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November 14, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-14

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City Plans To Build
Memorial Center
Local Organizations Rally To Construc
Nation's First, Mayor Brown Says
Plans to make Ann Arbor the first city in the country to build a Civic
Center war memorial can materialize in actual construction within a year
if the interest and enthusiasm already shown by more than 60 city organ-
izations continues, Mayor William E. Brown Jr. said in an, interview yester-
First proposed by Mayor Brown in July as the answer to the immediate
need for adequate city and county office facilities, a municipal auditorium,
a new public library, and increased, centralized facilities for local social
agencies, the plan was submitted to the City Council who hired an archi-

Ident Pictures
Identification pictures which
were not taken during the first
day of registration are being taken
this week.
The pictures will be snapped
between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. includ-
ing the noon hour, in Rm. 7, Angell
Hall. Any new freshman or new
transfer student who has not had
his identification picture taken,
should have it taken today.
Old students, with initials A
through L may have their pic-
tures taken tomorrow, while those
with initials M through Z should
wait until Friday.
Any student who is not able to
come in on these days, may have
his picture taken between 8 a. m.
and 12 noon Saturday.
It is requested that students
bring their registration receints to
the photographic room.
Ground Broken
For Married
Students gDornm
Over 175 Couples
Will Be Accommodated
See PICTURE, Page 2
Ground has been broken on the site
of the UJniversity dormitories for
married students;- Vice-President
Robert P. Briggs announced yester-
A crew of workmen is grading a
two-and-a-half acre hillside tract
east of University Hospital and north
of the Childien's Institute ;along
Glen Drive at Washington Heights.
The grading process is expected to
be completed before the ground
freezes, Vice-President Briggs said.
As planned at present, the project
will consist of eight buildings, each
to contain 22 apartments with one to
three rooms. They will accommodate
approximately 350 residents.
The .government approved alloca-
tion of $23,775 to the University
Board of Regents in August to pay
for planning of the apartments. Total
cost of the new dormitories is esti-
mated at $832,900.
Need for University accommoda-
tions for married students has long
been recognized and will be at a cru-
cial stage with the expected influx of
married veterans, University officials
have pointed out.
This year's housing situation for
married couples was relieved by the
transplanted Willow Run Village pro-
viding homes f-or 76 World War II
veterans and their families.
Book Exchange
Seeks official
U Recognition
Members of the Student Book Ex-
change adopted a constitution by
unanimous vote and decided to peti-
tion the Student Affairs Committee
for official recognition as a student
organization at a meeting yesterday
at the Union.
The group also voted the executive
board power to petition for admis-
sion to SOIC.
Having closed its sales room at the
League last Wednesday, the Ex-
change is now finishing up its main
activities, concerning sale of used
student texts, for the term. Checks to
the 264 persons for whom the Ex-
change sold books are scheduled to be
mailed today, together with notices
for the collection of unsold books.
Unsold books will be distributed
from 3 to 5 p.m. weekdays, start-

ing today and finishing next Wednes-
day, and Saturday from 10 a.m. to
noon at Lane Hall.
A treasury renort made at the

