and
Navy personnel will have 3 a.m. per-
mission. Private parties will be ap-
proved for Saturday, March 9, by the
dean of Students Office to complete
he gala weekend.
Students in Fine Arts 415 in the
Twilight School at Ohio State Uni-
versity give two-dimensional life to
sparkling new jewelry, latest fashion
creations, tall streamlined buildings,
complicated highly-polished machin-





TOMMY DORSEY, "That Sentimental Gentleman of Swing" who will
be spotlighted at the 1947 J-Hop, March 8, with The Sentimentalists,
sister-foursome, and Stuart Foster on the vocals, and Charlie Shavers,
sensational trumpeter.

For Rushing
March 4 3 6
Explanation of Local System
To Be Given at Mass Meeting;
Parties Will Begin March 7
Registration for formal rushing will
take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-
day, March 4, Tuesday. March 5, and1
Wednesday, March 6 on the second
floor of the League, according to
Nancy Jefford, rusing secretary of
Registrants must bring their
report cards,s as evidence that
they have at least a 'C' average. No
coed may register without her report
card, and there will be absolutely no
registration after the deadline on
At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 6
in Rackham Auditorium, there will be
a compulsory meeting for all tltose
wcmen who have signed up. The cur-
rent rushing system will be explained
end there will be opportunity for the
2oeds to ask questions.
The first rushing parties will be
given from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday,
March 7, beginning with Open Houses
at all of the sororiteies. Other open
houses will be given from 2 p.m. to 5
p.m. Saturday, March 9, and Sunday,
IMarch 10. Coeds will attend all of
these events in the order given them
upon the sheet of Rushing Rules.
This sheet will be distributed at the
time of registration.
Other invitational rushing parties
will be given all through the month
of March, culminating in pledging to
be held Sunday, March 31.
A rchers Will Meet
For Contest Today
The Archery Club will hold a
meeting at 4:20 p.m. today in the
W.A.B. to begin shooting for the
Intercollegiate Telegraphic Meet.
The tournament will last three
weeks, starting the last week of this
term and continuing through the
first two weeks of the next term.
The three weeks series of scores will
be submitted after the closing of the
contest on March 17.
Each team will have four members
and the four women with the high-
est shooting score each week will
form the next weeks teams.
Lynne Sperber, president of the
club, urges all members to partici-
pate in this contest.


Wives of Veterans, Faculty Members
Will Have Meeting in League Monday

Finishes Tour

Mrs. Mary Bromage, assistant
Dean of Women, returned yesterday
from Lansing and Grand Rapids,
where she addressed alumnae groups.
Monday she addressed the Mich-
igan Alumnae Association of Lan-
sing on the subject of "Post War
Changes at the University." Tuesday
Mrs. Bromage spoke to the Michigan
alumnae group of Grand Rapids on
the "International Role of a State
After the mieeting, Mrs. Bromage
interviewed alumnae and answered
their questions in regard to the Vic-
tory Reunion to be held in June for
alumnae and alumni.

Wives of all veterans on campus
are urged to join th~e local 'Vets'
WVives Club which will hold. its next'
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the
The group has been functioning
since the beginning of the semester
and is designed to provide an oppor-
tunity for wives of veterans to meet
and become acquainted with one an-

other. The organization is thle onily
cne of its kind on campus and al-
ready has the enthusiastic support
of those who have recently joined.
Membership is open to all women
whose husbands are veterans and
those who are students, wives of fac-
ulty members, and local res idents
are invited to join.
Women are reminded that frce
undergraduate baby sitters may be
obtained by calling Mrs. Mary C.
Bromage, 4121, extension 341. Sitters
are available for the hours during
which the group meets.
The organization will hold a party
for all veterans on campus and their
wives at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, March
2, in the League. There will be danc-
ing to a jukebox, and Bingo will be
played. The club gives one party
every month.
"We urge all veterans and their
wives to attend this party and meet
others in their group," Mrs. John
Murray , Social Chairman, an-
nounced. "The aim of the Veterans'
Wives Club is to provide entertain-
ment which will appeal to married
veterans and their wives."


