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January 23, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-23

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'I'VE'SOAV, JAN. '231, 1945)

PAGE TWO TtYt~DAY, JAN, 23, 1945

Fifty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications'.
Editorial Stafff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . . City Editor
Ray Dixon « Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy Women's Editor
Business Stafff

Fighting Men at Peace Table

N By

Lee Amer .
Barbara Chadwick
June Pomering

. . Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
. . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4:50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Nationa dvertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Represenative

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
JySCRIMINATI6N in educational institutions
is something which has long been a blot in
our country, varying in most instances with the
individual state. A measure recently introduced
in the New York State Legislature would hit non-
sectarian schools and colleges which make the
use of the "quota" system of admission and in-
cidently hit one method of discrimination,
In many states educational institutions are
exempt from taxation and this is true of New
York at the present. Non-sectarian schools and
colleges that do employ the "quota system" of
admission are not taxed. But the measure intro-
duced would have these institutions denied ex-
emption from taxation. The reason for this is
that often under a "quota system" discrimina-
tion is allowed as schools admit "quotas" of Jews,
Catholics, Negroes and Protestants and after
these quotas are filled, students of these certain
groups are denied entrance.
In connection with the introduction of the
measure Dr. Aaron A. Brown, speaking for th
situation in medical education, said, "All The
larger schools in the East and Middle West have
a definite ratio as regards the religious affilia-
tion of their students applying to both Jews and
Catholics." This is true, not only of medical
schools, but of others as well.
We should hope that this measure will be
passed so that it may serve as a model for other
states who still permit discrimination in edu-
cation through the "quota system." Equality
of opportunity in education is inherent in a
true democratic system and deserves more than
abstract lip service.
-Evelyn Phillips
D iplomacy
FROM what can be learned by reading news-
papers, it would appear that the Allies are
making some attempt to prevent further diplo-
matic disputes between the Big Three.
Reports from Washington indicate that
present changes include: (1) a middle of the
road compromise to be presented to the USSR.
on the question of voting procedure within the
proposed world security council; (2) Gen.
Charles DeGaulle, head of a now full-fledged
United Nation, will participate in FDR-Stalin-
Churchill conferences; (3) Stettinius is work-
ing with the British to arrange regular meet-
ings of the British, French, American, and
Russian foreign secretaries. In addition con-
sultation periods between meetings are pro-
These plans may appear to oil the diplomatic
machinery of the United Nations and nothing
else, However, considering diplomatic methods
and procedures, it seems logical that these ap-
parently simple moves may have far reaching
The admissiorn of France to the group. to-
gether with voting procedure clause may well
turn out to be the needed repairs for the shaky
Dumbarton Oaks peace foundation.
At any rate, the big boys are buckling down
to something. What the result will be should
prove interestina,
Bob Goldman

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23-The other day this
writer visited Walter Reed Hospital to speak
before a group of wounded combat veterans.
They were a real inspiration.
Many of them were handicapped for life, but
you didn't see a long face among them. The
boys knew how to grin and keep their chins
up, even those with an arm or leg off.
Moreover, they do a lot of thinking these
da ys about what's going to happen after this
war is over. Their questions proved that.
Naturally they are watching the war, but even
more, they seemed to be watching the snarled
skeins of our diplomacy. They asked me many
questions about Greece, and were intensely in-
terested in the operation of our new million-
aire State Department.
It was obvious doubts had arisen in their
minds whether the peace they had been fight-
ing for, had given their arms and legs for,
would be thrown to the wolves of imperialism
after the war.
This was the biggest question in their minds.
And one question in my mind when I came
away was whether it wouldn't be a very sound
idea to have at least one rpresenttive of the
11,000,000 men who have been fighting this
war sit at the peace table after the war is over.
After the last war we saw a group of old men,
one of them nearly eighty, write a peace which
was torn to shreds. Certainly the G. I. Joes
couldn't do any worse. And they might do a lot
Churchill's Outworn Viewpoint . .
rTODAY WE have seen what older men already
have started to do with the peace of the
world. Winston Churchill, who is seventy, who
trained in the British Army half a century ago
when it was mopping up the Indians in the
Punjab, when it sent a conquering expedition
up the Nile, and waged war on the peaceful
Dutch in South Africa, has demonstrated he
cannot divorce himself from that old-fashioned
philosophy. He demonstrated his philosophy
when he telegraphed general Scobie to "Treat
Athens as a conquered city."
But there is a new philosophy on the part of
the men who are fighting this war, both the
G.I. Joes of this country and the Tommies of
Mr. Churchill's Army. Churchill has seen wars,
and fought in wars, and directed wars ever since
he was twenty-one, including the terrible mas-
sacre at Gallipoli. It is hard for him to conceive
a world which might be warless. He cannot think
along those lines. His foreign office does not
even want to punish Adolf Hitler.
Therefore, when it comes to writing the
peace, let's dilute our elderly diplomacy with
youth-with the youths who have sacrificed and
who want to build a world in which the'y can
live peacefully. I don't propose discarding all
the wisdomi of age. Keep some of the old men
at the peace table, but give them the refresh-
ing influence of at least one hard-hitting hard-
talking G. I. Joe as a full-fledged delegate at
the peace conference.
GlI ur Boy Stettius<
TIVACIOUS Ed Stettinius seems to be spending
almost more time trying to butter-up his
public relations than in being Secretary of State.
He spent five days in New York recently posing
for a motion picture on the State Department.
He hired a hall and a brass band to introduce his
new "team" to the rest of the State Department.
He has had almost every Senator who fought
confirmation of his team down for a conference,
and he is giving a series of luncheons so that his
millionaire-assistants can meet other members
of the cabinet.
After one such luncheon, which lasted two
hours with Secretary of War Stimson and high
officials of the War Department, forthright Un-,
dersecretary of War Patterson remarked:
"Two hours wasted which we could have spent
winning the war."
Some of his cabinet colleagues have observed
privately if Stettinius spent as much time on
improving U. S. foreign policy in Greece, Italy,
Belgium, etc., as he did trying to improve his
press relations, his press relations would take
care of themselves.
However, you have to give Stettinius credit
for being willing to listen to criticism. Most
unique of al sessions was that with his crusty,
hard-bitting cabinet colleague, Secretary of

