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November 28, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-28

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Congressional Sit-Down Strike

Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offlee at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular schoolyear by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pblisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Christmas at Hoe
WE SAT DOWN at the typewriter yesterday
prepared to present arguments from the
University administration standpoint on why this
year's Christmas vacation should not be ex-
However, an item in the Daily Official Bulletin
caught our eye.
The notice said that the University Council
had passed a resolution stating that the exam-
intion period at the close of the spring term
be advanced to permit the Alumni Association
to hold a Victory Reunion preceding Com-
mencement Day, June 22, 1946.
Then all our arguments concerning the rigidity
of the University calendar and how the extension
of the vacation now would mean that much
shorter a summer vacation, seemed rather trite.
We are all for alumni reunions. We think
the scheduled reunion would be very appro-
But Christmas at home is more important-
more important to 2,000 World War H veterans
now attending the University.
The vacation was shortened in 1943 following
a special request by the Office of Defense Trans-
portation. It was done to ease the holiday loads
which over-taxed railroads were forced to carry.
There has been no such request this year.
The Calendar Committee drew up the schedule
for 1945-46 on the assumption that the war
would continue. Fortunately, this assumption
proved false.
We cannot see why the vacation should not be
extended. There are a number of good reasons
for the requested four-day extension. Student
opinion .certainly favors the extension.
If the Deans should decide today to main-
tain the schedule, they should have good
reasons fordoing so.
It's going to be difficult to explain to a vet-
eran who has been away from home for two
or three years.
-Ray Dixon
Bob Goldman
Better A.Bomb
ATOMIC BOMBS can now be made at less
expense and at a much faster rate than
the original bomb, says Dr. Leslie W. Ball, who
worked on the bomb project at ,Hanford, Wash.
This apparently indicates progress. Extensive
research must have been carried on to discover
that the use of plutonium instead of the rarer
uranium would drastically cut the time of
makng the bombs and reduce their cost.
America is all out for improvements. She'll
spend her man-hours and resources to get ahead.
She'll work for perfection, even if it's the per-
fection of a terribly destructive instrument.

But the whole world races side by side with
her in her efforts to attain the ultimate. Nations
attempt to reach her and surpass her.
The race seems endless. Yet we have reason
to wonder, perhaps even fear, should the end
be reached. We can not know whether inter-

WASHINGTON-Clearest call for congression-
al action on reconversion was voiced last
week in a little-noticed speech by the ex-Min-
neapolis street-kgweeper, Representative William
J. Gallagher. Without any hestitation, h pinned
responsibility for the congressional sit-down
strike right where it belongs-on the leadership
of important House committees.
Gallagher, a member of four committees
(Census, Indian Affairs, Mines and Mining, and
Pensions), pointed out that only the Indian Af-
fairs committee has been at all active.
"I might just as well not be on a committee
at all," he remarked.
The bent, white-haired former supporter of
Henry George called for an end to the long
delay in stalling off the St. Lawrence Seaway
project. He called for action on the full em-
ployment bill, the 65-cent minimum wage bill,
and other important measures bound up with
Reason for the long delays in committees, he
said, is that "leaders on both sides of the House
do not trust the members. If they are not in
complete agreement on the objective of these
measures, at least they should permit them to
come before the House for a vote.
"Why should we sit here day after day doing
nothing but talk, talk, criticize, and fight bat-
tles that are past, in place of having our eyes
to the future for the benefit of our country
and for the benefit of the soldier boys? .
I want action and sane thinking."
It was one of the sanest speeches Congress
has heard in weeks.
NOTE-As long as reactionary Southern
Congressmen are chairmen of committees they
can bottle up legislation and prevent its
coming to a vote.
Lewis Comes Home
OFFICIALS on both sides publicly deny reports
that John L. Lewis and his United Mine
Workers union will rejoin the American Federa-
tion of Labor. However, privately the deal
already has been made.
Lewis will be returned to the fold at the next
AFL executive council meeting in Miami,
January 21. Furthermore, the tempestuous
mine leader will be granted his No. 1 demand,
a seat in the executive council for his 600,000
mine- workmen.
Biggest immediate barrier to be overcome was
the lack of vacancies on the executive council.
However, Green ,nd his associates have now
worked out a neat little plan to remedy this-
the ouster of Harvey W. Brown, president of
the International Association of Machinists.
Brown has been in hot water with AFL bigwigs
for a long time because of non-payment of per
.capita taxes, growing out of a dispute between
him and Hutcheson over unionization of mill-
wrights. Only about 5,000 millwrights (they
install machinery in industrial plants) are in-
volved, but Brown and Hutcheson have been
battling furiously as to which shall collect dues
from them.
Russian Red Tape
MARSHALL MCDUFFIE, deputy to Overseas
Property Liquidator Tom McCabe, has just
returned from a trip through conquered Europe.
Anxious to go from Warsaw to Prague early in
October, he checked with U. S. military head-
quarters to see if an army plane was scheduled
to cover this mountainous route. None was. He
was also advised he would be wasting his time
if he tried to hitch a ride from the Russians.
Next McDuffie checked at the American
Embassy, where he was told it would be useless
to go to the Russians. Even if they were willing
THE Administration-requested appropriation
of $550,000,000 for UNRRA is being played
with by various Congressmen ever eager to
thwart efforts to help the world's liberated peo-
ple to live through the winter.
The bill, as it emerged from the House, car-
ried with it Rep. Herter's "free-press" rider
which stated that no American contributions to
UNRRA could be spent in any area where rep-
resentatives of the American press were not per-

