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December 17, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-17

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Fifty-Fifth Year

History Gives Dewey Dark Future

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Dominie Says

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff

Evelyn Phillips.
Stan Wallace ..
Ray Dixon ..
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedyr.

Managing Editor
City Editor
. Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwick ,
June Pomering . .

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Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 16-Close students of
GOP political history point out that past
precedent does not bode well for Gov. Tom
Dewey's future in elective political office. If
Dewey wants to carry on, he'll have to crack a
jinx which has hit every defeated Republican
Presidential candidate since Benjamin Harrison
lost to Cleveland in 1892.
Since then, no Republican ever defeated for
the Presidency has held any elective post after-
ward. Taft held no elective office after his
defeat in 1912. Hughes was not elected to any-
thing after his downfall in 1916. Hoover was
never elected to anything after his downfall in
1932. Landon has not won the voters' ballots
for public office since he opposed Roosevelt in
1936. Wendell Willkie failed for public office
after being defeated by F. D. R. in 1940. Now
historians will be watching to see whether Tom
Dewey can crack the trend.
The Democratic party, on the other hand,
has no long tradition against renominating
previously defeated candidates for the Presi-
dency, and has eventually won with a few
of them.
Henry Clay qnce said, "I would rather be right
than be President." Nevertheless, Clay tried
three times for the highest post in the land,
being defeated in 1824, 1832, and 1844.
William Jennings Bryan, who knew every-
thing about politics except how to win elec-
tions, was licked as Democratic candidate in
1896, 1900 and 1908.
In 1888, Grover Cleveland was renominated
by the Democrats for re-election and was de-
feated, but in 1892, the Democrats again nomi-
nated him and he was victorious.
Note Thomas Jefferson also was defeated
for the Presidency in 1796, then won in the
hotly contested election of 1800 which was
thrown into the House.
Merry Christmas from Mreell .,.-
Washington corresponent Madeline Karr of
the San Diego, Calif., Journal called usually stiff,
unbending Admiral Ben Moeell the other day,
pleaded with him for comment on a new Naval
project announced for the San Riego area.
Moreell said he had nothing to add to the
official announcement. Finally in desperation,
she asked him, "But Admiral, haven't you any
message for the people of San Diego?"
"Yes," quipped back Moreell, "wish them a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."
The Gentleman from Virginia.. ..
WING-COLLARED, old-fashioned Represent-
ative Howard Smith of Virginia got into a
tough tongue-lashing contest with sarcastic Rep-
resentative Mike Bradley of Pennsylvania the
other day during the debate on raise in Congres-
sional clerk hire. Smith had proposed an am-
endment permitting any employer to pay a
worker up to 75 cents an hour without hindrance
from the Government. Bradley was immedi-
ately skeptical of the labor-baiting Smith's
"I do not question the sincerity of the gen-
tleman from Virginia," Bradley said. "Under
the rules of the House I could not do that ...
I think we have the right to be apprehensive
when the gentleman from Virginia introduces
an amendment of this kind, when we recall
his vigorous opposition to the wage-and-hour
law, his introduction of numerous amend-
ments to emasculate that act and his rigid
opposition to everything in the interest of the
wage earner. . . . We know where he stands.
"Should someone introduce a bill to provide

