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December 29, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-29

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FEMAY, DEC. 29, 1944

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Fifty-Fifth Year

The German Counter-Offensive

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eelyn Phillips - Managing Editor
Stan Wallace. .. City Editor
Ray Dixon . . . . . Associate Editor
Bank Mantho . . . . - Sports Editor
Dade Loewenberg . . . Associate SportsEditor
Mavis Kennedy . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer . . . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . ssociate Business Ugr.
June Pomering . . . Associate Business 'Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Vfichigan, as
second-crass mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advwrtising Service, Ihc.
College Publisbers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

United Press

The stand of United Press relative to its re-
cent "maintenance of membership" agreement
reveals again the old managerial inability to
admit that workers organize and bargain not
whimsically but with specific ends in mind.
The United Press signed the agreement re-
luctantly and resentfully in compliance with
a directive from the Newspaper Commission
confirmed by the National War Labor Board.
The agreement nevertheless marks progress
for editorial employes, hardpressed and usu-
ally underpaid in a highly conpetitive field.
U. P. pouted: "The United Press management
is still unalterably opposed to the imposition
upon its editorial employes of any form of
enforced union membership. Its acceptance
of maintenance of membership was not volun-
tary but was purely in conformance with the
mandates it had received from the wartime gov-
ernmental agencies. We will continue to con-
test enforced union membership for our edt-
orial employes at every legitimate opportunity."
This statement indicates, of course, the high
altruism of the press service. With their em-
ployes interests ever at heart U.P. will continue
to crusade against "any form of enforced union
membership." The implication is that the em-
ployes do not really want union security.
In view of management's opposition to
maintenance of membership (particularly
Montgomery Ward's non-compliance), it
seems necessary to point out that this form
of union security is not coereive. It provides
that there be taken a referendum to 'deter-
mine the representative union.
Following a two-thirds yes vote all employes
Who are members of the union and any new
employes who subsequently become members
must as a condition of employment remain mem-
bers for the duration of the agreement. It
provides in addition a period before the agree-
ment becomes final during which employes may
drop out of the union.
Maintenance of membership is a compromise
between labor's demand for the closed shop
and management's insistence on the open shop,
preventing coercion of workers and protecting
their security. Its provision for a referendum
insures its equitability.
U. P.'s concern for its employes seems a
bit insincere. The union. which represents
the workers, bargained for maintenance of
membership. It is reasonable to assume that
the majority of the employes want it.
Betty Roth
Allied Unity
THE PRESENT set backs of the Allied armies
in Germany prove without doubt that the
hardest tests of the war are still ahead of us.
Nevertheless, since this is not the darkest
hour of the. war, we must have both courage
and faith to continue the fight. Germany
is trying to prolong the war through its pres-
ent counter-offensive, but the Allies are still
strong, and they can still win battles and wit
the war, provided they are united.
As long as the Allied countries remain united,
the Germans know they cannot hope to defeat
them. At present, however, the Allies are not
united. The Greeks are fighting the Britons,
the Polish are fighting the Russians, and Chur-

