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December 29, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-29

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Little change in temperature.
Snow flurries.



Patton Batters




ird Stems

Reds Fight
Into Suburbs
Of Budapest
Street-by-Street Battle
Nears Heart of City
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 28-Russian troops
captured 12 more eastern suburbs
of Budapest today, one of them six
miles from the heart of the city, as
the other units swept on westward to
within 58 mies of the Austrian fron-
tier and 92 miles from Vienna, Aus-,
trian capital.
The Russians were only two miles
from the eastern city limits of Buda-
As shock troops of two powerful
Red armies fought in the streets of
the half of Budapest on the west
bank of the river and through the
eastern suburbs, the others pushed
on westward along both sides of the
Danube where in curves westward
between Hungary and Czechoslova-
kia toward Vienna.
Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky's
second Ukraine Army striking north
of the Gret River reached the Hron
(Garam) River on a 30-mile front
from Leva (Levice) dqwn to the
Danube, thus reaching points with-
in 65 miles east of Bratislava, Slov-
ak capital, and 96 miles from Vien-
Simultaneously, below the river in
Hungary, elements of Marshal Feo-
dor I. Tolbukhin's third Ukraine
army drove 34 miles northwest of
Budapest along the main railway to
Vienna and captured Tovaros, only
63 miles southeast of Bratislava and
92 miles from Vienna.
A total of 3,494 German and Hun-
garian prisoners were taken during
the day's bloody fighting in Hun-
gary and Slovakia, the Moscow com-
munique said.
On a 80-mile semi-circle around
Pest, eastern half of doomed Buda-
pest, the Russians closed in steadily
against the Germans.
B-29 Bases on
Saipan Attacked
By Jap aPlanes
By The Associated Press
Japanese bombers flying from
their oft-raided base on Iwo Jima in
the Volcanos attacked U. S. Super-
fortress airfields on Saipan and Tin-
ian in the Marianas Tuesday (U. S.
time), Ad. Chester W. Nimitz re-
ported yesterday.
Coming over in two groups of five
and two, respectively, the enemy lost
two planes and inflicted minor dam-
age. It was the second raid on Sai-
pan in three days.
Iwo Jima Blasted
The attack was made the same day
that American sea and air units
worked over Iwo Jima, 750 miles
south of Tokyo, in the 20th consecu-
tive daily assault on the enemy air-
base island, destroying a Japanese
plane in the air and two on the
ground and hammering gun posi-
Mindoro Island in the Philippines
was free for the time being of Jap-
anese sea or air attacks, Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur reported. The enemy
currently had no further opposition
to offer after losing three destroyers
sunk and a battleship and cruiser
hit by U. S. planes and Naval PT
Boats in a stab at Theisland Tues-
day night.
Cleanup Continues
The American cleanup of Leyte
Island, Philippines, proceeded with

the count of 912 more Japanese dead,
MacArthur said. Total enemy losses
in the campaign on the island, now
safe in American hands, to 115,373.
American Philippines-based planes
hit Japanese airdromes on Negros
Island with 69 tons of bombs, and
destroyed warehouses at Zamboanga
on Mindanao Island.
Today Prof. Mentor Williams
will speak on "What the
Big Three Conference
Means" at 8:30 p. m. at
Hillel Foundation.
Dec. 311 New Year's dance from 9
p. m. to midnight in Un-
Dow.w iii Deadline for V-Bail com-

He's A Man of
Few Words ...
By The Associated Press
Prime Minister Churchill used
just two words to comment on a
sniper's attempt to shoot him on
the steps of the British Embassy
in Athens yesterday, the London
radio said today. According to
the broadcast, heard by CBS,
Churchill's comment was:
"What cheek!"
Allied Forces
Reinforced in
Serchio Valley
German Press Attack
On Italian Battlefront
ROME, Dec. 28-Strong Allied air
and ground forces were thrown into
battle today in an effort to halt the
German assault on a six-mile front
in the Serchio River Valley, where
American doughboys have been driv-
en from the important road town of
Barga in two days of fierce fighting.
Nazis Claim Division Routed
The Germans declared that the U.
S. 92nd Negro Division had been
knocked back "some kilometers" by
the stubborn drive, which evidently
was aimed at the vital Allied supply
port of Livorno (Leghorn) 33 miles
Field Marshal Albert Kesselring's
forces hit through flatlands and
mountains on both sides of the Ser-
chio in the first action of any im-
portance in the Fifth Army's west
coast sector in several weeks.
The Allies tactical air forces hurl-
ed the full fury of their bombs, can-
non and machineguns against the
attacking enemy, with well over
1,000 warplanes participating in
headlong strikes against troop con-
centrations, and occupied buildings
and road junctions n the battle area.
Germans Still Pressing
Despite the furious ground and air
resistance, Allied headquarters an-
nounced that the German attack still
was being pressed "with determina-
tion" and had forced Allied troops
to make a "further slight with-
drawal," including the surrender of
To the east British Eighth Army
troops pushing north along the Senio
River slashed into German defenses
at Alfansine, nine miles northwest of
Ravenna. Enemy strongpoints were
being mopped up all the way from
captured Faenza on the Bologna-
Rimini highway to Bagnacavallo, 10
miles to the northeast.
Gallup Explains
Errors in Poll
Says 'PAC Did a Job
With Migrnt Workers
WASHINGTON. Dec. 28-(P)-Dr
George Gallup told House investigat-
ors today that he reported less Roo-
sevelt strength early in the 1944
campaign than his own figures show-
ed, because he underestimated the
total vote.
When registration figures showed
the probability of a heavy vote Dr.
Gallup said he added two percentage
points to Roosevelt's column, but
Thomas E. Dewey's strength increas-
ed in the ballot samplings about that
time so he wound up with this pre-
diction on the civilian popular vote:
Roosevelt 51.5 per cent; Dewey 49.5.
Even that slight margin, he said,
was enough to indicate a Democrat-
ic landslide.
The polls failed to take fully into

