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November 14, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-14

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hliNNT VBER 14, 1945



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Staubach Explains Spread of U.S.Culture

WORK ON THE MARRIED STUDENTS' DORMITORY has begun, with grading now in progress. The project
is to be located on Washington Heights off Observatory Road and will consist of 22 apartments in eight units,
accomymodating approximately 350 residents. Estimated cost is $832,900. Pictured above is the architect's
drawing of the apartment house.

Reeducation of German Youth
Is Possible Says Newcomb

Pointing out that a great majority
of the German people had become
anti-Nazi by conviction when their
nation surrendered, Prof. Theodore
Newcomb of the sociology depart-
ment, expressed the views that the
German youth can be re-educated
and that the American Army of Oc-
cupation had been fairly successful
except on the political front.
Prof. Newcomb, who recently re-
turned from Europe where he par-
ticipated in a study of the morale
of the German people, revealed
these views, which are contrary to
reports of correspondents who
maintain that Germans who ex-
press such convictions do so only
through fear, in an interview yes-
He believes that the political situa-
tion is improving since General Eis-
enhower is removing Nazi officials
who were kept in power by American
authorities whose tendencies were to
keep in power those who could do the
job best without regard to their poli-
tical affiliations.
Prof. Newcomb declared that the
political future of Germany rests
in the hands of those Germans who
passively'followed Hitler during his
years of power without being vic-
tims of the Nazi ideology. These
groups form the largest proportion
of the population, lying between
those who were, and always will be,
indifferent to government and the
small percentage of convinced, fa-
natical Nazis.
This last section formed the bul-
wark of Hitler's supporters from 1921
to 1942, the year when he reached the
Auto Dealers Seek
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 - (W) -
Price Administrator Chester Bowles
accused auto dealers today of a high
pressure lobby campaign to gain ex-
emptions from the OPA policy which
requires retail merchants to absorb
part of higher production costs.
He announced that the dealers' de-
mands are being rejected. He added
that price ceilings for new automo-
biles, to be announced Thursday.
would- permit dealers to make a
higher profit than before the war.

height of his power domestically, in-
ternationally and on the military
front. "After the defeats at Stalin-
grad and at El Alemain in 1942, and
after the entry of the United States
into the war," Prof. Newcomb stated,
"the people began to lose hope, until,
in 1944, with the day-by-day bomb-
ings of their cities, the overwhelming
majority of the German people had
no confidence in the possibility of
"Nevertheless, the war continued,
and bombs kept falling after nearly
all Germans were convinced that it
was useless to go on fighting. Hence,
they began to direct their resent-
ment against Nazi leadership." Dur-
ing the war, Prof. Newcomb stressed,
active anti-Nazi underground organ-
izations definitely existed.
According to Prof. Newcomb, the
role of education in Germany will
he important. "It is the younger
group, those under twenty," he
stated, "with whom we shall be
able to work. While the people in
their late twenties and thirties pros-
pered under Hitlerism, the younger
age groups suffered nothing but
Though they have been unwittingly
indictrinated with Nazi ideologies,
they are not sadistic by nature,_and
Prof. Newcomb believes that, using
the proper methods, the youth of
Germany can be reeducated.
La Sociedad To
Show Movies
English Commentary
Replaced by Spanish
La Sociedad Hispanica will pres-
ent two movies at its meeting at 8
p. m. tomorrow in Rm. 316 of the
Michigan Union.
The technicolor production, "Mich-
igan on the March," has been pro-
vided with a Spanish commentary in
place of the English soundtrack. In
addition films of the Michigan-Min-
nesota game will be shown.
All students are cordially invited,
and the club extends a special invi-
tation to the Latin American students
on campus.
Anyone wishing to join'La Sociedad
may do so at the meeting.

