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January 17, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-17

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Roosevelt Seeks New Manpower Controls

grads Contribute War
Papers to 'U' Library

FDR Message
To Congress Is
Expected Today
Presid ent Will Isue
King, Marshall Reporits
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-Presi-
dent Roosevelt asserted today that
the need for men in the armed for-
ces and war factories is now so ex-
treme that voluntary controls will
no longer work.
Hence he will send to Congress,
probably tomorrow, a special com-
munication backing up his recent
demand for national service legisla-
President's News Conference
The President told his news con-
ference that he would transmit, with
a few words of his own, a report
from General George C. Marshall.
Army Chief of Staff, and Admiral
Ernest J. King, Commander in Chief
of the Fleet.
While Mr. Roosevelt did not com-
ment on this report, it was learned
authoritatively that Marshall and
King would say that the nation now
faces its most urgent demand of the
war for the replacement of men and
Inereased Needs
They were expected to be specific
in outlining the increased needs oc-
casioned by the German counter-of-
fensive in Belgium, expanded opera-
tions in the Pacific and plans to
equip a large French Army.
Asked about CIO President Philip
Murray's opposition to compulsory
manpower legislation in testimony
before a House committee today, Mr.
Roosevelt inquired if Murray had an
alternative. The- alternative involv-
ed a better use of voluntary meth-
ods, a reporter said.
Firm Reply
The President replied firmly that
he didn't think that would bring
The War Manpower Commission,
meanwhile, designated a list of jobs
as "critical." They include produc-
tion of aircraft and parts; of ships,
boats and parts; of ammunition;
ordnance and accessories; of metal
shapes and forging; of machinery
and of rubber products; all jobs in
smelting, refining and rolling of
metals, except scrap salvage, and
most of those in transportation, coal
mining and petroleum classifications.
Prof.a Keniston
To Speak Today
"Argentina" will be the topic of
Prof. Hayward Keniston, chairman
of the Romance Language depart-
ment, who will deliver the first Span-
ish lecture at 8 p.m. today in the
Prof. Keniston, for two years Cul-
tural Attache of the United States
Embassy in Buenos Aires, will give
his impressions of the country and
the people of Argentina. The lec-
turer, who returned to the University
this fall, has traveled widely during
his stay in South America.
The lecture series, sponsored by La
Sociedad Hispanica, is open to the
public. Tickets may be purchased in
the Romance Language Building, or
at the door.

State Liquor
Proposal Filed
Return of Sales to
I . ia I fl 4'nC (. a. n~

V II vaZL,

It: i: ers ;itttjgrli: i

Ty 'ihe Associated Press
LANSING, Jan. 16-A bill to abol-
ish the state liquor monopoly and
turn the retail sale of intoxicants
over to private dealers was filed with
the clerk of the House of Represent-
atives today, with prospects of be-
coming one of the most controver-
sial issues before the legislature.
It came in with sponsorship of
Rep. Dora H. Stockman, East Lan-
sing Republican, and 11 other legis-
lators. The filing is a prelude to its
formal introduction tomorrow, after3
which it will be referred to commit-
Nugent Prods Members
In the House, speaker Howard
Nugent started to prod members to
;et their bills in early, declaring he
=oped the legislators by hard and
lonsistent work could complete the
1945 session in April.
Governor Kelly submitted a mes-
sage to both legislative branches,
asking the lawmakers to create a
special committee of senators and
representatives to draft a bill for
reorganization of Michigan's much
criticized state mental hospital ad-
ministrative organization.
Hospital Director Is Question
It was interpreted by lawmakers
as a move by the governor to pass
to their shoulders responsibility for
determining whether a layman or
professional man should be the state
hospital director, a touchy issue. A
non-salaried commission now ad-
ministers the program through a
salaried executive secretary who is
a layman.
Mrs. Stockman said her liquor bill
was not prompted by any temper-
ance or prohibition group.
Petitioning for
JG Play Opens
Director, Committee
Heads To Be Chosen
Petitioning for the fifteen positions
available on JG Play will continue
today through Saturday.
The list of positions includes those
of assistant chairman, director, sec-
retary-treasurer, and the heads of
the program, costume, dance, music,
script, stage force, ushers, property,
scenery, publicity, tickets and make-r
up committees.
The assistant chairman will help
the chairman organize and produce
the play. The director will be re-
sponsible for coordinating the action
of the play, while the secretary-
treasurer's nain duty will be to col-
lect dues from all junior women.
However, she will also make up the
budget and keep records of expendi-
Petitions may be obtained in the
undergraduate office of the League,
and completed ones should be placed
in a box provided in the same office.
Interviewing will be held next week,
beginning Monday.

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o 20 MaFr ield
Beachhead, U. S. Sixth Army troops have driven to near Alaminos on
the West and through Damortis on the East, General MacArthur has
reported. Pushing inland, other Yanks tok Mangatarem, crossed the
Agno River at Bayambang, and approached Catablan. Broken line is
the approximate battle front.


