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December 06, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-06

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THE T _('i HW j 5iVAN fAiI

k' AC Y Dip EC .< ;1944

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Gloom at Republican Caucus



Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray' Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwic
June Pomering

Editorial Staff
. . Managing Editor
.. . . City Editor
* . Associate Editor
. . . ASports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
ck Associate Business Mgr.
S . . *Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
atherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Reader's Digest
When a commercial institution like The Read-
er's Digest wields as much influence in public
schools as it does today, it is time for teachers
and other educators to take notice of the content
of the magazine.
One group of English teachers attempted to
do this at a recent conference held at Columbia
University. No decisions or results were an-
nounced as the representatives of the Digest
vigorously denied any doubts cast upon their
Many are accustomed to thinking of the
periodical as a charming, somewhat gossipy and
amusing, but usually very informative on present
day problems. Thus it is rather shocking to
some to find that upon investigation the facts
in the Digest do not always have the truth in
them and that the "unbiased and unprejudiced"
articles do not always have those noble charac-
teristics. Often by a deliberate selection of re-
printed articles it imposes a certain line of
thought on the reader that ignores or hardly
mentions the other sides. Recent examples of
this can be seen in their play on labor-manage-
ment relations and Zionism.
There is also another danger in this wide-
spread use of the Digest in education (There are
more than 700,000 subscriptions taken by schools;
copies also reach many times that number of
students.) To many students, the Digest is
presented in such a way as to make it seem
the best source of information on current events
and Americana. Even though a large portion
of the issues are interesting and true, it should
not be represented as the cultural height in mod-
ern literature. Of all things, the high school
senior must not feel that he will continue to be
a truly educated person as long as he just reads
the Reader's Digest from cover to cover every
Approximately, a potential half a million Di-
gest readers leave the school systems each
year. It is this group, a very important part
of our population, that certainly should not be
limited or biased in their educational experi-
-Dorothy Potts
RECENTLY, Noel Coward, eminent British
play-wright, made some derogatory remarks
about the fighting value of GI's serving overseas
who normally inhabit that part of North Amer-
ica, adjoining the United States, known as
Last week we read a news story which tells
of a Brooklyn infantryman captured by a
German lieutenant and five enlisted men.
The Germans asked the American where he
hailed from. At that, the youth started nostal-
gically rambling about the merits of Flatbush.
Topping off his stories, our boy from Brooklyn
swore to the Nazis that there is a prisoner-of-war
camp practically in the shadow of Ebbets Field.
The six Nazis turned over their arms to the
GI and requested that they be taken prisoners.
Now, Mr. Coward, what was that you said
about Brooklyn men's fighting power?
-Bob Goldman

WASHINGTON, DEC. 6-Political gloom at the
first Republican House of Representatives
caucus since elections was not as thick as the
leaders expected. Talking off the record and
really letting their hair down, the lame-ducks
among them especially emphasized one signifi-
cant thing-that the GOP should not waste time
cussing out the Political Action Committee but
should match its activities by a similar organ-
It was a completely closed-door session, with
newsmen barred, but here are the highlights.
First part of the meeting was monopolized by
Congressman Bertrand Gearhart of California
in a lengthy harangue on freezing Social Secur-
ity taxes. He deranded a united GOP front
against a tax increase. Most of his brethren
Dumbarton Oaks
NEW YORK, DEC. 6-Our isolationist friends
have been making a vast use of "liberal"
and "leftist" appeals ever since Election Day.
They have read the returns correctly, and, ac-
cordingly, are developing a kind of leftward
droop, not very graceful and not very convinc-
1. Isolation is working hard to find "liberal"
arguments to use against Dumbarton Oaks.
One such, which turns up in a certain Chi-
cago newspaper, is the contention that if the
United States joins in a world organization, it
will find itself suppressing rebellions in the
British colonies. Good, decent, democratic
American soldiers, so runs the argument, may
fined themselves commanded to shoot and krill
natives who wish only the blessings of self-
rule for themseles. All this will be done under
the guise .of "keeping the peace." The con-
clusion is that we must stay out of a world
organization as our contribution to freedom for
colonial peoples.
The argument is a clever one, designed to
appeal to, our best instincts, the isolationists
having found that appeals to our worst instincts
are not successful. But Dumbarton Oaks does
not provide for a "supreme" world police force,
constantly in being, running itself like an auto-
nomous corporation, shooting natives whenever
it feels like it, because it feels like it. Nor does
it provide for a world police force which has to
come running whenever Britain beckons. Dum-
barton Oaks provides for a world security coun-
cil, which will use a number of methods in its
effort to keep the peace, only one of which is
military force; and it can employ force only in
accordance with certain written principles, and
with the consent of its members; perhaps with
the consent of all of them, though that point
has not yet been finally determined.
Dumbarton Oaks gave the great nations no
power to suppress colonial peoples which they
don't already have, anyway; and, actually,
Dumbarton Oaks faced the other way, by
setting up an eighteen-nation Economic and
Social Council, which may turn out to have
great importance in furthering the interests
of colonial peoples.
Dumbarton Oaks certainly does not solve the
problems of colonial peoples. But to k~ill Dum-
barton Oaks doesn't solve those problems, either.
To kill Dumbarton Oaks means to wreck the
chances for a world organization; it means send-
ing Britain backward into an imperial isolation
in which she will be more than ever dependent
on colonial exploitation. It means a poorer
world, a poorer Britain, and poorer colonies.
To propose all this in the guise of friendship for
colonial peoples is phony liberalism.
2. A second "liberal" appeal by the new isola-
tion consists of the anguished demand that Am-
erican bugsiness be granted enough materials, and
manpower, right now, to permit it to start on
"new models" of civilian goods. This coincides
with General Eisenhower's appeal for more shells.
Isolation is drooling liberal and honeyed words
about the "better life" for Americans after the
war; only it wants to start it before the war is
3. The third "liberal" argument cooked up in

