zutr t Ian
Cloudy and Continued
Coi, Light Stow,
estern Front
Soviet Troops
Pour Through
Nazi Defenses
Report Reds 38 Miles
From Germ an Borde.
By The Associated Prss
LONDON, Jan. 17.- Two great
Russian army groups poured like red
floods through broken Nazi defenses
on the Polish plain south of Warsaw
today, reaching within 38 miles of
the German border..
Gathering speed as it went, the
gigantic Soviet winter offensive re-
corded gains of 30 to 38 miles on a
twisting battlefront more than 200
miles long from Grojec, 25 miles
southwest of Warsaw, down to Slom-
niki, only 12 miles north of the his-
toric citadel of Krakow.
White Russian Army
Premier Stalin in two triumphant
orders of the day last night disclosed
that besides the First Ukraine Army
group that began the offensive Jan.
12, the powerful First White Russian
group had leaped into the assault
Jan. 14 and in three days had ad-
vanced from the Vistula 38 miles on a
75-mile-wide front.
The First White Russian group,
commanded by famoushMarshal Gre-
gory K.' Zhukov, with at least 44
generals under him, sealed its trium-
phant drive with the capture at 8
o'clock last night of Radom, powerful
German fortress 55 miles south of
Warsaw. In three days this army has
taken more than 1,300 communities,
Stalin's orders disclosed as Moscow's
saluting cannon roared.-
A fuller picture of the stunning
series of continuing blows dealt to
the Germans was presented in the
regular late night communique
broadcast from Moscow.
Konev in Battle
It announced that troops of the
First Ukraine front led by Marshal
Ivan S. Konev, who had begun the
winter offensive five days previously
captured more than 200 additional
Polish towns Tuesday, racing within
38 miles and within 40 at many
points - of the German border.
Konev's men, besids reaching with-
in 12 miles of Krakow, seat of Ger-
many's government-general for Po-
land, took Koniecpol, only 23 miles
east of the famous monastery-town
and stronghold of Czestochowa.
JA GO ff icers
Honor Faculty
In recognition of their work for
the Army's Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's School here, that organization
presented a Certificate of Merit and
Appreciation yesterday to Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the Law School,
Prof. Marvin L. Niehuss, Co-ordi-
nator of Emergency Training and
Dr. James K. Pollock, professor of
Political Science.
The certificate was signed by Ed-
ward H. Young, then Commandant
of the Army Unit here, and approved
by Major General Myron C. Cramer,
the Judge Advocate General.
New Campus Bureau
To Open Tomorrow
An all-campus Acquaintance Bu-
reau will officially open with regis-
tration from 3:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. m.
tomorrow in the lobbies of the Union
and the League.
Designed to promote new friend-
ships between members of the stu-
dent body, the bureau is open to all
those students who are new on cam-
Today Dr. Maurice L. Moore
will deliver lecture at
4:15 p. m. in Rm. 303,
Chemistry Building.
Today Future Interracial Asso-
ciation plans will be dis-
cussed at a meeting of
the IRA to be held at
7:30 p. m. today in the
Today 19th Century text books
through are on display at Univer-
Jan. 19 sity Elementary School
Jan. 19 Fifth annual Chamber
through Music Festival featuring
Jan. 20 the Budapest String
Quartet in three concerts
at the Rackham building.
Thu 10 "Th atadfa Tin nSo-
Annual May Festival Program Announced
ANNUAL SHIP'S BALL: Eleven Soloists
Bobby Sherwood's Orchestn, To Participate
Navy Chorus To Be Featured jn IU' Conceets
Shin's Ball, the Navv-sponsored I
formal to be held from 8 p. m. to
midnight Friday in the IM building,
will feature music by B obby Sher-
wood and his orchestra and inter-
mission entertainment furnished by
the Navy chorus.