Pa id Gunmen
Being Sought
In Hooper Case
Witnesses Threatened
'y Telephone Callers

By The Associated Press
JACKSON, Mich., Jan. 16-The
manhunt for the slayer of State Sen-
ator Warren G. Hooper, a key fig-
ure in a grand jury investigation of
corruption in Michigan government,
has been directed toward known
"professional gunmen," Kim Segler,
the grand jury's special prosecutor,
declared tonight.
Apparently working on the belief
that the roadside execution, last
Thursday evening of the 40-year-old
legislator, was done by hired pro-
fessional killers, Sigler said police
were investigating several "suspects,"
some of them "professional gun-
men," in various cities.
Investigators Probe Murder
The probe, Sigler said, was being
conducted by his staff of investigat-
ors and cooperating police depart-
ments of other cities. Sigler declined
to name either the suspects or the
cities, but he said some of the cities
were outside of Michigan.
Hooper's bullet-riddled and char-
red body was found in his burning
automobile on a lonely stretch of
road near Springport, Mich.
Witnesses Intimidated
At Lansing, attempted grand jury'
witness tampering and intimidation
was disclosed before Circuit Judge
Leland W. Carr, conducting his one-
man grand jury inquiry.
Harry R. Williams of Wheaton,
Ill., one-time lobbyist and a prose-
cution witness against six former
legislators, who were ordered to
stand trial on graft conspiracy
charges, testified he had received a
mysterious telephone call at his Chi-
cago office.
(Continued from Page 1)
mental performance of Beethoven's
Ninth Symphony prefaced by Bruck-
ner's "Te Deum Laudamus." Or-
mandy will conduct the Ninth Sym-
phony and Van Deursen the Bruck-
ner work. A quartet of singers will
participate on this occasion in both
works. They include Miss Steber,
Miss Thebom, Jagel and Moscona.
Tickets for all concerts are now pn
sale at the office of the University
Musical Society, Charles A. Sink,
president, Burton Memorial Tower.

Includes G.I. Publications, DDay
Enemy Propaganda Pamphlets


Military publications printed
throughout the world and propa-
ganda pamphlets used by the Allies
and our enemies are being collected
by the Clements Library for interest
and historical value after the war. 1
In reply to a circular reprinted
from the Michigan Alumnus maga-
zine and sent to all University men
and women in the armed forces ask-
ing for such papers and information,
Howard H. Peckham, University War
Historian, has received many issues
and copies of newspaper from over-
Printed on Wallpaper
"The Clements Library is trying to
kepa file of papers printed abroad
for Americans during World War II.
The Vicksburg Citizen, a newspaper
printed on wallpaper during the siege
of the city in the Civil War is price-
less today, as a complete file of the
Stars and Stripes published during
the First World War is hard to find
Indian Physicist
Arrives at 11Y
Dr. Jnanananda Is
Conducting Research
Dr. - Swami Jnanananda, eminent
Indian physicist who arrived here
Dec. 30, is conducting research and
studying methods in the University
nuclear research laboratory : thej
Dr. Jnanananda, who is at home in
Narenda Nagar, TehriGarhwal State,
U. P. India, met Prof. George Lind-
sey of the Physics Department just
before the war at the University of
Prague, Czechoslovakia. Prof. Lind-
say made arrangements to bring him
Dr. Jnanananda stated his "prin-
ciple aim" is to gain, experience and
to be of service to science with the
ultimate purpose of returning to
India where he hopes to build a re-
search laboratory. Expecting to be
in this country for about two years,
he expressed his appreciation of the
cooperation and help the University
has given him in "fulfilling my am-
Smiling significantly, Dr. Jnan-
ananda declined to make any state-
ment concerning the future of In-
dia saying that he "solely engages,
himself with science."

because no one bothered to collect or
save the copies," Peckham said.
"All the papers and magazines
published today in war areas are
printed on - inexepensive paper and
aren't durable. No serviceman com-
ing home from overseas is going to
bring back newspapers, therefore the
Library is saving and collecting them
now," Peckham pointed out.
First Editions
The Clements Library has already
received many newspapers from all
parts of the world where Michigan
men and women are stationed. The
first editions of Stars and Stripes
published in Rome and in liberated
Paris are in the files. Yank, the
weekly picture magazine is in five
editions, the New York, British, Per-
sian Gulf, Down Under and Pan-
American, and copies of each have
been sent to the Library.
Zero Beat
Other papers are the "Guinea
Gold." "TNT" (Trinidad News Tips)
the "Kodiak Bear," published by men
at Fort Greely, Alaska, "The Fijitive"
from the South Pacific, the "Last
Outpost," which is in the Aleutians,
"Goat's Whisker" from the Gala-
pagos ,Islands, "The Fox-Hole Ob-
server" printed in New Guinea and
the "Zero Beat" from East Africa.
The last newspaper headlined the
fact that a corporal was promoted to
a sergeant as the most exciting thing
that had happened there, hence the
name "Zero Beat." The latest arrival
is a copy of "Free Philippines," pub-
lished on Leyte Island in December.
Among the propaganda leaflets
sent to the Library by Michigan
Alumni are those being used by the
Allies on the enemy. Two illustrated
pieces in Japanese dropped from our
planes on the Japs in Attu and Kiska
in 1943 were sent to Mr. Peckham.
He also has a cartoon;and booklet in
Arabic which were scattered. over
North Africa when we landed there.
A leaflet illustrating the three meals
a day our soldiers get was dropped
on Sicily in July, 1943. Also at the
Library are two pieces printed in
German used first in Italy and then
in France, which were shot from
cannons into the German lines.
Enemy Propaganda
Enemy propaganda dropped on our
men is also being sent in by Michigan
alumni. One gave .incorrect figures
about the draft, and rgisquotes or
partial quotes by various churches in
the United States on their views of
the war, including Father Divine's
famous pronouncement "Peace! It is
wonderful !"



