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November 28, 1945 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-28

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VMWDSAY, OVEhM,~2, 1945, THE 1 M I (HITGAr N D Al TY PO ~~

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T Open Season Saturday

Pucksters To Face Top
Ranking Windsor Squad


Bill Courtright Elected Captain
Of Wrestling Squad by Mates

Saturday's Game To
Be First Class Battle
All set and literally straining at the
leash, Michigan's hockey squad is
impatiently awaiting the whistle
which will send them in action
against the powerful Windsor Spit-
fires Saturday on the Coliseum ice.
Tough Opener
That the Spitfires are a strong club
may be testified by the fact that they
copped top honors in the Ontario
amateur hockey league last year and
have been strengthened this year.
Although the Wolverines have not
yet met any amateur opposition, the
Wolverines have looked especially
good in practice games against pro-
J-Y Turkey Run
Wo ByWhie
nB%- hiTeam R4uners
Sparked by Herb Barten and Bob
Thomason, who finished second and
third behind Chuck Birdsall, the
white team won the Intra-Mural tur-
key run yesterday afternoon over a
two and a half mile distance in the
field house.
The run originally was scheduled
for the varsity cross country course
but was moved indoors because of the
inclement weather. The winning team
of Thomason, Barten, Chuck Low,
who finished sixth, Dick Schneider
and Les Warren will be joined at tur-
key dinner at the Alpha Chi Omega
sorority by five other members of the
team, the winner Chuck Birdsall,
Archie Parsons, Joe Shea and Dave
Hess, fourth and fifth place, and Lou
Birdsall let Barten and Thomason
set the pace in the early laps but
took over the lead in the 16th to fin-
ish in the timeof 13.6.

fessionals and in daily scrimmage.
With all indications pointing to one
of the biggest games played on Coli-
seum ice, Coach Vic Heyliger declines
to comment on the outcome of the
contest. But he promises, "The fans
will see a first class battle. Michigan
has not had too much experience
working as a unit, but the boys cer-
tainly have the ability." The Spit-
fire's record speaks for itself.
Practicing Hard
After an extended holiday lay-off,
the Wolverines resumed action this
week, putting the finishing touches
on their game. With only one excep-
tion the squad should be at top
strength for the initial encounter.
That exception is Bob Marshall, key
defenseman from North Bay, Ont.
Marshall was back in uniform Mon-
day after a week's rest at the Health
Service, suffering from a sore throat.
He is expected to play a good part
of Saturday's game, but it is doubted
if he will be in best physical shape.
Michigan's defense will not be lack-
ing in any event. Clem Cossalter,
Connie Hill and Ross Smith are
three excellent defensemen, and
Ching Johnson Jr., son of the famous
professional puck star, will be able
to give considerable support to this
trio. In the nets for the Maise and
Blue will be Jack Maclnnes, a vet-
eran of many years in Canadian
amateur hockey circles.
Are Preparing
For Naval Tilt
WEST POINT, N.Y., Nov. 27-(/)-
With only half a dozen privileged
spectators looking on, Army's great
football squad put on an exhibition
good enough to fill any stadium in
the country today as the Cadets
banged through a lengthy scrim-
mage for Saturday's Navy game,
which definitely will be their last this
For 45 minutes, various combina-
tions on this mighty grid squad that
many are calling the best of all time
bumped heads in a rough and tum-
ble drill which brought Army's heavy
practice in preparation for the an-
nual service classic to an end.
But coach Earl "Red" Blaik's first
team was quarterbacked by Dick
Walterhouse, a second stringer whose
specialty is kicking extra points, in
place of Arnold Tucker, the regular
field general and key man in Army's
Tucker was taken to the hospital
earlier in the day with Influenza and
a temperature of 102, the outgrowth
of a cold.

