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SUNDAY, JAN. 14, 1941.
'Crime' Finally Pays Off at USO
As Serviceman Puts Call Through
League To Add
Music to Dinner
Dancing, bridge, and entertain-
ment will be featured in the League
Ballroom every noon and evening
beginning tomorrow, Hariette Wilt-
see, chairman of the project recently
Music for dancing will be furnished
by a nickelodeon during lunch and
dinner, and cards will be available
for those wishing to play bridge.
Skits and floor shows, presented by
various houses on campus, will pro-
vide further entertainment for din-
The ballroom will be open from
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the noon
hour and from 5:30 to 6:30 at night.
There will be no extra charge other
than that of the meal on week days.
A charge of fifteen cents pbr person
will be in effect on week-ends, and
the program will continue from 7:30
p.m. to midnight, Friday and Satur-
day nights. Students are urged to
come whether they have-dates or not.
The project is under the sponsor-
ship of the social committee of the
League, and was planned in response
to students' requests for "something
to do during meal hours."
The little-known success story of
Adeleine Reynolds proves it's never
too late for a woman to start a ca-
reer. She graduated from college at
70, made her acting debut at 7&_
and now at 82 she is a movie star.
Office and Portable Models
of all makes
314 South State St.
Coed Speakers
Pan To Hold
First Meeting
Assembly Speakers' Bureau will
hold a twenty-minute organization
meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in
the League for all Independent wo-
men who are interested in speaking
at various women's league houses to
publicize special drives sponsored by
the University, it was announced
today by Florine Wilkins, '45, presi-
dent of Assembly.
Dr. Kenneth G. Hance of the
speech department will be the advis-
or of the Bureau. Dr. Hance will not
be present at the organization meet-
ing but will speak at all the following
meetings, giving short lectures on
such subjects as the speaker's ap-
pearance, aids to speaking, and how
to give effective short speeches.
No Tryouts To Be Held
There will be no tryout meetings
for the Bureau. All coeds interested
in speaking, especially speech stu-
dents, are urged to attend the organ-
ization meeting and to be active in
the Speakers' Bureau. The Bureau
members will make short talks, about
ten minutes in length, promoting all
drives and will work mainly in
League houses.
Among the drives that the Bureau
will help publicize are the March of
Dimes; the Red Cross Blood Bank,
any charity drives, and drives to send
clothing overseas. Starting with
talks the Bureau members will even-
tually present short skits as a means
of publicizing the drives.
Valuable Speaking Experience
Shirley Robin, vice-president of
Assembly, who will conduct Thurs-
day's meeting, stated the advantages
offered by the Speakers' Bureau. "In
addition to offering valuable practice
in speaking, the Bureau will enable
the women to become acquainted
with other campus houses," she said.
Postcards will be sent out to those
persons who have already turned in
their names. All others who are
interested are urged to come
Sale of
For Navy Dance'
Is Still Open
Navy Chorus, Skits To Provide
Intermission Entertainment;
Decorations Will Be Nautical
Ship's Ball, to be held from 8 p.m.
to midnight Friday in the IM Build-
ing, will present Bobby Sherwood,
versatile instrumentalist, and his or-
chestra as music-makers of the eve-
Sherwood, who has recently com-
pleted an engagement in the College
Inn of Chicago's Hotel Sherman, will
go to the Meadowbrook in New Jersey
for an indefinite sway.
Band Was Enlarged
Starting with a small string orches-
tra, Sherwood rapidly attained popu-
larity. He then enlarged his band to
full size, gained attention on the west
coast, and brought the orchestra to
the east.
Coming up in the midst of the rec-
ord ban, the band has gained wide
notice in spite of having made only
two recordings. They have filled en-
gagements in New York, and Atlantic
City,. and have also broadcast on
Columbia and Mutual networks.
Remaining Tickets To Be Sold
Sherwood is known as an outstand-
ing cornetist and guitarist, as well as
one of the best young arrangers. He
also plays an occasional -trombone
and piano and has introduced the
unusual use of the oboe and English
horn in his orchestra.
Remaining tickets for the formal
dance will be sold this week on the
decks of the West Quad. CATs and
RONAGs, ms well as Navy medical
and dental students may obtain their
Judiciary To Fill
Vacancy on Council
Interviewing for a senior member of
Judiciary Council- will be held from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
Council room of the Undergraduate
Offices of the League.
All second-semester juniors and
first -semester seniors, who have
turned in their petitions, are eligible
for this position.
"Those petitioning should be well
acquainted with campus activities
and have sufficient time to spend in
interviewing petitioners and per-
forming the various tasks of the
council," said Natalie Mattern, presi-
dent of the Council.
