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November 14, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-14

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EDITOR'S NOTE: This column was written by Clark Baker, Daily Sports Night Editor.
ALTHOUGH there are two fat weeks of the current grid season left, the
prize title of National Champion, 1945, is all wrapped up in one package
labelled "Army-Navy, do not open until December 1."
That these two powers will fight it out in Philadelphia on that date is a
sure bet. Which will emerge with the "usually" mythical crown (almost
no one will dispute that Army and Navy are in a class by themselves this'
year) in a moot question. Having witnessed both teams flatten Michigan,
we lean toward the Cadets to make it two in a row over the Middies.
The two big reasons for our selection are Doc Blanchard and Glenn
Davis, Army's main siege guns. Both teams utilize the T-formation but
with Blanchard and Davis around the Army could get away with most
any kind of offensive array. Blanchard is dynamite on line plays while
his teammate moves eaually well from anywhere, especially on wide end
sweeps. Likewise, both are sharr blockers.
Navy's backfield powered by Clyde Scott and Tony °Minisi, are hardly
rated as slouches but their offense is based more on deception than power.
We got the impression that Army is liable to explode from anywhere for
touchdowns. They scored against Michigan twice from 70-yards out.
Navy cashed in on breaks against the Wolverines, and never had to move
for for their scores. The Middies could never quite generate a good sus-
tained drive or spring one of their backs loose from his own territory.
.!.HE LINES are just about equal with the edge, if any, going to Navy
because of two outstanding ends, Capt. Dick Duden and Leon Bramlett.
Against the West Pointers the Middie forwards will be asked to stop a
backfield that has not been checked this season. Nor have the Annapolis
fans faced such a backfield. Notre Dame rolled up almost 200 yards on
the ground against Navy. We think Army can do even better.
Navy has depended a lot on breaks this fall. Against Michigan,
though, the Middie backfield finally snapped out of its lethargy. It
should continue to improve. It will have to. The Cadets do. not make
mistakes. They play for keeps and nobody knows it better than Oscar
Hagberg's boys. Not for a long time will they forget the 23-7 pasting of
last year.
It's not hard to see why upwards of 100,000 fans will storm Philly's
Municipal Stadium for the Army-Navy game. The everpresent tradition and
color of the contest is supplemented this season by the claim of each for
the National crown. Navy could lift it but we prefer to stick with Blan-
chard, Davis and Co.

lo es f
Figures Favor
In Purdue Tilt
Head Ground Gainers,
Canfield and Cody, Are
Mainstays of Purdue
Although the rampaging Indiana
Hoosiers have moved toward the top
in statistical standings on the basis
of their thundering 49-0 win from
Minnesota, Ohio State and Michigan
have retained their leads in the offen-
sive and defensive departments..
A glance at the total rushing
averages for individuals throws a
scare in the hearts of Wolverine
fans as the two leaders, Billy Can-
field and Ed Cody, will perform on
the gridiron Saturday afternoon for
the Boilermakers.
Because both the Buckeyes and the
Wolverines were engaged in non-
Conference contests over the week-
end, they maintained their positions
at the head of the league. In five
games Caroll Widdoes' young charges
have maintained an average scrim-
mage gain of 228 yards. The Michi-
gan line has yielded but 129 yards a
game in five contests.
Purdue's pass completion record
of .560, all on the tosses of fresh-
man- Quarterback Bob DeMoss,
stands alone, and is certainly a
feature that cannot be overlooked
in the coming contest in Michigan
Stadium, Saturday. Wisconsin's
37.8 yard average at punting is their
only Conference laurel in an other-
wise dismal season.
Canfield, by netting 266 yards by
rushing and adding 208 on the re-
ceiving end of McMoss's heaves, leads
the field in total offensive gains. His
four game average is 118.5 yards. His
fellow halfback Cady is second in the
standings with an eaverage gain of
113.2 yards. Canfield's 14 pass re-
ceptions are also tops.