mitted to observe and report freely on how the
relief money is spent.
But juggling the contents of the bill has
not stopped with the House. Now in Senate
hands, the bill has been further changed. The
Senate Appropriations Committee has struck
the "free-press" rider from the bill and has
substituted an innovation of its own-a parity
amendment, stating that no part of the $550,-
000,000 UNRRA appropriation could be used
to buy farm products outside of the United
States if these were available here at parity
or below, and that none could be bought here
at less than parity price.
The split between the two houses of Congress
on this bill necessitates further delay in voting
the appropriation, for the bill must first be given
over to conference committee to settle differ-
ences and finally must be passed by both houses
in the same form.
Perhaps if Congress waits four more weeks
it will be appropriating money for tombstones
instead of for food.
---Lynn Shapiro

to help, he was told, Russian red tape would
take him ten days to get started.
However, lunching with an American UNRRA
worker, MDuffie revealed his predicament.
Lunch was over at about 2:30. At 3 P. M.
McDuffie received a call from Red Army head-
quarters offering him a ride on a plane expected
to go to Prague from Moscow the next morning.
The Moscow plane was delayed, however. so
MDuffie was put on another Russian plane,
with a crew composed of two Russians and
three Poles. He was charged 265 rubles for
the 400-mile journey over the mountains, and
was permitted to pay in Polish Zlotys. Thus,
the total trip cost him 97 cents in American
From Prague, McDuffie drove to Bratislava
and Vienna, thence to Frankfurt. With his Rus-
-sian-Czech pass and an American flag on the
car he had no trouble so long as he was in
Russian-controlled territory-being stopped only
twice for a reading of his pass.
Between Vienna and Frankfurt, however,
McDuffie was stopped six times by American
G.L's and finally was arrested and fined by
an American military policeman for speeding,
on an eight-lane autobahn, or highway. With
no traffic in sight in either direction, his
chauffeur had been traveling at 55 miles per
(Copyright, 1945, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Semantic Garden
MR. ATTLEE, Mr. Bevin and Mr. Eden have
addressed the House of Commons, each in
accord with his own lights. Their speeches are
wonderfully characteristic; Mr. Attlee's is on a
high, almost abstract, moral level; Mr. Bevin's is
on a rumble-bumble, rather belligerent plane;
Mr. Eden's is fastidious, precise, neat. Yet the
speeches are remarkably alike, too, in that all
three men reveal themselves to be seriously
troubled by the break in confidence between the
Western Powers and Russia, and all three make
specific suggestions for\restoring confidence. Let
us look at these suggestions:
1. Mr. Attlee proposes that the United
Nations Organization shall set up a commis-
sion on atomic energy, which will work, by easy
stages, to explore the problem of exchanging
information in this field; it will try to build
world confidence to a level at which all secrets
can be shared. He says that only the United
Nations can do the job, because the atomic
bomb is a world problem, and that no single
nation, such as Britain, Canada, or the United
States can take the lead in solving the problem.
At this point one has a faint feeling that Mr.
Attlee is begging the question; for until there is
world confidence, the United Nations Organiza-
tion is a kind of nothing; and he asks an organi-
zation whose very start is threatened by lack of
confidence, to solve the problem of confidence.
It is differences among the great powers which
disturb confidence; the great powers can hardly
expect their child to pass a miracle, and send
confidence flowing backward .to the parent or-
ganisms. If there were world confidence, Mr.
Attlee's plan would be splendid; but if there
were world confidence, it would not be needed.
2. Mr. Bevin, with much vehemence demands
"frankness;" he says we must build confidence
through frankness. That is a kind of semantic
horror; for frankness and confidence are-
closely-related concepts, and Mr. Bevin. comes
almost, if not quite, to the point of saying
that we ought to build. confidence through
confidence. He wants every nation to say
exactly what is in its mind in regard to terri-
tories and bases. If there were world confi-
dence, there would be no barriers in the way
of such an exchange of data; but, we perhaps
need more confidence before we can establish
this plan for confidence.
3. Mr. Eden also seems to stumble into the
same verbal trap; not once, but twice. He sug-
gests that the great powers give up the right
of veto on the Security Council; but it is precisely
lack of confidence that has produced the veto
power, and not vice versa. It may be questioned
whether it adds to confidence for the western
nations, which have a clear majority on the
Council, to urge that the minority member shall
give up its veto.
Mr. Eden also proposes that Russia shall open