milk bottles for the starving infants of some
State or Territory, certainly we can anticipate
that the gentleman from Virgiina will propose
an amenment designed in some way to get at
the Glass Blowers' Union. Should someone
present a bill for the protection of the deer in
Alaska, I would expect that the gentleman from
Virginia might show up with something design-
ed to take a crack at the Teamsters' Union."
The Gentleman from Pennsylvania
SMITH shot back at Bradley by calling him
the "bleeding-hearted gentleman from Pen-
nsylvania," whose heart bleeds when any meas-
ure comes up here affecting the highly or-
ganized workingmen who can protect themselves
and who can protect him in his seat in Congress.
"Oh, the gentleman's heart bleeds copi-
ously for them," opined the Virginia Congress-
"But when you bring up the poor devil who
has no organization to support him, who is de-
pending just as a citizen upon the big heart of
his Representative in Congress to take care of
him and protect him, does the heart of the gen-
tleman from Pennsylvania bleed for that .un-
protected, helpless citizen who has no great or-
ganization back of him with the great finances
of the CIO-PAC? Oh, no. That bleeding heart
dries up when that poor little fellow comes here."
Bradley replied that theg reat beneficiaries
of the Wage and Hour Law, opposed by Smith,
were the unorganized workers who had no way
of winning their own concessions from the em-
ployers. He accused Smith of knowing be-
forehand that the amendment he offered would
be ruled out by a point of order (as it was)
and charged Smith with "strangling more pro-
gressive legislation in the interest of the unor-
ganized workers of the country than any other
member of this body.' '
"I will say that when that organ of mine does
bleed," continued Bradley, referring to his bleed-
ing heart, "the substance that comes out will
be blood, whereas with respect to some others
whose names will not mention a great many
people are of the-opinion that the fluid which
emanates from their hearts is very chilly ice
"There are some people," concluded the
Pensylvania Congressman staring at Smith,
"who when they speak of labor-and again
I will not mention any names, but I will give
you one guess to whom I am referring-whose
hearts get as big as ice wagons and just as
Army Politics .
Leaders of both houses of Congress are hop-
ping mad because of the favoritism shown by
the Army for regular Army men when it comes
to promotions. They can understand that pro-
motions for regular Army officers are natural,
but they feel that the promotion board of the
General Staff, through which all upgrades pass,
s disproportionately rough on reservists and war
service appointees.
The latest batch of promotions to brigadier
general and higher includes 86 regular Army
officers, 5 reserves officers and 6 members of
the "Army of the United States"-the war
service group.
Meanwhile, Senators have been working be-
hind the scenes to get promotions for dozens
of reservists and war service officers. Not
all of these aspirants are especially deserv-
ing, but many of them are. The Senators are
preparing to insist that the Army's board pay
more attention to fitness rather than Army
drag in the future.
(Copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

' 4



PROCEEDS from the annual Goodfellow drive
will be divided among the Family and Chil-
dren's Service, the University Textbook Lending
Library and the Student Goodwill fund.
The Student Goodwill fund, providing finan-
cial assistance to students in need, the Textbook
Lending Library for the use of students with lim-
ited funds, and the Family and Children's Serv-
ice perform vital functions and must be main-
Response to the drive will indicate our
recognition of our responsibilities as students
and citizens.
Be a Goodfellow and give generously when
buying your Goodfellow Daily tomorrow.
Betty Roth

MR. C. E. WILSON is the president-
of General Motors Corporation.
He is also somewhat addled. Either,
that or the Skeptics were right when,
they told us to disbelieve our senses,
It seems to me that there was a
presidential election November 7. I
distinctly remember organized labor
backed the Democratic candidate
with all of its resources-and Big
Business as adamantly stuck by the
G. O. P. Now, on the political scale
labor is tipped to the Left and busi-
ness tips itself to the Right. But see
if you are able to follow the complex
line of thought that stems from this
fact and results in the following con-
undrum: Did Franklin Roosevelt, by
virtue of electoral plurality, defeat
Tom Dewey or did he not?
New Dealers go around mutter-
ing the question all day long. But
not Mr. Wilson. He knows the an-
swer. Says the automotive genius
as quoted by the Detroit News,
"The election clearly indicates that
there is a trend to the right in the
United States." This is most inter-
esting and revelatory-for, I sub-
mit, only in our topsy-turvy world
could such a syllogism be perpe-
trated: Roosevelt represents labor,
Roosevelt won the election, ergo
the victory belongs to Dewey.
The people recently eliminated
these rightist reactionaries from their
Senate: Rufus C. Holman of Oregon;
Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota; John
A. Danaher of Connecticut; James J.
Davis of Pennsylvania; Robert R.
Reynolds of North Carolina; Homer
T. Bone of Washington; Bennet
Champ Clark of Missouri; D. Worth
Clark of Idaho; and Guy M. Gillette
of Iowa. The virtual demolition of
the Dies Committee under steady fire
from labor's PAC, the defeat of Rep-
resentative Hamilton Fish and Ste-
phen A. Day, are also memorable
events which occurred not so long
Does all this daunt the imperturb-
able Mr. Wilson? Certainly not.
Quoth the magnate, "Heads we win,
tails you lose." He has a sort of tun-
nel vision grooved to the right. Thus,
when rightists are given the bum's
rush, Mr. Wilson sees leftists floun-
dering outside the portals of Con-
We see a variation of this in the
viewpoint represented by Colonel
Robert R. McCormick that distin-
guished and scholarly publisher,
who, after supporting Dewey in
typically vehement fashion, all
through the campaign, explained
afterward that Dewey was a poor
candidate. In the face of isolation
ist defeats all over the country,
McCormick asserts that Dewey
could only have won had he been
more isolationist. When the people
elect internationalists, you see, ob-
tuse reader, they mean they really
want isolationists. You voted for
Roosevelt, you confounded Repub-
Some of this is loaded, of course,
though the bulk is delusional, wish
fulfillment. Harold Ickes sounded a
note ofswarning to the CIO conven-
tion last month when he explained
there was a method to the Republi-
can madness, by such tactics as those
mentioned above, "by phony appeals
for unity the reactionaries are now
trying to win the same thing that
they fought for and lost in the elec-
AND they are succeeding with a
vengeance. Where career diplo-
mats used to run the State Depart-
ment in a manner that was bad
enough Wall Street has taken over
in a manner that can be worse. Lib-
erals used to complain about .the
aristocratic Mr. Sumner Welles. But
Mr. Welles had at least spent a life
time learning the ins and outs of
diplomacy. Mr. Stettinius has spent a
life time, and a short one at that,
learning the ins and out of high
finance. Henry Wallace went about