the Interior Ickes. Accompanied by his assist-
ant secretaries, Ickes lunched with Stettinius
and his team, after which Stettinius said his
ncw department would appreciate any suggest-
ions, ideas and criticism, and he hoped Mr.
Ickes would give them the benefit of his views.
Ickes Talks Turkey ...
Thereupon, Ickes very frankly, but without any
rancor or table-pounding, talked for about fifteen
minutes on his differences with the State Depart-
He told how he had opposed, single-handed, the
sale of helium gas to Germany for her Zeppelins,
and he politely recalled what Germany could have
done with that helium had he given in to the
State Department's demand that the helium
He told how he opposed the shipment of arms
to Germany during the months and years before
Munich, and how he had done his best, despite
the State Department, to block the shipment
of oil and scrap iron to Japan.
New Undersecretary Grew came to the defense

of the State Department at this point and ex-
plained how he, as Ambassador in Tokyo, had
urged the President not to cut off these ma-
terials from Japan, for fear of war.
Ickes, however, stuck to his point that it was
an unwise policy to appease dictator nations,
and he was especially vigorous regarding Spain.
"Where did you stand on the question of
lifting the embargo of arms to Spain, Mr.
Dunn?" Ickes asked of new Assistant Secre-
tary James C. Dunn. Ickes, of Course, knew
where Dunn had stood. Dunn gave no answer,
stared straight ahead.
Finally Ickes, still using dulcet tones, promised
full cooperation with the State Department, and
half-joking, continued:
"But our major gripe is that we can never
get you on the telephone. We call you time
and again. And although your secretaries prom-
ise you'll call back, you never do. Then we
write you letters, but that doesn't do any
good either."
Stettinius promised he would put in a new
system on answering mail and thanked Ickes
for his criticism. The new State Department
team sat and listenend. With the exception of
Joe Grew, they said nothing in reply.
Note-Stettinius has sent an inter-depart-
ment memo to all State Department employees
instructing them to be more friendly and hu-
man in answering letters; to avoid the aloof,
stilted formality of old-time diplomacy.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Power lities
NEW YORK, Jan. 23-One of our oldest Ameri-
can political beliefs is that Great Britain
always gets the best out of every world situation.
The "smart British diplomat" is a stock figure in
American thinking; we are always being "bested"
by him. (Alternately, of course, we like to de-
scribe the same British diplomat as a toothyl
bungler, a not-very-bright wearer of the old
school tie, but that is a lesser legend, popular
only with our intellectuals; the American masses
hold to the older and more fearsome conception.)
According to this legend, Great Britain al-
ways fights with the least use of her own men,
yet always comes out of a war with the biggest
share of the spoils. The rest of the world,
mostly America, is forever saving Britain's Em-
pire for her, while Britain warms her toes at
a cozy fire, and sips her tea. Sometimes, when
no American is looking, she smiles a sly con-
tented smile.
IT MAY COME as a shock to us to learn that
Britain has lately been building up a some-
what similar conception about us, a feeling that
we are getting a great deal out of the war and
that she is not. Mr. Churchill virtually said so
in his major speech of last week. He raised the
question: "What are power politics?" and then
went on to say:
"I know some of our friends across the water
so well, that I am 'sure I can always speak
frankly without causing offense. Is having a
Navy twice as big as anybody else's in the world,
power politics? Is having the largest air force
in the world with bases in every part of the
world, power politics? Is having all the gold
in the world, power politics? If so, we are
certainly not guilty of this offense. I am very
sorry to say that they are luxuries far away
from us."
Why, it sounds like one of our own descriptions
of Britain, of not so long ago. But it is a current
British description of us, and it comes from the
horse's mouth. It is like a tableau. We have ac-
cused Britain of playing power politics; now Brit-
ain displays a threadbare coat and points mean-
ingfully to our gold-headed cane.
HAS THERE been a reversal in the world posi-
tions of the two nations? We talk a great
deal about principles right now, but it is true
that, almost without noticing it, we have acquired
enough heavy planes and ships to take over the
air and water shipping of the world, a develop-
ment which is not lost upon a shipping-conscious
nation like Britain.
The British do notice these things, and they
become restive when we talk of principles. But
we, too, used to think the British talked much

