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January 23, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-23

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TUESITAY, JAN. 23; 1945


Wolverine Swimmers
Trounce Northwestern
Well-Rounded Squad Led by Church, Fries,
Mowerson, Lopez, Munson Whip Wildcats

Coam il urd e Coes t
Woh erities IL)'e FiirsI 1)ial Meet of Seasou
As Fighting Ilhini Register 21-10 Victory
Constant practice will be the cur-

Michigan's 1945 swimming squad
proved itself to be of the calibre of
past Maize and Blue championship
crews by thoroughly trouncing a con-
fident Northwestern aggregation last
Saturday night.
Coach Matt Mann's boys have
developed into a powerful well-
rounded squad, strong in all de-
partments, as was shown bytheir
54-29 triumph. The sterling' per-
formances of Mert Church Chuck
Fries, Bob Mowerson, Ulysses Lo-
pez, and Bob Munson testify to the
dividends paid off by long hours of
practice under expert tutelage.
Captain Church deserves special
mention for the decisive victory he
chalked up in the 220-yard freestyle
event. Church, Big Ten 50-yard
champ, is expert in the short dis-
tance division but was never strong
in the longer runs. He was defeated
in the 220 by Pulakus of Great Lakes
only two weeks ago. Since that time
he has worked unceasingly, under the
direction of Coach Mann, with such
success that he has cut his time by
eleven seconds and has proved him-
self capable of defeating experienced
conference opposition, such as North-
Navy aUse
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 22.-(P)-
Navy's football followers, well accus-
tomed by now to power and passes-
but mostly power-can expect some
flash and dash as well next season,
for Head Coach Oscar E. Hagberg
promised today to add bits of the
"T" formation.
But the promise held good only for
bits. Commander Hagberg made it
plain he intended to stick to Navy's
single wingback style for thd power
which gave the Middies one of the
country's top teams in 1944.
Will Use Two Formations
"I feel we will definitely use the
'T,' but in combination with some-
thing else," was the way "Swede"
put it. "We won't, however, run our
full offense from the 'T.' I still want
to use power plays, and our single
wing formation can take care of that.
"It is my belief that the two offen-
ses, 'T' and single wing, can be mixed
with success. It's not like carrying
two styles of attack. You can use the
simpler 'T' plays-four or five are
easily adaptable-and work up a
smooth, versatile and well-balanced I
Hagberg Notes Ohio State
Hagberg called attention to the
success of several teams who followed
this style in 1944, notably Ohio State.
But "Swede" made one reservation
as regards any future use of the "T:"
"Whatever moves we evetually
make, we won't go in for the quarter-
back doing the passing, as in the
'T.' The fullback or halfback can do
the job. I personally feel the full-
back would be the best passer."
a dDS
Ry C


western's captain, Graham Davis and
Wildcat Art Koblish.
Chuck Fries again exhibited his
proficiency in the sprint and mid-
dle-distance runs by clinching the
50 and 100-yard freestyle events.
This repeat of his showing against
Great Lakes establishes Fries, who
is Big Ten 100-yard freestyle
champ, as one of the most powerful
freestyle men in the Conference
and Coach Mann believes that he
will have no trouble in retaining
his title.
Michigan's victories in both relays,
and all the freestyle events but the
440, can be attributed in no small
way to the efforts of Bob Mowerson.-
Mowerson; a member of the Wolver-
ine's 1936 championship swimming
squad, has just received a medical dis-
charge from the army because of
malaria contracted while in the South
Swimming the anchor leg in both
the medley and freestyle relays,
Mowerson definitely showed that he
was capable of filling Church's and
Fries' shoes in these events. Be-
cause of this, the two aforemen-
tioned mermen have ample time to
rest between events, and enter com-
petition in top-condition. Thus, a
glaring weakness in the Wolverine
squad which was noticeable in the
Great Lakes meet, is remedied.
Coach Mann is pleased with the
development of Ulysses Lopez, Maize
and Blue springboard performer. Lo-
pez, a native of Ecuador, clinched sec-
ond place in the Fancy Diving com-
petition for his first attainment of
honors this year. The remarkable
progress this stalwart has made can,
be readily appreciated when it is
realized that he has been diving in
earnest for only three months.
Ralph Chubb and Ward Op-
dyke swam under the colors of the
Maize and Blue for the first time
this year. Chubb, 1944 football let-
ter - winner, churned rapidly
through his 1 0-yard leg in the
medley relay to increase his lead
by five yards.
Spartns Gain Easy
ictory Over Albion
EAST LANSING, Mich., Jan. 22.-
(AP)-Michigan State College, using
reserves freely, won 58-38 its second
game of the season from Albion Col-
lege tonight. It was State's third'
straight victory, and its fifth win in
11 starts.
The Spartans, playing generally
tighter ball than they did during the'
early part of the season, led all the
way, and were ahead 30-19 at the
half. State defeated Albion 72-36 in,
the first game of the series.
Coach Ben F. Van Alstyne started
a reserve team, and during the first
13 minutes of play it piled up 22
points against Albion's 12. Jack Bres-
lin of Battle Creek, star fullback on
the 1944 football team, making his
first appearance as a basketball play-
er, scored eight points during the 20
minutes he was in the game.