the country stumping for Roosevelt
and picking up an untold number of
grass roots votes-in return for which
his arch enemy Will Clayton is soon
to become Assistant Secretary of
State in charge of international eco-
nomic affairs. Multi-millionaire Nel-
son Rockefeller, in a minor position
before labor's victory, occupies a ma-
jor position since labor's victory.
Victory, in fine, is defeat. Mr. Wil-
son knows his onions. The way to
win is to lose.
Even President Roosevelt inter-
prets the election in that light. Tell
it to Sidney Hillman, whose com-
munist cohorts were supposed to
invade Washington on November 8,
according to usually unreliable Re-
publican sources. Tell it to the
union men who went from precinct
to precinct with a kind of thor-
oughness unprecedented in recent
American politics. And then tell it
to Sweeney.

RELIGION, according to Dr. Wil-
liam H. Sheldon, in his Psychol-
ogy of the Prometheon Will has the
function of uniting Emotion and In-
tellect for the benefit of man and so-
ciety. Here is a rewarding specula-
tion on the part of a unique researchI
man. That school, using the mental
hygenist's approach to religion would
hold that the mating instinct, the1
nurture of children, home life withi
its human elements of interest, pain,I
joy, disappointment and sorrow are
central to a unity of the self. Par-
enthood, set opposite dependence,
struggle for security set opposite1
weakness of the child, and domin-I
ance on the part of mature personsI
set opposite ability to trust and learn
on the part of children, constitute
the emotional side of our common
They see Intellect represented by
mind with its critical operation upon
environment, its reflection upon the
organism it inhabits, its examination
of situations which thwart it, and
finally its conduct of research on it-
self. Intellect is institutionalized in
many disciplines by laboratories,
schools and foundations for experi-
mentation. Here then are two sides
of a great cultural structure. The
emotional life of man is reaching up
and out unable to unite with its com-
panion structure, the other side of
that arch - Intellect. There they
stand in the society of our epoch
scarcely touching for each is made
to complete the other. Religion
should be the key of that arch. Yet
religion as now administered is fail-
ing in its hygienic function.
Within a few days we shall all be
home. Where face-to-face contact
fails, then gifts, telegrams, and cables
will serve to units all the members.
Where both gifts and messages fail,
prayers; tears and throbbing hope
will surely cementaparents, grand-
parents, children, and cousins into
family confidence, however distant.
Emotional solidarity will reach its
height at Christmas. Also, religion
will function, men will experience
What of it? With Chaplain Rus-
sel C. Stroup of the October Harp-
ers, we do well to admit that we
have so far missed the values be-
queathed to us.
There is the matter every student,
each creative soul, and every realist
should consider. From the deep rev-
erence of ancient Catholism, the
rugged independence of Luther and
Calvin, the gentle grace of Quakers,
the justice -of Judaism, the sympa-
thetic zeal of Wesleyans, the lefty
personalism of Congregationalists,
the democratic realism of Baptists
and the Divine unity of Unitarians
must come, as a sudden necessity, a
new Church for this era within our
Republic. That is, to unite the feel-
ing side of our democratic culture
with the critical experience of this
Western World is not one more
minor. It stands as the challenging
raison d'etre of the American man's
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
University of Michigan.
(Continued from Page 2)
You are urged to be present if
possible. Edward H. Kraus
School of Education Faculty: The
December meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, Dec. 18, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-