the nationalist gazettes has to do with the
soldier. Isolation has embarked on a great, lib-
eral "everything for the returning soldier" cam-
paign. Between the lines one senses the delight-
ed anticipation of a great big fight in the offing,
between the returning soldier and organized
labor. The idea appears to be that union rules
will have to be discarded, union contracts thrown
aside, in order to give the homecoming soldier a
job. Friendship for the soldier makes a good
"liberal" cover for hostility to labor.
This kind of "liberalism" will not win many
customers. Those who were indifferent to the
"soldier" in the days when he was "labor" and
before he had put on his uniform, will not be
his best friends in the days after he has taken
it off. Besides, the isolationist press is unani-
mously against Mr. Roosevelt's plan for 60,-
000,000 jobs, possibly on the theory that if
that plan succeeded, there would be work for
both soldier and labor, and everybody would
be happy, and nobody would be mad at any-
body, and then where would isolation be?
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

Then Minority Leader Joe Martin discussed
the elections, conducting a sort of seminar in
which there seemed to be general agreement
that Republican hopes had been too high-
that, with the war still on, the natural desire
not to change Administrations had been un-
derrated. Martin pointed to the need of a
strong Congressional Republican organization,
with a first-rate staff functioning at all times.
This Is a definite GOP plan.
Two lame-ducks, Cal Johnson of Illinois and
Bill Miller of Connecticut, spoke of the factors
which had led to their defeat. Johnson had ex-
pected defeat for some months, therefore did
not blame the PAC. He said, however, that PAC
was highly important throughot the country;
and urged that Republicans should not be
ashamed to learn from the Hillman organization.
Miller of Connecticut admitted freely that
PAC had been the most effective single or-
ganization against him. He urged that the
PAC methods be studied closely.
Back to Common Man .. .
EID MURRAY, reactionary Wisconsin farm
bloc member, then told his GOP colleagues:
"The Republican party must get back to the
common man. We're keeping close to our
farm populations, and it's up to you people in
the industrial districts to keep close to labor and
be certain labor will go along with you."
Ben Jensen of Iowa chimed in to say: "Instead
of quarreling with labor, we Republicans have
got to go out of our way to win labor support.
My district is agricultural, and you city men
could do a lot worse than study the way we
farm people have worked to stay close to our
Only discordant note, so far as PAC was
concerned, was struck by lame-duck "Ham"
Fish, who ranted about "Communist control"
of the PAC. He demanded that Clarence
Brown of Ohio explain what his house Cam-
paign Expenditures Committee had done about
exposing Reds in the PAC.
There was general agreement among the GOP
Congressmen that a lot of political capital could
be made of the current Administration row be-
tween Attorney General Biddle and his ousted
assistant, Norman Littell.
Only gripe about Governor Dewey came
from ultra-reactionary Harold Knutson of
Minnesota, who complained about the Los
Angeles speech in which Dewey pledged all-
out social security and other social legislation.
"He was out-New-Dealing the New Deal,"
fumed Knutson. His gripe, however, was not
well received. In fact, most of his mates are a
bit fed up with the stiff-necked Knutson.
Homer Angell of Oregon complained because
the Democrats have been keeping the Townsend
Plan from coming to a vote this session. A peti-
tion to bring the plan to the floor requires 218
signatures, and the Townsend group has had
over 200 for months, with Democrats removing
their names when it looked as if the required
number would be met.
John Vorys of Ohio then facetiously offered
"to get more signatures for Homer." It was
quite obvious, however, that there was no
burning enthusiasm for the Townsend Plan
among the Republicans.
(Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
cLCeliteri to the Cclitor
Avoided Question .. .
THIS IS A GOOD day in which to try to get an
answer to a question. The question has been
asked at intervals for four years and has been
adroitly avoided by editors and by at least one
department of journalism.
Why does the American press have the liber-
ty of choosing which of the American war com-
muniques it will transmit to its readers and
which it will suppress?
It is obvious from the front of any daily paper
that the national and international news-gather-
ing associations do not give us the authentic and
complete war news but give us instead a com-