" tect who has embodied the proposals
in a Civic Center which would be a
living memorial to the men who serv-
ed in this and all past wars.
Committee Planned
More than 100 organizations in the
city have been asked to appoint a
committee of five, and these will
select a central committee to meet
with the mayor to determine the final
form of the proposal when it is sub-
mitted to the city voters sometime in
Architect's drawings show the
Center located in downtown Ann Ar-
bor between Huron, Catherine, Fifth
and Main streets. It would comprise
a city building incorporating City
Hall, municipal auditorium, seating
2,500. Fire and Police departments,
the largest gymnasium and swimming
pool in the state,- the YMCA and
YWCA, and facilities for every social
agency in the city of civic nature.
Separate buildings would house a new
county building and a new post office,
while an underground automobile
parking lot with room for 300 cars
would relieve downtown traffic con-
City's Cost Negligent
Refering to interest rates on muni-
cipal bonds which are at a record
low (.65 per cent in Baltimore, Mr.)
and to the city's triple A credit rating.
Mayor Brown stated that the Center
could be paid for at less than $40,000 a
year which could be raised by rent-
ing parking spaces in the under-
ground space, by renting central heat-
ing to downtown office buildings
which have already said they would
do this, and through the increased
assessed valuation of surrounding
business properties. The Center would
cost taxpayers an estimated three
mills assessment.
Mayor Brown has received letters
from the mayors of such widely-sep-
arated cities as St. Paul, Minn., Den-
ver, Colo. and Miami, Fla. asking
about the Civic Center which, he said,
will surpass parallel ventures in other
Union Members
To Vie Order
Of Inj untion
Members of Local No. 38, Hoover
unit of UAW-CIO will appear at 9:30
a. m. today in the Circuit Court of
Washtenaw County to show cause
why a temporary injunction should
not be issued restraining the union
from interfering with company ac-
cess to the Hoover Ball and Bearing
Co. plant and company operation of
the plant.
Over 500 union members walked
out of the plant Thursday in a wage,
hour and working condition dispute.
Since that time, pickets have march-
ed before company gates on a day-
and-night shift. With the exception
of a single maintenance man, no
union or non-union employes have
entered the plant. The office force
is not affected by the strike.
The order to show cause was sign-
ed by Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.
after the company had requested a
writ of injunction. Union officers
named in the order were Billie S.
Farnum, international representative,
Joseph Clisham, union chairman,
Harmon Boice, Wendell Drouyer and
Carl McCourdie.

To Be Held
Closer U.S.-British
Cooperation Sought
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-Prime
Minister Clement Attlee, in a plea for
world-wide good neighborliness, "to-
day informed congress that his
atomic bomb talks with President
Truman are the prelude to grand-
scale discussions with other countries
to make the earth secure for the
"common man."
He forecast an effort to "get to-
gether with all the nations of the
world" as a result of the talks being
held here.
At the same time he called for
closer cooperation between the
United States and Britain and de-
clared that their expanding econom-
ics need not produce "any undue riv-
alry" between them.
To assembled representatives and
senators who may soon have to de-
cide on a multi-billion loan for Brit-
ain, he explained the socialists aims
and policies of his labor government,
but said the world had room for both
British socialist and American capi-
The square-jawed labor leader's
speech was widely complimented by
senators and representatives for what
they called its "frankness," although
many were critical of the pleas Attlee
discussed for nation-wide major
British industries and creating a
planned ecenomy.
Senator Thomas (D-Oka.) said
Attlee's purpose "apparently was to
sell the labor party to the United
Statesdand personally I think he did
a good job."
Teen-Aged Girls
Confess Theft
Of 14 Autos
Three teen-aged bobby-soxers told
police officials how they succeeded in
the fantastic feat of stealing 14 auto-
mobiles in and around the city in the
period from Oct. 23 to last Monday
after their arrest by city police yes-
Before Monday, the child thieves,
all girls, aged 13, 14, and 14, had
stolen 10 cars in the city which were
found undamaged the morning after
they were reported missihg. Monday,
the girls with a fourth friend, de-
scribed by police as a "rider," went
on a four car stealing spree which re-
sulted in their arrest early yesterday.
According to police reports, the
hoodlums, starting early Monday eve-
ning, stole a car in Ann Arbor which
they abandoned east of the city, re-
turned here, stole another car which
was found outside Adrian, stole a
third car in Adrian which broke down
outside of Jackson. They reportedly
hitch-hiked into Jackson where they
stole a fourth car which they drove
most of the way back to Ann Arbor,
abandoning it early yesterday outside
the city.
Parents of two of the girls, dissatis-

fled with their report of how they
claimed to have spent the night,
brought them into police headquart-
ers. There, local police matched a
mitten found in one of the abandoned
cars with one one of the girls was
wearing, and they admitted the







U.S. To Probe
British Group
Bevin Asks Arabs
To Allow Refugees
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-The U.
S. request that Britain admit 100,000
displaced European Jews to Palestine
resulted today in an agreement for
an Anglo-American committee to in-
vestigate and make recommendations.
In London, meanwhile, Foreign
Minister Ernest Bevin told Commons
that U. S. and British officials would
consult with the Arabs to insure
against interruption of Jewish immi-



Avukah, student Zionist Organ-
ization, is appealing to all stu-
dents to write either prime mini-
ster Attlee or President Truman
seeking that the 100,000 displaced
Jews;be allowed to enter Palistine.


