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I~akeing the e1'un44
Dally Sports Editor
cages Seek Fifth Wi ercte trTrack Team
I .,. , rp _ I
Against Ar myQintets Army, Dee. 13
Romulus Air Base, Kellogg Field Play Here
This Week-End; Bikoff Enters Lineup
AS AN EXPECTED CROWD of 70,000 people milled into Municipal
Stadium in Baltimore to witniess the most colorful clash between Army
and Navy, the rampaging Cadets, winners of eight in a row and rolling
along at a point a minute tempo, lived up to all advance expectations and
defeated the Middies, 23-7, to win the mythical national championship.
This marked the first time the West Pointers have had an unbeaten team
for 28 years.
The game started out in slam-bang fashion with neither team .
being able to penetrate the other's defense and the whole battle was
decided in the line during the first quarter. The Cadets then scored
with electrifyijng suddenness in the second period, when Dale Hall
climaxed the drive by a 25 yard touchdown jaunt.
At this point, Walterhouse, formerly of- Michigan, trotted onto the
field to kick the extra point. His successful conversion gave him a total
of 45 out of .57 tries, which enabled him to break the inter-collegiate na-
tional record of 44 made by Clyde LaForce of Tulsa in 1942.j
IHTIL PLAYING for Michigan's frosh team in 1942, Walterhouse was
labeled as the most promising freshman prospect since Tom Harmon.
He established himself as a triple threat back, and if his high school repu-
tation was any indication of his ability, fans could well have looked for-
ward to another Harmon era.(
Walterhouse, a shifty and powerful runner, played three years for1
Ann Arbor, and he led the fast moving 5-A football league in scoring all
three years. He set a state record for scoring of 120 points his last seasonj
in prep school, besides passing his undefeated team to many others.
Ted Husing, who saw the game between the Michigan and Ohio
State freshmen in 1942, said of Walterhouse, "I think he's terrific. He'sf
very tricky, amazingly deceptive, and handles himself wonderfully on
the field," which was a fitting tribute.
The following year, Walterhouse received an appointment to West
Point, and though the plucky gridder entered the Academy with such a'
fie reputation, his hopes for a starting position have been thwarted for
the past .two years because of injuries.I
However, Walterhouse would not be denied of some football reknown,
and he practiced his specialty of kicking extra points to become an import-
ant cog in the Army machine. He would have broken the record against
Penn, but the spectators would not return footballs kicked into the stands,I
so Col. Earl Blaik, Army coach, ordered his team to use some other means!
of chalking up extra points as there was a shortage of footballs.
THE SINGLE-WING formation of the Middies could not cope with the
fast hitting speed and power of the Army crew, which was lined three
deep in personnel, and Col. Blaik lived up to advance notices and used
Blanchard as the battering ram to rip the Navy line open, instead of rele-
gating him to the main task as a blocker,which has been the case all year,<
and this strategy seemed to work.1
This game was definitely decided in the lines, as is evidenced by the
vicious tackling and lack of high scoring in the first half, and it could1
have gone eight ways until the Navy forwards were worn down by the.
frequent reserves which Col. Blaik had on hand.
Having safely hurdled three of sev- be able tojuggle his men consider-
Havingably on the floor.
en pre-Conference opponents, Mi- Michigan soundly trounced Romu-
chigan's basketball team will be out lus in the opening game of the season
to make it five in a row this weekend two weeks ago, 52-27, and should
as it takes on Romulus Air Base and have little trouble repeating. The
Kellogg Field on successive nights in Flyers displayed a lack of coordina-
Yost Field House. tion in the opener and may have
With the Big Teni opener against {improved with continued practice,
WthBI g e pee g I but the Wolverines have also come a ?
Ohio State, scheduled for Dec. 30, a g but the sin g ao cek a
little more than three weeks in the long way in the ensuing two weeks
offing, more lineup shuffling is in Kellogg Field, another Army Air
prospect for the weekend games as Base quintet, took a 45-33 shellack-I
Head Coach Bennie Oosterbaan sear- ing from Western Michigan two
ches for his most effective starting weeks ago. Michigan in turn play-
combination. ed its best bail of the season to downI
Western, 46-34, last Saturday, giv-1
Es-Footballers Bid For Erths ; ing the Wolverines a decided edgeI
At present, the squad is in a state on the basis of past performance.