Center To old
Rackham Today
Exhibitions Will Be
Sponsored by Students
The International Center is spon-
soring a reception for all faculty
members and foreign stufdents at 7:30
p.m. today in the Rackham Build-
President Alexander V. Ruthven,
Dean of Students Joseph Bursley,
Asst. Dean Mary Bromage and Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton will speak. Dr. Esson
M. Gale, director of the International
Center, is master of ceremonies.
Booths exhibiting artefacts and
items of general interest regarding
the nationalities represented will be
sponsored and staffed by the Latin
American group, the Chinese group,
the Philippine group and the Indian
U. S. Army officers training at the
University for service on military
missions to Latin America will be
present at the reception, Dr. Gale an-
Dean To Attend
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts will leave today to represent the
University at the inauguration of Dr.
Henry P. Van Dusen as president of
the Union Theological Seminary in
New York tomorrow.
He also plans to attend a meeting
of the deans of eastern liberal arts
colleges at Tufts College Nov. 17 and
18. and visit New Haven, Philadel-
phia, Baltimore and Washington in
the interests of the University.
Thanksgivino To Be
University Holiday
Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, will be
a University holiday, Dr. Frank E.
Robbins, assistant to President A. G.
Ruthven, announced yesterday.
Christmas vacation will take place
as scheduled in University bulletins,
he also said. Yuletide holidays for
students will begin Friday evening,
Dec. 21, and end Thursday morning,
Dec. 27.
Any slight change of schedule
might make a great deal of difference
in certain courses, Dr. Robbins'
pointed out.
John Vivian To Address
Aeronautical Science Club
John E. Vivian, former member of
the Institute of Aeronautical Science,
will address a meeting of the organi-
zation at 7:30 p.m. today in the Un-
Vivian, who left the University in
1940, will tell of his experiences in the
North Pacific and of his interment in
Russia. A business meeting and elec-
tion of officers will follow his talk.
Harfst To Speak
Richard Harfst, general manager
of the Automobile Club of Michigan,
will describe the benefits to the city
and University of the poposed De-
troit-Chicago Expressway when he
speaks to the weekly Rotary Club
meeting at noon tomorrow, in the
Allenel Hotel.