Ijti/,iqn Ilen at


Editor's Note: Contributions to this
column should be addressed to The M1iii-
tary Editor, The Michigan Daily, Student
Publications Building, 420 Maynard.
One week with the infantry was
plenty for Lt. ALAN W. GOLDMAN,
navigator and aerial observer of a!
B-17 Flying Fortress, who crash-1
landed near Liege the day after that
Belgian city had fallen to the Allies.,
"Those fellows were rough, he
said. When they (the infantry)
got tired they just curled up in
the mud and went to sleep.-
"They were amazed by the size ofI
our Fort. Luckily we laid down the
law first thing: .no pictures of the
plane and no souvenirs. Otherwise
there wouldn't have been anything
left of the plane after the first hour.
I guess their attitude was summed up
by one dogface who talked to us for
a long while, asking us all sorts of
questions. Finally he looked at us
and said, 'You know, I like every-
thing about the air corps--exceptj
But flying is definitely Lt. Gold-
man's line and lie was glad to get
back to his base in. England. On
most of the 35 combat flights he
participated in, Lt. Goldman wasG
assigned to hit "anything that
wasn't growing." That the plane
did its job well is attested by the
Presidential Unit Citation which

Lt. Goldman wears. He has also
been awarded the Distinguished
Flying Cross and the Air Medal
with four Oak Leaf clusters.
Lt. Goldman, now at the AAF
Redistribution Station in Atlantic
City, N. J., awaiting his next as-
signment, was a student at the Uni-
versity when he entered the service
in 1942 at the age of 19.
The Air Medal has been award-
for meditorious achievement while
participating in Eighth Air Force
Flying Fortress attacks against
military and industrial targets in
the Reich and against enemy in-
stallations in the path of Allied
armies in western Europe.
Lt. Silver, a pilot, attended this
University for one year prior to be-
ing called to active service in the
AAF. February, 1943.
of 1940, was recently awarded the
Air Medal "for meritorious ach-
ievement in aerial flight" while
participating in combat missions
against the enemy in the Balkans,
northern Italy and Germany.
Sgt. Zitreen is an aerial gunner
with a B-24 Liberator heavy bom-
bardment group of the 15th Air
Force (Italy).



Vr '"


Debate Squad Membership
To Be Determined This Week




t t4Aw u~14
* .-.-.t

Formal organization of the Uni-I although the schedule has not yet
j versity Debate Squad will be corn- beethogmpletedpedinghfurther re-
pleted when the last trial debates,;becoptdpnigfuhrr-
determining regular membersofthe! ply from several schools.
1944-45 team, are held at the end However, Prof. Kenneth G. Hance,'
of this week. manager of the debate squad, has!
The debate schedule for this year announced that a public debate will
Thnde debatesedule foh thisye-rbe held Wed., Feb. 14, at Bowling
}will include debates with other col-,GenSaeUiestBwig
leges and universities in Michigan, Green, Ohio. The University of!
Michigan will hold the affirmative
on the compulsory arbitration ques-
Thedebate squad will also hold
Orchestra W ll the affirmative against the Univer-
sity of Detroit on the same question
Feb. 21. The occasion is the meet-
Play , t' ,c ing of the Catholic Women's Club of
Lansing. Once each year for the
Performances by the University past several years the University has
Concert Band under the direction of presented the program for the meet-
Prof. William D. Revelli and the ing.
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Other debates with Detroit and
Prof. Gilbert Ross will be featured on Bowling Green will be scheduled
the Seventh Annual Instrumental later in the year, and the complete
Music Clinic to be held here Feb. 3-4. schedule will be announced as soon
Sponsored by the School of Music as replies from the other schools
and Michigan School Band and Or- have been received.
chestra Association, the Clinic was - --
inaugurated at the University during
the winter of 1938. At this time the M arch of Tim e'
need for a reading clinc to hear!
Band and Orchestra Festival litera- T
ture before its adoption for official BeJ[resentedL
use was seen.
Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman, con- A new series of programs using
ductor of the nationally famous "March of Time" films will open at
Goldman Band, Morton Gould, popu- 7:30 p.m. Sunday with the showing
lar young composer and William of "Canada" at the International
Schuman will be guests at the Clinic. Center.
Clinics on problems in teaching1 The picture, dealing with the agri-

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