her gates freely to foreign correspondents, and
let them roam and write as they will. Russia's
exaggerated love of secrecy is distasteful in the
extreme; every free Englishman and American
will sympathize with Mr. Eden on this count,
and will agree that there is something hateful
(and old-fashion, and bizarre) in Russian nar-
rowness on this point. But here, too, we run into
the same check; a revival of confidence must
probably come first. We must not forget how
proud Russia is of her success in misleading
German intelligence as to the extent of Soviet
power. She is not likely to give up any security
device until she has what she considers security.
Again and again we feel ourselves being led
thus up the semantic garden path; that in-
tricate verbalisns are being sought out as a
substitute for a return to the old .system of
Big Three unanimity. It is impossible to say
whether we can return to that system; but it
used to work; and it is hard to believe that
we will get very far with our present effort
to cure an aspirin with a headache.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

JQ f7he 6itor
Longer Recess . .
To the Editor :
1. There are no more travel restric-
2. The Navy V-12 program adjusts
itself to the schedule of each institu-
tion (according to Dr. Robbins, Asst.
to President Ruthven).
3. Veterans home for their first real
Christmas in several years want to
have a real holiday.
Under these conditions, and be-
cause of these conditions, we urge
the Deans' meeting tomorrow to
permit a prolongation of the
Christmas holiday.-,
Signed: Fay Ajzenberg, Winifred
Barr, Patricia Judson, Marion Good-
man, Jeanne Aehoofast, Marion
Riegel, Jane Dittrich, Norma Craw-
ford, Jacqueline Gatit, Mary Holt-
man, Jean R. Crandell, Marilyn Has-
ilswerdl, Sue Curtis, Eleanor Good-
rich, Frances Goldberg, Claire Ma-
cauiley, Elaine Bailer.
* * *
Real Holiday .. .
To the Editor:
IT SIOULD be made evident- that
the veterans are not alone in want-
ing an extension of the Christmas
They are supported by the over-
whelming majority of students.
These students feel that after years
of wartime acceleration they too
should have a real holiday with
their families.
Signed: Barbara Armstrong, Renee
Kaire, Joyce Siegan, Blanca Slvarez,
Catherine Sauer, Eunice Fraser, Jean
Harvey, Helen Perry, Lois Smith,
Rika Drewes, Emily Minthorn, Caro-
lyn Melsheimer, Harriet Hartesvelt,
Dorthea Mountz, Margaret Nichoe,
Lucretia Dell, Tupper Clarks, Joan
Jerwin, Marion Willard, Elizabeth
Adams, Lenore Olson, Lucille Sheetz,
Marian More, Ingen Glasius, Mary
Pinney, Laura Manthei, Katha
Knode, Ann Malper, and Mary
* * *

