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December 21, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-21

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THURSDAV.fDEC. 21, 19i

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To Investigate Reports of Stolen

Yank Supplies

U.S. Forces
Face Shortage,
Rumors State
Subcommittee Inspects
Battle Front Conditions
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20-Reports
that thefts of gasoline and food
from supply lines has been a serious
problem for American armies in Eu-
rope brought talk today of a Con-
gressional investigation.
floth Senate and House committees
evinced interest in press dispatches
saying that pilfering of supplies
reached such proportions at one time
as to menace military operations,
but had since been curbed.
Dispatches have told of instances
of American soldiers selling supplies
and of gangsters "hi-jacking" them
for resale on the black market.
Acting Chairman Thomas (D.-
Tex.) of the House military commit-
tee said the question of an inquiry
probably would hinge on the reports
brought back by a subcommittee1
which has been inspecting battle
front conditions. Members of this
group are expected to return here
Today, however, the War Depart-
ment said it had no information on
the extent of pilfering or hijacking,
referring all queries to the European
theatre. It said it had no informa-
tion indicating that lack of supplies
had hampered the Allied defense
against the current German counter
Cornell Professor
Dies of Heart Attack
ITHACA, N. Y., Dec.-MP)-Dr.
Paul M. Lincoln, 74, Professor Emer-
itus of Cornell University and former
head of the School of Electrical Engi-
neering, died today after a heart
Lincoln, a fellow and past president
of the American Institute of Electri-
cal Engineers, received the John Scott
Medal from Franklin Institute in 1902
for his invention of a synchronism in-
LOST: Amethyst and gold pendant
on double chain. Please phone
Mary Palmer, 2-3203. Reward.
LOST: Set of keys, 4 keys and a min-
iature license plate. Call 2-4401.
Myron Marks. Room 307 Allen-
VACANCIES for boarders at Robert
Owen Co-op. $5.25 and 3 hours
work per week. Men. Call 7211.
LEICA telescopic lens and darkroom'
accessories wanted. Drop card
Maurice Wing, Grass Lake, Mich.
CHICKENS for Christmas: roasters,
broilers, and stewers. Orders tak-
en not later than Saturday nooh.
Call 23913.
TWO TUXEDOS for sale: size 38
short and 36 regular. Call 5870
after six o'clock.


Stalin's Birthday Symbolizes
Progress to Russian People




TANKER BURNS IN MIDST OF FLEET UNITS IN PACIFIC-U. S. Navy units, including a number of carriers, surround the burning
tanker, USS Mississinewa, after the craft was set afire by Jap attack at an undisclosed snot in the central Pacific.

Atom Smasher
Opens Study
In New Fields
Michigan's Cyclotron is being used
in Randall Laboratory as an agent of
military research as well as a pro-
ducer of life-prolonging radio-active
phosphorous, opening new fields of
knowledge to man.
Recently having completed a nine
months war project, Prof. J. M. Cork,
in charge of the University cyclotron,
is now using the machine partly as a
service to the Simpson Memorial
Institute whiere Dr. Rundel employs
cyclotron - manufacturedradio - ac-
tive phosphorous in studying the
cure of blood diseases.
Helps Diseased
By bombarding phosphorous with
hydrogen atoms inside the "atom-
smasher," Michigan scientists are
able to change its atomic structure
making it temporarily radio-active
with a "half-life" of about two weeks.
The phosphorous is used instead of
X-ray treatments to remove pain
and extend the longevity of leukemia
(an excess of white blood corpuscles)
patients as long as four or five years.
Patients suffering from polycythemia
(the opposite of anemia) have their
dangerously high blood counts low-
ered throughout their lifetimes by
the destructive rays emitted from the
Gives Scientific Data
In addition, scientifically valuable
information may be obtained by fol-
lowing the route of radio-active
phosphorous and iron in the blood
In its decade of application to
other fields of science, the cyclotron,
largely through the activated sub-
stances, has uncovered methods of
taking photographs through inches
of steel as well as experimental cures
for bone tumors and thyroid cancers.
These are only a very few of the
developments opened up.
Experiments under way at the out-
set of the war were investigating a
source of power resultant from split-
ting the uranium atom which may
provide the post-war world with
enough power to "make a steam
turbine look like a treadmill."