RABBIS MARCH ON THE CAPITAL-Upwards of 1,000 Rabbis line Delaware Avenue as they march to
Capital Hill, to back up their demands for transfer of homeless European Jews to Palestine. They will seek a
conference with Britain's Prime Minister Attlee while here, to present a four point program.

IFC To Select Officers;
'U'Election To Be Held


President Will Be
Chosen at Meeting
House presidents will elect a presi-
dent' and secretary of the Interfra-
ternity Council at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the Union.
From a list of petitions that have
been submitted, the exectuive com-
mittee of the IFC will narrow the list
of candidates to three for the two po-
sitions, in a meeting at 4 p.m. tomor-
row. From these three candidates,
fraternity presidents will choose the
two officers.
Fraternity contributions to the
War Chest will also be collected at
the meeting, Dogan Arthur, IFC
president, announced. He urged all
house presidents to solicit funds from
Fraternity contributions to the
Community War Chest should be
submitted by house presidents at a
meeting of the Interfraternity
Council at 7:30 p. in. tomorrow,
according to Dogan Arthur, presi-
dent of the Council.
the fraternity members and to turn
them in at tomorrow's meeting.
Homecoming participation by fra-
ternities will also be discussed at the
meeting and rushing procedures will
be reviewed.
Two rushing lists with 313 IFC reg-
istrants have been distributed to fra-
ternity presidents. Students regis-
tered on the first list may be pledged
after Nov. 21 and those on the sec-
ond list after Nov. 22, A third rush-
ing list will be distributed as soon as
there are a sufficient number of reg-
istrants. Registration for rushing is
continuous throughout the semester,
being held from 3 to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, in the IFC office on
the third floor of the Union.

Campus To Vote on
Foreign University
Two Union vice-presidents, two
members of the Board in Control of
Student publication, senior officers
of the College of Engineering and of
the College of Literature, Science and
Arts and ten members of the J-Hop
Dance Committee will be elected in
the first all-campus election of the
semester, Dec. 5.
The sixth ballot item is the selec-
tion of a foreign university to be
adopted by the Student Organization
for International Cooperation and
the World Student Service Fund.
These organizations will aid the
school in its program of rehabilita-
tion from the war. Announcement of
the universities to appear on the bal-
lot will be made this week.
Candidates for any office . must
submit petitions to the Men's Judi-
ciary Council before Nov. 24, stating
their qualifications, aims and views.
Signatures of 25 other students must
be affixed to the petition.
Candidates for any office must ob-
tain an eligibility card and must be a
resident on campus for at least two
If there is an excessive number of
candidates for any position, inter-
views will be scheduled by the Men's
Judiciary Council and on the basis
of these interviews, the Council will
narrow the list of candidates.
Gargoyle Art Tryouts
To Hold Meeting Today
A meeting for all persons who are
trying out for the art staff of the
Gargoyle, and any new persons inter-
ested, will be held in the Gargoyle.
office at 7:30 p.m. today. Eligibility
cards must be presented.

Rumor Causes
Navy Men To
Riot Honolulu
Club-Wielding Tars
Inflict Small Damage
HONOLULU, Nov. 13-(P)-Inflamed
by a groundless rumor that two sailors
had been killed by Damon (civilian)
housing area residents, 1,500 navy
officers and men rioted three hours
at the tract last night.
Two automobiles were overturned, a
motorcycle was damaged and win-
dows were smashed by the club-wield-
ing navy men. Police said no one
was injured seriously but Joseph Gu-
theridge, 75, died of a heart attack
while watching the rampage.
Detective captain Eugene Kennedy
said many of the 50 Navy rmen de-
tained by police explained they were
enraged "because we are damned sick
and tired of seeing our buddies get
beaten by local toughies and not a
damned thing is done about it."

gration into Palestine at its present
rate, which Bevin put at 1,500
monthly, pending the committee's re-
The British suggested the joint
committee as an outgrowth of Presi-
dent Truman's letter to Prime Minis-
ter Attlee Aug. 31 suggesting the ad-
mission of 100,000 European Jews to
Palestine. A White House statement
today announcing the agreement for
the committee said the British Gov-
ernment had replied that "it was not
in a position to adopt the policy rec-
ommended, but that it was deeply
concerned with the situation of the
Jews in Europe."
It was agreed that the committee is
to investigate "political, economic
and social conditions in Palestine as
they bear upon the problem of Jew-
ish immigration" and the situation of
Jews in Europe, and make recommen-
dations to Britai and the U. S.