Per pieta ...................Stradella'during which her performance was
Se tu mami ........... . .... .,.. Pergolesi technically irreproachable but in
Chi voul la zingarella .......... Piasello general uninteresting. Until after
Rondo from "La Ceneretola"... Rossini intermission her voice lacked rich-
Trotsisionchansons de Bilitis ...... Debussyhrvielcdrc-
Romance de l'etoile...........Chabrier ness. seeming too much on one lev-
Toujours .........................Fuare el, with overly apparent effort when
O Cease Thy Singing Maiden Fair.... greater power and volume was at-
-......... .. Rachmaninoff tempted.
Hopak ..................... Moussorgsky
Lullaby. .............Gretchaninoff The second half of her program
Pano murciano .... . ........... . ... Nin could not have been better. With
El Vito ..........................Nin its unwavering tones, clean-cut light-
Air de Lia from "L'Enfant prodigue" ness, and clear diction, Miss Tourel's
.Debussy voice is perfectly suited to the sing-
I wonder as I wander ing of Debussy. Her middle tones
..American White Spiritual were lovely, having richness, precis-
I Hate Music TFive Kid Songs) ion, and other admirable qualities of
.Leonard Bernstein good mezzo-sopranos, but they ex-
* * * celled by far those of her outer range,
SAST ngtteUiestMuia which tended toward thinness.
L A night the University Musical On the whole Miss Tourel sang best
Society presented another first the French and Russian numbers,
performance in the Choral Union probably because of greater familiar-
Series, that of Jennie Tourel, mezzo- ity with the languages. Her interpre-
soprano. Throughout the concert her Live ability was apparent throughout.
voice was excellently controlled and Prblytemsenhiaic
flawlessly pitched even in the diffi- Probably the most enthusiastic-
cult recitative of the Rossini, al- ally received number on the pro-
though it was not until the second gram was Leonard Bernstein's "I
half of the program that it was dis- Hate Music," which climaxed the
played at its full richness and ex- concert. hiss Tourel sang it with
pressiveness. tional claity, Making for a presen-
Except for the Debussy, which tation to which the audience was
was excellent, the first half seemed highly responsive.
to serve as a warming up period -Paula Brower

Extend Vacation .. .
To the Editor:
THREE cheers for the veterans-we
want a longer Christmas vacation
too! We don't know all the objec-
tions to this change, but if a "tight
schedule" is the main one, we don't
see why it needs to be an objection.
We would be very willing to have less
time between semesters, if necessary,
for we'd much rather go home for
Christmas than in March. The kids
we know are more apt to be home for
Christmas for different colleges run
on different schedules so that their
spring vacations would come at dif-
ferent times. So instead of two hec-
tically short vacations, let's have
Christmas vacation long enough to
Signed: - Joan Shively, Nancy
Shenck, Florence Garritsen, Sylvia
Meier, Charlotte Wood, Faith Simp-
son, Helen Dauid, and Tony Lloyd.
:* * *
Christmas Reunion .. .
To the Editor:
WE'D like to add our plea to the
veterans' that Christmas vaca-I
tion be longer. We've had Christmas
at home right along, but this year
lots of us have brothers or friends
who are home for the first time in
years, and we'd like time to do more
than say hello and goodby.
Signed: Barbara Hootson, Virginia
L. Mast, Mary Ellen Baker, Elizabeth
Woodward, Nancy Loud, Heather
Clarke, Carolyn Newberg, Ruth
Adaire Humphrey , Elizabeth A. God-
bout, Charlotte Hilarides, Marilyn
Austin, Janice Carter, Barbara Gib-
son, Charlotte S. Hoyt.
Holiday Spirit
YESTERDAY saw the city's streets
decked out in Yuletide finery. Lo-
cal merchants' donations to the
Chamber of Commerce have made
possible the most extensive deco-
rations in city history.
Making up for war restricted
bleakness, and providing returning
veterans with the traditional holi-
day atmosphere, the decorations
reflect the Christmas spirit in the
city. For many Ann Arbor young-.
sters, this year will be a first
experience of Christmas in the
good old American tradition.
-Milt Freudenheim

