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January 14, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-14

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . . City Editor
Ray Dixon . . . . Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . . Sports Editor
Diave Loewenberg . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June Pornering . . . Associate Business Mgr,
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
]arch of Dimes
THE 1945 Fund-Raising Appeal of the National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in Cele-
bration of the President's birthday will be
opened officially throughout the nation tonight
by Basil O'Connor, president of the National
Foundation, in a coast-to-coast broadcast..
The University campaign opens officially to-
morrow. Both campaigns continue through Jan-
uary 31, and is the twelfth annual campaign in
the war against infantile paralysis.
Just last summer Infantile Paralysis struck
America the hardest blow the nation has sus-
tained in the history of the disease in 28 years.
Any child, even yours, may be the next to be
stricken with this dreaded disease.
PFoiio picks its victims from wealthy homes,
tenements, farms, war production centers, chil-
dren of our fighting men, small towns, and large
cities. All children are equally defenseless against,
this enemy.
However, because of the efforts of the thou-
sands of volunteer members of the Foundation,
each tragedy-hit child will have every chance for
recovery through the complete scientific aid pro-
vided by the Foundation.
The combined power of dimes, contributed
each year by the American people to the March
of Dimes in Celebration of the President's
birthday, makes it possible for every infantile
paralysis victim, regardless of age, race, creed,
or color, to receive the best medical care avail-
All over the country last summer this money
was on hand to provide early medical care, which
may mean the difference between a life of crip-
pling or normal recovery.
Each modest dime you contribute in this
campaign will bear interest far beyond the
financial calculation. Remember this and con-
tribute to the 1945 March of Dimes, January
- Aggie Miller.

W ASHINGTON, Jan. 14-There is significant
background behind the appointment of Brit-
ish Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery to com-
mand of two American armies, thereby taking
away most of the command of Lieut. Gen. Omar
B. Bradley. There are also interesting reasons
why it was kept such a hush-hush matter from
the American public.
General Bradley has now been awarded the
bronze star by Eisenhower and congratulated by
Churchill to take the sting out of his loss of the
First and Ninth Armies. The idea that Bradley
made the transfer himself also has been pub-
licized. Despite these maneuvers it is known in-
side the War Department that highest U. S. war
chiefs opposed the transfer to Montgomery and
that it was put across by General Eisenhower
Background of the reshuffle goes back to
the landing in Normandy last summer when
Montgomery was given Caen as his objective,
while Bradley was to take Cherbourg. Bradley
reached his objective ahead of schedule in a
new type of offensive fighting, in which U. S.
troops did not wait for supplies to come up nor
for snipers to be wiped out.
Montgomery, using more conservative, slow-
moving, old-fashioned tactics, sat with his army
at Caen and either could not or would not break
through until long after schedule, and until
Bradley, ignoring Montgomery, smashed the Nazi
lines to the south and started the lightning dash
to Paris.
'Montgomery Demoted' - .
Afterward, the Stars and Stripes carried a
story that Bradley was being promoted to the
rank of full General and would supersede Mont-
gomery. The Stars and Stripes being an official
Army newspaper, the story naturally was true.
But publication in London caused such a furor
among the British that the British Broadcasting
company went on the air with an emphatic
After that the shift of armies was held up
for a while, until Montgomery could be made a
Field Marshal to appease both him and British
public opinion. Bradley then took over com-
mand of all the American armies under Eisen-
hower, and Montgomery was left only with the
two British and Canadian armies in Holland
and Belgium.
Since then Monty has been waiting for his
chance to stage a comeback. His friends of the
British press-of whom he has many-have been
doing the same, So immediately following the
German breakthrough, he began pressuring
Eisenhower to give him the American First and
Ninth armies.
Montgomery is a superb defensive fighter.
When his back was to the wall at El Alamein
just a few miles from Cairo, he did a great job.
When given offensive jobs as in Sicily, at Caen,
and at Armhem he failed to make the grade.
How much of Eisenhower's decision to put
Montgomery in command of the two Ameri-
can armies depended upon his ability as a de-
fensive fighter, and how much on British pres-
sure is not known. It is known, however, the
transfer of commands was opposed in the War
Department and was carefully hushed-up for
two weeks and not even all of the top-ranking
executives in the Pentagon Building knew
about it.
Also it is a significant fact that Eisenhower is
answerable to Churchill as well as Roosevelt. He
cannot be removed by Roosevelt without Church-
ill's ok and he has to get along with both. That
is an important point not realized by many. But
not to be forgotten.
Capitol Chf...
Frederick Woltman of Roy Howard's New
York World-Telegram, is releasing a series re-
vealing the highest U. S. Army posts have been
taken over by Communists. This will be news
to Joe Stalin.
The British modestly admit their paratroop
landings in Greece last fall constituted a great
military achievement, but newsmen on the
scene are somewhat cynical about it-especial-
ly Pat Frank of the Overseas News Agency, Sid
Feder of Associated Press, and John Chabot
Smith of the New York Herald Tribune. These
three landed at the Megara air field and
waited in solitude for four hours for the Brit-
ish paratroopers to come and "seize" the field.