account the vote of the migrant war
workers, Dr. Gallup testified, adding:
"The PAC really did a job in those
states" where the number of indu-
strial workers increased for this
year's election.

V-Ball, Board
Petitions Are
Due Saturday
Election To Be Held
Jan. 5 To Fill Posts
Petitions for positions with the
V-Ball committees and the Board in
Control of Student Publications are
due tomorrow noon in the student
offices of the Union.
Any junior or senior who satisfies
the University eligibility qualifica-
tions may turn in a petition for the
dance committees. Petitions should
contain at least 15 supporting signa-
tures and if possible a brief outline
of any plans the aspirant has for the
coming between-semester dance.
The dance committees will help
to choose and secure an orchestra
for the event, furnish decorations,
provide favors, set the price of ad-
mission, and in general direct the
danec proceedings. Committee
members will be chosen in the all-
campus election a week from to-
The V-Ball, inaugurated immedi-
ately preceding the spring semester
in 1943, is a wartime economy com-
bining two annual spring dances-
the J-Hop and Senior Prom. It was
held last year at the Intramural
Sports Building and featured the
music of Les Brown and Fletcher
Any student not now associated
with any student publication is eli-
gible to file a petition for a position
on the Board in Control. The peti-
tion must contain a statement of
qualifications and must be signed in
Churchill, Eden
To Recommend
Greek Regenc
& W
ATHENS, Dec. 28 - VP) - Prime
Minister Churchill and Foreign Sec-
retary Anthony Eden left for Lon-
don today to recommend to King
George II, exiled Greek monarch,
that he consent to the immediate es-
tablishment of a regency in Greece
as the first essential step toward
solution of the country's political
A statement issued by the British
ambassador here tonight said that
the Archbishop of Athens, acting as
chairman of the peace conference
which began two days ago at Chur-
chill's request, had told Churchill
and Eden there was an "overwhelm-
ing desire for an immediate estab-
lishment of a regency."
(A London dispatch said King
George of Greece was holding long
conferences with his advisors at a
London hotel. The feeling persisted
in Greek circles there that the King
still opposed a regency.)
Fighting continued, meantime, be-
tween British troops and the left-
wing ELAS, and before he left Ath-
ens Churchill watched the beginning
of cleaning-up operations by Tom-
mies and tanks in the central part of
the capital.
Smith Enters Race
For Local Alderman
A petition to enter the race for
alderman in the sixth ward on the
Republican ticket was filed yesterday
by Shirley W. Smith, University vice-
president and secretary in charge
of business and finance.

Prof. Edward L. Eriksin, professor
of engineering mechanics and chair-
man of the Department of engineer-
ing Mechanics, has filed a petition
to run for the Democratic nomina-
tion for alderman in the seventh

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Winter Offensive
1,000 Prisoners Taken, Heavy Losses
Inflicted on German Northwestern Tip
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Friday, Dec. 29-Deep hacked by lightning blows along a 35-
mile front from the U. S. Third Army under Lt. Gen. George S. Patton,
toughest and most ruthless of the American field commanders, the German
winter offensive appeared today to have had its back broken.
The German radio announced that Field Marshal Von Rundstedt's
western and southern spearheads had been withdrawn "according to
plan" as the result of furious counterattacks by both the American First
and Third Armies from the North, West and South.