Among the numbers to be offered
by the chorus, will be "Night and
Day," "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"
and "Navy Hymn." The chorus has
gained wide attention on campus
following a program they presented
at the Union last fall. Their ap-
pearance Friday night at Ship's Ball
'Ensian' Needs
Pho tographers
The Michiganensian needs pho-
tographers, preferably experienced
camera bugs. If interested call
the 'Ensian, 2-3241.
Yanks Rolling
Unhindered in
Central Luzon
U.S. Forces 83 Miles
From Island Capital
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Luzon, Jan. 17-One
week after landing in Lingayen gulf,
a powerful American spearhead was
more than one-third of the way to
Manila Monday and still rolling
southward in dry, clear weather down
the broad central Luzon plain, vir-
tually unchecked on land or in the
Japs Counterattack
However on the left flank of the
broadened front the first Japanese
counterattack of the invasion was
reported in the'stubbornly-held Poz-
orrubio sector on Sunday. General
Douglas MacArthur's communique
today said the blow was repulsed.
Conservatively - worded official
statements located the deepest Am-
erican penetration as on the central
of three main north-south highways
45 road miles from Lingayen and 83
from Manila.
The Yank column which reached
Camiling, 30 road miles south of
Lingayen, on Sunday was reported
officially to be working its way
southward, but-the depth of the ad-
vance was not pinpointed.
Yanks Drive On
Field reports said these troops were
progressing against nothing stronger
than an occasional harassing patrol.
At this point they reached Mon-
cada, ten miles southeast of cap-
tured Bayambang.
Capture of Moncada put the Yanks
well along the main road to Manila.
interview yesterday.
Progress on all fronts was reported
in MacArthur's communique.
(See MAP, Page 4)
will be their first of 1945. Directing
the group will be Leonard V. Mer-
Log Book To Be Signed
One of the outstanding events of
the formal will be an immense Log
Book that will be signed by all those
attending the dance. In addition to
the Navy Chorus, Phil Snyder will
act as MC and refreshments of
cokes and cookies will be served.
Carrying out a campus tradition.
Bob Bennett, general chairman of
Ship's Ball has requested that no
corsages be worn at the formal.
The exact nature of the decora-
tions for the ball will remain a deep
mystery until the night of the dance.
The only hint that has been given
concerning them is that they will
carry out some nautical theme.
Tickets Available
Remaining tickets are obtainable
for V-12 members outside each mess
hall at the noon and evening meals
in the West Quad. CATS, RONAGS,
and Navy medical and dental stu-
dents will be able to obtain their
tickets at the Union.
Sherwood is billed as providing
"Young America's Favorite Dance
Music" and is known as an out-
standing cornetist and guitarist. He
and his orchestra have recently com-
pleted an engagement in Chicago at
the College Inn of the Hotel Sher-
man and will go on to Meadowbrook
in New Jersey for an indefinite stay.
Open House To
Be Held Jan. 20
V-12 Dance Band Will
Play in Rainbow Room
The Union, usually reserved as the
exclusive playground for Michigan
men, will be thrown open to the
entire campus for the 25th annual
Union Open House from 2 to 5 p.m.
Frank Worden and his men of the
V-12 dance orchestra will play the
latest popular hits for dancing in the
Rainbow Room from 2 to 3 p.m. and
from 4 to 5 p.m., it was announced
yesterday by Sandy Perlis, head of-
the Union War Activities committee.
Worden, who has already had over
five years in the Navy, spent two and
a half years at Pearl Harbor as a
Navy musician. He was at that
Pacific Naval Base during the Jap-
anese attack in 1941. The ten-piece
orchestra, composed of members of
the campus Navy unit, contains sev-
eral men with professional band ex-
Although the fact that women will
be allowed the run of the Union,
including such masculine holies as
the Tap Room, the Pendleton library
and the billiard room, is usually
enough to insure a gratifying atten-
dance at this annual Union event,
the House committee has also plan-
ned additional entertainment for the
The Athletic department has mov-
ed its trampolin from the Field
House over to the Union, and a corps!
of tumblers will perform
Philadelphia Orchestra,
Ormandy To Be Here
Eleven distinguished soloists will
participate in the Fifty-Second An-
nual May Festival, presented by the
University Musical Society in six
concerts to be given May 3, 4, 5, and
6, it was announced yesterday.