Editor's Note: The following article was
written for the Daily by Frddy Seegert
of the Michigan Union staff.
From a heritage of such theatrical
success as 'George Did It', 'Top 'O th'
Mornin',' 'Make It for Two', and
'Cotton Stockings', musical hit song
shows, directed and produced by Mi-
chigan men, comes the spirit of the
Union Operas. The odor of stage
make-up is now almost a memory.
The stage costumes and scenery have
gathered a thick dust from years of
disuse, but still remains the spirt of
the Union Operas. Since 1930, Mich-
igan has been deprived of these gala
shows. Revival attempts have been
made. In fact as recent as 1940,
success of revival appeared imminent.
A group of over two hundred Michi-
gan men signed up to take parts in
the writing, directing, acting and pro-
ducing of the new show, 'Four Out of
Five', based on the well known fact
that beautiful women just don't in-
habit Michigan campus. Success,
however, was short lived. Two more
productions, 'Take a Number,' pres-
ented in December, 1940, and Full
House,' in December, 1941, ended the
revival-another casualty of the war.
Honorary Dramatics Society
The organization within the Union
operas was the Mimes. The Mimes
was an honorary dramatics society
for men, comparable to the Haresfoot
Club at the U. of Wisconsin. It's the
old art of men satirizing the drama-
tic role of women on the stage.
In prologue to the Union opera of
1922, Marion L. Burton, then presi-
dent of the University, so clearly ex-
pressed the spirit when he said: "The
Michigan Union Opera is an alto-
gether unique and vivid product oi
the background out of which it grows.
Talents of all kinds and descriptions
must come to expression in a great
university . . . we attempt to bring
you, our alumni and friends, pleas-
ing and entertaining evidence within
certain limitations of the dramatic,
musical, and artistic abilities of our
men. Their creative instincts are at
work in these operas. Such tenden-
cies are all too rare in American life
and deserve promotion wherever they
Nationwide Fame
Founded in 1907, the Union operas
soon were to occupy the spotlight in
the realm of Michigan activities. Dur-
ing its prime, its choruses, orchestra,
casts, and committees attracted 500
loyal students who merely had that
love of the footlights in their blood.

At first the operas were given only
for the benefit of Ann Arborites. Pop-
ularity became so immense that in
1913, the alumni of Chicago invited
the sixth opera. 'Contrarie Mary', to
the 'windy city.' From then on the
Michigan 'Union operas were to gain
nationwide fame, playing annually
before theatre-goers in many of the
nation's largest cities. During its 23
years of existence, the opera showed
a gross income of over $800,000 and
played before audiences totaling ap-
proximately 400,000. Among the
stars of the separate shows was young
'hom<,s E. Dewey, twenty years later
to step before the public as presiden-
tial nominee of the Republican party.
Tom played the part of Patrick
O'Dare, an Irish country gentleman,
in the Union opera's 1923 sensation,
Top O' th' Mornin'.
Perhaps in the near future we of
the classes of '46, '47, ,and '48 may
again be able to put the Union operas
in their rightful place as one of Mi-
chigan campus' highlights.
State Pastors
To Meet Here
6th Annual Conference
To Be Meld Next Month
Theological lectures, discussions
and luncheons will be included on
the varied program of the Sixth
Michigan Pastors Conference which
will be held Jan. 22 through 24 in
Ann Arbor.
Sponsored by the University Ex-
tension Service, Religious Education
Office, and the Michigan Council of
Churches, the meetings will attract
ministers throughout the state. The
Conference is one of three meetings
held during the year for the minis-
ters and religious counselors in
Among the talks which will be
given on the opening day is "What
Would Constitute a Just and Fair
Settlement for the Defeated Peo-
ples?" Speakers including Frank
Huntley, civil affairs instructor at
the University, will be heard before
the meeting will be opened to the
Van Deusen, Wirth To Speak
Appearing on one lecture series
will be Dr. Henry Van Deusen, pro-
fessor of systematic theology and
Dean of Students at Union Theology
Seminary, N.Y. In addition, he is
one of the trustees of Princeton,
president of the American Associa-
tion -of Theological Seminaries and
is the author of numerous books and
Forum subjects will include "Min-
orities." Prof. Howard McClusky of
the School of Education will give
the opening address, "The Relation
of the Church to the Veteran," and
another, "The Relation of the
Church to the Family."

Stettinius Makes
Plans Public
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20-()-Sec-
retary of State Stettinius made pub-
lic today his plan for tightening ad-
ministration and speeding up his
department's work.
At the same time, he disclosed that
he is going to make more changes
and ask Congress for increased ap-
propriations so he can enlarge the
The word Stettinius and his new
aides kept repeating when they spoke
of the changes was teamwork-re-
flected in the reorganization chart
which eliminated divided responsibil-
ity and places all the work under
what Stettinius called his extra gen-
erals in the field.
These are: Legal Adviser Green H.
Hackworth, Assistant Secretary Wil-
liam L. Clayton in charge of economic
affairs, Assistant Secretary Dean
Acheson for Congressional relations
and international conferences, Assist-
ant Secretary James C. Dunn in
charge of political affairs outside the
western hemisphere, Assistant Sec-
retary Nelson A. Rockefeller in
charge of American republic affairs,
Special Assistant Leo Pasvolsky in
charge of international organization
and security affairs, Assistant Secre.
tary Archibald MacLeish in charge
of public and cultural relations, and
Assistant Secretary Julius C. Holmes
in charge of administration.
12,000 Gifts Go
To GI Patients
(A)-Capt. Joseph C. Baker, Assistant
(M)-Capt. Joseph C. Baker, Asisstant
Post Engineer in charge of the
Christmas program at Percy Jones
hospital, said today that gifts gath-
ered throughout Michigan for distri-
bution to soldier patients had reach-
ed the 12,000 mark, with a total of
18,000 expected before the week-end.
Ward officers and nurses will dis-
tribute the gifts at the main hospital
and the Fort Custer annex on Satur-
day, while patients at the W. K. Kel-
logg annex and the Convalescent
Facility at Custer will receive their
gifts on Friday.
Patients are decorating more than
a hundred trees in the wards, using
lights donated by Michigan residents,
Course for
A thorough, intensive course-start-
ing February, July, October.
Registration now open.
Regular day and evening school
throughout the year. Catalog
President, John Robert Gregg, S.C.D.
Director, Paul M. Pair. M.A.
Dept. 6 N. MichIgan Ave Tel STAt 1861 Ccago 2, .