ICommittee for


To Meet Today
Central committee members for
Homecoming will meet at 7 p.m. to-
day at the Union to formulate addi-
tional plans for the biggest of all
Homecoming Weekends, Nov. 23 and
Committee chairmen for the dance
include: Sara Jane Stephenson and
Jack McCoubrie, band; Glenice Ren-
der and Dick Roeder, program; Gloria
McElroy and Tom Bliska, tickets;
Lois Iverson and John Sorice, build-
ing; Joan Schlee and Dogan Arthur,
finance; and Joan Reed and Lynne
Ford, publicity.

Barkley Sees Rapid
U. S. Aid To Jews
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Nov. 13-
(MP)-U. ,S. Senator Alben Barkley (D.
-Ky.), Senate Majority Leader, pre-
dicted tonight that the U. S. Senate
would adopt tomorrow a resolution
urging the United States to seek the
opening of Palestine to the Jews and
the establishment of a Jewish com-
monwealth there.
Barkley, in a speech at the 20th
National Convention of the Mizrachi
Women's Organization of America, a
national Jewish women's group, said
speed was the quality needed most at
this time in handling the JeWish ques-
He urged the joint American-Brit-
ish committee designated by Presi-
dent Truman and Prime Minister At-
tlee today to consider the Palestine
question, to "act with all possible
"I take the position that the imme-
diate question is the relief of the
Jewish people in Europe," he said. "A
question of a commonwealth there
(Palestine) must be worked out."
Yamagiwa In
Japan To Study
Bombing Effects
Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa, of the
Japanese Language School, has ar-
rived in Japan as a member of the
U. S. Strategic Bombing Committee,
where he will study the effects of
bombings on the people, it was learn-
ed yesterday.
On leave of absence from the Uni-
versity until Jan. 1, Dr. Yamagiwa
and six other men from the Japanese
Language School, are in Tokyo to
study the economic, physical and psy-
chological effects of the bombings.
Aside from studying the bombings,
he will observe the work of men train-
ed here for Military Intelligence in
Dr. Yamagiwa flew from San Fran-
cisco Oct. 31 stopping at Hawaii and
Guam before reaching Japan. His

Prof. Preuss Says W ar Criminal Ldictments Can Be Stren thened

"Two of the indictments-one of
them 'crimes against humanity'-
under which the United Nations
are trying Nazi war criminals do
not have a sound legal basis and if
these charges were eliminated, our
case would be strengthened," Prof.
Lawrence Preuss of the political
science department stated yester-
Prnf Preniii formerly American

them. The codes can include crimes.
by civilian offenders as well as mili-
tary. The law in this case is clearlyt
defined in advance and accepted byf
all, even the Germans."I
"In category two, crimes against
humanity," Prof. Preuss continued,i
"there are two main divisions. Thec
first includes those ordinary crimes1
committed against German law t
which had not been punished by thet
ima thie nonnatio n farces tank ver

were condoned rather than punish-
able by Nazi law. In trying men for
these crimes, our legal basis is non-
existent. We know they are guilty
from a moral standpoint, but from a
strict legal viewpoint, they have com-
mitted no offenses. "People were
clamoring for the punishment of the
perpetrators of crimes against the
conscience of civilized mankind, so
they were included among the war
crimes" Preusss air

proposed to try the Kaiser after the
last war for 'crimes against inter-
national morality and the sanctity
of treaties', and it is not a legal
crime now. Justice Jackson has
tried to stretch the Kellogg Pact
to include a criminal penalty
against the launching of aggres-
sive wars. However, the intent of
the makers of a treaty must be
considered in order to interpret the
dnament cnrrectlv .Seretarv Kei-

"Instead of attempting to hide
behind a non-existent law, why
doesn't the United States admit
that its prosecution of war ocrimi-
nals in the last two categories is
political rather than legal?" Preuss
said. "It is really unnecessary to
have these categories, because there
are only a very few criminals who
have committed offenses against
them who have not also committed
crimes in thi firsttwa instanes.

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