WASHINGTON, Dec. 29-No matter what hap-
pens from now on regarding the German
counter-offensive, we -have to face the cold fact
that the Germans at least have achieved their
main objective. They have prolonged the wear
by about six months.
Their objective undoubtedly was to get time
to form 100 new divisions to be ready for next
spring. They have been scraping up manpower
from every -conceivable source, and already have
organized several new divisions.
Our winter drive was for the purpose of taking
the west bank of the Rhine including the Sieg-
fried line well °before spring. Now that is defi-
nitely out. Those who are close to the war
planners figure that the time gained by the
Nazis cannot help but prolong the war by at
least six months - possibly more.
Another possible result may be the :slowing
down of the Philippine offensive. MacArthur's
men are in no danger and can hold out indefi-
nitely. They also have plenty of reserves in New
Guinea and Hollandia. But the big offensive
they had planned against Luzn may be held up.
ar .otes ...
' E NAZIS have now done what the Dutch
did not do in 1940 - opened the dikes and
flooded large sections in front of the British
Army. This means it will take Dutch farmers
50 years to get the salt out of their soil in order
to raise crops again . . . Military observers are
puzzled by the fact that the Japs have been so
slow in opposing MacArthur on Mindoro Island.
Dense jungles and mountains haven't stopped
the Japs from attacking in other cases. . . Mean-
while MacArthur is fitting Mindoro out as an
excellent air base which eventually can accom-
modate B-29's for attacking the mainland of
China . .. The Nazi breakthrough put a terrific
crimp in the U.S. supply of artillery shells. Not
only have the Nazis captured a lot of U.S. stores,
but the First Army on the defensive has been
using up shells at a rate equivalent to a major
The supply problem can't .all be blamed on
American workers, however. Ships have to wait
their turn in line to be unloaded in Europe, after
which the French railroads :ire another bottle-
neck . . . A handicap to the supply problem has
been German mines which Nazi E-boats sow in
the English Channel every night. Formerly
British airplanes spotted the speedy German
-E-boats by the white wake left oehind. Now,
however, the Germans have learned to remain
absolutely still When a RAF plane approaches;
thus the plane sees no tell-tale wake ... Latest
RAF system is to send out a special plane which
d'rops flares on the water. Once a Nazi E-boat is
;ighted, the RAF plane calls out "Want Willie,
Want Willie." This is the signal to bring up
patrol mdanes to polish off the E-boat.
Churchill's Old Grudge....
EX-FOREIGN Minister Count Sforza knew
all too well what he was up against when he
returned to Italy, according to private letters
he wrote to members of the Roosevelt cabinet.
Sforza has now been barred by Churchill from
serving as Premier or Foreign Minister of Italy,
despite the long and valiant years he spent bat-
tling for Democracy and against Mussolini.
Before he returned, Sforza wrote to Secre- -
'tary of t'he Interior Ickes, September 30, 1943,
trophetically indicating the troubles he would
have with Churchill.
"I am leaving with the worst apprehensions
about the peace," Count Sforza wrote Ickes.
Probably the worst fault will be with Churchill.
But the fact is that the leaders of the Democra-
cies, afraid as they are of Russia, are preparing
the triumph of Russian diplomacy with their
cheap schemes of division of colonies, naval
bases, and other 18th century conceptions.
"When you come to Rome I may be in 'power'
or I may be in jail-which may be more comfor-
table. In either case come to see me."
Count Sforza probably knew that Churchill
nursed a grudge against him because of a book
the Italian statesman wrote several years ago,
"Makers of Modern Empire," in which he took
the British Prime Minister over. the hurdles. In
one place Sforza said:
"Winston Churchill, back from Antwerp,
whither he had gone to play the Napoleon, didn't
know how to define King Albert."

In another case, he told how Foch smiled at
"Anti-Bolshevik expeditions dear to Chur-
chill's heart."
NOTE - Sforza's prediction that Churchill
would drive Italians over to Russia seems to be
coming true. Italians, bitterly resentful of Brit-
ish plans for taking over some of their Mediter-
ranean Islands, are leaning more and more
toward Russia.

