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February 14, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-14

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Liu Says Political Democracy
llCoti neSocialPracices
ill Cont inue Scial racues

"Whither China? There is only
one answer: on to democracy."
This is the opinion of Dr. Alfred
Bangee Liu, former president of
China Training Institute near Nan-
king, who spoke on "Democratic De-
velopments in China Today" at a
University lecture at 4 p.m. yester-
day in Kellogg Auditorium.
The leaders of both of China's
major parties, Dr. Liu pointed out,
have endorsed a program of political
democracy; and the unaffiliated
masses, which he said encompassed
98 percent of the people, have not
only practiced social democracy for
centuries, but have strongly expressed
New Cardinals
Meet in Rome
F or Ceremony
By The Associated Press
VATICAN CITY, Feb. 13-Pope
Pius XII pleaded today that all states,
and particularly the world's great
powers, consecrate their force "To
the service of the right and not to
its more or less open violation."
The Pontiff, described by two
Cardinals-Designate who saw him
today as recovered from last week's
cold, spoke as preparations were un-
der way for the elevation next week
of 32 prelates to the Cardinalate, the
Senate of the Roman Catholic
Addressing the new Belgian Ani-
bassador to the Holy See, Prince
Reginald De Croy, who presented his
credentials today, the Pope praised
Belgium's heroism and fidelity to
traditions of freedom under the op-
pression of the German invaders.
The first two Cardinals-elect from
the United States to arrive, Arch-
bishops Samuel A. Stritch of Chi-
eago, and Edward Mooney, of De-
troit, will be received in audience by
the Pope tomorrow. They rested this
morning and were guests of Alex-
ander C. Kirk, U.S. Ambassador to
Italy, at luncheon. They also saw
officials of the Vatican congregation
of ceremonials to discuss their activ-
ities before and during the consist-
Due here tomorrow are Arch-
bishops Francis J. Spellman of New
York and John J. Glennon of St.
Louis, and Bishop Thomas Tien of
China, coming together on the giant
constellation plane "Star of Rome"
from Paris, and Pierre Petit De Julle-
ville, Archbishop of Rouen, France,
arriving by train.
Stritch and Mooney during the day
received visits from many prelates
they knew while students at Rome
or afterward. Mooney is particularly
well known because of his residence
in Rome as spiritual director of the
North American College. The Detroit
Archbishop was in fine spirits as he
talked to caller after caller in the
villa Anastasia where he is residing.
Six American Bishops who arrived
with Stritch and Mooney yesterday,
including William Murphy, of Sag-
inaw, also are expected to be re-
ceived by the Pope.
Gambling Probe
Moves Ahead
Grand Jury investigation of Wash-
tenaw Cournty'S alleged million dol-
lar gambling racket moved forward
yesterday as William Mahaley and
his wife Louise Mahaley purged
themselves of contempt 'by supplying
Judge James1 R. Breakey, the one-
man jury, with testimony.
Mahaley, whose petition for Habeas
Corpus on his contempt sentence to
60 days in County Jail was ~efused in
Lansing, was released with l is wife,
Arthur Bennett of Ypsilanti re-
ceived 60 days in County Jail for con-

tempt of court, yesterday.

a desire for political and economic
The American press, the lecturer
asserted, has misinterpreted the con-
flicts between Communists and Na-
tionalists in China. "There is no dis-
unity between north and south in
China," he said. "We are a homo-
geneous people. The conflict has
been an ideological one, with the two
groups expressing different ideas
about how the reconstruction of the
country should be effected."
Citing the Kuomintang program
of the revolutionary period of the
late 1920's, which proposed first a
period of military unification, then
a period of political education, and
finally the inauguration of constitu-
tional government, Dr. Liu declared
that the period of education should
be ended by now and that "it is now
time to proceed to the period of
constitutional government."
The agreements for broadening the
basis of government reached two
weeks ago in China, Dr. Liu said,
are definitely a step in the right di-
rection and "might have been de-
layed for quite awhile without the
efforts of Gen. Marshall to effect
a compromise of conflicting in-
H upoo d Entries
Are Due Tomorrow
All entries in the Freshmen Hop-
wood Contest will be due by 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Hopwood Room.
Three types of writilg, essay, fic-
tion, and poetry are eligible for the
contest. Prizes of $50.00, $30.00 and
$20.00 will be awarded in each of the
AnnQuncements of the winners will
be made in The Daily early next se-