YANKS PENETRATE SALIENT-American troops have driven a
deep salient into German lines, but the exact lcoation of the push
was not disclosed. Supreme headquarters announced earlier that
a German armored thrust toward the Meuse River had been checked
at Celles and Ciney and the Germans rolled back.- Arrows show
centers of action indicated by field dispatches. American tanks, it
was announced, burst deep into the German bulge to relieve the
Campus, Defying Traditionl,
To Celebrate New Year's Twice
Tradition will be no guide for those University students contemplating
ringing in the New Year this year for a special New Year's celebration
dance Saturday night at the Union and a fun packed evening Sunday at'
the League have set the stage for Ann Arbor's first double new year cele-
bration in history.
Union To Sponsor War Council Sets
'Early Eve' Dance Fun-Packed Party

By The Associated Press
Third believed to have broken
back of German offensive and is
battering enemy back on 35-mile
front in what may be decisive bat-
tle of war.
ture 12 more eastern suburbs of
based Jap bombers hit airfields
on Saipan and Tinian. Cleanup of
Leyte continues.


In what will probably be the "only
activity of its kind in the nation,"
the campus will ring in the New Year
at 11 p.m. tomorrow night-25 hours
earlier than last year - during the
course of a special New Year's dance
which will be held at the Union.
Jimmy Strauss, De'troit society
band leader, and his orchestra will be
the musical hosts for the evening
with dancing scheduled to run from
9 p.m. to midnight.
With no late coed permission and
since Saturday is the only night most
servicemen on campus have late
hours, this dance will be "a real New
Year's celebration," in the words of
the chairman, Joe Milillo.
Students will be asked to "just for-
get a day in their lives" to permit
a real New Year's Eve atmosphere to
invade the Rainbow Room. Confetti,
paper hats, noise makers and six
hundred lusty lungs will complete
the illusion at 11 p.m.
This will be the third wartime New
Year's Eve the campus has spent in
Ann Arbor since the University
switched to the speeded academic
program. Informality'has been thel
keynote for all affairs.,
Japs Intimate High
Earthquake Damage
By The Associated Press
An indication that heavy damage
may have been caused in Japan by
the Dec. 7 earthquake, although Jap-
anese broadcasts previously had giv-
en no such impression, came from
the Tokyo radio today.
A broadcast recorded by FCC said
the Japanese government had de-
cided to grant "total exemption or
postponement" of income and house
taxes to corporations and individu-
als "who suffered losses" in the "fire
and tidal waves resulting from the

For those who like to celebrate
their New Year's Eve on the day
marked on the calendar, the Wom-
en's War Council has arranged a spe-
cial celebration party for Sunday
night at the League.
Comedy, vaudeville, dancing, mov-
ies, games and a general atmosphere
of gayety will add to the fun of new
yea.- frolickers from 8 p.m. to 1:30
a.m. at the League where all facili-
ties will be in full swing.
Favorite records will furnish music
in the ballroom where a coke bar twill
be run by Assembly. Panhellenic will
cooperate in making arrangements
for the ballroom. Margaret Lauben-
gayer and Florine Wilkins will direct
the plans.
A student-talent floorshow will be
given at 11:15 p.m. and will continue
until midnight. Ellenor Mellert, Lady
Magician, will perform several acts.
Dancers Beverly Wittan and Dorothy
Murzek will do solo and team acts.
Comedy will be provided in the form
of the Alpha Chi Omega skit, "I
Walked Home from the Buggy Ride."
Members of the Women's Glee Club
will sing.
The League grillroom will be open
jduring the evening and will be ap-
propriately decorated for the New'
Year's festivities. Dean of Women
Alice Lloyd, her assistant, Mis Maiy
C. Bromage, and Miss Ethel MacCot -
mick, director of coed undergraduate
activities, will head the serving staff
in the grillroom. They will be assist-
ed by directors of coed residences.
"The Scarlet Pimpernel," starring
Leslie Howard and Merle Oberon
will be shown at 8:30 p.m. and at
11:15 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. Those attending the first
showing will be able to take part in;
the midnight celebration in the ball-;
Other forms of entertainment wili
be sponsored by the Union Executive
Council. Two rooms will be equipped
with various types of games. General
admission tickets will admit everyoie
to all activities in the League.
U. S. '44 Deficit
Is 52Billion
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28-(P)-In
1944 the United States government
collected more, spent more, and bor-
rowed more money than in any pre-
vious year of its history.
Uncle Sam established new world
records which may stand up a long

