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December 06, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-06

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Council Panels
On Dumbarton
Begin Today
Profs. Wilcox, Kiss,
Dorr To Lead Talks

Ensign Survives Jap Torpedo
To Rough It with Guerrillas

Galens Present Exhibit To Aid'
hI Drive for Workshop Funds

Post War Council will present the
first in a series of panels on the
Dumbarton Oaks Conference. "The
Big Five or the Little Fifty" at 7:30

Shop Eases Tiediunm
Of Convalescence
Airplanes, tieracks, bird houses,
breadboards-red, blue, green and
yellow- decorate the window of a
State St. bookstore today.
They've been placed there by the
Galens, to promote their drive for
funds through the sale of lapel tags
Friday and Saturday.
The handicraft on display are ex-
amples of what younger children cab
do and have done in their spare time.
Well, so what? You say you put-
tered around in your workship toc
when you were a kid. But that isn't
the point. Those articles in the win-
dow and others like them were made
by the younger patients at the Uni-
versity hospital-kids recovering
from operations and broken bones
Hospital confinement of any
duration is often a time of tedium,
but especially so for children be-
tween the ages of 7 an 14, who are
naturally inclined to be restless
when they have to stay in one place
for any length of time. The Gal-
ens, members of the honorary me-
dical fraternity, realized this, and
so some 17 years ago they set up
on the ninth floor of the Univer-
sity hospital a junior-sized work-
shop, that would be reserved ex-
clusively for the younger patients
at the hospital.
They furnished tools and wood
materials to equip the shop, and
hired an instructor to supervise it
Then for five days every week since
that time, they have opened the shop
to the children, urging them to mak
anything they wanted to out of the
materials at hand.
Or if they wanted, the children
Room Shortage
Pressing, Prof .
ram Declares
Prof. Lewis E. Gram of the engi-
neering school, director of the Uni-
versity's plant extension and post-
war building program, maintained
yesterday that one of the most acute
problems of. the University, which
must be solved as soon as possible,
is that of housing.
The inevitable increase in enroll-
ment expected after the war will pre-
sent the University with the grave
problem of where to put students and
faculty members.. The University has
been awai-e for sometime that there
is a need for many more dormitory
and living facilities, but because of
war time restrictions on building, it
has been impossible for the Univer-
sity to make any post-war housing
plans, he stated.
Plans are now being forn'ulated for
a large post-war building program,
including a new administration build-
ing. However, he continued, in the
immediate post-war period there will
be a tremendous housing prblem for
University authorities to face.
Prof. Scanio Named
To Secretarial Post
Prof. Vincent A. Scanio, of the
Romance Language department, has
been appointed Secretary of the
Italian 1 section of the Modern
Language Association, it was an-
nounced today.
Prof. Scanio will hold this position
during 1945, and will assist in plan-
ning the Renaissance literature sec-
tion of the program for the national
meeting of the Association, to be
held in Chicago next year.

could browse around watching the
Dthers, or play with the things they'd
already made.
It didn't take much urging to get
the kids up into the workshop, for
very soon by a patient-to-patient
grapevine. tales of the wonders of
he shop spread. Even before they
were given the chance, recuperating
oatients were asking to go to the
"The children like the room
mainly because they are allowed to
have the thrill of making things
hemselvcs without anyone telling
them what they must do or how
they must do it," Mrs. Mildred
Walton, supervisor of the special
education work at the hospital,
said yesterday.
Many of the patients, who feel ra-
ther proud of their construction ef-
torts, are planning to use them as
'hristmas presents. "Because while
'ze's in the hospital the child has so
-nany things done for him, it makes
aim (as well as older patients) feel
nappy that in the shop he can do
hings and make things for other
people," Mrs. Walton declared.
Occasionally the children come up
o the shop with no definite ideas of
what they would like to do, but noti-
sing other children working with
'he jigsaw or a woodburner and sese-
ng the many things others have
nade in the shop soon gives them
nspiration to make something them-
selves. Most popular item at the
oresent time seems to be tieracks
'or Christmas presents.


p. m. today at the Michigan League.
Problems of the participation of
large and small countries in an in-
ternational peace organization will be
Three Professors On Panely
Forming the panel will be Prof.
Wilcox of the history department,
Prof. Dorr of the political science de-
partment and Prof. Kiss of the geog-
raphy department.
To provide a basis for arguments
to be presented in an open discussion
period to follow, Prof. Wilcox will
present a historical background, Prof.
Dorr will discuss the role of the large
nations and Prof. Kiss will speak for
the small nations.
Miniature United Nations Council
-- The discussion period will take the
form of a United Nations Council in
miniature. Students attending the
University from foreign countries
have been invited by the Post-war
Council to attend the panel and pre-
sent their views on the part that each
nation should have in the world plan.
All students interested in the meet-
ing are urged to attend. Pvt. Berton
Ast Bernard, Co. C. will mediate the dis-
in cussion.