New Year Turnovers .. .
SUCCESSOR to stormy petrel Normal Littell's
job as Assistant Attorney General in charge
of the lands division will be either Walter Arm-
strong of Memphis or William C. Brooker of
Tampa, Florid . ....Brooker has the powerful
support of Senator Claude Pepper. Armstrong
is a progressive leader in the American Bar Asso-
ciation, isn't very anxious to leave his private
law practice ... Jim Landis, who did such a good
job of reorganizing the office of Civilian De-
fense, will leave his present job as U.S. Eco-
nomic Minister in Cairo to return to Harvard ..
President Conant- of Harvard told the State
Department that the Harvard Law School was
undergoing serious wartime problems and Landis
would have to come back as Dean immediately.
Conant even refused to give Landis an extra
ten days in Cairo to wind up some important
work . . . Dr. Juan Negrin, Prime Minister of
Loyalist Spain, will give his first address before
an American audience at Madison Square Gar-
den, Jan. 2, in a rally organized by The Nation
.. One of the Nazi war chiefs now denting the
1st Army in Belgium is General Hansel Mann.
teufil, who commanded the 7th panzer divi-
sion in North Africa. Now he commands the
5th panzer division opposite the 1St Army.
Christmas Congratulations .. .
=ONGRATULATIONS to Postmaster Gen-
'eral Frank Walker and all the post office
employees on the way they handled the
Christmas mails. With fewer trucks and scarce
manpower, it was a more difficult job tithan
anyone imagines . . . Hats of to the employees
of the Wiliamette Iron & Steel Corporation
of 'Portland. 'Ore., for launching the ship,
'"Wisco Blood Donor." 5,000 workers employed
in "building the ship gave their blood within
three weeks ... Orchids to Irving Berlin whose
"This Is The Army" is still touring the battle-
fronts, having now got to India and Burma
... The brass ring to $1-a-year man Spancer
Love who went back to his Burlington, North
Carolina, textile mills after more than a year
of directing WEB's textile leather and clothing
division, where 'he did much to speed up the
lagging tire cord program ... Good men from
industry are increasingly hard for the govern-
ment to draft these days. But with the war
going badly in Europe, more will have to be
The Capital Chaff
THE ARMY is printing new currency for U. S.
troops in France to provide a more equitable
rate of exchange. Prices have been exorbitant
for our troops, largely because the artificial
exchange rate was pegged at a relatively high
level as an aid to French recovery. ....General
'Eisenhower has urged his men to send as much
money back home as possible. As a rehult,
between 85 and 90 per cent of all G. I. pay
is now coming back to the U. S. A. . .. Repre-
sentative Paul Shafer, himself an amateur ma-
gician of some skill, demonstrated a rope trick
at the Royal Palace in Rome, with Prince Hum-
berto as his stooge. He nearly stopped the show
when he told the Prince to say the magic word.
Instead of specifying "Aracadabra," Shafer told
him to say "Addis Ababa," which happens to be
the capital of Ethiopia, which Mussolili once
conquered. The Prince flushed, finally whisper-
ed "Addis Ababa." . . . Formation of a Special
House Committee to watch over surplus property
disposal is being discussed by several members
who are dissatisfied both with the law and with
the administrators chosen.
(Copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
On Second Thought.
This is a nice Christmas vacation, wasn't it?
At last the crooners got the White Christ-
mas they've been dreaming of all these years
and we're beginning to wonder if it was worth
Those who didn't get caught in the draft got
caught in the drift, you can bank on that.
The trains were so crowded that students
were forced to sit on the bags under their

An appropriate song for the return trip on
the jammed trains and busses with students
dripping from the ceilings and packed three in
a seat would be the old-timer, "The Aisle of
We can now sleep through classes for a
couple of days in preparation for knocking our-
selves out over New Year's.

In a Bitter Mood
NEW YORK, Dec. 29-The German
offensive has put America in a
bitter mood. Let us face it. Critics
are saying ferociously that our Army
Intelligence failed to give us warn-
ing; that this is our second Pearl
Harbor; that we are short of supplies
because we have treated labor too
leniently, etc., etc. This is petulant
slapping, angry-child .style; we are
aggrieved, and we look about for
something to hit.
It is always some other group that
is accused, never one's own, nor one's
self. Yet the responsibility for the
present emotional shock is, it seems
to me, a national responsibility. Al-
most the entire country went off on
a strange emotional binge from Sep-
tember to November, an optimistic
jag. For three months past we seem
to have engaged in an informal com-
petition to forget the war.
The Presidential campaign con-
tributed, for Mr. Roosevelt ran
partly on the theory that he ought
to be re-elected because we had a
bitter war to fight; but also on the
theory that the war was well in
hand, that the supply problem had
been met, that we had produced
our way to victory. He ran on the
twin planks that the war was our
great problem, and that he had
solved it.
The.Republicans might have help-
ed keep us down to earth, but didn't:
they went even further than Mr
Roosevelt. They spread the theory
that 'we were really electing a peace-
time President; that the war was ir
such good shape any President coul(
run it, by giving alternate Thursday
mornings to conferences with the
general staff.
Then, suddenly, all the stops were
pulled out. There was an air con-
ference at'Chicago to divide up post-
war international air routes; Russis
was offended and stayed away be-
cause of the inclusion of fascist
Spain, but never mind. Shipping ex-
perts began to talk, not about our
war-time transportation shortage
but about how much of the shipping
business America was to obtain after
the war. We became pert with Brit-
ain on a dozen points of commercial
rivalry. The anti-Soviet part of the
American press began to scare itself
about the red menace hovering over
Europe, quite as if this were 1933.
We carried on not only as if the war
were over, but, in a sense, as if it
had never been. We became ocky
and loud.
It was as if the war hadbeen
crushed, like a gnat, and tossed
aside, and could now be forgotten,
along with everything that had
been a part of it. The world was
our oyster, and we could forget
about war, except maybe for hav-
ing some kind of international
organization functioning like a
fire department on a side street.
One reason the new German of-
fensive shocks us so deeply is, I
think, that it makes us realize we are
still dependent on Britain and Rus-
sia. We do need them; the thing
isn't over; we had begun to make
our flip cracks too soon. We had
zoomed off, especially in our com-
mercial thinking, into an ecstatic
individualistic stratosphere; now we
find that our coat is caught in the
door;,we can't go; the war is still
on. We still need friends, and we
must put up with liking them a little,.
longer, before it wiill become quite
safe to dislike them again.
The German offensive shocked us