__ _._

United States Shows Little
Interest in Hockey -- Heyliger

Boilermakers, Buckeyes
Remain in Wayof Victory

, -

"With hockey becoming an increas-
ingly popular sport as witnessed by
the constantly packed ice arenas
among cities of both the National
Hockey League and the American
Hockey League, there is no reason
why the United States should not
be able to develop its own hockey
stars," is the opinion voiced by Michi-
gan's hockey coach, Vic Heyliger.
Up to now it has been a recog-
inized fact that Canada has a mo-
nopoly on hockey talent. Rosters of
almost every big league squad are
predominant with names of those
from the Dominion. Taking noth-
ing away from the Canadians, who
are great performers on the ice,
Heyliger stresses the point that
this country has every facility for
producing as good, if not better
players than our neighbors to the
"It has always been thought that
because Canadianshenjoy about five
months of good hockey weather a
year and are able to play hockey so
much of the time, that it is only nat-
ural for the Canadians to possess so
much ability." "However," Heyliger
says, "the United States is building
many artificial rinks which can and
should be used to further the sport in
sections of the country where natural
rinks cannot be found because of cli-
mate. Hockey is enjoying considera-
ble success along the Pacific Coast,
especially in Southern California."
Coach Heyliger believes that the
high schools are most capable of ad-

Unbeaten Indiana
To Meet Purdue

vancing hockey. At present too few
secondary schools sponsor the sport,
and this.is reflected upon the colleges
of this country. Notable exception is
Eveleth high school at Northern Min-
nesota perhaps the leading hockey
town of the United States. Three
professional goalies, Mike Karakas
and Leo Presti of the Blackhawks and
Frank Brimsek of the Boston Bruins
all got their start in Eveleth. Inci-
dentally Michigan will have three
more Eveleth boys performing for
them this season with Wally Grant,
Neil Celley and Clem Cossalter.
Boston Gardens is now doing much'
to promote hockey around Massachu-
setts by opening the arena to the jun-
iors. Detroit and Chicago are in a po-
sition to do the same, and thus in-
sure the United States of its own tal-
ent. Heyliger is hoping to open Mich-
igan's Coliseum to local youngsters.
"Our athletic program in the
United States is superior to that
of Canada, and Americans tend to
be better coordinated athletes be-
cause of the part spsrts play in our
lives. We must, however, start the
youngsters playing hockey at the
same age they begin playing other
Several Big Ten schools are now
contemplating organizing puck
squads. Illinois, after abandoning
hockey for the war intends to resume
next year. Wisconsin, Northwestern
and Purdue are hoping to join Michi-
gan, Minnesota and the Illini in the
near future.

Daily Sports Editor
Thoughts of Purdue, Ohio State,
and a possible Western Conference
championship erasedtunpleasant
memories of last Saturday's 33-7
drubbing by Navy in the Michigan
football camp as the Wolverines yes-
terday began to set themselves for the
stretch drive in the Big Ten race.
Michigan Could Win,
Victories over both Purdue and
Ohio State on successive Saturdays
will put the Wolvernnes on top, pro-
vided Purdue can come back two
weeks hence and dump undefeated
Indiana from top position. The Hoos-
iers, of course, can settle the issue
once and for all by defeating the
There are a lot of "ifs" involved in
all these speculations. One of the
biggest will be resolved Saturday,
when Michigan and Purdue clash in
Michigan Stadium in a game that will
definitely remove one or the other,
from contention.
Purdue In Running 1
For Purdue, also, retains a chance
for at least a share of the laurels. All
All Is Well at Minnesota
Rumors of dissension in the Uni-
versity of Minnesota's football camp
were spiked tonight by Coach Bernie
Bierman. Bierman said that yester-
day's lack of men at practice was due
to a misunderstanding of the Armis-
tice Day holiday.