of flux as the ex-football players who Bikoff May Start
reported only a week ago make their Possible lineup changes this week-
bids for first string berths. Veteran end include the insertion of MorrieI
guard Don Lund and reserve for- j Bikoff, varsity cager of two years ago
ward Bruce Hilkene of last year's Ifwho recently returned to the campus,
quintet, are both menacing the first at one of the guard positions. De-.
five, spite his small stature, Bikoff is a
Friday and Saturday should see the fine defensive player and a good ballI
situation cleared up somewhat as the handler.
former gridders are rounding into fHilkene may break into the start-
shape and seem to be ready to go. ing five at a forward berth where heI
As the Wolverines will be heavily performed last winter as a reserve.
favored to wi nboth games with rela- Lund also is expected to see action,
tive ease, Oosterbaan will probably either at guard or at center
Wolverine wi mers Have
Impressive Past To Uphold
First Negro To Play
In Michigan Backfield
jaEugene Derricotte, Michigan's sen-
sational freshman tailback from De-
fiance, Ohio, withdrew from the Uni-
versity yesterday. preparatory to in-
duction into the Armed Forces, Dec.
Derricotte, who at 18 years of age
stepped into a starting backfield role
on the 1944 Wolverine eleven in his
first year of collegiate competition,
spearheaded Michigan's attack after
wnz-n :a ~-wm
Lies in Distance Events
Four Lettermen Return; Six Others Show
Promise as Team Prospects Take Shape
In another early season glance at 4:28 for the mile and under 2:00 c
Coach Ken Doherty's thinclads, last the 880.
Saturday's time trials indicate that Lewis Hallisey, who will probab
the bulk of the team's power will specialize in the two-mile, and Dic
lie in the middle and distarce runs, Gehring, a miler from Michigan No
with four returning lettermen and mal last year, round out this quart
six other promising runners shaping of transfers.
up in good form. Inexperienced Willard Shows Well
Four of these distance prospects Ross Willard, who finished secor
are transfers from other schools, in the 31/2 mile jaunt last week,
where they engaged in collegiate com- the novice who is shaping up fas
petition before coming to Michigan. He first came out for the Navy
One man is a real novice on the cross-country team, and after top
cinderpaths, and another comes to ping all the competition there, ri
the Wolverines with, an impressive ported for varsity practice. In th
high school record. turkey run, he showed plenty of ner
Fairservis or Varsity at Columbia by stepping out and setting the pac
Walt Fairservis, who placed sixth all the way, and leading up uni
in last weeks' cross-country Turkey the final lap. He pushed Bob Hunm
run. was on the varsity squad at last year's captain and National Co
Columbia in 1942, where he ran the legiate champion. Hume havingt
mile under 4:30 and the half under out-sprint him to breast the tp
Another varsity transfer is Archie Bob Thomason a freshman fro
Parsons, who ran for N. Y. U. last Asbury Park, N. J., is another di
season, turning in times of arondi tance man who is getting a lot of a
.___. _ ....~ tention. He comes to Michigan wit:
a fine high school record in the Eas
W inIll and recently turned in comparative
Rec± .ast times in the time trials,
IVeteran Quartet Returning
H arrv Lum 1e , Besides these prospects, returnin
1) to run for the Maize and Blue, wi
be Captain Ross Hume and h.
brother Bob, Dick Barnard, an
George Vetter, all of whom are e:
DETROIT, Dec. 5.- (A)- The perienced in Big Ten competition.
Detroit Red Wings of the National J
Hocky Lagu anouncd tdaytha Just looking at this section of ti
Hockey League annonced today that squad, it becomes apparent, tha
18yyhad-been raledfrmarIndia- again this year, Michigan will re
Sapolis of the American League for a on numbers and team balance to d
two fend the indoor and outdoor title
two-week trial and would be in the which they won in 1943-44. Ti
nets for Detroit Thursday at New squad is one of the largest to wo]
York against the Rangers. out in the Field House, and it re
rumley will replace Conme Dion, quired approximately 20 heats to b
reguar Detrowa salie formInianapo run in the sprint trials Saturday.
and will play for the Capitols in their This week marks the actual begir
next game at Providence Thursday. ning of Conference track plans, f
Dion was benched last week by tomorrow all Big Ten coaches a:
Detroit's manager Jack Adams in a meeting in Chicago where they w:
move to strengthen the Red Wings' arrange schedules for the 1944-4
defense. Lumley, who played two season.
games with Detroit last season but
failed to stick, has the best goal
tending record in the American WAR BONDS ISSUED
League this season--45 goals in 20 HERE- DAY OR NIGHT!