Bill Courtwright, a 165-pounder
and recently returned veteran, yes-
terday was elected captain of the
1945-46 wrestling team.
Courtwright, who was captain-
elect of the 1942-43 team before
leaving for the Army, is a very
welcome addition to this year's
squad,. While wrestling at Michi-
gan, he was runner-up two years
in succession for the National
Intercollegiate title, both times
being defeated by Gene Smith of
Oklahoma A. & M. in the champ-
ionship match. His return to action
considerably brightens the outlook
for this season's grapplers.
With the return of Courtwright
and after three weeks of practice,
the squad is gradually beginning to
take shape. At the present time, there
are 65 men vieing for positions on the
team, most of whom have never
wrestled before. According to Coach
Cliff Keen, the prospects are learn-
ing, and several are showing promise.
Coach Keen also complimented. the
prospective grapplers on the fine
spirit that they have shown to date.
Art Sachsel, who wrestled in the
(Continued from Page 1)
fought and won on spirit," he said,
"and the Michigan football team
fought and won the same way."
"Even though we lost to Army and
Navy, the experience of fighting up-
hill against a superior opponent was a
valuable one. When these boys face
the world, in the mess in which we of
the older generation have left it, they
will realize the value of that experi-
"And no one," he concluded, "who
saw Michigan get off the floor last
week and beat a better Ohio State
team can have any concern about the
future. Those boys showed the true
spirit of Michigan, and of youth."
Retiring team captain Joe Pon-
setto, introducing Renner, praised his
successor for his fine play and lead-
ership during his three years on the
varsity. Renner, who comes from
Sturgis, Mich., rejoined the squad at
mid-season after being discharged
from the Marine Corps, and played a
steady brand of ball the rest of the
Bob Ufer, sports editor of station
WPAG, reviewed the highlights of
the 1945 football season locally and
named an all-city high school eleven.
Axel Marin, president of the Michi-
gan Club and a member of the Board
in Control of Athletics, presided.
George J. Burke officiated as toast-

121-pound division and the onlyt
returning veteran from last year's
squad, is expected to grapple at
128 pounds this season. Tom Rich-
ardson and John Allred are other
prospects in the 128-pound class.
At 121 pounds, Jim Stark and Ber-
nard Straatsma are the most promis-
ing, while L. Smith, a 135-pounder,
and Stu Snyder, Bob Jobson, and
Pete Clemens, all are coming along

Heyliger Names
Macnnes New
Hockey Goalie
Wolverine Net-Minder
Strengthens Ice Squad
It is very rare indeed to find a
member of a collegiate hockey team
who has a record of over 10 years ex-
perience in organized hockey leagues.
Jack Maclnnes, 18 year old
freshman from Toronto, Ontario
is ene such a player. Maclnnes is
the Wolverines' varsity goalie this
season, and Vic Heyliger, mentor of
the Michigan squad, says "He is
awfully quick and fast, very cool,
and he keeps in his net well."
The Maize and Blue's number one
goal tender went to DeLasalle High
School where he captained the sextet
and led the team to the Ontario Jun-
ior B championship.
Maclnnes, describing the high-
lights of this series, said it was one of
the toughest he has' ever played. In
the play-offs, the winner had to take
two of three games. The opening was
won by DeLasalle. but it dropped the
second, making it necessary to play
the final game.
The deciding tilt proved to be a
real hockey thriller. It was a see-
saw affair characterized by many
colorful moments, with DeLasalle
finally winning the all-important
encounter by a score of 9-7. Mac-
Innes incidently made 60 saves
during the title clinching till
which is tops in anybody's book.
Holding down the same position
since he became interested in hockey,
MacInnes got his start in the so
called "Pee Wee" group which is
better known as the Minor Bantam
League. He then advanced to the
Junior division where he was captain
of team for three consecutive year,
winning the Junior Toronto title in

Hoopsters Drillfor Cage'
Tilt with Michigan State
Oosterbaan Views rangy Marty Feinberg, who is also
Team's in the running for a forward berth.
Team s PogressCompetitiion Strong
Along with Feinberg, Glen Selbo,
Preparing for Saturday night's Ray Louthen, and John Mullaney are
basketball tilt with Michigan State after starting assignments as for-
College, the Wolverine hoopsters con- wards. Selbo and Louthen composed
tinued their offensive and defensive two-fifths of last years regular Bron-
drills yesterday at Yost Field House, co lineup. Mullaney won his letter
where the weekend's cage tilt will be for the Wolverines at a forward slot
played. last fall.
Oosterbaan Returns At guards will be two of four hope-
Head hoop coach, Benny Osster- fuls. Dave Strack, Harold Wester-
baan, viewing his charges for the man, Bill Gregor, and Walt Kell are
'first time Monday, expressed satisfac- all in the running. Strack, a return-
faction with the team's showing. Back ing Marine veteran was elected hon-
from his football duties as End orary captain of the 1942 edition of
Coach, Oosterbaan spent most of his the Wolverine Cagers before he left
time at the practice session in the for the service that year. Gregor and
role of observer. Assistant Coach Bill Kell were both baseball stars in the
Barclay did most of the piloting and spring and have had previous cage
led the team through their paces. experience at Michigan.
A starting five for the second regu-
larly scheduled game of the Wolver-
ine cage season has not as yet been
chosen. The battle for center slot
has developed into a three-way com-
petition between Bob Harrison, To-
ledo Freshman, Keith Harder, a re-
turning letterman-forward and high
scorer in the last game of the prac-
tice season against Romulus. The
other competitor for the post is ,

CLIFF KEEN - Announces elec-
tion of Bill Courtwvright as captain
of wrestling squad for 1945-46.
in the 145-pound division. The best
of the 165s are Captain Courtwright,
Sam Basworth, and Ward Peterson.
Joe Niles and George Chiames, var-
sity footballer, will wrestle at 175
pounds, while the most promising
heavyweights include Ted De Nuyl,
Tom Jones, Walt Blumenstein, and
Sam Spevak.