Coach Cecil Isbell's aggregation has
to do is beat both Michigan and Indi-
ana to secure just that. And a si-
multaneous loss by Ohio State in one
of its two remaining games would
give them undisputed possession.
Ohio State too, has some very
much alive hopes of its own. If Pur-
due loses to Michigan and defeats In-
diana, and the Bucks get by both Illi-
nois and the Wolverines, Coach Car-
roll Widdoes' boys will have the bunt-
ing in their collective hip pocket.
Hot Race
* For the peace of mind of those who
follow such things, the other five
Conference teams are all out of .the
running in this, one of the hottest of
all, Big Ten chases. Whatever hap-
pens, the final winner will not de-
termined until all results are in for
the final day of the season, Nov. 24.
Gardens Plays Host
To 21 Double Bills
NEW YORK, Nov. 13-(/P)-Three
colleges which never before have
shown their basketball wares in Madi-
son Square Garden will appear this
winter on the program of 21 double-
headers while the long absent teams
from the Pacific Coast will return for
the first time since the 1941-42 sea-
The schedule, announced today,
calls for two more double bills than
in the biggest previous Garden pro
gram. It will open Dec. 5 with Val-
paraiso opposing Long Island Uni-
versity and St. John's taking on West-
ern Michigan.


Wolverines '45 Basketball Season
To Include Twelve Big Ten Tilts



Central Michigan To
Open Against Cagers
Nineteen games, 12 of them Con-
ference clashes, have been scheduled
for the 1945-46 Michigan basketball
team to fill up a three-month season
Six Home Gamges
Six of the Big Ten tilts will be
played at the Wolverines' Yost Field
House, while the squad will take to
the road to tackle the remaining op-
ponents in their own territories.
The initial clash of the season is
slated for Friday night, at which time
Coach.Bill Barclay's cagers travel to
Mt. Pleasant to meet Central Michi-
gan's quitnet. Barclay hasn't chosen

the starting lineup as yet, but feels
confident that the Maize and Blue
will take the Chippewas "without too
much trouble."
Big Ten Games
Home-and-home contests with
Michigan State and Great Lakes, and
a game apiece with Utah and West-
ern Michigan comprise the balance
of the non-Conference card. Big Ten
clashes include two battles each with
Northwestern, Indiana, Ohio, Illi-
nois, Chicago, and Wisconsin, one
game of each series to be played in
Ann Arbor.
After wading through matches with
Michigan State, Western Michigan,
Great Lakes and Utah, on the first,
eighth, 15th, and 17th of December
respectively, the Wolverines will meet
their first Conference opponent, In-
diana, in Yost Field House on the
22nd. The two teams split a pair
last year.

The following week Barclay's men
will journey to Columbus with an eye
toward avenging the two defeats ten-
dered them by Ohio State in 1944-45.
Last season the Buckeye crew re-
ceived a 44-41 overtime decision in
its first- tilt with Michigan and
handed the Wolverines a 61-47 drub-
bing in their second meeting.
Northwestern, Wisconsin, and Illi-
nois, split two-game series with the
Maize and Blue last year. The Wild-
cats got the nod inthe first tilt, but
dropped their last match of the sea-
son to Michigan's cagemen. Wiscon-
sin's Badgers and the Fightin' Illini
suffered 50-39 and 48-43 defeats, re-
spectively, at the Wolverines' hands,
but bounced back to take the return
clashes, 55-44 and 55-37, in that or-
Chicago, the remaining Conference
opponent on the '46 schedule, did not
play Michigan last year.

Graduating in February, June, or October



Sports Building
Is Open Nightly
For Recreation
After four years of relative inac-
tivity, the Sports Building is now open'
each evening for the use of students
and faculty members interested in
instruction or general play in sports.
Jack Begelman, assisted by a group
of student managers, is in charge of
the evening program, which consists
of classes under the direction of vol-
unteer instructors, as well as infor-
mal play. The I-M Department is
still in need of instructors for many
sports and would like to contact any-
one who is interested.
Among the activities offered are
weight lifting, swimming, gymnastics,
fencing, boxing, tennis, and basket-
ball. The indoor tennis courts will be
open between 6-7 p. m. only. There
is also a special Friday night pro-
gram planned for Veterans and their
Plans are under way for starting a
basketball league. The teams are reg-
istering now and about 50 squads are
expected to take part in the season
play. These teams have the privi-
lege of signing up for evening prac-
tice periods. The games will also be
played in the evening due to the after-
noon Navy Physical Conditioning Pro-
gram. There is a need for about a
dozen more referees who can offi-
ciate at the basketball matches.
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