MOSCOW--0')-Joseph Vissarion-
vich Stalin, who has made a greater
impression on Russia-than any oth-
er man in history, will be 65 years
old today.
To his people, this son of a Geor-
gian cobbler-born Joseph Vissarion-
ovich Djugashvili-is "Tovarich Sta-
lin," "The great Stalin," "our leader
and teacher."
The genuine respect and love his
people hold for him is reflected in
Moscow and in the country where
children speak of him as "Daddy
Stalin"-and they believe it.
Celebration Banned
His birthday means much to this
country and its many millions, who
occupy one-sixth of the world's sur-
face. To the realistic Russians it
means another year off his life.
His birthday would be a national
holiday here, except for the fact that
he allows no public observance of it.
There 'undoubtedly will be little
or no mention of the anniversary. A
great many people may not even
know about it because the papers
don't refer to it, but Stalin's close
friends and associates undoubtedly
will observe the occasion as well as
he will let them.
People Enthusiastic
Sentimentally, however, this birth-
day will attract wide notice in f or-
eign countries.
Stalin probably bans this celebra-
tion because he disregards unneces-
sary sentimentalities, at least when
the man is alive.1
This is my fourth winter in Russia,
and I've traveled it from the White
Sea to the Black Sea, from the Baltic
to the Caspian, from the German-
Russian front to Bering Strait across
Siberia, and I've talked to all kinds
of people about Stalin.
I remember an old Siberian in a
little hut at Yakutsk.
"The great Stalin," said this man
who had never been out of Siberia,
"We owe him, I owe him, so much."
I remember Marshal Rodion Mal-
inovsky in a little Cossack school-
house on the bank of the Don River.
"Stalin," he said, hoisting a full
glass of vodka, "his biography is the
biography of our peoples' struggle
and success."
"Stalin," I remember hearing a {re-
turned Russian emigre say, "I never
believed the mention of this man's

name could stir me as deeply as it
"Stalin," I recall hearing a 6-year-
old boy say around a New Year's tree
loaded with presents last year, "he's
good to daddy and daddy's good to
FDR Signs Bill
to Help States
Finance Roads
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.-Presi-
dent Roosevelt signed today a bill
authorizing a $1,673,250,000 federal
contribution toward a $3,173,250,000
three-year post-war highway pro-
States would supply $1,500,000,000
on a 50-50 matching basis to become
eligible for the larger share of the
federal money authorized by the bill.
The federal cash still has to be
apropriated, however.
Mr. Roosevelt noted that the legis-
lation made several important chan-
ges in national policy for highway
development. 'He commented on the
authority for designation by state
and federal governments of an inter-
regional highway network.
Authorizing the greatest highway
building program in the nation's his-
to::', the measure is one of a number
of steps looking to a public works
program designed to help cushion the
shock of unemployment which might
develop during the reconversion peri-
In addition to the $3,000,000,000, of
which the states would contribute
$1,500,000,000 and the government a
like amount, divided equally over a
t free-year period, the government
would spend, over the same years,
$732.500,000 for parkway, forest and
Indian reservation roads.
Nervous Disease Clinic
Established in Jackson.
JACKSON, Mich., Dec. 20.--(A)-
Establishment of a free clinic for
treatment of children's nervous dis-
eases was announced today by War-
ren G. Hooper, Executive Secretary
of the Michigan Association of Oste-
opathic Physicians and Surgeons.












AAWAA'80OR5MFwfsr TNr,f

Continuous from 1 P.M.


When U. S. warships go into action, telephone equipment
transmits orders instantly, clearly. For the huge battleship
"(Wiseonsin," Western Electric supplied two systems using
equipment designed by Bell Telephone Laboratories.
1. Sound powered telephone system-with 2200 instruments
connecting all battle stations. These battle phones operate on
current generated by the speaker's voice, so damage to the ship's
electrical power supply cannot interrupt communications.
2. Battle announcing system-with 20 transmitter stations
and over 300 giant-voiced loudspeakers.
Helping to supply "battle talk" equipment for use at sea, on
land and in the air is providing important work for many col-





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