Ensign Alvin E. Jacooson, Jr., '43E,
was one of eight survivors of the
American submarine Flier who swam
18 hours in Japanese-controlled wat-
ers to a barren island and lived there
for days on a pair of cocoanuts.
In relating the story Cmdr. John
D. Crowley, skipper, said, "We were
cruising on the surface at night in
Japanese - controlled waters when
there was a terrific explosion. I was
on the bridge, and in 20 to 30 seconds
the ship went down. The night was
completely dark and we couldn't
orient ourselves. The survivors were
gathered together and though you
couldn't see beyond three feet, we
(Continued fon Pagc 2)

Daily Photo by Pvt. Bob Crampton, Co. B, 3651 S. U.

JIG SAW PROJECT-Cutting out a design at the jig saw is one of the
many children who, as patients at the University hospital, may enjoy
the facilities of the Galens' workshop.

in Spanish are cordially
Prospective members of the
especially requested to be

club are

that they've never even held a
hammer, so on some days it isa
not strange to see a few patients
busily engaged in learning how to
drive a nail," Mrs. Walton pointed
"The Galens are doing a fine job in
Smaking these children happy and
giving them afternoons of enjoyment,
as well as valuable instruction in
woodworking," she went on.
To keep up their work at the hospi-
tal, the Galens will sponsor the tag
sale Friday and Saturday. Their goal
will be to match the $3,000 they col-
lected last year. Most of the money
will go to maintaining the shop and
a kibrary for the children, and a
part of it will go into a sinking fund
for improvements after the war.

Judoe Regrets
Larger Local
Divorce Rate
It's difficult to determine ju
where Cupid's arrows are landing

Washtenaw County,
Last week, out of the large num-
ber of cases heard by circuit Judge SRA TIH ld
George H. Sample, he granted 23 di-
vorces and refused permission for one *
other separation, Mrs. Luella M. i uSical iour
Smith, county clerk said yesterday.
"It's terrible," Judge Sample de- ' 3r Feast'
dlared, pointing to the recent up-esizasFaC
Sswing in the number of divorces Planned for 1ollig]
Predicting that the situation is The Student Religious Asso
"going to get worse," he stated, "I'm Music Hour will present W
simply amazed and shocked-the Walton's "Belshazzar's Feast"7
crime today's separated parents are today, in the Lane Hall libra
bringing to their children is inde- stead of Bruckner's Seventh S

"Some of
work in the

the children want to
shop, but it develops

7 p.m.,
ry, in-

U.S.O. Game Night: There will be
refreshments, and Junior Hostesses
will be on hand for dancing, and
I ;Qy " gEvents
Varsity Debate: There will be a
meeting on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 4
p.m. in Rm. 4203 Angell Hall.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing at 7:45 p.m. The program will
feature Beethoven's Leonora Over-
ture No. 2; Beethoven's Concerto in
G Major for violin and orchestra;
and Rimsky Korsakov's Schehera-
A meeting of the University of
Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held on Dec.
8, at 4 p.m. in Rm. 151 of the Chem-
istry Building. Dr. J. E. Kempf of
the Department of Bacteriology will
speak on "A Survey of Antibiotic
Agents." The public is cordially
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Natural Science
Bldg., at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8.
Mr. C. N. Swinney will discuss "Nor-
thern California quicksilver deposits"
and Mr. S. N. Davies "The areal
geology of the manganese deposits of
Guisa-Los Negros, Oriente, Cuba."
All interested are cordially welcome.'
Dancing Lessons: The USO dan-

counted 15 men in the water."
The group knew of the islands in
the vicinity and after eighteen hours
eight of the 15 men reached the corial
beach after abandoning all clothing
and gear except underclothes. The
island yielded no supplies. The men
were sunburned from exposure in the
water and their feet were badly cut
by the jagged coral. The nights were
cold, and they slept covered with
sand and hugging each other for
body warmth.
After arriving at the island they
rigged a raft from bamboo and grass,
which they paddled from island to
island, all of which were uninhabited
and yielded no food or water. Several
days later they sighted a large island
with a group of buildings surrounded
by a cocoanut grove which they
found deserted, looted and damaged.
The next day two native guerrilla
fighters, one who could understand
a little English, told them that they
had seen them come ashore, and
came prepared to greet them as
friend or enemy. The survivors were
then taken overland in carabao carts
to a point where they boarded small
native boats for a trip to a guerrilla
No more of the adventure. which
lasted two weeks can be told because
of military secrecy.
Cent er To Sponsor
Semi-Formal Friday
International Center will hold its
second dance of the season, a semi-
formal, from 8:30 p. m. to midnight
Friday in the Rackham building.
The dance will be in the night club
style and will differ from previous
dances in that a variety of games will
be provided for those who do not
care to dance.
cing class will be held Friday evening
from 7 to 8 o'clock.
U.S.O. Friday Night Dance, 'T'here
will be a dance at the USO club this
Saturday night from 8 to midnight.
There will be refreshments. All ser-
vicemen and USO Junior Hostesses
are invited.
U.S.O. Saturday Night Dance:
There will be a dance at the USO
club this Saturday night from 8 to
midnight. There will be refresh-
ments. All servicemen and USO
Junior Hostesses are invited.
Sunday Morning Breakfast: All
servicemen are invited to come to
the USO Club for breakfast Sunday
morning from 10:30 to 11.