too much about principles in the days when
they had the reality of power. We used to think
they protested too much about moral idealism,
when they. meant India; now they think, and
say,nthat we protest too much about freedom
when we mean shipping.
Every American must be proud of the eco-
nomic growth of his country; no American
would want to reverse these processes. But
there is a danger that in our natural exulta-
tion, we will kind of slide over the question of
Britain's plight; that we will refuse to give her
any economic reassurance, as we refused to
give her any at the recent commercial air con-
ference; that we will sort of not notice the
effect of her mounting economic fears upon her
policies; and, finally, that we will retreat into
the comfortable ground of principles when we
are forced to discuss our relations at last.
The poor always talk about bread while the
baker talks about morality. An American who
brings these points up does so, not to speak for
Britian, but to speak for peace.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

Nationalism can be a deeply de-
structive force in a group which mis-
interprets the term to mean "racial
superiority," egotism on a national
scale, scapegoatism of minority
groups, narrowing of the nation's
traditions to include only those of the
ruling group. Such nationalism exists
in Germany and Japan today.
But there is another sort of feel-
ing which can also fall under this
term; it is progressive, creative na-
tionalism. It can be found where
groups of people know their histo-
ry, their traditions, and use these
in building a more expansive way
of life. . . . Where the contribu-
tions of all groups are recognized
and lauded, and the improvement
of the welfare of the greatest num-
ber of citizens is the goal.
Some of us who consider ourselves
good citizens take pride in our lack
of nationalism, in our international-
mindedness, as if the two are mutual-
ly exclusive, whereas actually a pro-
gressive nationalism leads to inter-
nationalism, and makes each nation
capable of contributing more to the
welfare of the world.
Viewing America's history in this
light, there is cause for a great deal
of national pride. We have a demo-I
cratic tradition which has grown, in
three hundred years, into a concept
involving every person living within
our boundaries, and pertaining to ev--
ery inportant action in his life. We
must know the ways in which we have
made the idea of democracy meaning-
ful to the thousands who founded
the country, to the millions who came
here seeking it, to the more millions
brought here as slaves and who be-
came part of democracy, to the mil-
lions of women and children who for
E the first time in many centuries were
given decent roles in society befitting
their abilities. And in the study o"
these means of achieving liberty. Am-
cricans can find much to be proud of,
much to learn from, much to contrib-!
ute to the futfire of this nation, andI
of the world.
Our history is full of fruitful
periods: the early Jeffersonian, days
when primogeniture, rule of the

TUESDAY, JAN. 22, 1945
VOL. LV. No. 65
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to allnmem-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angel hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
No tces

Faculty Concert: John Kollen, As-
sistant Professor of 'Piano in the
School of Music, and Mrs. Marian
Freeman, guest violinist, will appear
Wednesday evening, Jan. 24, in a
program of sonatas for violin and
piano by Mozart, Schumann, and
Brahms. Scheduled to begin at 8:30,
the recital will be open to the general