Army officers returned from China say the
definition of a - Communist in China is "anyone
whowants to reduce interest rates to 20 per
Kansas Mammoth Food Cave....
Although the War Food Administration is go-.
ing ahead with the building of its huge under-
ground Storage Cave near Atchison, Kan., some
storage experts within the agency are convinced
the project is a waste of good money. About $1,-
750,000 will be spent outfitting this natural cave
with scarce priority air-cooling equipment and
work to make the cave suitable for food storage.
But the fact is even these expenditures will not
be able to bring about freezing temperature.,
Capacity of the cave will be about 2,600 car-
loads, equal to the combined capacity of com-
mercial warehouses in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas,
Colorado, New Mexico, plus the cities of Omaha,
Neb., and Sioux City, Iowa, all put together.
Storage people in these areas are worried sick
about the future of their business.
Last month the Kansas Packing and Market-
ing Company, Hutchinson, Kan., offered to

"NO NATION won it. Everyone lost it, and
from now on all great wars will always be
lost by all the combatants." Here is a comment
by Dorothy Thompson after World War I. If we
are to avoid such a judgment this time, there are
a few basic conditions namely; first, the Allied
powers must become solidified and we, their peo-
ples, while the struggle is on learn to accept each
other not as contenders against someone,-but
as joint sufferers for everyone. This can mean a
spiritual rebirth within the United Nations and
cause our ethical growth to match the sacrifices
already made by our officers and men. Second,
our leaders at the war's conclusion must cham-
pion those goals by which, in the beginning of
war, our leaders brought men and women to
blood, sweat and tears. This means a peace out-
look as inclusive as the four freedoms and a re-
construction and thorough as the eight high
statements of the Atlantic Charter. Third, unless
the peoples who are being brought out of bond-
age not only are freed from war and starvation
but are treated to the highest degree of personal,
social and political freedom which the genius of
democratic nations can provide, regardless of
the labels or patterns which such peoples adopt.
In his essay on "Unity in Religion" Francis
Bacon pointed out two ignoble peace treaties;
"one patched up in ignorance of facts, for all
colors will agree in the dark,"-and the other,
"made by the admission of contraries in funda-
mental points." Here is a caution for the Depart-
ment of State, but also here is a warning for
every citizen. Today even the rustic can see as
Woodrow Wilson preached at the end of World
War I, that no amount of fighting, much less any
amount of spending or evolving of new political
instruments, however noble and necessary, can
justify the devotion and heroism of our men, and
of our allies, unless in the end fellow men are
enriched many fold and an adequate enduring
new form of social growth with a world scope
can be created.
Here is the burden of religion today and
while family councils, church altars, conven-
tions of the clergy and all other idealists may
feel that their efforts seem futile while the
battles are at their worst, there is some reason
for confidence and faith in the realization that
Civilian groups are on the march for the Dum-
barton Oak's proposals, that in the "Seven
Patterns for Peace," Jews, Catholics and Pro-
testants of the United States have joined as
never before, and that the Anglicans have been
guests of the Russian Orthodox. In the midst
of customary independence these various re-
ligious communities, representing many mil-
lions of pious people, are jointly alert to the
spiritual needs of our decade and by prayer
and practice are working to make the contri-
bution which we instinctively expect from
Christianity and Democracy.
"For while the tired waves, vainly beating,
Seem here no painful inch to gain
Far back, through creeks and inlets making,
Comes silent, flooding in the main." (Clough)
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
Old Mr. Shaw
George Bernard Shaw's housekeeper was kept
on the 'phone the other morning denying some-
one's rumor that the 88 year old Irish termagant
had died during the night. Obviously, this oc-
casion called for some transcendent witticism.
Never was Mr. Shaw caught unready. "Just
tell them," he quipped, "that it's exaggerated."
All of which goes to show that Mr. Shaw is as
old as old Sam Clemens, or else still young
enough to crib a gag from him.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
On Second Thought...
The Reds start rollin', the Nazis are done with
Ardennes and in the Philippines the Japs are
Luzon' ground. All of which should dispense with
the gloom accumulated over the holiday season.
Invading Yankees landed so fast on the Lin-
gayen bay window that the Japs didn't have
a fat chance.
Germany starts a big drive to get more clothes
for its freezing millions. Meanwhile the Yanks

