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January 23, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-23

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TEIHW N Ij-,yT -DA AN -14

Nazi Leaders Demad acrifice

To Halt Russians

Plan To Expand
Soph Project
Is Discussed
S mas ';S iiiig Weill

Education Majors Are Asked
To Enroll in Cadet Corps Now

the aid of crutches in the section of the White House grounds reserved
for diplomats, members of Congress and distinguished guests, Pvt. Isa-
dore Turanskcy of Erie, Pa. (left) and Staff Sgt. Dan Coffey, of St.
Albans, Long Island, N. Y., watch the inauguration of President Roose-
velt on the back porch of the White House at noon. The President is
seen speaking.

Be Held ToijTorrow
A mass meeting for all sophomore'
and second - semester freshmen
women will be held at 5 p. m. tomor-
row in the League to consider the
establishment of a new branch of'
Soph Project, possibly, it has been
suggested, to discuss reviving Sophf
Pre-War Project
Soph Cabaret, the only sophomore
class project before the advent of the
war, in former years, took over the
League for an entire week-end and
featured floor shows, dance routines,
plays, coke bars, games, and even
taxi-dancing with coeds in the role
of hostesses. Its revival would re-
establish a long-standing tradition
of Michigan.
The present central committee of
the project will continue to carry out
its hospital volunteer service.
Through petitioning, an entire new
Soph Cabaret central committee will
be chosen before the end of the pres-
ent semester.
To Begin Plans
The new central committee will be-
gin plans as soon as it is chosen and
it is hoped that Soph Cabaret will be
presented toward the beginning of
next semester. The proceeds would
be donated to some worthy campus
fund for students.
The room in which the meeting will
be held will be posted on the bulle-
tin board above the main desk at
the League. All eligible coeds are
urged to attend.
Faculty Recital
To BeGiven
Program Features
Pianist andViolinist
The second School of Music facul-
ty recital of the current season at
8:30 p. m. tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre will feature
Prof. John Kollen, pianist, and Mar-
ian Freeman, guest violinist, of Ann
The program will include Mozart's
"Sonata in D major, K. 306," "Son-
ata in A minor, Op. 105" and Brahms'
"Sonata in G major, Op. 78", all for
piano and violin.
Prof. Kollen who studied for more
than seven years in France, Germany
and Austria under distinguished
masters in the field of piano, com-
position and conducting, has also ap-
peared abroad and in the United
States as a soloist with orchestras.
Mrs. Freeman, once considered a
child prodigy, also studied abroad
after graduation from the Univer-
sity. She served as an overseas en-
tertainer during World War I

"In view of the proposed national
service legislation, many girls art ,
il inking of dropping their program or
cultural education and getting into
something which will directly aid the
war effort. Nursing is that opportu-
nity," declared Miss Rhoda F. Red-
dig, director of the School of Nurs-
ing, in a recent interview.-
The nursing profession is perfect
for the young woman who wants
something she can always use,
Miss Reddig stated. Her studies
will increase her usefulness both in
the family group and in the com-
inunity, she continued.!
Of the 350 girls enrolled in the
School of Nursing, 300 belong to the
Cadet Nurse Corps. For those who
don't feel comfortable about letting
the government pay for their educa-
tion, Miss Reddig says, "The WAC's,
WAVES, and SPARS get paid for
their training. Therefore, nurses
should too."
The degree program was chang-
ed since last June, she explained.
It is now possible to earn a Bach-
elor of Science degree in addition
to the professional diploma. The
degree program consists of 60 hours
of credit prerequisite to the pro-
fessional course. This work may
Legion o Hold
Campus Dance.
Feb. 3 in League
A dance for veterans, students and
military personnel stationed on the
campus will be held Feb. 3 in the
Women's League under the sponsor-
ship of the George M. Cannon Post
of the American Legion, Ted Groves,
Cannon Post dance chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
Walter Engel's band of Detroit will
play at the dance scheduled from 9
p. m. to 12 midnight, Groves said.
Tickets, which are priced at 90
cents, will be placed on sale shortly,
Groves said, and will be available at
the Union, League, through the cam-
pus Veterans' Organization and at
Campus Drugs. Groves said the
dance was "the first of more to come."
The Cannon Post, sponsoring the
affair, was founded last summer and
consists of veterans of World War

1e taken in any accredited college
and offered i transfer to the Un
Specific requiremelnts for eutrance
to the program are six hours of Eng-
lish composition, eight hours of
chemistry, four hours of zoology, and
eight hours of language if the high
school program has not included a
language sequence.
Recommended electives include
general and abnormal psychology,
principles and problems of sociology,
and American or European history,
and political science 1 and 2.
Dtiice Classes
Are Sponsored
For Beginners
All civilian men interested in learn-
ing to dance. may register for the
seven remaining beginner's social
dance classes being sponsored by the
Social Committee at 7:30 p. m. in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
The class, taught by Mrs. Gus Mil-
ler, a professional teacher of the
Arthur Murray style will meet every
Tuesday night for an hour, and a
fee of three dollars is being charged
for the series of lessons. Music will
be furnished by Evelyn Horelick at
the piano.
Coeds working on the Social Com-
mittee will act as partners for the
dance students, and a practice period
after the regular lesson is over, has
been provided for those who wish to
remain. The classes are being con-
ducted only for civilian men, since
the USO takes care of servicemen
wishing to learn to dance.
Twenty."men turned out for the
lesson last Tuesday night, and Janis
Carter, in charge of the project, ex-
pressed a hope that more would take
advantage of the opportunity by com-
ing to the remaining classes.
Phone 5888
Complete Typewriter Service




4 q

Architecture School Display
Boasts Famed Lithographs
enty lithographs by prominent includes work by Adolph Dehn, Jose
s are on exhibition now through Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera, and
29 in the ground floor corridor Robert Riggs.
e Architecture Building. The exhibition gives a description
med through the Museum of of the lithographic process. The
rn Art, New York, the display lothographic type of print is called
Planographic because it is printed
from the entire surface of the stone
iD neeor plate and not from raised or low-
ered parts.
ke T The drawing is done on a special
limestone called lithographic stone
or zinc plates with a wax ;rayon.
id at Lea g e iAfter the drawing is completed, it
is washed off, but wax still remains
kets for the mixer dance, which impressed in the stone. The plate
be given by the Independent is then etched with a solution of acid
ue women of Assembly Organiza- and gum arabic, which sets the wax
together with the Union from 2 and renders the blank parts more re-
p. m. Saturday in the Union tentive of water.
oom, will be available tomorrow After the stone is etched, it is
cleaned and made ready for printing.1
e dance will be the first big social First thoroughly wet, it is then ink-
.we ied with a roller, the parts most heav-
ion to be given by the independ- ily drawn on holding the most ink.
women living in the sixty-four Damp paper is then put o toe plate
e houses on campus. These amp pt is theu te late
en, who constitute an important and it is run through the lithograph
r ~ rfQ nm 1T avsin it 3 t ;press.

IL, r _







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