Indispensable Membership
O ffer Social Security to




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ery, smooth modern lines of an auto-
mobile, and many other things.
The class, a coimercial art course,
is under the direction of Mrs. Pris-
cilla F. Rhiel, a former commercial
Varied interests in professional
art are shown by the students in the
class. A few intend to make this
type of art their vocation, while
commercial art is just a hobby with
others. Some take this course along
with a variety of other courses to
increase their general knowledge and
'This course provides good training
and improves the students artistic
skills. Itralso offers an opportunity
for creativeness and forms no limit
for employing the imaginatibn in
modern design and invention.

The scene is the entrance of the
League Ballroom. The time is spring.
Music can be heard in the back-
ground. 'un beckons from within.
Coed Ida Independent, however, is
turning sadly from the happy sounds
issuing forth from the League House
Dance, which is in full swing inside.
Admission has been denied her. For
Ida is unable to produce the As-
Colic ges Absorb
M /ind Experts
A survey made by the Office of Psy-
chological Personnel, Washington,
D.C., indicates that almost half of all
qualified psychologists in the country
are employed in colleges and univer-
sities in normal times.
The survey showed that in 1941, a
total of 1,8"74 of the 3,798 psycholo-
gists reported were employed in col-
leges and universities, with the re-
mainder employed by clinics, penal
and mental institutions, hospitals,
government and state service, busi-
ness and industry, and secondary
Shift Was Noticeable
According to Dr. Carroll L. Shartle,
secretary of Ohio State University's
Personnel Research Board, there was
a notable shift from 1941 to 1944 of
psychologists from universities and
colleges, schools and clinics, to the
armed services, governmental war
agencies, and to business and indus-
"It is reasonable to assume that
during the next decade theuniversi-
ties and colleges will still employ the
largest proportion of psychologists,
with clinical work in guidance cen-
ters, prisons, and hospitals remain-
ing second. industry and government
will remain third but may hold sec-
ond place if the federal government
continues a large proportion of its
war programs."
Position Descriptions Presented
Approximately 250 descriptions of
positions and job analysis reports
were presented by the committee
headed by Dr. Shartle, whose chief
concern was an analysis of the kinds
of jobs held by psychologists, as a
guide for those seeking to prepare
for professional work and also for
schools offering this preparation.
The report indicated that the 1,874
psychologists who are associated with
colleges and universities spend most
of. their tine teaching and that ad-
mhinistrative, research, and counsel-
ing duties come second. About 90 per
cent spend at least ten per cent of
their training time teaching, and 15
per cent spend as much as 80 per cent
of their time teaching.
In his comment on opportunities,
training, and qualifications for em-
ployment as a psy'chologist, Dr. Shar-
tle showed that colleges and univer-
sities employ more than half of all
psychologists with Ph.D. degrees.

sembly membership card that she
neglected to procure last semester.
The moral of this pathetic story
is perfectly (also stupidly) obvious
and does not require any explana-
tion. In short, if you are an inde-
pendent and have not as yet obtained
your Assembly membership card, you
should seriously consider ambling
over to the Assembly Office on the
second floor of the League soretime
between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. today to
pick up that essential card.
The membership cards, in addition
to providing tangible evidence of
association with Assembly, are to be
requisites for participation in all
Assembly functions and events of
this spring. They will be required of
all unaffiliated women who desire to
petition for Assembly-Panhel Ball
committee positions and for the
1946-47 Assembly Board postions.
Events to be sponsored by Assem-
bly, .which also require the cards,
are the League ouse Dances, the;
first of which was presented last
irronth, and afternoon teas to be held
in the League.
February Activities sheets for
league houses must be placed in
the activities box in the Under-
graduate Office of the League by
5 p.m. tomorrow in order to permit
tabulation of zone hours, accord-
ing to Jne Gumerson, activities
Bought, Rented
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&I r Hick ~En U.a..i{

MtJaXC fAIL Presents
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With the RI0IERtT NOLAN Cfl0IR anid lintro-
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FEBR UARY 16th (Only)
2 Shows-
11:00 P.M MUI HA L L
8:30 P.M.j
Price: r. GINNELL OS$
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Plus Tax 35O Madison (Detroit) CHerry 2810

There may not be 12 bands for
There may not be 5:00 permission for
There may not be week-end parties for
But the Daily comes through with the

....., .,...... , o... . _.. .....


.... ...



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