and build a strong international
It can be used by demagogues,
100%ers, to wipe out the past and
obstruct the future. Nationalism
can come to mean "white suprem-
acy," can sanction continued dis-
crimination against minority
groups: against Negroes in the arm-
ed forces and the nursing corps,
against Negroes and Jews in pro-
fessional schools, in employment to
non-menial labor.
One of the strongest and easiest
strings to manipulate is that of na-
tionalism. And we who are truly
proud of this democratic nation have
a duty to know its history, its people,
its conflicts and techniques, and to
make the future out of the strong
tools of America's past.
If the rhetoric is too strong and
impotent, specifically we think na-
tionalism today means: support for
a permanent Fair Employment Prac-
tices Committee, for a permanent
labor disputes commission, for a Mis-
souri Valley Authority; for a nation-
wide housing project, for 60,000.000
peace-time jobs, for revamping the
educational system to meet the real
needs -of students, for a permanent
death to the KKK, Christian Manu-
Ifacturers Associations, and lynch-law,
and for broadening civil rights and
the areas in which they can be freely

further informat ion stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
French Lecture: Dr. Fran ois Du-
valier, from Haiti, will give the third
of the French Lectures sponsored by
the Cercle Francais on Thursday,
Jan. 25, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm, D,Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title of the lec-
ture is: "La Culture Haitienne."
The lecture is open to the general
public. All servicemen are admitted
free of charge.
Academic Notices
Psychology 31: Makeup examina-
tion will be today at 4:45 p. m. in
Rm. 1121 N.S.
Doctoral Examination for Alcuin
Ambrose Hemmen, Germanic Langu-
ages and Literatures; thesis: "The
Concept of Religious Tolerance in the
Novels of Enrica von Handel-Maz-
zetti," Wednesday, Jan. 24, 3:00 p. m.,
East Council Room. Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman, F. B. Wahr.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Seniors whko wish to be eligible to
contract to teach the modprn for-
eign languages in the registered Sec-
ondary Schools of New York State
are notified that the required exam-
ination in French, Spanish, German,
and Italian will be given here on Feb.
16. Those who wish to take this ex-
amination should notify Professor
Pargment (100 R. L.) not later than
Feb. 10. No other opportunity to
qualify will be offered until August
1945, when Summer School attend-
ance is a prerequisite for admission
to the examination.