By LYNN SHAPIRO mulgating a program for removing
"Constantly enlarging circles in Co- conventional dead-weightin the
lombia are becoming aware that the school curriculum. The program
United States has poets, novelists, as it now stands covers a long day,
dramatists, musicians and a very from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., a schedule
general spread of cultural activites," which students can't .take physi-
Prcf. Charles N. Staubach, recently cally and psychologically."
returned to the faculty of the Ro- "Although education is still largely
mance Languages department, stated a Church function, many schools
yesterday. have been set up by the government,"
This condition has been largely Prof. Staubach"y said. Colombia has
accomplished by the establishment Preftre chis dprmetwt
Af Cultural Institutessetupbythe progressive education with the Gim-
American Council of Learned So- nasio Moderno, established many
cieties (and now under the U. S. years ago and run by Augustin Nieto
Department of State) in numerous Caballero, and based on observation
Latin American countries. "These of Dutch, Belgian and English
Institutes are almost entirely sup- schools"
ported by the fees of the thousands "Colombia politically has been
of Latin American students," Prof. quite stable during the past 40
Staubach explained, "learning Eng- qiesal uigteps
lish and learning about our ways years, even though there is intense
from the American staffs of the In- said."It is rivalry," Prsingle country in
Serving for 16 months as a visit-
"sties." fo 6mnh savst the western hemisphere that has
ing professor of English at the Na-
tional University of Colombia and at
the Javeriano (Jesuit) University,
Prof. Staubach taught under grantN
from the Division of Cultural Cooper-
ation of the State Department. The
classes taught by Prof. Staubach were 4
not part of the National University
curriculum and offered no credit to-_
ward a degree. Professional students,
journalists and public figures who Football Banquet . . .
felt that they needed a greater knovl-
edge of English composed the major- The annual high school football
ity of the voluntary students. In the banquet given by the University of
Javeriano University, however, Eng- Michigan Club of Ann Arbor for all
lish literature was a required course. Washtenaw County football teams
Commenting upon the education will be held Nov. 27 at the Union.
system, Prof. Staubach explained The Varsity squad and coaching
that Colcmbia's Minister of Educa- staff of the University have been in-
tion, German Arciniegas, is "pro- vited to the function which will be
limited to 350 people.
Russian Pianist Pln 'U'Runion..
To Perform at The Executive Committee of the
Class Officer's Council will meet
T * Cort8:00 p. in. Friday in the Union to
make plans for a University re-
Within two seasons in the United
States, Alexander Uninsky, Russian
piano virtuoso who will present the k pO d . e .u
third Choral Union conceit nexit
Monday, has skyrocketed to fame. Newly elected officers of the Uni-
At the end of this season he will have versity of Michigan Club of Spokane,
made two transcontinental recital Wash., are Alfred H. Syverson, '01,
tours in addition to three tours of president; Reginald Raymond, '12-'13,
South America. vice-president; and Marcus Morton,
Born iiX Kiev, Russia in 1910, the '18, secretary.
gifted young pianist studied at the Plans are being made by the Spo-
Kiev Conservatory and in Paris kane group for a meeting of the
where he made his home until the alumni May 24 and 25 of District 12
outbreak of war. In 1932 he won which includes Michigan alumni in
the International Chopin Con- Montana, Idaho, Washington, and
course and subsequently concer- Oregon.
tized throughout Europe, South
America and the Far East. Shool Coaches .
In the midst of a concert tour at
the outbreak of World War II, Unin- All Detroit high schoolfootball
sky returned to Paris through the coaches, Clarence Munn, Wally
Suez, Canal and joined the French Weber, and Bob Morgan will be
army in the spring of 1939. Captured guests of the University of Michi-
by Fascists, he eventually escaped gan Club of Detroit at its meeting
and returned to Paris, then under at 8 p. m. today at the University
German occupation. The pianist, Club of Detroit.
like so many other Frenchmen, fled *r.
on foot, finally sailing for South
America in June, 1941. chofllarshiP Fund.. .
From Caracas to Miami and then
to New York City, Uninsky finally Approval has been granted by the
realized his objective, a Carnegie Board of Regents of the University to
Hall recital in 1942. undertake the administration of a
His program here Monday night fund to be provided by the Michigan
will include several Chopin and De- Alumni of Toledo for scholarships.
bussy selections, compositions by The scholarships which are to be
Scarlatti, Beethoven, Prokofieff and given on a one year basis to be renew-
Liszt. This will be the Russian pian- ed upon the student's satisfactory
ist's first Ann Arbor appearance. performance will be awarded to ap-
plicants on a basis of moral character,
Prof.3john Perkins good citizenship, scholastic ability, in-
tellectial capacity and achievement,
S eaks at W ayne physical ability, and attributes of
J leadership.
Secretary of the Toledo Scholarship
Prof. John A. Perkins of the De- Fund Committee is John H. Morgan.
partment of Political Science, lectured
yesterday before the Voelker Fellows k' yi "..
in Public Administration at the Na- I iea . . .
tional Training School for Public Ser- Harry Kepke, former football coach
vice at Wayne University. and a member of the Board of Re-
Prof. Perkins discussed recent plans gents, discussed the Michigan-Min-

of congressional and legislative reor- j nesota game when he was guest
ganization and the effects on admin- speaker of the University of Michi-
gan Club of Chicago at its last meet-
istration. ing.
Formerly secretary to Senator Van- Following his speech there was a
denberg, Prof. Perkins returned at discussion of the activities of the
the beginning of the summer session University and its plans for the fu-
after attending the International City
Manra ers Association in Chicag o(" i -- y



