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January 14, 1945 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-14

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AIY, JAN. Jai; 11)44;


PA Gh fi-VE'

New Clue Found in Hunt for Murderer of Senator H
, ' 4 1 4'

loo er

Witness Provides First 73reak'&
In Michigan's Greatest Manhunt

Returning Heroes'Dreams Realized
By Te Asocited res

Feverish Investigations
Caused by New Report
By The Associated Press
JACKSON, Mich., Jan. 13,-A wit-
ness who believes he saw the killer
and his accomplice at the scene of
the roadside execution of State Sen-
ator Warren G. Hooper provided the
first "break" tonight in one of Michi-
gan's greatest manhunts.
He saw Hooper's body slumped in
his automobile, a man standing be-
side the car, and a mysterious ma-
roon auto, with a second man at the
wheel, parked nearby, the witness
Feverish Activity
His study caused feverish activity
by investigators seeking solution to
the shooting of Hooper who was a
koy witness in legislative graft cases
developed by Judge Leland W. Carr's
grand jury at Lansing.
Tensely expectant officers set to
work checking all angles. Identity of

the witness was closely guarded, also
undisclosed was whether he noted thea
license number of the maroon car.
Here is his story as announced by
Kim Sigler, Special Prosecutor of the
Grand Jury:
Eye-Witness Story
The witness was driving north on
highway M-99 north of Springport
at 5:30 p.m. (Eastern War Time)
Thursday when he came on the ma-
roon automobile parked across the
road, blocking it. Partly off the pave-
ment on the east side of the highway
was Hooper's car, with the Senator
slumped in the right front seat. A
man stood at the left front door of
the Hooper automobile.
As he approached, the maroon car
pulled to the west side of the road
and parked, headed south. As the
witness drove past, he looked closely
at the driver of the maroon car; the
driver looked at him; the mal stand-
ing by Hooper's car looked over the
top of it at him.
Maroon Car
In his rear-view mirror, after he
had passed the scene, the witness saw
the man by Hooper's car run around.
the front of it and jump into the
maroon auto.
Sigler said he was "not in a posi-
tion at this time" to make public
descriptions of the two men given
by the witness, whom he described as
."reliable." He said the maroon car
appeared fairly new and shiny, prob-
ably a 1941 or 1942 model.
Navy Ships Beart
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13-(P)-
Fifteen transport and cargo vessels
of the Navy now bear the names of
Michigan counties.
Known respectively as APAS and
AKAS, the transport and cargo ves-
sels are the Navy's prime movers of
men andi material.
In combat operation, the APA car-
ries many hundreds of men compris-
ing a complete combat team, with all
of the attack equipment needed to
gain and hold beachheads.
APAS and AKAS bearing Michi-
gan names are the Alcona, Allegan,
Antrim, Arenac, Berrien, Charle-
voix, Clinton, Lenawee, Livingston,
Marquette, Midland, Ottawa, Wash-
tenaw, Wayne and Wexford.

NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-An Ameri- From New York harbor they were
can girl and then a glass of milk ! taken to Camp Shanks, N.Y., for
That's what 1,368 veterans, home pendency or .medie dislated forth-
today from the European battlefront, ers will be shipped back to combat
looked for first as they stepped of' duty. The majority will be assigned

the gangplank.
Wearing anywhere from one to 12
decorations each after six months to
three years overseas, they crowded
the decks of their troop transport in
a raw waterfront wind. They waved
captured Swastika flags. They whis-I
tled at pretty girls, plain girls, any
girls. They yelled at the band for
iive 'music.
But the miracle of America hit
home when the Red Cross grayl
ladies handed them their first bot-
tle of milk.!
"God, I can't believe it. Pinch me. j
Please pinch me."
"I kept my promise. Swore the first
thing I'd drink when I hit the U.S.A.C
would be milk. First in two years.
"I sneaked up on a cow in Nor-
mandy once. But this is American
The men were hand-picked from
the 1st, 3rd, and 9th Armies for 30-
day merit furloughs. Chosen for
length of service and number of dec-
orations, evacuations, and wounds.
they were the largest group of non-
casualties yet to be sent back from

to temporary duty within the United
How does a soldier feel to be back
from the wars?
Ile is happy. He is mad, delir-
ious, hysterical with happiness.
And if he is bitter, too, there is
always a pal to clap him on the
mback and say, "Forget it, you're
home now."
They brought back their souvenirs
-everything from a German colon-
el's sword to a highly-perfumed lav-
ender chiffon handkerchief with a
nude woman and "Souvenir de Paris"
stamped in one corner.
And they brought a series of G.I.
"He's nervous with the service.
He's fed up with the set up."
"The Jerries fight for the father-
land and the Fuehrer. The Ton
mies fight for the United Kingdom.
The Yanks fight for souvenirs and
the hell of it. Yeh, we got souven-
irs. We also got the hell of it."
They ate Camp Shanks' best T-!
bone steaks. They phoned their wives
and mothers and sweethearts. They
argued bitterly about the respective

merits of Parisian and American Wo-
They wanted to know about cig-
arettes, liquor, the Rose Bowl game.
But most of all they plantied those
30-day furloughs.
What would they do first?
"Are you kidding?"
"What ain't I goin' to do?"
"Eat and eat and eat. Get drunk
for a month."
"Raise hell. Paint the town red,
white, and blue."
"Thirty days with my wife. Ain't
seen her for three years. Thirty days.
Nothin' but my wife."
"Boy! This is America!"
Missing 'Fags'
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 13-)--Police
today were asked to search for a
missing truck driver.
Thursday the driver was given 125
cartons of cigarettes and 10 boxes of
cigars to deliver to the Missouri Ath-
letic Club.
He hasn't been seen since.
Military Styles
are blended and shaped to con-
form with your facial features!
Liberty off State

worn by State Senator Warren G. Hooper of Albion, Mich., when he
was found shot to death near Springpart, Mich., is being examined by
Kim Sigler (right), special prosecotor for a Giand Jury investigation
of corruption in the Michigan State government. The hat is being
examined at Lansing, Mich.