continue clothing in on them.
Weather Man's Slogan: I came, I thaw, I
froze up again.

turn off its valuable refrigeration equipment
and take in dried beans, anything to keep
operating. However, a lot of warehouses don't
want to handle government eggs because they
deteriorate and spoil other foods in the ware-
house. In addition to being unable to get freez-
ing temperature, WFA had to build a new ice
plant at the cave, in order to provide ice for
shipping. Since the plant capacity was not
large enough for summer shipping, a huge ice
storage house also had to be built. And the
Missouri Pacific Railroad had to construct sev-
eral miles of new road to get trains to the cave.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.)

Dominic Says

There taas been a gr-eat deal of
talk and literature circulating to the
effect that the German people are
either inherently militaristic or the
opposite, a peace-loving people that
goes to war only when forced by oth-
er nations to do so. The basis for
most of the thought on this subject
has been purely theoretical. I believe
that few of us have, even bothered
to read a book describing conditions
in Germany in the twenty-five-year
period between the two world wars.
It is with this belief in mind that
we present the following excerpts
from "The German Soldier," pre-
pared by Capt. Arthur Goodfriend
and issued by the editors of The In-
fantry Journal.
"The German Army took a terrible
shellacking in the autumn of 1918.
The cemeteries of France and Flan-
ders and Russia were filled with Ger-
man dead - 1,800,000 of them. These
men had been through hell. They
had had victory in their grip, only
to see it trickle away. They had
faced Belgians, French, Russians,
Italians and British troops. Finally
Americans came all the way from
the New World to help hand them a
knockout punch.
"They went back to Germany where
for many years their defeat kept
haunting them. They went through
a period when their money was worth
nothing. They had riots and unem-
ployment. For a while they paid
money and goods to the Allies. Suf-
fering and sadness were the lot of
"Leaders of other nations thought
that this beaten crew would never
rise again. But they were wrong.
"The ghosts of Frederick the
Great and Bismarck were still
Every once in awhile, somebody
proposes an ordinance for pedestrian
control in St. Louis. Next time that
comes up, it will be well to remember
Toronto's recent experience.
Its law had every possible safe-
guard for promoting the safety of
pedestrians. Not only the anti-jay-
walking provision, favorite proposal
of St. Louis reformers, but also pen-
alties for pedestrians passing each
other on the left and running after
streetcars, not to mention fines for
juvenile bicycle riders who took their
feet off the pedals. The Councilmen
seemed to have thought of all exist-
ing hazards, and some imaginary
This elaborate set-up lasted just
five days. It was repealed because
it couldn't be enforced. Let that
be a lesson to St. Louis.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

alive. All they needed was a new
generation of men to work on,
and new leaders to take the place
of the old. The martial spirit never
died. Each year the Stahlhelm,
'Steel Helmets', German veterans'
groups, and the Free Corps, kept
the military spirit burning. 'These
men marched past their regimental
standards with heads erect. These
men, the professional soldiers and
later the Nazis fostered the legend
that the German Army had never
really lost the war - that it had,
instead, been 'stabbed in the back'.
"Out of the ranks of these defeated
men stepped an unknown corporal.
His name was Adolf Hitler.
"In 1920 Germany organized the
100,000-man Reichswehr. The
Treaty of Versailles gave them that
much lee-way - a national police
force of 100,000 men. The framers
of the Treaty probably figured that
100,000 men could do no damage.
They didn't realize that as long as
Germans had uniforms and drums,
their desire for conquest and re-
venge ,would never die. And an
army of 100,000 men, carefully se-
lected and thoroughly trained, was
practically an officer candidate
"The 100,000 men of the, Reichs-
wehr drilled and studied. The idea
was already there, in 1920, in the
minds of German military leaders
that some totally new plan, avoiding
the mistakes of World War I would
some day bring victory, if the mili-
tary strength of the nation could also
be built up secretly.
"As early as 1923 German young-
sters were banded together in clubs.
Kids barely out of their diapers were
togged out in brown shirts, black
shoes, a trench cap, and the brown
shirt with red, white and black swas-
tika armband which symbolized their
faith in Hitler. Each received a
Leistungbuch, an efficiencybook
which recorded his attendance at
meetings, his physical and political
development and his participation in
party activities. When school was
over these boys went to work for the
Party, running errands, standing
guard, recruiting, and anything else
the Party officials dreamed up for
kids to do. On weekends there were
even tactical exercises, scaled down
of course to the abilities of young-
sters not yet able to read, write or
do arithmetic. But old enough to be
sold a bill of goods on German domi-
nation of the world."
-Arthur J. Kraft
(Editor's Note: This. is the first in a
series of articles describing the growth
of Nazi military power. The series will
be continued in Tuesday's Issue of the