never had a president assassinated
in office. In July 1944, however, a
barracks revolt involving the kid-
napping of President Lopez was
easily crushed with practically no
"Colombia is a socially conscious
republic." Prof. Staubach continued.
"For the past four to eight years it
has had a New Deal type of govern-
ment, instituted by formed President
Lopez. In addition the government
has sponsored co-ops of all kinds, 17
of which are located in Bogota, and a
plan is now afoot to establish co-ops
in all retail fields."
The Colombians, he explained,
are great admirers of our technical
and economic accomplishments.
They draw on technological ad-
vances made in the United States,
so that their engineers and medi-
cal men can improve upon what has
already been done. The develop-
ment of the Good Neighbor policy
has won ever many Colombians
from suspicion to open admiration
for this country's political and so-
cial life.
One aspect of life in Colombia that
Americans would do well to emulate is
"to allow in our business and profes-
sional life more room for art and in-
tellectual interests" Prof. Staubach
said. "Many a business transaction
in Colombia has been executed over
a cup of coffee and a book of poetry."
Criticizing the attitude of many
American tourists in Latin Amer-
ica, Prof. Staubach suggested that
"much less ill will be created if
travelers will be a little less noisy,
will have less of a tendency to
laugh at what they find strange,
will keep unfavorable reactions to
themselves and suppress a com-
monly noted tendency toward ar-
Exhi bit Shows
Building Trends
Russian Architecture
Displayed at Rackham
A gradual refinement of the ultra-
modern trends in building of the
post-revolutionary era marks one of
the high points of the exhibit on Rus-
sian architecture displayed by the
School of Architecture and Design,
according to Prof. Wells Bennett,
dean of the school. This exhibit is
open to the public from 2 to 5 p. m.
and 7 to 10 p. m. through Nov. 18
in the mezzanine galleries of the
Rackham Building.
In an attempt to show. the various
periods-,of Russian building, this dis-
play takes in early pre-medieval
structure with its Byzantine and
Oriental influences up to the tremen-
dous development of Soviet power
and industry, also including pictures
of Renaissance structures which are
reminiscent of the old south.
The familiar round onion-shaped
domes of the churches, made entirely
for light effect, is characteristic of
the introductory section of the e-
hibit. "The panels of eighteen cen-
tury building are devoted to showing
the end of Russian isolation and the
merging of Western and native
styles," stated Prof. Bennett, "while
the whole display tells a good story of
Russian life in general. A clear pic-
ture of present development and cul-
tural background can be told by the
architecture of a people."
. Dr. Bennett observed that the ex-
tensive use of glass for effect is quite
apparent in their modern structures.
This is rather difficult to understand,
he continued, because the extreme
ranges of the climate make the pas-
sage of cold and heat through this
medium very easy.
"The community apartment settle-
ments are representative of their
newer type of housing," Prof. Ben-
nett stated. "The popularity of a
balcony for each family unit of the
apartment seems to be typical of the

European style of building. In the
early rustic structures, the village'log
cabins were a point of interest. These
"isbushki' 'were a peculiar combina-
tion of the primitive form with orna-
ment of the Renaissance era."




TWO SAILORS on 72-hour leave
want tickets for Ohio State game
desperately! Contact Jane Sanger,
5769 between 5:00 and 11:00 p.m.
WANTED-SEWING, changing zip-
pers, hemming skirts, refitting par-
ty dresses, or what have you. Miss
Livingston, 2nd floor front; 315
South Division, walk up.
better price paid for men's used
clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E.
Washington St.
BICYCLE - Men's "Hawthorne"
aluminum pre-war tires, good -
headlight $20. Call 2-6119.
FOR SALE-Maroon, velvet evening
wrap. Size 15. Call 2-1339 after
eight p.m.
FOR SALE-Red crepe, blue chiffon
velvet formals . . . Full length in-
terlined black velvet wrap, ermine
trim . . . size 12-excellent condi-
tion-Phone 8354.
WA1NT TO GET FAT? Eat at Chi Phi.
Standard rates. See Roger Jacobi,
1530 Washtenaw.
STUDENTS -Kitchen and waiters'
pinafore. Board job. Hutchings,
1109 E. Huron.

LOST FRIDAY: Shell rimmed glasses
in green case in Natural Science.
Call 429 Mosher, 24561.
LOST-Gold Gruen wrist watch with
Roman numerals. Reward. Call
Helen Kearney 22539.
LOST-One creamed colored rain-
coat-belt and a print silk scarf.
Contact 4121 Ext. 106, Allene Gol-
LOST: Ladies silver identification
bracelet with initials Z & X raised
on front name. Lois Johnson on
back. Call 8942. Reward.
Elgin bicycle Monday please return
it. I need it more than you do,
honest! Collee Ide, 2-2569.
LOST MONDAY: Silver and blue-
green Parker 51 pen. Initials J.L.B.
Sentimental value. Reward. Call
Janet Baumgartner, 4452.
Horses for Hire or boarded - Eng-
lish or Western Saddles - Group or
Private Riding Lessions - Hayrides
-a courtesy car - located at Fair-
grounds, Ann Arbor. 26040.
ALL MEN of Pi Kappa Alpha, please
contact Raymond H. Nething, 203
Adams. West Quad.
work in dining room on Saturday

We've Won the War-But
the Cost Goes On-Buy
Victory Bonds


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