'Date Bureau
'Wil Reopen
There is a gleam of hope for all
Lonely Hearts on campus--an ac-
quaintance bureau sponsored by the
League and the Union will open on
Thursday afternoon, toecontinue its
activities throughout the semester.
In order to avoid the frightening
anomalies sometimes resulting from
amateur date-matching, the bureau
will ask pertinent questions about
height, appearance, and tastes. Tall
coeds will not feel obliged to dance
on their knees, and no man will find
himself spending a jolly evening in
the P-Bell with a member of the
W. C. T. U.
Carol Anderson, '46, is chairman
of the bureau for the League, while
Kenneth Bissell and Charles Hel-
mick, '47E, are the Union's co-chair-
The purliose of the bureau is to
provide opportunities for the men
and women on campus to meet each
other. It is not functioning merely
for big campus events. Bissel urged
all students to register for the bu-
reau and take advantage of the op-
portunity to meet others. "The suc-
cess of the bureau depends upon the
cooperation of those who are to
benefit from it," he said.
Women may register at the League
between 2:30 p. m. and 5:30 p. m. on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thurs-
days, while men may register at the
Union between 3:30 p. m. and 5:30
p. in. on the same days.
Crime doesn't ordinarily pay, but
"crime" did pay for Frances Mitchell
yesterday at the Monte Carlo party
held at the USO Club.
At approximately 11 p. m., two
burly members of the Ann Arbor
police force entered the Club "just
to check up." After making a thor-
ough investigation that all games
were being run on a strictly above-
board basis, they found something
else decidedly fishy. Suspecting that
something valuable had been taken,
the officers of the law searched sev-
eral of the Junior Hostesses and
found one of them wearing a very
valuable bracelet.
Imagine the feelings of this un-
fortunate hostess when she was in-
formed that she would have to come
along to the station to answer a few
questions about the bracelet, which
legally belonged to her. After talk-
ing it over with her, however, they
'Advertising Pays'
realized that an error had been made,
and apologies were duly made
The beauty of the story is that
her partner at the time of the inci-
dent, because of his steadfast loyal-
ty, was rewarded by a long-distance
call to any place in the country.
When Edward Walanga had fully
recovered from the shock, he called
his wife in Chicago.
Perfume Packaged
A New Way Now
The very latest thing to look for
on cosmetic shelves of your favorite
store is a new container for creams
and perfumes which are made out of
These are just about the most
practical containers brought out in a
long time. There is no longer a need
to have your drawers cluttered up
with bottles and jars'of various and
sundry sizes for the soap can be used
when the contents are gone.
i I
. ..will play at Ship's Bali from
8 p.m. to midnight Friday in the
IM Building.
tickets at the Union. Proceeds will be
turned over to the Welfare Fund of
the local Navy V-12 Unit.
Nautical Theme
Decorations for the dance will be
on a nautical theme, and entertain-
ment during intermission will be fur-
nished by the Navy chorus and other
skits. Transportation will be pro-
vided for leaving the dance.
Special features of the dance in-
clude a Ship's Log, which all those
attending will be asked to sign. Men
from nearby Naval stations and those
on leave have also been invited to
Honorary.W iII Meet
Zeta Phi Eta, National Professional
Speech Arts Fraternity for Women,
will hold,a special meeting at 5 p. m.
Tuesday in the League, in honor of
Mrs. Phyllis Kingsley Hanson, na-
tional secretary.
Mrs. Hanson is a graduate of
Northwestern University School of
Speech. She has been employed as
an instructor of Creative Dramatics
in Evanston, Illinois and has also
done platform work in the Chicago
area. Book reviews, monologues and
reading of plays are included in her
Zeta Phi Eta recently pledged Har-
riet Risk and Doris Lesser as mem-
bers. Qualifications for membership
are above average grades in speech,
and at least a C average in other
subjects, some form of outstanding
work in one phase of speech and an
interest in furthering speech activi-
,; _______________________-________ -__---____________________________________ IW
t7jX e
To Begin
Look and feel young and
tireless (yes, we do mean
that one about your middle,
too!), in Gossard's front-
lacing corset. Lacing pro-
vides the necessary adjust-
ment. Designed for average,
tall, short. Full-hip types.
'C7f l.
_ - :F.
t;;' t 'h i ,' a;.,
' .
., .;t:
\ : ,.
' '
Do you haMe trouble making the
little women follow you, in dancing,
of course?
The solution to your problem is to
join the beginner's class in social
dancing being sponsored by the
League Social Committee, headed by
Marian Jones, '45.
The first in a series of eight les-
sons will be given from 7:30 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League.
All civilian men are invited to
register for these lessons on the night
of the first meeting. The cost of the
lessons will be $3.
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