The University of Michigan swim-
ming Squad of 1944-1945 has a fa-
mous past to uphold. Some of the
greatest individual mermen in the'
country have worn the colors of the
Maize and Blue; by far the greatest
swimming teams in the country have
been under the tutelage of Wolver-
ine coach, Matt Mann.
In the past twelve years, Michigan
swimming teams have captured nine
Big Ten Championships, and have
placed second in the other three.
They have taken first place in the
National Collegiates, eight out of
twelve years, and have been runners-
up in the other four. They have
LOST: A platinum bar pin set with 31
diamonds. Lost between U. High
School building and Public Health
building, Dec. 4 between 12:30 and
1 o'clock. Please return to Daily
office. Generous reward.j
LOST: A brown Welsh terrier near
Hill and Church. Please call 7574.1
List of Greats Is Long
The list of Michigan swimming
greats is along and unrivaled. The
names of Fenske, Christy, Drysdale,
Renner, Stewart, Corey and Skinner,
could be added to almost endlessly.
Nevertheless, if asked to pick out
one individual champion from this
galaxy of stars, the unanimous choice
would undoubtedly be Harry Holiday,
the blonde giant from Butler, Penn-
sylvania. He stood 6-foot, 5-inches,
and weighed 200 pounds in his sopho-
more year.' Although he made his
freshman numerals Harry was com-
paratively unknown whenhe tried
out for the varsity in the fall of
'42. In the short time of five months,
his name was heralded all over the
country as the outstanding back-
stroker of all time.'
Holiday Maintains Three Records
He set three records which still
stand unsurpassed: 0:57 in the 100
yard, 1:30.8 in the 150 yard, and
2:22.9 in the 200 meters. He also
helped pave the way to the 300 yard
medley relay record of 2:50.9, along
with Pat Hayes and Jack Patten, Jr.
Perhaps his best race, although noi
record was broken, was in the spring
of '43, in the National AAU's, when
he faced his great rival, Adolph Kief-
er, of Ohio State, the former record
holder in the backstroke events.
Holiday had to come from behind to
win the 150 yard race, thus officially
crowning himself king of the back-j
strokers. He left Ann Arbor in the?
summer of '43 for induction into the
The colorful star became the first
Negro ever to perform in the Michi-
gan backfield after a fine high school
career. Coming to the University
with a reputation of having been one
of the finest high school backs in
Ohio in recent years, Derricotte lived
up to advance notices by working
himselfrup from the ranks to a start-
ing berth.
During the early part of the season
Derricotte alternated at the tail-
back post with Bill Culligan but with
increasing experience did most of the
work at that position. Recurrent in-
juries prevented his full use in the
last two games of the campaign,
against Wisconsin and Ohio State.
Minoer Leagues
Adopt Watchful
Waiting Policy
BUFFALO, N.Y., Dec. 5.- .(VP-
Minor league baseball adopted a
"watching and waiting" attitude on
the question of helping select a suc-
cessor to Commissioner K. M. Landis
today, with most of the ten operat-
ing circuits meeting behind closed1
doors on the eve of their 43rd annual
Although the three double A cir-
cuits, the International Pacific Coast
and American Association, met in
joint session, it was evident that no
churned to victory twice in the last the departure of .Bob Wiese and Bob
seven National AAU's, while securing Nussbaumer in mid-season, and clos-
the second place position four times. ed the campaign with an average of
This is an enviable record and also slightly better than five yards per
one which Coach Mann expects to be carry.
There will be a meeting of the
Sphinx members Wednesday at
7:15 p.m. in the lounge of the West
Quad, President Hank Mantho
announced yesterday.
SPEED'S Desk "TOT" or Vest Pocket, Plier-Type "TOT"'... for
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olimmill " imm mom
F - I - Wei-Oft
Army, thus abruptly ending one of; pressure would be applied to force
the finest careers in collegiate ath- the majors to give them a direct vote
letics. £ in naming a new czar.
- --___-_--___ President William G. Bramham
summed up the general attitude
when he said, "I shall be shocked if
the minors are not consulted in some
manner when the major leagues act.
I anticipate no difficulty whatsoever 1
and am confident we will be able to
meet our mutual problem with con-
tinued cooperation and no belliger-
The Durham, N.C., executive point-
ed out that the automatic extension
of the major-minor pact to Jan. 12,
1946, removed the necessity for
immediate action.
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