U.S. To Protest
Nazi Disregard
Of War Rules
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 - The
United States, in angry helplessness,1
is preparing to protest the shootingr
of American soldiers captured by the
Germans during their forward rush
into Belgium.
The State Department is gather-
ing from the War Department evi-
dence which will form the basis of
the protest. The information and+
the warning that German authori-
ties will be held responsible when the
day of reckoning comes will then be
transmitted to Berlin through Swiss
But there is little expectation
that this gesture will accomplish
any positive results. Among mili-
tary men there is a growing con-
viction that the German high com-
mand has thrown the rules of war
completely out the window.
The evidences are cited to support
this conclusion. One is the shoot-
ing of prisoners, particularly by Von
Rundstedt's leading armored ele-
ments. Apparently they had ordersc
not to bother with prisoners since
that would have slowed up their ad-
The other is the use of a "spy"
force, trained saboteurs and assassins
dressed as American soldiers .and
equipped with American munitions.
Both the shooting of prisoners and
the assignment of men to fight in
the uniform of the enemy are con-
trary to the basic rules of war.
The belief is now pretty firmly
fixed here that the Germans will
stop at nothing to gain their objec-
tives. It is said they have forsaken
all hope of retaining any of the
outside world's good will or respect
which might modify the treatment
accorded them.
It is assumed that the attitude of
the Army leadership has come to be
about the same as that of the Nazi
party leadership whose record for
atrocities goes back far beyond the
start of the war.
i DETROIT, Dec. 29-()-At least
one person was killed and several
injured late last night when a Cle-
veland to Detroit train of the New
York Central Railroad was derail-
ed after hitting a stalled auto at a
grade crossing in suburban Tren-
Eyewitnesses said the engine and
tender of the train had overturned
in a gully, while eight passenger
cars had been -derailed, but not
overturned. The baggage car
caught fire and one baggageman
suffered severe burns.
All available ambulances and fire
department crews were rushed to the
scene. Spokesmen for the railroad
at Detroit said they had no informa-

Forward elements of the German
northwestern tip were cut off from
their main body by Americans in
that sector, where 1,000 prisoners
were taken and heavy losses inflicted.
Long lines of prisoners also were
being, marched down roads on the
Third Army front, where Patton was
personally shouting orders to his
soldiers as he directed the battle.
Hammering gains up to 16 miles
in six days through the wooded hills
of Belgium and northern Luxem-
bourg, Patton's powerful mobile ar-
my, punching up from the south, res-
cued the heroic American garrison
at Bastogne and to the east beat
back the German wave after it had
swept to within 13 miles of Luxem-
bourg's capital.
The hard-driving Patton, Amer-
ica's No. 1 tank general, was given
the job of stemming the enemy's
surprise offensive three days after
Von Rundstedt struck Dec. 16 and
tonight, Associated Press correspond-
ent Hawkins declared, it appeared
the back of the German drive was
U. S. First Attacks
Simultaneously, the U. S. First
Army hit back savagely from the
north, carving out gains of almost a
U. S. Losses Increase
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 -()-
Casualties in the armed forces in-
creased 65,973 during the two weeks
ending Dec. 14, boosting the total
losses to 628,441, the Army and Navy
reported today.
The Army's killed, wounded, miss-
ing and taken prisoner accounted for
547,823 of the total, an increase of
63,866. These figures, however, do
not include the losses in the current
German counteroffensive which Sec-
retary of War Stimson said have
been "severe."

mile and a half in the northwest cor-
ner of the German salient pointed
toward the fortress of Liege and the
Allied feeder highways to the port
of Antwerp.
These twin developments, fraught
with peril for the German plan to
split the Allied armies and slash
across their lifelines, presumably
were up to noon yesterday, and sub-
sequent developments shrouded in a
security blackout may have marked
up more gains.
One thing was clear. Today, the
13th since the Germans rolled out
of the Reich and through the thin-
held American lines in the Ardenmies,
was the first that no enemy gains
were reported.
Nazis Being Driven Back
Onthe contrary, the three Ger-
man armies committed to the winter
offensive were either being held or
driven back along the entire 200-
mile perimeter of its salient in west-
ern Belgium and northern Luxem-
Associated Press correspondent Ed-
ward D. Ball said that Patton, the
slashing hero of the Sicily blitz and
the race across France, swung into
action immediately after being hand-
ed the fateful task of stemming the
German offensive.
Stimson Sees
Hard Fighting
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28-(P)-Sec-
retary Stimson, though describing
the present situation on the Euro-
pean front as "critical," expressed
confidence today that the Germans
will eventually reap "disastrous con-
sequences" from their gambling
"War is not an easy game to play
and you can't always win every bat-
tle," the War Secretary told a news
conference, "But I am confident that

Educators Endorse Comproise Plan

Michigan educational leaders yesterday voted to support a program
of postwar military preparedness that would combine both military
training and education at the concluding session of the Conference on
Higher Education held at the Union.
The resolution favored this form over the currently discussed pro-
posal of 12 months of continuous military service and is similar to a plan
discussed by President Alexander G. Ruthven in a Daily interview two

vide the country with a new set of
moral values.
Frank X. Martel, president of De-
troit and Wayne County Federation
of Labor, stated that the need for
an economy of plenty for the mas-'
ses of people must be recognized, to

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