riculum for Michigan's matmen dur-
ing this week.
Last Saturday. the Fighting Illini
took the measure of the Wolverines,
21-10, makinl the season's record;
for the Maize and Blue read one win
and one oss.
foot as Art Sac.el w;' hi s match
to Bob oburwel, -, Sahscl fought
hard throughout the entire match
but lost (n riding time alone. Bob
. ohnstnM then put the Wolverines
back into the meet as he fought
George Voerhees, ilini lete-:man,
to astandsill.h n ned in
a draw with Jniston having a
slight advant.e, according to Ref-
eree Pat Rider.
Newt Skillman tlen put Michigan
into the lead for the only time of the
afternoon as he pinned Bob Smith in
5:37. Skillman went further by pin-
ning Smith in 8:36, but the first pin
was the one on which he officially
won the match.
Illinois surged back into the lead
I when Fred uooth, Wolverine 145-
pounder, lost a close decision to
Bob Bohannon, 4-2. Again the
jwatch could have ;one either way,
but Bohannon had the edge in rid-
ing time and thus took the match.
Stu Snyder, a surprise starter for
the wrestling team who had defeatedI
George Darrow 10-2. earlier in the
week, lost his match by a pin. Al-
though he was ahead early in the
match. Snyder was pinned by Ed
Bower, another Illini letterman, in
Acting Captains Charles Telfer

DODDS FINISHES FAREWELL RACE-Gil Dodds, indoor mile record
holder, is shown about to hit the wire at the finish of, his farewell race
on a small balcony track ofthe Y.M.C.A. at Boston, Mass. He won the
two mile event easily in the slow time of 9.58.4. With his theological
studies completed, Dodds plans to set out for Los Angeles to join a gospel
Bill Beebe, Former Taukman,
Rescues Comrade in Pacii

Lieutenant William F. Beebe of
I Wilmette, Ill., and former captain of
j Michigans 1941 National Champion-
ship swimming team, now in the Navy
submarine service in the Southwest
Pacific, dashed through 200, yards of
shark-infested water to rescue a
wounded seaman from certain death.j
So ran a Navy journal clipping
which reached swimming coach M-tt
Mann, this week, after he had al-!
ready received a letter from Beebe,
dated after the clipping, in which ab-
solutely no mention was made of the
heroic incident.
Beebe Wasn't a Natural
Mann recalls that "Long Bill" Bee-'
be was not a "natural" athlete, but
had to gain the aquatic prowess
which he finally achieved by long
grueling hours of work and sheer.
determination. He was six feet two
inches tall, and like many tall men
he was lacking in instinctive coordi-!
nation. which doubled the severity of
his task.
Disregarding these seemingly in-E
surmountable obstacles, by the time
Beebe had reached the end of his
F.nior year, he had copped the Con-;
ference Championship in the 150 yardI
backstroke event, and had captained
one of the Wolverine's best swimming
teams, which won the Big Ten Title I
and edged out Yale University in the
National Collegiates, to bring na-
tional honors to Ann Arbor.
Coach Mann. who has been produc-
ing much better than average swim-
ming teams for the Maize and Blue in