'U Salors To
Take Three
Month Cruise
A three-month cruise from April
1 to June 30 has been arranged for
the 115 graduates in the V-12 and
NROTC program at the University,
Capt. Woodson Michaux, command-
ant, announced yesterday.
A short indoctrination course at
the Naval Training Station, New-
port, R.T., will precede a south-
Atlantic cruise. No specific date to
report at Newport following grad-
uation has been revealed as yet,
he said, but it will probably be any
time between March 5 and 15.
Release from active duty for those
with sufficient points is expected for
a majority of the men after the
trip, he reported.
The cruise will substitute for pre-
vious fleet assignments, he explained.
Men who take part in this cruise
will perform the duties of enlisted
personnel aboard large modern
warships in order to give them ex-
perience in every phase of ship-
board life and practice in the use
of new Navy technical develop-
The mailing address for the men
while at the Rhode Island school and
at sea will be Ensign John Doe, Of-
ficers' Organization Course, United
States Naval Training Station, New-
port, RI.
Belgian Girl Is Awarded
Britain's Highest Honor
LONDON, Feb. 13 - (AP) - King
George VI tonight awarded Britain's
highest civilian decoration -- the
George Medal-to pretty Miss Andree
De Jongh, 25, of Belgium, for refus-
ing to talk under Gestapo torture
and for dangerous feats to help
downed Allied airmen through the
enemy lines.






PRESENT TO P R E S I D E N T - president Truman
(left) receives from Bradford Washburn, Boston, director of the
New England museum, a piece of rock taken from the summit of,
Mt, McKinley, highest point in United States territory.

D U C K C A L L E R.-Jane Manawal practices her duck call-
ing technique for the benefit of prospective contestants at the
International Sportsmen's Show in Chicagoaj


(Continued from Page 4)

in Alaska," in the Rotuhda, Univer-
sity Museum Building through Feb.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design:
"Signs of the Zodiac" - An exhibi-
tion of recent designs by V. Bobri,
prominent New York advertising ar-
tist. First floor corridor. Open daily
9:00 to 5:00 except Sunday, through
Feb. 15. The public is invited.
Events Today
''ea at the International Center:
The weekly informal teas at the In-
ternational Center on Thursdays,
from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to
all foreign students and their Ameri-
can friends.
Michigan Chapter, A.A.U.P. meets
tonight for a discussion of application
of democratic leadership in Univer-
sity affairs. Prof. Norman F. Maier
will present "What Psychology Has
To Contributec On The Subject." Join
Union Cafeteria line at 6:15 and take
trays to the lunchnoom of the Faculty
Phi Sigma Society is sponsoring a
talk to be given by Dr. Lewis B. Kel-
lum, Director of the Museum of Pa-
leontology, at 8:15 tonight in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Dr. Kellum will
show colored slides and movies of his
explorations for oil sources in the
Alaska Peninsula as a part of the

government war program. The meet-
ing, which is open to the public, will
be preceded by a closed business
meeting of Phi Sigma, at 7:30, which
all members are asked to attend.
Coming Events
Members of faculty of the Physical
Education Department will be host-
esses to the Women of the Faculty, at
a meeting to be held Friday, Feb. 15,
8 p.m. in the Women's Athletic Build-
Vet eraiinz' Wives' Clu 1will meet
Monday, Feb. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the
League. There will be a short busi-
ness meeting, followed by a ocial
hour. All wives of veterans on the
campus are invited.
A.I.E.E. There will be a joint meet-
ing of the Michigan Section and the
Michigan Student Branch on Tues-
day, Feb. 19, at 7:30 p.m., in the Kel-
logg Auditorium. Mr. H. E. Larson of
General Electric Company, Chicago,
will speak on "Amplidynes, Princi-
ples and Applications." Varioutsmov-
ies will be shown. All interested are
esearch Club. The February meet-
ing of the Reearc.h Club 'will be held
on Wednesday evening, Feb. 20, at
8:00. Professor W. H. Hobbs will pre-
sent a paper on "The Newly Discov-
ered Glacial Lake Leverett," and Pro-
fessor R. C. Angell a paper on "The
Social Integration of American Cit-

A M B E R '-Actress Peggy
Cuimins poses in a costume slie
will wear as tle heroine in "For-

J A P p 1 L 0 W T A N K -' A.U..S, soldier' ooks over a Japanese amphibious tank equipped
with rubber 'illows on the treads to reduce noise in land operatigns. The tani, never put intfofull
production; was found in'Tokyo by an American Army intelligence unit ?

Guthrie-McClintic Lec ture Postponed
The Guthrie-McClintic Lecture has been
postponed until March 15, 8:30 P.M.

L A N D I S P L A Q U E--President Ford Frick (right) of the
National baseball league- shows the first Kenesaw Mountain mne-
orial award plaque, which goes to baseball star Martin Marion.
At left is Harvey Traband, league secretary-treasurer.,

RA D A RFO R .F ER RY For fog andnght operations;
technicians of the BlackEBall ferry lines of Seattle I nstallradar
equipment on the vessel Kalakala in the first peacetime .test of
- .the device in Puget Sound . -

Don't Miss The
J-Hop Extrn





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