'U' EiedGitio Pr ne Useful
In Placing Greenland Bases

An airplane which was lost in
connection with the University's
Third Greenland Expedition in 1928
ind which was instrumental in pro-
viding vital air bases in this war has.
-ecently been sighted by Army Air
Force fliers.
In an attempt to fly from Rock-
F-rd, Ill. to Stockholm, Sweden, the
Stinson Monoplane, Greater Rock-
ford, went off its course and was
forced to land on ice between the
glaciers which was previously unex-
Smooth Ice Found
This in-between ice proved to be
the only locations in Greenland
which were smooth enough to land
a plane on near the coast. Earlier
it was thought that the only smooth
ice was in the interior of the ice-
filled island. Today, the United
States uses these smooth ice spots
between glaciers as air bases.
Chen To Talk
On Peace Plans
Dr. Y. C. Chen, noted scientist and
president of Nanking University, will
speak at 8 p. m. today in Rackham
A University lecture, the subject
will be "To Win the Peace as a Chi-
nese Professor Sees It." Dr. Chen
received his M. A. and Ph. D at
Columbia in 1922 and then returned
to China to teach. He has been
president of Nanking University
since 1927.
A guest of the State Department in
this country, he has been a member
of the Peoples Political Council
since 1938 and is Vice-Chairman,
International Committee of Chinese
Industrial Cooperatives.

Professer Emeritus William H.
Hobbs of the geology department
who was a member of the expedition
tells how the pilot. B. R. J. (Fish)
Hassell who is now a lieutenant-
colonel commanding the North At-
lantic Division Base of the Air Trans-.
port Command and his navigator,
the late Parker Cramer, ran short of
gasoline when he lost his course in
clouds over Davis Strait and were
forced to make a landing at least 75
miles distant from the University
station of Mount Evans and Camp
Finally Rescued
The two men ploughed down the
fjords to the coast and wandered for
two weeks before they reached the
Sondre Stromfjord opposite Camp
Lloyd. Finally their smoke signals
were seen and the two men were
rescued, although in a starving con-
The monoplane had to be left on
the inland ice until the winter sled-
ding -season opened. A search was
then conducted to see if the motor
could be salvaged, but it was unsuc-
cessful. .Now, 16 years later, the
plane has been seen and photo-
graphed from the air by an Army

scribable." There's little doubt about
it, men and women today are fail-
ing in their prime task of parent-
hood-providing a happy home."
"Personally, I don't believe in di-
vorce of any kind," Judge Sample
pointed out, "but it is my duty to ad-
minister the law."
"In my opinion, if two people think
they have made a mistake in getting
married, they should make sacri-
flees to stay together for the good of
their children and the entire society,",
he asserted. ,
Club To Feature
Mexican Theme
Ann Terbrueggen, Toni Rowland,
and Herman Hudson, scholarship
students at the University of Mexico
for the past two summers, will talk
on their impressions of Mexico at a
meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica to
be held at 8 p.m. today at the Michi-
gan Union. rather than the League,
as previously scheduled.
"Una Noche Mexicana" will be the
theme of the evening, and folk songs
of that country will be featured. A
collection of photographs taken in
Mexico will be shown, and discussion
groups will conclude the program.

ony, which was previously announc-
"Belshazzar's Feast," one of the
most noted works of the 42-year old
English composer, is an elaborate set-
ting for chorus, orchestra, and solo-
ists of the famous biblical incident.
The recording, made in England and
released last month in this country,
is said to be the finest ever made of
combined choral and orchestral for-
Robert Taylor, '46, leader of the
group, will introduce the music and
discuss its background and structure.

The rnost sat sfying gifts of
all, perfumes and hosiery
impeccable gifts that tell the
Christmas story in the Ian.

4 4



reconnaissance plane. -
-Bahai Group To Feature
Navy Choir To Sing Flute, Piano Soloists
At 2enLter Sun day Helen Snyder, flutist, and Erma
Hayden, pianist, will be the soloists
Highlighting the International I appearing at the Bahai Study Group
Center's program at 7:30 p. m. Sun- musical at 8 p. m. today in the Lane
day will be the Navy Choir under the Hall auditorium. Selections by
direction of Leonard V. Meretta. Brahms and Loeillet will be played.
The Choir of 25 voices sang for
the August commencement and has
been heard over WJR.
All foreign students and their Am- FOLLE IIJ
erican friends are urged to attend.
n la musica!


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