these past nineteen years, in which of Michigan and Roland Harkness
period he has had 14 Western Con- of Illinois hooked uP in the next
ference and 12 National Collegiate match, and riding time was again
Champions, has been .receiving let- a deciding factor in the decision.
ters unceasingly from his former Harkness rode Telfer for two min-
"charges," scattered all over the face utes thereby clinching a 5-2 deci-
of the globe, ever since the war's be- sion.
ginning, and Beebe's valiant exploit Jim Galles 'kept his undefeated
is only one example of the many. record clean by soundly trouncing
Tomski is Boat Commander Louise Agase, who played end on thisj
There are fellows like Dr. Paul year's edition of the Illinois football
Samson, 1928 captain and American team, 12-5. Galles tried hard for a
Olympic swimmer who is now in pin all throughout the match, but
charge of a medical unit right behind was forced to be content with a deci-
the fighting lines in Europe; there's sion as Agase refused to try to make
Waldo Tomski, of the 1938-39 squads a fight of it. He was warned repeat-
who holds the pool record in the edly by the referee but to no avail.
backstroke division, and now com- In the final match of the day
mands a P. T. boat in Southwestern Walt Blumenstein, Wolverine hea-
vyweight, led all during the first!
Pacific waters. period, but was forced into being
There's Lt. Arthur Ebling, a swim- pinned wh'en Ray Snyd6er, tough
mmug a 'e of a few years bck, 'who ---------------
as a member of the Navy Air Corps,
has a Jap destroyer to his credit;
Taylor Drysdale, who has received!
the coveted Presidential citation for!
his book on radar. +S1' t tin
Gus Sharemet, 1942 Conferenceg
Champ, who has completed 41 bomb- The Wolverixn hoCkey team de-,
ing missions over Germany, and Cap- feated the Point Edward pucksters
tamn Charles Barker of the Armyen- j from Sarnia, Ont. Saturday night,
gineers, who was recently decorated thus registering their first victory of
for "service above and beyond the the 1945 season.
call of duty. Coach Vic Heyliger had the same
All these men testify to the superb starting team that faced Vickers A.C.
training they received from Michi- and the University of Minnesota1
gan's swimming coach, Matt Mann. with the exception of Carl Sulentich,

Illini heavyweight, caught his left
arm in a punishing armiock. This
arm was just healing from a severe
muscle tear.
Coach Weber stated yesterday that
this week's match with Purdue would
not be an easy one, as the Illini could
ony beat the Boilermakers, 15-9. But
on the other hand Northwestern.
which lost to Michigan, 22-8, beat
Purdue 16-14, early in the season.
Thus if one goes by records we are
rive points worsc than the Boiler-
makers and 12 points better, which
merely proves that one cannot go by
comparative scores.
Baseball Called
Not I portant
Congressm1an Asserts
Sports Not Necessary
NEW YORK, Jan. 21-(4)--Well,
maybe sports aren't important. May-
be they should be ruled out as Con-
gressman Andrew J. May suggests.
Maybe they should rule out every-
thing that's not important. Let's see,
'where would that leave us?
We'd have to quit making beer,
and hard likker, and even soft
drinks. They aren't essential to
health, and if it's wrong for one citi-
ze nto sit in a shady grandstand and
get his enjoyment from watching a
fellow trying to steal home, it must
be wrong for another citizen- to get
his pleasure swigging beer or sip-
ping bourbon at a bar.
Movies Not Important
We'd have to quit making movies,
as they can't be considered import- I
ant to the war effort. George Wash-
ington's men did all right without
movies to take their minds off the
We'd have to disband all the bands,
as people can get along without mu-
sic, and whistle their own tunes if
they want to dance.
We'd have to close all the stage
shows, as they're not important to the
war effort, and some pleasure might
be derived fiom them.
We'd have to stop publishing fic-
tion magazines, and eliminate comics
and airy features. People could get
along without them. It would be
hard, of course, particularly with the
comics that have the hero in some
precarious predicament at the end
of each day's strip but it could be
All Recreation is Unimportant
In fact, coming right down to it
practically everything we recognize
as recreation is unimportant, so why
pick on sports?
If they took all the 18-45 men out
of other industries based on enter-
tainment it might put quite as sharp
a crimp in them as in baseball. In
the movies we'd still have the dolls,
but they'd be playing opposite creaky,
reconditioned old codgers trying to
take the parts of young blades.
Any picture of a dance. band will
show you dapper gents still with the
gloss of youth, and very few relics
of 45 or over. When they get past
what might be called the zippy age
they seem to go into some other
business or go high hat with the
philharmonic set.
Stage Would Lack Heroes
The stage still could present plays I
such as "The Women," but it would
be in the same position as the mov-
ies for its heroes.
The rather elusive point to all the
above is that baseball should be re-
garded as just as important as any
other amusement, no more and cer-
tainly no less.
Contnuous from 1 PM