man y oythe few, property aiod College of Engineering, Schedule of Exhibition, College o1'Architecture
Exligious qaCificationsAforivoters.
religious Qualifications for voters, Examinations: Feb. 17 to Feb. 24, and Design: Twenty' Lithographs, by
State-support of religion, were 1945. Note: For courses having both prominent artists, loaned through
stamped out of this young coun- ,Nte: and qiesthetime of the Museum of Modern Art, New
try's blood, never to re-enter it. e the time of the first lee- York City. Ground floor corridor,
The 1830s and '40s, when Jackson- ture period of the week; for courses Architecture Building. Open daily
ianism brought with it universal, having quizzes only, the time of ex- 9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan.
compulsory education, recognition ercise is the time of the first quiz 29. The public is invited,
of workingmen's political power, period
movements against idle capital and Drawing and laboratory work may Events Today
toward use of money mn produc- be continued through the examina-
tion. tion period in amount equal to that "Working with Displaced People in
And at the same time, the roman- normally devoted to such work dur- Spain and Portugal" will be the sub-
ticists of New England and New York ing one week. ject of a speech today at 4 p. m. at
were thinking dreams and founding j Certain courses will be examined Lane Hall by Philip Conard here
colonies as experiments to light the at special periods as noted below the under auspices of the American
way toward fuller freedom. Brook regular schedule. All cases of con- Friends Service Committee. He has
Farm, New Harmony, the Perfection- flicts between assigned examination been the Service Committee repre-
ists, the Mormons--all trying to-dis- periods must be reported for adjust- sentative in Spain and Portugal for
cover the best way of achieving dig- ment. See bulletin board outside of five years and spent many years in
nity in man's life. They tackled the Rm. 3209 East EngIneering Building' South America with the Y.M.C.A.
problem from its source, assuming between Feb. 1 and Feb. 7, for in- I
that no existing institutions were struction.F Toavoid misunderstand- Assembly Board meetings will be
good just because they had lasted so ings and errors, each student should held today at 5 p. in. in the League.
long. Marriage (as it then existed- 'receive notification from his instruc- Please see that your house is repre"-
a union between a man and a woman tor of the time and place of his sented.
which meant that economically she appearance in each course during There will be a meeting of the
had no rights and no property, social the period Feb. 17 to Feb. 24. Prescott Club tonight at 7:15,
ly she had no freedom but that her No date of examination may be Pr m. Club tonight Bti:d5
husandallwe he,) laery Edi-changed without the consent of the in Rm. 300, Chemistry Build-
cation (which was still bound by - Classification Committee, -. ing. A group picture for the Ensian
study of the classics by those children I Time of Exercise Time of Exam. will be taken at 8 o'clock, at the
not working all day), Agricultural Mon. at 8-Thu., Feb. 22, 10:30-12:30 Union. The proposed constitution
Methods, Industrial Methods, Reli- Mon. at 9-Sat., Feb. 17, 10:30-12:30 will be discussed and refreshments
gion-all these were made subject to Mon. at 10-Friday, Feb. 23, 8-10 will be served. All members are urged
thought, and social experiment in Mon. at 11--Tuesday, Feb. 20, 8-10 to attend.
these small colonies. The fact that Mon. at 1-Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2-4 Sigma Rho Tau: Members of the
none of these colonies exist today Mon. at 2-Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10 Stump Speakers Society of Sigma
cannot decrease the part they played Mon. at 3-Thursday, Feb. 22, 8-10 Rho tau will meet tonight at
in freeing Americans from cultural Tues. at 8--Fri., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:30 7:30 p. . in Rms. 319-323 of the
and economic bonds. Tues. at 9-Wed., Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30 Union for a second round of debates
The period from 1850 to 1900 ' Tues. at 10-Tu., Feb. 20, 10:30-12:30 on acod on of debates
teaches numerous lessons in its stern Tues. at 11--Monday, Feb. 19, 2-4 ernent adopt a peacetime system
abolition of slavery, fast-moving con-T ay,2 Fb 2 of compulsory military training for
quest of natural resources, cneton Tutes. at 2---Thursda y, I'k. 22, 2-4 ofcmulo mtrytangfo
Tues. at 3-Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2-4 all citizens?" Workouts in Hall of
of devices to save time and make hi- Draw. 2, 3--"Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10. Fame and in Project Speeches will
ing more pleasant, development E.M. 1, 2, C.E. 2, Draw. 1-"Satur- be in order.
mass production techniques to mak e ..1 ,C ,Da.1"Btr
commodities cheaply enough to be day, Feb. 17, 8-10. The Christian Science Students'
available to a great number of people M.P. 2, 3, 4, French-*Monday, Organization is holding a meeting
Then quickly into the new century' Feb. 19, o:3e-12:30. tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the
and more progi'ess; an income a Economics 53, 54-- Tuesday, Feb. Michigan League. All are welcome to
based on the ability to pay; die M20. 23-4"Wednesday.Feb. 21, 8-10. attend.
election of sefiators; woman suffrage: Surveying 1, 2, 4-"'Thursday, Feb. Hillel-Avukah Study Group: There
regulation of industry for the safe- 22, 8-10. will be a meeting at 8:30 p. i., at
ty and health of workers and con- EE. 2a, Span., Ger.-'-Friday, Feb. the Hillel Foundation. Beth Laikin
sumers, finally achieving wages and
sumrs.lawfinlacing wagibstindf23, 2-4. Ifwill speak on "The Jewish Theatre:
hours laws including prohibition of Irregular, Conflicts or Make-up- Can It Survive."
child labor in many fields; recogni- * Saturday Feb. 24, 8-10. ____
-Surday, Fe. 2, 81.
tion of the right of groups of worker .:iThis may also be used as an Botanical Seminar: Wednesday,
to bargain collectively with manage- I irregular period, provided there is no Jan. 24 at 4:00 p. in. Professor IH. H.
ment to settle labor disputes. conflict with the regular printed Bartlett will speak on the subject
These are not the only trends ithediU schedule above. "Botanical characteristics of West
history, and we must not denfilthe A special examination schedule is Central Argentina."
witchhunts of the 1700s and 1920s, I provided for the prescribed V-12 Anyone interested may attend.
the alien and sedition laws, the nar- courses.
row interpretations of human rights ---- - Mark Starr, Educational Director
and the broad definitions of the rights Senior & Graduate Students in of the International Ladies Garment
of property in our courts. Engineering & Bus. Admin.: Mr. S.H. Workers Union and an outstanding
Nationalism involves knowing Nelson of Eastman Kodak Company leader in the field of Labor educa-
what our history is, and who makes will interview for prospective posi- tion will speak under the auspices of
up the nation. It can be a great tions with that Company, in Rm. 218 the Department of Economics on
force, can help us finish the war. W. Engineering Bldg., today after Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 4:10 p.m. in




By Crockett Johnson
I Cvpypht, 145, Th.eNew, pePM In, i_.

2 p. in. Students interested may
sign the interview schedule post-
ed on the Bulletin Board at Ri. 221{
W.. Eug. 13lg.

Rm. 101 Economics Building on
"Trends in the American Labor
Institute ofte Aeronautical Sci-

__ -- °

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E -- rF

I ;don, Rrrrrirtfiv nIIIIJ t I

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