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angel Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 21
Attention, Pre-Medical Students:
The Medical Aptitude Test, sponsored
by the Association of American Medf-
cal Colleges, will be given at the Uni-
versity of Michigan on Friday, Dec.
14. The test is a normal requirement
for admission to nearly all medical
schools. It is extremely important for
all students planning to enter a medi-
cal school in the fall of 1946 to take
the examination at this time. If the
test has already been taken, it is
not necessary or advisable to repeat
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall,
and fees must be paid at the Cash-
ier's Office by Dec. 1.
The W. J. Hammill prize of $100
will be awarded for the best essay
concerning the pertinence and mod-
ernity of ideas found in classics of
thought and literature in the fields of
history, economics and political sci-
ence. The contestants for the prize
may choose any one of the following
topics: 1. Theories of relationships
between human ecology and political
systems; . 2. Relationships between
political systems, ethical values, and
the concept of personal property; 3.
the individual and the state. Lists of
books that shall form the basis for
the discussion of these topics will be
supplied contestants. The essay is to
be between ten thousand am'd twenty
thousand words. The contest is open
to any undergraduate of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, and essays must be
submitted by March 15, 1946. Con-
testants are requested to consult with
any member of the committee on
awards before writing the essay..
Joseph E. Kallenbach
William B. Palmer
Palmer A. Throop
Eligibility Certificates for the Fall
rerm should be secured before Dec. 1,
from the Office of the Dean of Stu-
Students are reminded that all
blanks taken out for registering with
the Bureau of Appointments, must
be returned a week from the day tak-
en. Friday is the last day,for returns
during the registration period.
To All Heads of Departments:
Please notify the Information Clerk
in the Business Office of the number
of Faculty directories needed in your
department. Delivery will be made by
campus mail.
Staff members may have a copy of
the Directory by applying at the In-
formation Desk in the Business Of-
fice, Room 1, University Hall.
The Directory will be ready for dis-
tribution Nov. 28. To save postage
and labor the practice of mailing di-
rectories is discontinued.
k Herbert G. Watkins
All Student Organizations desiring
space in the 1946 Michiganensian
should contact the Michiganensian
business office between 2 and 5 p.m.
or 2-4561, line 338, after 7 p.m. This
must be done this week. All organi-
zations that have already received

the Oratorical Association as the
second number on the 1945-46 Lec-
ture Course. Mme. Pandit will speak
in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. on
the subject "The Coming Indian De-
mocracy." Tickets are on sale today
from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. in the audi-
torium box office.
Lecture: Paul Hagen, former Ger-
man and Austrian trade union labor
leader, and author and lecturer on
the subject, "European Labor in the
Post-War World," on Friday, Nov.
30, 4:15 p.m., Room 101 Economics
Building, under the auspices of the
Workers Educational Service. The
lecture is open to the public.
Academic Notices
Seminar in History of Mathematics
Room 3001 Angell Hall; Wednesday,
Nov. 28, 7-8 p.m.
The discussion of the Development
of Complex Numbers will be contin-
Make-up Final Examination in
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54 will be
given Friday afternoon, Nov. 30, in
Room 207 Economics Bldg. at 3:00.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, Nov. 30, at 4 p.m., in
319 West Medical Building. "Gastro-
Intestinal Factors in the Utilization
of Fats" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
Exhibit of Paintings and Sketches
by Various Japanese-American Ar-
tists, On Relocation Centers, From
Nov. 26 to Dec. 16. Sponsored by Stu-
dent Council of Student Religious As-
sociation, Inter-Guild, Inter-Racial
Association, All Nations Club. Office
of Counselor in Religious Education,
Michigan Office of War Relocation
Authority, U. S. Department of In-
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch-
aeology, 434 South State Street. His-
torical Firearms and other Weapons.
Nov. 25 through Dec. 9. Weekdays,
9-12; 1:30-5; 7:30-9:30; Sundays, 3-5.
Events Today
Hillel Foundation will hold a meet-
ing, today at 4:00 p.m. for all
those people interested in preparing
or serving at the Channukah party on
Saturday night.
Botanical Journal Club today at
4:00 p.m., Room N. S. 1139. Reports
by Barbara Bowen
Weed-killing Chemicals
Robert Lowry
The Genetics of Bryophytes
Norrine Mathews
A review of literature on
Taraxacum Kok-saghyz Rod,
Chairman-W. C. Steere
Anyone interested is cordially in-
vited to attend
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Library Committee will hold a meet-
ing today at 4:15 p.m.. Those who
are interested in becoming members
of this committee are urged to attend
the meeting.
S.O.I.C.: There will be a regular bi-
monthly meeting of the Executive
Council of the Student Organization
for international Cooperation today
at 4:15 in the Union. Special atten-
tion is called to the Newman Club,
Veterans Organization, Inter-Frater-
nity Council, and Engineering Council


By Crockett Jolrnson


KMr..O'McIey, my Fairy Godfather, is opening



communication from the Department

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