Ponsetto, Watts,
Tomasi Named
By, Free :Press
Three regulars on Michigan's 1945
football squad were named to the
All-Western Conference eleven se-
lected by the Detroit Free Press yes-
The three honored were Team Cap-
tain Joe Ponsetto at quarterback,
Harry Watts at center, and Dom
Tomasi at guard.
Most surprising nomination was
that of Tomasi, a first-year man, but
a line stalwart for the Wolverines all-
season. The stubby 180-pounder from
Flint won all-state high schools hon-
ors last year.
Ponsetto was selected for the sec-
ond year in succession by the Free
Press staff. Naming of Watts was no
surprise as he had already been
placed on The Associated Press all-
Big Ten eleven and is an all-Americ-
can candidate.


Continuous from 1 P.M.
Last Regular Show
Today at 7 'P.M.




Tickets and Bonds
May Be Secured Today
until 9 P.M.

(Continued from Page 2)
p.m. in the League. Any girl who is
not registered but is interested in be-
coming a hostess is invited to attend.
The Social Commititee will hold a
mass meeting today at 5:00 in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League
for all eligible second-semester fresh-
men, sophomores, juniors and seniors
interested in working on the Social
Committee. Bring elibility cards.
Seminar on the Expansion of
Christianity: This is the third ses-
sion on the Mission program of the
Protestant church. Mr. Littell will
talk on "The Early Church." Inter
ested students are cordially invited
to this discussion at 7:15 in Lane
Varsity Glee Club: Important busi-
ness meeting tonight at 7:30. Every
man out! Rehearse for Christmas
boadcast and concert.
Music Seminar: Come to hear Mr.
Heger of the University Music De-
partment talk about the Develop-
ment of the Gregorian Chant. Re-
cordings and piano selections will be
used for illustrations. The, time is
7:30 and the place is Lane Hall.
Coining Events
The Chemistry Club invites all nem
interested to hear Prof. Barker speak
on ATOMIC ENERGY at a smoker
Thurs., Fri., Sat. 8:30 p.m.
Room 316 Michigan Union.
Art Cinema League presentation

Voice in the Wind with Francis Led-
erer. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Thursday, Fri., Sat. 8:30 p.m.
Coffee Hour: Here's an oppoptunity
to meet foreign students on campus.
From 4:30 to 6 on Friday, Nov. 30,
honoring students living at English
House, the Spanish Club, and the
Latin American Society will be held
at Lane Hall. American students are
invited to visit informally with for-
eign students on campus. Allene Go-
linken is the hostess. Refreshments
will be served.

for the
There is still time!
&TU4IC 1352 Wilmot Telephone 3906
Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 11.M.
C ie s as ,y r , r' eo q 8841


Students Association:

There will be a meeting on Friday,
Nov. 30, at 7:30 p.m., at 1001 F.
Huron. All students of Armenian
parentage are cordially invited to at-
tend this meeting.


ALTERATIONS: Ladies garments.
Some work on men's wear. Velvet
collar. 410 Observatory. Phone
WANTED: Boy for helper in kitchen.
Kappa Delta, 1620 Cambridge.
WANTED: Veteran desires late model
automobile. Call Bruce Elliott af-
ter 7 p. m. Phone 24551.
WANTED: Sewing, repairing, refit-
ting or the making up of new ma-
terial. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Divi-
sion. 2nd floor front.
only, no Sundays. Mrs. Zimmer, 915
Oakland. Phone 22868.
LOST Black billfold containing
money. Pictures. Very valuable
property! Reward. Contact Mary
June Simpson, Mosher Hall.
LOST: Lady's gold wrist watch. Witt-
nauer. Probably Washtenaw and
North University area. 6893. Re-

LOST: Silver bracelet with 13 hearts.
Reward. Call 2-3279.
LOST recently. Black mittens. Cro-
cheted roses on back. Call Sherry
Armstrong. Telephone 7170.
LOST: Ladies' Gruen wrist watch,
Initials JCI on back. If found,
phone Jane Ingersoll at 2-1146.
LOST Saturday. Pink shell-rimmed
glasses. Finder please call Beverly
Rowan. 2-5671.
LOST: Brown silk handbag in vicin-
ity of Thayer and Washington on
Thursday afternoon. Contains keys,
kid gloves. Call 3723. Reward.
EXPERT TYPIST wants typing to do
in her home. All work neatly done.
Phone 7337.

Quilted .Iobes




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