Bidu Sayao and Eleanor Steber,
sopranos; Blanche Thebom and Ros-
alind Nadell, contraltos; Frederick
Jagel, tenor; and Nicola Moscona
and Ezio Pinza, basses, all of the
Metropolitan Opera Association will
contribute vocal aria, songs and or-
atorio roles.
Local Debut For Violinist
Zino Francescatti, violinist, will
make his Ann Arbor debut; and
two pianists, Oscar Levant, and Ru-
dolf Serkin, will be heard. Paul
Leyssacdramatist, willappear as
narrator in "Peter and the Wolf."
Six of these artists are newcomers
to Ann Arbor, Miss Steber, Miss The-
born, Miss Nadell, Moscona, Fran-
cessatti and Levant. The other five
have appeared at concerts here on
past occasions.
The Philadelphia Orchestra with
Eugene Ormandy and Saul Caston
as conductors, will participate in all
six concerts for the tenth consecu-
tive Festival.
Pinza To Perform *
At the opening concert Thursday
night, Pinza will sing several of his
favorite basso arias. Interspersed
will be appropriate orchestral num-
bers, all presided over by Eugene
The second concert Friday night
will be All-American in character.
Included will be a short choral work
entitled "A Free Song," by the con-
temporary composer, William Schu-
man which will be sung by the
Choral Union and conducted by
Hardin Van Deursen. On the same
program two important composi-
tions by George Gershwin will be
performed by Oscar Levant and con-
ducted by Ormandy. Gershwin's
"Piano Concerto" and "Rhapsody
in Blue" will be played.
"Peter and the Wolf"
The Youth Chorus, under Mar-
guerite Hood, will provide a can-
tata, on Saturday afternoon. "Peter
and the Wolf" will be heard with
Leyssac as narrator. In the second
half, Zino Francescatti will play the
Paganini Violin Concerto. Saul Cas-
ton will be the conductor.
Saturday evening Van Deursen
will conduct the women's section of
the Choral Union in Debussy's "Bles-
sed Damozel." The important so-
prano role will be sung by Bidu 'Sa-
yao, while Rosalind Nadell will ap-
pear as contralto soloist. In 'the
second half Miss Sayao will offer
several arias and Saul Caston, con-
ductor, will provide orchestral selec-
In addition to orchestral num-
bers, Rudolf Serkin will play Bra-
hm's Second Concerto on Sunday
afternoon. Ormandy will conduct.
Ninth Symphony
The Festival will be brought to a
close Sunday night with a _.monu-
(See FESTIVAL, Page 4)
drives against the "Belgian bulge" where American First and Third
Armies carved additional slices off what was left of Field Marshal Von
Rundstedt's salient with the capture of the vital road hub of Houffa-
Student Cominttee To Solicit
Faculty, Merchants for Funds
Faculty members, merchants, and
all University employees will be con-
tacted this week by members of the
University committee for the 1945
March of Dimes fund, according to
Jim Plate, general chairman.
The National campaign will con-
tinue until Jan. 31, the night of the
President'sbirthday.Students will
be contacted all next week. On
Monday a special edition of The
1944 'Forester'
Is Ready for
TU' Distribution
Despite the manpower shortage
and the draft, the 1944 issue of the
"Michigan Forester," annual publi-
cation of the Forestry Club of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
is ready for distribution to students,
faculty and alumni, Prof. Earl C.
O'Roke announced yesterday.
Last spring seve) ral seniors under
the editorship of Prof. Ramsdell
undertook the task of putting to-
gether the Annual, but when Prof.