because it caught us smiling fondly
to ourselves over a secret dream. We
had better put that dream away.
This war will never be over, in the
sense in which we had persuaded
ourselves this autumn that it was
over; we shall always need our allies,
and we shall have to live with them,
day to day and every day, time
without end, if there is to be peace.
The German offensive is only a
symbol of what dreadful surprises
may come to a world in which al-
lies begin to separate; a symbol of
what happens when a divorce takes
place secretly in the heart, though
no word about it is uttered.
(Copyright, 1944, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

V) - - ---- -----_--
e Vdkrj
Pseudo journ.lis
- From an infrequent reading of the
Michigan Daily, I gather that some
controversy has been in progress re-
garding the maturity and -intelligence
of the columnists therein employed.
Being myself an unsuccessful
competitor for such a position, I
felt bound by a sense of dignity
and restraint to refrain from pub-
licly exposing the earnest if dis-
gusting efforts of these Junior
Journalists, these Litterateurs of
However, when one such purveyor
of luke warm intellectual mush car-
ries her horrible hobby to the point
where it becomes a species of
ghastly autoparody, my strong per-
sonal love of propriety can no long-
er control the digestive spasms with
which my stomach refuses this re-
gurgitated fudge.
I refer, of course, to that mumbo-
jumbo about "The Good People"
which was blatantly published on
page 4, Wednesday, December 20.
The use of the phrase quoted could
perhaps be excused once :-the type-
writer keys might have been slippery
from stale root beer. But over and
over again; and capitalized each
time, as thoughnthe writer were try-
ing to satirize herself in this puerile
paean! Or does she hope to be Dis-
covered by the Y.M.C.A Secretaries'
Monthly? Forgive me if I belabor-
this unclean subject no longer. It is
not dignified.
I also wish to announce the
formation of a league, the object
of which will be to agitate for the
publication in the Daily of select-
ed passages from "Holy Living and
Holy Dying."
-Frank A. Haight
In Appreciation
THE SEVENTH Contracts and Re-
adjustment Class, which has just
completed its course of instruction
at the Judge Advocate General's
School, raised funds for certain pre-
graduation activities. A small sur-
plus remains unexpended. In ap-
preciation of their pleasant stay in
Ann Arbor and their agreeable asso-
ciations with the University of Mi-
chigan, the members of the class
voted to contribute this surplus to
the worthy causes supported by the
Goodfellow Fund.
tohn . Weidner
1st Lt., J. A. G. D.
Assistant to Executive Officer
Editor's Not'e: The check enclosed with
this letter has been added to the funds
already collected in the Goodfelow
Drive. Many thanks to the men in the
seventh Contracts andReadjustment
Class and best wishes for a successful
career in the vital work they are about
to perform.
Cross - Purp oses
The Supreme Court, ruling on two
cases involving removal of Japanese-
Americans from the West Coast,
moved in almost dimetrically op-
posite directions of policy Monday.
It held, 6 to 3, that the Army had
authority to exclude these people
from the coast area; then it turned
around and declared unanimously
that the Government had no right
to hold the loyal persons among
them (the great majority) in re-
location camps.
Two steps were taken in the hand-
ling of Japanese-Americans: (1)
exclusion from the coast; (2) con-
finement in camps. Both were un-
democratic actions, but when the
first was taken, the second became a

temporary necessity. Otherwise, the
115,000 people, expelled from their
homes and with no place to go,
would have become a distressed and
confused horde of wanderers, travel-
ing about aimlessly in search of
homes and employment.
Yet the court now says that the
first step was legal, the second il-
legal, so far as loyal Japanese-
Americans were concerned. Fortun-
ately, Federal authorities did not act
on such a narrow construction or
the situation would have been even
worse than it was.
The court ruling is academic so
fat as the Army's power is con-
cerned, for its order had been re-
voked the day before. The other
decision outlaws the concentration
camp as an American institution,
and so is in the true spirit of our
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Mindoro ...
In spite of the hyperbole with
which General MacArthur finds it
necessary to surround his account of
the blow at Mindoro, the move is ob-
viously of the first importance.
It breaks through the barrier of
the Philippines and lets American
surface ships into the South China
Sea, the key area of the whole Japa-
nese system of empire. 'The enemy
have probably succeeded in stockpil-
ing some of the goods they can get

