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December 17, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-17

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Churchill 'Memory Lapse'

on Atlantic Charter Explained

Prime Minister
May Address
World Today
Secretary Explains
Error as Confusioni
.I Policy Documents
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 16-Britain's Prime
Minister, who through a "lapse of
memory" wrote a sensational change
into the Atlantic Charter while
speaking on the Polish question yes-.
terday, may "quite possibly" broad-
cast a full dress review of the war
and political situations to the world
Sunday night.
From the hushed and scrupulously
correct precincts of -10 Downing
Street, where Winston Churchill was
believed laboring on a report to the
world, came a frank admission to-
day that the Prime Minister had er-
Secretary Explains
In a voice charged with all the
solemn augustness of his position,
one of the Prime Minister's private
secretaries explained to the Asso-
ciated Press that Churchill, while
dealing with Polish territorial chan-
ges in his address to the House of
Commons, had confused the word-
ing of the Atlantic Charter with the
British Government's statement of
Foreign Policy drafted in September,
1940. .
While both sides of the Atlantic
were considering the portent of
Churchill's statement that an inser-
tion had been made in the Atlantic
Charter, and mutually agreed on by
the three great Allied powers, that
territorial changes could be settled
before the peace conferences, the sec-
retary explained:
Speaking From Memory
"Mr. Churchill was speaking from
memory and just made a slip. What
he attributed to the Atlantic Char-
ter was actually in the British Gov-
ernment's 'statement of Foreign Pol-
icy laid down in 1940. Later during
yesterday's debate, Mr. Eden (For-
eign Secretary Anthony Eden) point-
ed out that Mr. Churchill had er-
He added that the Prime Minister
had not prepared text for yester-
day's speech. "He spoke from notes
and memory and the Prime Minister
made a slip."
Fiallos To Open
Lecture Series
Designed for both a Spanish and
English speaking audience, the new
series of lectures by representatives
of Latin-American countries now
resident on the campus will be op-
ened by Dr. Mariano Fiallos, minister
of education in Nicaragua at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Kellogg Auditorium.
Dr. Fiallos will speak in Spanish on
"Raiz y Fruto de Nicaragua"-The
Origin and Fruition of Nicaraguan
Prof. Hayward Kenniston, chair-
man of the Department of Romance
Languages, and recently cultural at-
tache at the Buenos Aires embassy,
will introduce the speaker and will
summarize in English the salient
points of Dr. Fiallos' address. He
will preside at the discussion follow-
The series is being sponsored joint-
ly by the International Center and
the Latin-American Society.


Church Groups
Plan Christmas
Events Today
Christmas programs will highlight
this week's activities at the student
church groups with the Lutheran
Student Association and Wesleyan
Foundation planning appropriate mu-
sic and readings.
The Lutheran group will meet at
5:30 p. m. at the Zion Parish Hall
with the program, arranged by Eve-
lyn Olson, to follow the supper. The
Methodist group will also meet at
5:30 p. m.
Among the speakers who will be
heard today will be Frank Huntley,
lecturer on civil affairs at the Uni-
versity, at the Canterbury Club at
6 p. m. at St. Andrew's Student Cen-
Rev. Edward H. Redman will lead
the discussion on "Unitarian Faith
Today" at the Unitarian Student
group which will meet at 1:30 p. m.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will not plan a supper meet-
ing today because of the concert.
Fellowship hour and supper will be
sponsored by the Roger Williams
Club at 5 p. m. at the Baptist Guild

Polish People Now Assert Themselves

"Poland's Lublin government rep-M
resents the attempt of the people of
Poland to assert themselves politi-
cally as they have never been able
to do before," Prof. Louis C. Kar-
pinski of the mathematics depart-
ment said yesterday, commenting on
the Polish situation.
Pointing out that in the years be-
fore the war Poland had been semi-
feudal he asserted, "The rulers of
Poland never gave the least bit of
democratic power to the peasants.
Polish landlords to this day and dur-
ing Poland's so-called freedom
thought they had the right to whip
recalcitrant peasants with a cat-of-
Arguing that the Polish govern-
nment-in-exile in London and their
official representatives in the Unit-
ed States are holdovers from this
semi-feudalism, he explained,
"Their vision is limited; they want
to go backwards.
"It must be remembered that they
are in no sense an elected repre-
sentative body-they are rather self-
appointed spokesmen for Poland.
When these men disappear Poland
will have lost nothing of value," he
went on.