Business and Secretarial
To employed people who want to
serve more effectively now, and be
secure when peace comes, we offer
the following practical business
Office Machines
Reviw Courses
No age limit. No entrance re-
quirements. Whether you are other-
wise employed and desire arbusiness
career, or are now employed in an
off ice and want to prepare for the
Job ahead, wecan help you. Free
Employment Service.
Sessions: Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, 7 to 9. p.m.
For further information on sub-
jects offered and reasonable tuition
cost, call, write or phone. No ob-
William at State Phone 7831

Senator Ferguson Demands
Up-to-Date Manpower Survey
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13-(A)--~ ernment has cut back some of its
Senator Ferguson (R.-Mich.) de- warplane orders, he said; Why not
manded today that any new legis- I ask the management of those facto-
lative controls over manpower be Eries how many man-hours they have
e bsaved and what had happened to the
justified by an up-to-date survey of extra pool of labor made available
employment needs and a nose-count by the cut?
of available potential worker's. The Michigan Senator said he was
"I am not satisfied that the man- not satisfied that the Armed services
power we have is being utilized to are utilizing all of their members
the best advantage," he told report- to the fullest.
ers who asked for his views on a Ferguson's call for a survey was
pending House bill designed to chan- one of the first Senate moves on the
nel deferred draft registrants into manpower front this session.
war jobs. Meanwhile the House Military
The Mead War Investigating Coin- Committee arranged to hear AFL
mittee, of which Ferguson is a very Representatives Monday, CIO spokes-
active member, is known to be con- men Tuesday, on the pending legis-
tinuing its study of the manpower lation.
situation begun last year. Ferguson
said he was disturbed by the di s-
crepancy between the needs estimat- Perins elivers
ed in December and the War De-
partment's new estimate that 900,000 Ane
men will have to be taken into the Ara
Armed forces and another 700,000 p
into industry in the next six months. To Congress
"In December we were told that
there was a pool of 34,000,000 men
out of which we had to get 90,000 WASHINGTON, Jan. 13-(f)-
for essential jobs, and that in six Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins
months we would need 300,000," Fer- made her annual report to Congress
guson recalled.an itrensct
He said he thought the Mead Com- today, and its reminiscent nature
mittee or some other competent fact carried the broad hint of a "Swan
finding unit ought to check specific Song."
plants to determine their exact pres- The Secretary looked backward at
ent employment needs. The Gov- her 12 years in office-longest term
for any Labor Department head-
ek .H kWants then turned to the future, envision
ing an expanded Labor Department
Permanent FEPC and cautioning organized labor to
measure up to its responsibilities in
Pthe postwar era.

Accent on
In :Suits
For Now and Spring!
Whisper-soft pastels or strident tropical tones .
color has its way with the newest, suits! Heart-cheer-
ing. gloom-dispelling under a winter coat . . . ready,
to blossom out in the open with the first warm breeze.
Classic and softly detailed styles in wonderful wool

l' i

1/2 Yearly Cki rance




for Monday Only



9 A.M.

TILL 5:30 P.M.


x e

smart, higher priced Dresses, originally up to $29.95.
Not one originally less than 16.95.
SMARTEST VERSIONS of Crepes, Wools, Gabardines,
One- and two-piece versions in an array of dressy and

W A6HINGTON,. Jan. 13-( )'-Rcep.
Frank E. Hook (D.-Mich.) was the In other years her report has been
seventh member of the 79th Con- confined to the events of the pre-
gress to introduce a bill calling for ceding fiscal year.
a permanent Fair Employment Prac- She dealt perfunctorily with these
tices Committee. in the new report, and devoted the
"Racial and religious prejudice is bulk of her accounting to a sweep-
the greatest single obstacle that now ing review of her department's role
impedes our war production," Hook in achieving Legislative gains for
declared. "We owe it to the Ameri- workers.
can boy overseas and to his brother A heavy percentage of the Legis-
working overtime here to call upon lation with the new deal hallmark
labor and management to remove originated with the Secretary. and
that altogether unreasonable, un- her helpers since she became, in
justifiable, and un-American obstacle 1933, the first woman cabinet mem-
wherever it still exists. ber in history.
Beautiful pastel skirts - all col-
ors including pink, blue, and
green-come in plain and check-
ed material.
Price: 5.95 and up
Keep in style with the campus-
you won't go wrong with good-
looking hand-knitted argyle
SPECIAL: Beautiful white wool
scarfs - especially essential for
the long dreary winter months

young suit in soft di-
agional weave wool.
Cherry red, gold, green
mist, cinnamon, navy.
Junior sizes.
Soft classic tailored by
100% wool shetland.
Cherry, butterscotch,
seasand, aqua. Misses
Cardigan jacket suit
in STROOCK'S kitten-
soft 85% wool, 15%
angora fabric. Lilac,

classic styles.

Styles 9-15 and 10-44.

at 4.4.8
One group of SKIRTS.
100% Wool Plaids and Solids.
One group of water-repellent poplin JACKETS.
ODDS & ENDS in Slacks, Slack Suits,
Blouses and Sweaters.






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