(Continued from Page 2){
son, Rm. B-47 East Engineering
Building, so that permission can be
AT THE obtained from Navy officials for
RADIO & RECORDSHOP them to be present at this meeting.
715 N. UNIVERSITY A. ,i Muste, leader of the Fellow-

TONIGHT at $:30

ship of Reconciliation, will speak al
Lane Hall Thursday, Jan. 25 at 7:30
p. m. on aspects of the world situa-
tion as viewed from the standpoint 01
reconciliation and achievement of a
permanent peace. He is being spon-
sored by the campus Fellowshir
Student members of the Americar
Society of Mechanical Engineers:
All engineers are urged to attend the
meeting of the A.S.M.E. on Wednes-
day, Jan. 24 at 7:30 p. m. in 318-2(
Michigan Union. Professor F. A,
Firestone will speak on the "Super-
sonic Refiectoscope", (instrument for
detecting flaws in meals by the re-
flection of sound waves).
At the meeting in the Michigar
Union on Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 8
p. m. La Sociedad Hispanica will
present Senor Pedro Campos in a
discussion of "La Vida en una Haci-
enda Mexicana." All members and
others 'interested in Spanish are cor-
dially invited to be present.
Between State & Mich. Theatres

LOST: Black wallet with identifica,
tion card and trunk keys. Lost ir
League Thursday night. Call El-
eanor Daniels, 4315.
LOST: Letter containing ration book
from Ashtabula, Ohio. In League
cafeteria Wednesday noon. Re-
ward. Call 2-3236.
necklace lost in vicinity of Michi-
gan Theater. If found call oper-
ator, Couzen's Hall.
LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two
weeks ago, vicinity of Dill street.
White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729.

a new member of the Maize and Blue1
sextet. Sulentich has just becomeC
eligible and he played center in the '
first line along with Captain Ted
Greer and John Jenswold.
Defensemen were Herb Upton and
Bob Hendersori, with Dick Mixer
tending the nets. All should be com-
mended for their fine playing against
the Sarnia squad.
The final score of the game wasj
4-3 with Greer tallying all of Michi-
gan's goals; three were unassisted.
At the end of the first period Greer,!
assisted by Sulentich and Upton,
scored. The visitors counted their
goals in the second and third peri-
This week. in preparation for the
Brantford game Saturday night at
the Coliseum, Heyliger will be stress-
ing power plays and passing shots as
those were the weak spots in the tilt1
with the Point Edward sextet.
Deiiiai'ct Ieturns

LOST-Log log duplex vector slide r r
rule in Michigan Union Jan. 17.1 lo oxuirl
Reward. Call B. Mays, Fletcher
Hall, 4121, Ext. 103. CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex.. Jan. 22,
-(M)-Smiling Jimmy Demaret re-
LOST: Black and gold Parker 51 en- turns to tournament golf after 14
graved pen and pencil in Arbore- months with a plug for the game as
tum. Reward. Call 6539, 610 Forest. an excellent "medicine" for the war-
E. A. Paredes.we
_____________ -- ------ - - - ary_

d LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches
- ilong with topaz attached, Lost in
or near Rackham on Washington
up to parking lot. Family heirloom.
Substantial reward:
HELP -WANTED: Drug - clerk and
fountain. Excellent hours. Better
pay. Witham Drug Co. 601 S.

w~l .
For 15 years golf has been a fine
sport and profitable busincss i
Demaret, a big money winner alon-
the tournament trail until lie entered
the Navy. Since the war Jimmy haI
discovered a third dimension of value
in the game. He calls it "The Great



Miclig u

Playing Through


Sunday D ner
for a Solder

I ,~ -i~ce'z ~ ~~"Az9'A.el.





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