Sewell Avery
sEWELL AVERY i actig p
again. For the second time in it
year lie has had Montgomery Ward
& Co. refuse to comply with an or-
der of the WLB.
In a way, the man is smart. That
is to say, he has the money sense,
that unique and accidental gift not
necessarily connected with know-
ledge- or judgment, which enables its
possessor to make money and then
put his money to work reproducing
itself. He made money at the U. S.
Gypsum Co., and was put in Mont-
gomery Ward to do the same.
But Sewell Avery is, in a very
real sense, a public menace. Any
man who, in time of war, acts as
he has acted toward the United
States Government, is in a psy-
chological and philosophical sense
an anarchist, trying to undo the
Government battling for the com-
mon good.
He made his chief bid to fame in
Chicago last spring when he violat-
ed an injunction of the Federal
District Court forbidding his contin-
uing in obstructive possession of his
office, and was physically removed.
It was a staged rebellion, a plan-
ned contumacy, a phony show, that
Sewell Avery put on, and none could
have been more delighted than this
mail-order Machiavelli .n the photo-
genic pictures of the poor old man
being lifted out by bashful soldiers.
The true Avery was revealed at a
hearing before the House commit-
tee specially set up for investigat-
ing the case, at which he could
not restrain himself. By unfortu-
nate coincidence, he testified in
Washington the same day our
forces landed on the Norman
beaches, and his words of venom
and defiance received but slight
1attention at the time.
He charged that the National
Labor Relations Board and the War
Labor Board had "conspired togeth-
er" to effect the Chicago seizure,
that the President's order as Com-
mander in Chief "was usurpation"
and that his advisers knew it to be
"unfair and illegal." And mind you,
on D-Day, he said this about an or-
der to his company as a supplier of
war needs.
The present trouble has not
been so drastic, but Sewell Av-
ery's spleen has been as great, and
the episode as revealing. "Free
enterprise" does not mean free-
dom to interfere with the win-
ning of the war.
--St. Louis Post-Dispatch
FRIDAY, DEC. 29, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 45
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
I form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
precedingpublication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
New Yeaer's Day is not a University
holiday and classes will be conducted
as usual.
To February, June, and October
graduates: Senior pictures for the
1945dMichiganensian are due at the
Student Publications Building Feb. 1.
Appointments with photoraphers
should be made at once. Pictures
from any photographer are accept-
able if they are a glossy print, meas-
uring 4" by 6", preferably with a
light background.

Interviewing for spring, summer,
and fall term orientation advisors
will be held by the Judiciary Council
in the Michigan League Friday, Dec.
29, 2:00-5:30; Saturday, Dec. 30,
10:00-12:00; Monday, January 1,
3:00-5:00. The individual interviews
will be held at 5-minute intervals.
Academic Notices
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may
not drop courses without "E" grade
after Saturday, Dec. 30. Only stu-
dents with less than 24 hours' credit
are affected by this regulation. They
must be recommended by their Aca-
demic Counselors for this extraordi-
nary privilege.
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after Saturday,
Dec. 30, will be recorded with the
grade of E except untler extraordin-
ary circumstances. No course is con-
sidered dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Sociology 191 will not meet Mon-
day, Jan. 1.
Bacteriology Seminar Saturday,
Dec. 30, 9:00 A.M. in Room 1564 East
Medical Building. Subject: Antifun-
gal properties of Sodium Azide. All
interested are invited.
Events Today
There will be Sabbath Eve Services









They found the bandit car
smashed on the road back
of Hanson's Farm. But the
crooks and the stolen furs
were gone. And that haul
wasn't carried for on foot-
Present the wrap to your
mother now, m'boy, Later
your Fairy Godfather may

Police searched every
nearby hiding place-
Mom! emember
that ermine wrap
we promised you?
Sorry to bust in on you this
way On Christmas. We're
workina on that load of furs

Kids playing around there
had trampled up the snow.
So footprints couldn't be-
Yes. Don' t
But you
may not

By Crockett Johnson
The little ermine job, Crnaby.
For your mother's Christmas . .. .
Euta your old Fairy
Gofther promised
0 '


Maybe something you seen
or heard during the night
might give us a lead.: Or-

Copyrgh 1944 Fuld Publictions
Merry-Christmas, Mom-


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