Choral Union Concert: Vladimir
Horowitz, Russian pianist, will give
the seventh program in the Choral
Union Series, Monday night, Jan. 15,
at 8:30. His program will consist of
numbers by Czerny, Beethoven,
Rachmaninoff, Prokofieff, Chopin,
Samuel Barber, and Liszt.
A limited number of tickets are
still available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower, and at the Hill
Auditorium box office after 7 o'clock
on the night of the concert.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by
prominent artists, loaned through
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York City. Ground floor corridor,
Architecture Building. Open daily
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan.
29. The public is invited.


Academic Notices
S rz C ollege zf nL ,ajASp. is Gf C. & e ia iA1 i . - n
?ijbiielath;Tnt iv i of
March graduates including candi
dates for the Certificate in Ptiblic
Health Nursing have been posted on
the bulletin board in Rm. 4. U.H. If
your name does not appear, or, if
included there, it is not correctly
spelled, please notify the counter
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be omitted on Jan. 17. In place of the
seminar, students will please attend
the lecture by Doctor Maurice L.
Moore on "The Development and Use
of Sulfonamides as Intestinal Anti-
septics," at 4:15 p.m., Jan. 17, in Rm.
303 Chemistry Building.
Organ Recital: Bernard Piche, Or-
ganist of the Cathedral of Trois-
Rivieres, Quebec, will appear as guest
organist in Hill Auditorium at 4:15
this afternoon, Jan. 14. He has ar-
ranged a program to feature com-
positions by Bach, Franck, Gigout,
Rameau, LeBegue, Vierne, Widor,
Dupre and Tournemire, and will play
one of his own compositions, "Rhap-
sodie sur 4 Noels." The recital will
be open to the public without charge.







common Ideals

REFERRING to the Atlantic Charter, Presi-
dent Roosevelt, in his message to Congress,
said "It is an essential thing-to have principles
toward which we can strive ... " This sage ad-
vice must guide us through the hard years of
fighting and peace formulation. For without
ends, aims, principles, ideals-call them what
you will-we can easily lose heart in our task of
maintaining peace in a world wrought with con-
timued conflict.
Many persons feel that ideals are imprac-
tical, useless. They are rationalizing. Their at-
titude is grounded in a fear of obstacles-
obstacles which must be surmounted before
principles can gain ascendency. Persons hav-
ing this fear are cynical and discouraged. They
are willing to accept the world as it is, for
better or for worse. Submission to present con-
ditions seems, to them, to be the easiest course
to follow because striving for an end threatens
the stigma of defeat.
The cynics say, therefore, that international
cooperation is 'impossible, the idea of a better
world fantastic and universal peace a myth.
Without conscience, they play the game of power
politics. They see the widespread deprivation
3aused by economic oppression and they sit back.
I'hey are complacent until another World War
forces them to the battlefront.

SUNDAY, JAN. 14, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 58
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the'
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Members of the University Coun-
cil: There will be a meeting of the
University Council on Monday, Jan.
.15, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. All members of the
Senate may attend. The agenda is
as follows:
Approval of the Minutes of Nov.
13, 1944. Report on Government
Contracts-Vice-President M. L. Nie-
huss. Report on Special Services-
Dean C. S. Yoakum. Statement
About the Library-Director W. G.
Rice. Memorandum from the Inter-
national Center-Dr. E. M. Gale.
Subjects Offered by Members of the
Council. Reports of Standing Com-
mittees :
Educational Policies-W. C. Olson;
Student Relations-C. H. Stocking
(Four Reports); Public Relations-
K. K. Landes; Plant and Equipment
-J. H. Cissel.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Important Notice in re Rationing
of Certain Materials for Research:
Stricter rules and regulations govern-
ing the rationing of "Processed
Foods, Meats, and Sugar" have now
gone into effect. This applies to all
laboratories and departments manu-
facturing or carrying on research
work, and to the feeding of animals
for research which use rationed items.
In order that the University may be
properly registered with the Local
Ration Board, it is requested that
you report to Mr. W. W. Buss, Rm.