ports are due not later than Satur-
day, Jan. 6.
Reports cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
men reports; they should be returned
to the office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores, juniors,
and seniors should be returned to
1220 Angell hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
class, whose standing at midsemester
is D or E, not merely those who re-
ceive D or E in so-called midsemester
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at 108
Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter
The hours for women students on
the nights immediately preceding
and following the Christmas vaca-
tion will be as follows: Friday, Dec.
22, 8 p.m. (Dormitories and League
Houses close for the vacation period
at this time and those students
remaining in Ann Arbor over Friday
night will have to be in their resi-
dences by this: time.) ; Wednesday,
Dec. 27, 12:30 a.m.; Thursday, Dec.
28, 10:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday,
Dec. 29 and 30, 12:30 a.m.; Sunday,

men's Club offers a scholarship award
of $100 for 1945-46, open for compe-
tition by undergraduate students of
Armenian parentage residing in the
Detroit Metropolitan district who
have had at least one year of college
work and who have demonstrated
both scholastic ability and excellence
of character. The award will be
made by the scholarship committee
of the club May 15, 1945: Applica-
tions will be received and forwarded
by F. E. Robbins, Assistant to the
President, 1021 Angell Hall.
All J.G.P. League House Zone
Chairmen please turn in all stamp
money on Tuesday, Dec. 19, in the
League between four and five.
Orchestra Rehearsal: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Symphony Orches-
tra will meet in Hill Auditorium at 4
p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 19, for its next
Academic Notices
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING COUR-
Saturday, Dec. 30. A course may be
dropped only with the permission of
the classifier after conference with
the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Saturday, Dec.
30. Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Friday, Dec. 22.
Graduate Record Examinatin in-
dividual report charts are now avail-
able at the Graduate School office.
Students may call for them between
9:00 and 12:00 a.m. or 2:00 and 4:00
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held from 4:15 to 5:15 on Wednes-
day, Dec. 20, in Rm. 319 West Med-
ical Building. "The Relation of
Some Growth Factors" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution):
Please return all examination papers
to the boxes for a necessary change
of grade.
Psychology 31, Makeup exam will
be Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 4:30 in Rm.
1121 N.S.
The Messiah will be presented by
the University Musical Society Sun-
day afternoon, Dec. 17, at 3 o'clock,
with the following performers: Desi
Halban, soprano; Mary Van Kirk,
contralto; Hardesty Johnson, tenor;
Gean Greenwell, bass; Hugh Norton,
narrator; Frieda Op't Holt Vogan,
organist; a special "Messiah" orches-
tra; the Choral Union, and Hardin
Van Deursen, Conductor.
The box office will be open until
noon Saturday at the office of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower, and on Sunday
afternoon from 2 to 3 p.m., in Hill
Events Today
Michigan Sailing Club: There will
be a meeting in the Michigan Union
at 2 p.m.
The Christian Science Students'
Organization announces a lecture on
Christian Science by Robert Stanley
Ross, C.S.B., of New York City, N.Y.,
in the Michigan League Building this
afternoon, at 3:15. All are welcome
to attend.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
The Sunday meeting will be held at
Lane Hall immediately following the
Messiah Concert. Rev. Leonard Ver-
duin of the Student's Evangelical
Chapel will be the speaker.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild

will have its Annual Christmas Tea
and carol sing at 5 p.m. at the Dis-
ciples Church, Hill and Tappan. An
offering for prisoner of war students
in Europe will be received.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet this afternoon at 5:30 in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. The
meeting is one half hour later be-
cause of the Messiah. Supper will
be served at about 5:45 and the
Christmas program arranged by Miss
Evelyn Olson will follow at 6:30.
Varsity Glee Club report at 7:30
p.m., sharp, in the Glee Club rooms,
Michigan Union. Carol sing on the
Library steps at 8 p.m. No rehearsal
at 4:30 p. m.
Coming Events
There will be a business meeting
of the Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action at 8:30 p.m. on Monday,
Dec. 18, in the Michigan Union.
Officers for the coming semester will
be elected. All old and new members
urged to attend.
Le Cercle Francais will hold its
Christmas meeting Tuesday evening
Dec. 19 at 8 o'clock in the Michigan
Union. A special program has been
prepared for the occasion.
A meeting for all those interested
in working on the Hillel News will be
held at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, at the
Hillel Foundation.
Research Club: The December