Ramsdell was drafted for the posi-
tion of directing the Civil Affairs
Training School for army and navy
officers, he could no longer continue
this work. Prof. O'Roke then took
over the editorship, and the work
was continued.
With the appearance of this vol-
ume, the record for publishing a
Michigan Forester each year will
remain unbroken.
. This year's Forester is dedicated
to the members of the school who
have been killed while serving in the
armed forces. It contains Senior
Sketches, pictures of the faculty and
students, and several articles on for-
Daily will be sold on campus. All
proceeds will be given to the National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.
Faculty Members To Be Contacted
Since it will be impossible to con-
tact all faculty members individual-
ly, the committee has requested that
professors turn in their contributions
to the secretaries of their respect-
ive departments.'
Faculty members will be contacted
by members of the League, and mer-
chants by members of the Union
Tryout Staff under Joe Milillo.
Contribution boxes will be placed
in the banks, hospitals, and theatres,
and. will be taken care of all day by
girls from various campus houses.
Dimes, Dollars Speed Recovery
Last year America sustained the
second worst epidemic of infantile
paralysis ever to hit the nation in
the history of the disease. More
than 18,000 people were stricken.
Dimes and dollars contributed by
the people to previous Appeals of
the National Foundation have help-
ed thousands of children who are
now recovered from infantile par-
alysis from being disabled for life,
Plate pointed out. '
Members of the student committee
are Deb Parry, women's chairman;
Pat Coulter, assistant to Miss Parry;
Jim Plate, general chairman; and
Joe Milillo and Henry Horldt, assist-
ants to Plate.
ArmyrUnits Start
Anti-Polio Drive
The March of Dimes campaign for
all Army units stationed in Ann Ar-
bor has been initiated under the di-
rection of Lt. Emerson G. Spies.
Contribution boxes have been in-
stalled where all Army units are sta-
toitish Smash
Nazis North of
Key Stronghold
AmericansU d er Ike'
Advancing in Belgium
By The Assoited Press
SHAEF, Jan. 16--The British Sec-
ond Army smashed eastward in a
new offensive near the German bor-
der north of Aachen today, exactly
a month after the start of the Ger-
mans' Belgian breakthrough, and
during the first hours the Tommies
progressed against moderate resist-
This switch to the initiative by
General Eisenhower's Allied armies
came as American forces in Belgium
captured the highway hub of Houf-
falize, virtually ironing out the Nazis'
salient into the Ardennes, and made
other gains in Luxembourg and in
Germany itself.
Drive Against St. Vith
The U. S. First and Third Armies
linked up again in Houffalize and
drove on against St. Vith, last major
communications center left to the
enemy in this sector.
Information on the new offensive
launched by Field Marshal Sir Ber-
nard L. Montgomery at this head-
quarters late tonight was confined
to word that it had made some pro-
gress against moderate resistance
and was continuing.
The Tommies struck in a morning
fog north of Sittard, which is 10
miles west of Geilenkirchen and 14
miles south of Roermond, and were
smashing into a German-held trian-
gle between the (Meuse and Roer
Rivers. A terrific artillery barrage
preceded the attack, which front
officers said had started well.
British Advance
A late field dispatch from Associat-
ed Press correspondent Roger
Greene said British infantry had
made "initial progress against mod-
erate opposition."
The German salient against which
Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Mont-
gomery's forces were driving, thrusts
sharply into Allied lines just north of
Sittard, which is 18 miles northwest
of Aachen. During the past fort-
night the Nazis have made several
strong local attacks there in an ef-
fort to extend their defensive lines,
Al were repulsed.
Results of Air
A ttick Revealed
By The Associated Press
Here at a glance is a Monday-to-
Monday (Jan. 8 to Jan. 15) glimpse
of what Adm. William F. Halsey's
Third Fleet planes have done t the
Japanese--and remember not even
yet are all reports in:
Jan. 8-They sank or damaged
more than 100 enemy ships, most of -
them small craft, and knocked out 98
enemy aircraft in the Formosa area.