"It is a matter of record that
(under the old rule) Poland never
gave the least bit of democratic pow-
er to her peasants, that they abused
their minorities."
Scoring the illiteracy rate of the
Poles and urging cooperation with
the Soviet Union, he stated, "When
Poland is restored by Russia, only
then will there be a chance for Poles
to send their sons to colleges.
The role of the Catholic Church has
been a limitation on progress in dem-
ocracy, he maintained, stating that
"It is well-known that the Church

has not always been on the side of
justice and education of the poor.
Poland and the Polish people have
nothing to fear from the friendship
of Russia, he affirmed, but added
that "If the London group continues
to oppose the will of the people,
there will be imposed on them by
their own peasants the political and
economic system of the U.S.S.R."
"This will not be the work of the
Soviet Union," he emphasized, "but
rather the people's way of dealing
with a government opposed to their



knives, shovels, and rifles, ELAS irregulars demonstrate in Piraeus,
port of Athens, Dec. 3. The preceeding day EAM demonstrators were
killed in a clash with Greek police in Athens.

(Editor's Note: The following article
was written for the Daily by Ken Bis-
sel, a member of the Union staff.
The organization with the most
brief and yet most colorful history on
campus was the Ann Arbor Surf
Riding and Mountain Climbing So-
ciety, affectionately known as the
"Psurfs." You may not have heard
of this unusual club but during 1941
and '42 it as well known and quite
active. You see, the members of this
club had ideals, the like of which
few college clubs ever devise. Their
notion was that good songs and good
beer mix well, not a bad idea at
The type of songs they sang was
definitely not glee club material.
Barbershop quartette style was
used, and the tunes they warbled
bordered on the unusual, some-
times approaching the delightfully
The driving force of the club was
Tom Tilley, son of Professor Tilley
of the English department, now a
Navy lieutenant. Second in command
was NRO Jim Skinner, now presi-
dent of Galens.
Their's was an informal organiza-
tion. Although they were officially
registered with Dean Rhea's office,
they ran the club pretty much as
they pleased, and they pleased ev-
eryone in the process.
Tuesday night was their night at
the Allenel, where supper, song, and
super delicious beer -was the menu
and the bill was usually sent to some
organization for whom they had sung.
The Psurfs were the counterpart
of such clubs as the "Small Sheep"
at Williams and the "Whiffen-
poofs" of Yale which are quite
famous and of long standing. High-
lights of the clubs history were
when Metropolitan tenor Charles
Coleman attended one of their
brawls and sang with them his Al-
ma Mater's sings. "Charlie" as the
Psurfs prefer to call him had once
belonged to a similar club at one
of the Eastern universities.
After this episode Mr. Coleman be-
came one of the only two honorary
Psurfs. They also entertained the
Mills Brothers, while that group was
on the Michigan stage. This mem-

orable party was carried on between
the acts, presumably backstage at
the Michigan Theatre. Much beer
was present, and no doubt, every
drop was accounted for. Thus it can
be readily imagined that the Mills
Brothers Act was much improved
after each intermission.
Even after the most cursory exam-
ination, it would appear that such
an organization definitely has a place
on the Michigan campus. The Chor-
al Union' furnishes us our long hair
music, and the Glee Clubs provide
the more formal renditions of the
lighter melodies, but no one at pres-
ent produces that brand of music
that goes with beer like ham goes
with eggs. Therefore, it seems fit-
ting that such a club should be or-
ganized and accordingly the Union
has expressed a willingness to spon-
sor and help organize a society of
this type.


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