FOR the fourth time within 75 years, the con-
trol of the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine
is changing to new hands although their status
remains undefined and vague as yet. But this
time the people have shown more willingness -to
return to France than they did following, the
1919 situation.
Originally French, the two provinces were an-
nexed by Bismark in 1871 after the Franco-Prus-
sian War. It was an annexation by force and
made against the wishes of the population. How-
ever, 50 years found the provinces reconciled to
the German rule as they were granted- a great
deal of internal autonomy and socialistic im-
provements. Thus some sympathy still existed
for the Germans during the year of separation
before World War II and the Nazi invasions.
The Alsatians and Lorrainers now consider
themselves liberated, freed and more than ready
for a place in the big French family. They are
ready to decide upon their own fate and it will
not be as Pierre Laval, settled it in November,
1940; from Vichy.
The views of some of their leaders express
their concrete desire for a more stable and lib-
eral government. Among their suggestions are
that the French government should remain in
power for four years "as in America," more
decentralization of the metropolitan powers
and a Senate whose members will be elected
by organized bodies. If De Gaulle will heed
these ideas, the "lost" provinces may again
feel themselves part of the French nation.
Dorothy Potts
Irony to Greeks
IN OCTOBER, 1942, on the second anniversary
of the attack upon Greece, Winston Churchill
sent a message of good will to the people of
Greece. He said:
". . . Another year has passed during which
the invaders of your land have tried by brute
force and starvation to subdue the fires of Greek
independence. They have failed, and your cour-
age and spirit in adversity remain a lively in-
spiration to the United Nations.
"Outside their own country, the armed forces
of Greece ...are once again in the field, already
testing their growing strength in the face of the
enemy and anxious for the day, not far off now,
when they will be with you and avenging your
"The British people greet you in admira-
tion and sympathy, and in the firm confidence
that the day of freedom will surely dawn."
The day of freedom has dawned. There is riot-
ing in the streets of Athens against the govern-
meni nf Premier onre Panendreou and against



Inadequate Teacher Salaries

"rHAT old problem," inadequate salaries for
teachers, has become infinitely more intense
since the beginning of World War IL
Teachers, among the lowest paid professionals,
relying on comparatively fixed incomes during
our war-time economy, have been called upon to
reach new heights in every part of the nation,
in the backwoods and in the metropolis.
Concrete evidence of this situation was sub-
mitted during the 78th Congress when Dr. Don-
ald DuShane of the National Education Associa-
tion, testified before the Senate Subcommittee on
Education and Labor. Part of Dr. DuShane's
statement follows:
"The pinch between relatively low and static
salaries and the rising cost of living already
has had a devastating effect upon teaching.
Thousands have left the profession for the
higher wages paid by indstry. Thousands of
others witness their former students scarcely
out of high school, making better wages even
than teachers of long experience."
Dr. DuShane continues, "Teachers on the
average are paid far too little to enable them
to maintain themselves at a level of professional
efficiency. Teachers are professionally trained,
with social responsibilities above the average
member of the working population. But their
salaries are far below the professional level. In
fact, the average salary of teachers is below that
of the average person working for salary or
wages, regardless of occupation.
"From 1938-39, through 1942-43 there was a
10 per cent rise in teachers salaries, which
reached an average of $1,550 in 1942-43. During
that period the rising cost of living caused a

decline of 11 per cent in the purchasing power
-of the average salary.
"Teachers do not deplore advances made by
other groups. But the public should consider
its employes in relation to certain facts. The
pay check of the average factory worker is
today at least 80 per cent above the pre-war
level in August, 1939. 'Entrepreneurial income,'
(chiefly profits) has considerably more than
doubled since August, 1939. Thus teachers, al-
ready in an unfavorable economic position are
losing ground in comparison to other occupa-
tional groups.
Supplementing the above statments, Dr. Du-
Shane offers some revealing statistics that aid
in casting light on the situation.
"In 1943-44, about five, per cent of the teachers
received an annual salary below $600. In Michi-
gan, almost 20 per cent of the teachers receive
less than $1,200 per year. 91 per cent of the
teachers employed throughout the nation receive
less than $3,000 per year."
It may be an exaggeration to draw a paral-
lelism between teachers earning $600 or $1,-
000 per year, and salaries paid instructors and
professors at the University of Michigan. How-
ever, few would contest the statement that
faculty members at this University are defin-
itely underpaid.
In the light of Dr. DuShane's summary of the
entire regretable situation, findings and recom-
mendations of the faculty group now doing re-
search on the economic status of University of
Michigan faculty members, should prove inter-
Bob Goldman



Very realistic decoy, isn't it?.. . Afw
more lumps of coal andtwllfo
even the most circumspect ermine . ..
V__ . .

Is it cricket to get an ermine skin this way?
A mighty hunter like me... s it sporting?
To use a decoy?
Nn tit - hne .vo

By Crockett Johnson
No, Orion. The ermine will be forced to
admit he's been bested in a contest of
wits and brown. Fairly and squarely...J
IBut 1 don't see an ermine

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