Jan. 11-Striking along the French
Indo-China coast, the carier planes
sank 41 enemy ships, totalling about
127,000 tons, damaged 28 totalling
about 70,000 tons, destroyed or dam-
aged 162 enemy planes and effec-
tively bombed oil refineries, one of
Asia's best harbors at Camranh Bay
and the Saigon navy yard, to name
only a few targets.
Jan. 13, 14 and 15-Sweeping along
the China coast in attacks on such
cities as Canton, Hongkong, Swatow
and Amoy and also smashing the big
'Takao naval base on Formosa, the
carrier planes sank or damaged at
least 104,000 tons of shipping, de-
stroyed or damaged 94 planes and
scored telling blows on a wide assort-
ment of targets.
Murphy To End
Lecture Series
The last of a series of lectures on
"'Food-Handling," sponsored by the
U.S. Public Health Service and local
health departments, will be given by
Melbourne Murphy of University
Health Service at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
today in the auditorium of the W. K.
Kellogg Building.
All food-handlers employed in
commercial establishments are re-
quired by City Ordinance to attend
one series of lectures in order to
Prof. Kraus Explains USSR Foreign Policy
"Only to the extent that England
and the United States fail to offer a
more positive policy based on the
understanding that continental Eur-
ope will consist overwhelmingly of
have-not peoples, is communism a
threat beyond the Balkans and the
East in general."
This is the opinion of Prof. Wolf-
gang H. Kraus of the political science
Answering the question as to the
extent to which Russia is seeking to
develop a broad sphere of influence
in the Balkans and Central Europe,
Prof. Kraus said:
"Deliberate Soviet moves toward
sia as a great power which is at the
same time the most important Slavic
nation has apparently been a decisive
factor. Shades of the old pan-Slav-
ism still' haunt the East and, as a
matter of fact, Soviet Russia has in
recent years revived that movement.
It is also probable that the Balkan
nations are disposed to regard the
Soviet Union's recently more lenient
treatment of the Orthodox Church
in Russia as a good omen for the
future. But there are many questions
which remain. No one really knows
what is going on now, say, in eastern
Poland or in Bulgaria."
Although communist movements
may and do spring up from within
not necessarily mean some under-
cover revival of the Third Inter-'
national, Prof. Kraus said that the
men in the Kremlin are simply
realists who interpret politics in
accordance with their revolution-
ary upbringing.
Whether Germany will turn com-
munistic, Prof. Kraus finds unpre-
dictable because two conflicting atti-
tudes exist there. One attitude, he
said, is the deep-seated terror of
Russian power and the consequences
of communism. This viewpoint must
have been tremendously stimulated,
he said, by the war as related by
German soldiers, who have had their
toughest fighting in the East.
out in favor of the establishment of
a truly democratic Germany by
which they doubtless mean a Ger-
many willing to cooperate with Rus-
sia-and this goes beyond the ap-
peals of the Western powers. And
yet, the unspeakably bitter hatred of
the Russians against the Germans is
quite evident and easy to explain."
Whether the Russians under Sov-
iet rule possess fundamental rights
can only be answered in the light of
the difference in the meaning of
fundamental rights in Russia and in
the United States, Prof. Kraus stated.
"Under the New Soviet Constitution
of 1936, the Russians adopted 'an
elaborate bill of rights and duties,"
example an excerpt from article
125 of the 1936 Constitution: "In
accordance with the interests of
the toilers and with the object of
strengthening the socialist system,
the civilians of the USSR are
guaranteed by law, freedom of
speech, etc." And ultimately, Prof.
Kraus stated, "it is the Communist
Party which is expected to deter-
mine whether free speech is in
accordance with the interests of
the toilers."
Prof. Kraus emphasized, on the
other hand, that in the Russian Con-
stitution every right is implemented
by special provisions which make
that right obtainable to the mass of