B124, University Hospital, by Jan. 22
the quantities of rationed foods you
anticipate using from Jan. 1, 1945
through Dec. 31, 1945.
The points are granted by quar-
terly periods of three months each.
Therefore, please indicate the quan-
tities you need for each quarter
under the following classications:
1. Processed Foods. 2. Meat, Fats,
Oils and Canned Fish. 3. Sugar.
Laboratories or research projects
failing to make this report may
expect to find themselves denied
their necessary supplies.
Admission to School of Business
Administration Spring Term: Appli-
cations should be submitted prior to
Jan. 15. Application blanks available
in Rm. 108 Tappan Hall.
The Cook County Bureau of Public
Welfare, Public Assistance Division,
is accepting applications for Case
Aides for its Public Assistance Pro-
gram (Old Age Pension, Aid to De-
pendent Children Service and Blind
Assistance). For further information
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Miss Gertrude Bruns, representa-
tive from the GIRL SCOUTS OR-
GANIZATION, will be in our office
interviewing girls who are interested
in Organization work, Wednesday
afternoon, Jan. 17, and Thursday,
Jan. 18. Call University Ext. 371,
Bureau of Appointments, for ap-
Tobe'-Coburn School for Fashion
Careers announcements of Annual
Fashion Fellowship awards, for Sen-
iors. For further information and
registration blanks, stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
Choral Union Members: Choral
Union members whose attendance
records are clear, will please call for
their courtesy tickets to the Horo-
witz concert Monday, between the
hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4,
at the offices of the University Musi-
cal Society in Burton Memorial Tow-

Events Today
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
The Sunday meeting will be held 'at
4:30 in Lane Hall. The speaker will
be Dr. Seibers who has been a mis-
sionary to India. She will show mov-
ies on medical work done in India.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all. Come, and bring your friends.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Memorial Christian
Church (Disciples) Hill and Tappan,,
at 5:00 p.m. Following the supper
President Alexander Ruthven will
Dorothy Pugsley will lead the closing
worship service.
International Center: "Michigan
on the March" will be the feature of
the Sunday evening program at the
International Center, the time 7:30.
This will be followed by the snack.
Coming Events
Miss Isabel du Bois, director of
libraries, U.S. Navy Department, will
address students in Library Science
on Monday, Jan 15, 4:15 p.m., in
Rm. 110 Library. She will speak on
library services in the Navy.
Post-War Council: There will be a
meeting Tuesday at 4:30 at the soda
bar of the Michigan League. There
will be a discussion of plans for the
next semester. All those interested in
the Council are asked to attend.
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action: There will be a business
meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 7:30 p.
m., in the Union, Rm. 302.
Sigma Rho Tau:'Members of the
Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma
Rho Tau will meet Tuesday, Jan. 16,
at 7:30 p.m., in Rmns. 319-323 of the
Union. Debate topic: Should the
federal government adopt a system
of compusory military training for
all citizens in the post-war period?
The Cercle Francais will meet
Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. at the
Michigan League. Mr. Richard Pi-
card, of the Romance Language De-
partment, will give an informal talk
on France. Miss Ruth Whittemore,
of the Music School, will sing a few
French songs. Games and group
Dr. Maurice L. Moore, Director of
Organice Research for , Frederick
Stearns and Company, Detroit, will
present an illustrated lecture on
"The Development and Use of Sul-
fonamides as Intestinal Antiseptics,"
in Rm. 303, Chemistry " Building, at
4:15, Wednesday, Jan. 17. Pharmacy
students and all others interested are
cordially invited to attend.
Inter-Racial Association: There
will be a meeting Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. in the Union.





By Crockett Johnson

le I i

... And Baxter convinced us that his little boy found
the ermine wrap near the wrecked car. So we assumed


It's puzzling. But we-er-expect
a break in the case momentarily--






;I~ Cr..kIne C'.1 f~vn.

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