post. Compost of extracts from German broad-
casts, from French broadcasts, from correspond-
ents' conjectures, and, strangely enough, from
the communiques of SHAEF.
If you think the word conjectures is not war-
ranted by the facts, take the case of Colmar.
When the French broke through at Belfort about
twelve days ago, some swivel-chair strategist as
far away from the line as Paris said: "All Amer-
icans understand an end-run, let's send an army
down the Rhine as far as Colmar." So he did,
and inside of 24 hours our papers began to blos-
som with banner headlines: Fifty Thousand
Germans Trapped in the Vosges. That trap has
not been closed yet unless it has been closed
And does our correspondent ever admit that
lie may have been a little over-optimistic? No.
He thinks it is cleverer to run behind a screen
and wait for the army to catch up with the
news. His newest screen is: "For security reas-
ons there is no report from that part of the
front today."
-Norman Anning

NEVER LET it be said, Frailty,
thy name is woman." This apho-I
rism was defied last night by Carroll'
Glenn, the highly gracious and
charming soloist of the evening. To
say that she displayed only average
talent would be a gross understate-
ment. An unusual power of tonal
volume coupled with very expressive
qualities was manifested by this di-
minutive artist.
The first half of the program
proved how very competently Miss
Glenn could perform the more in-
tellectual compositions in the field
of violin literature.
Miss Glenn is the possessor of a
very brilliantly tuned instrument.
Consequently; a difficulty arises in
trying to restrain overbrilliancy
which sometimes results in harsh and
forced tones. The performer was
somewhat handicapped by that
problem. This obstacle was especial-
ly obvious in the Bach and Brahms
in which pellucid tones are a pri-
mary characteristic.
However, in the second half of
the program, the impediment was
less noticeable or soon forgotten.
Miss Glenn's agility in executing
the highly decorative numbers was
responsible. The most outstanding
composition of the evening was the
Chausson Poeme. This selection
is a composite of every thing from
profoundly rich thematic material
to highly decorative passages.
Miss Glenn utilized her musical
faculties to the utmost of her ability.
The most interesting number of the
evening was the Heifetz arrangement
George Gerschwin's Prelude in C-
sharp minor. Its nostalgically jazz
quality adapted itself expertly to
violin transcription. Lush tones again
poured forth from the violinist's
fingertips. The primitive strains of
Ravel's Tzigane concluded the pro-
gram proper.
In a few years, Miss Glenn should
be numbered among the foremost
violinists of our time.
-Kay Engel
VOL. LV, No. 30
Au notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
To All Members of the University
Senate: The first regular meeting of
the University Senate for the current
school year will be held on Monday,
Dec. 11, at 4:15 p. m. in the Rackham
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
students and faculty members.
Apparatus Exchange: The rjegents
authorize the sale of scientific appar-
atus by one department to another,
the proceeds of the sale to be credited
to the budget account of the depart-
ment from which the apparatus is
transferred, under following condi-
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Professor R. J. Carney is director.
The Chemistry Store headquarters
are in Rm. 223 Chemistry Building.
An effort will be made to sell the

apparatus to other departments
which are likely to be able to use it.
In some instances the apparatus may
be sent to the University Chemistry,
Store on consignment and if it is not
sold within a reasonable time, it will
be returned to the department from
which it was received. The object of
this arrangement is to promote econ-
omy by reducing the amount of un-
used apparatus. It is hoped that
departments-having such apparatus1
will realize the advantage to them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves of this opportunity.
Shirley W. Smith
Special Payroll Deduction for War
Bonds: For the Sixth War Loan
Drive arrangements can be made
with the payroll department to make
a special single deduction for the
purchase of War Bonds from salary
checksdue onDec. 29 only. This
would be over and above the regular
deductions under the payroll savings
plan. Those wishing to use this
method should send written instruc-
tions to the Payroll Department re-

garding the amount of the bond and
names and addresses in whicn it]
should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $18.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions
must reach the Payroll Department
not later than Dec. 15. War Bond
purchases made by this method will
be counted in the drive-University
War Bond Committee.
Sixth War Loan Drive:
1. During this Drive, War Bonds
may be purchased from students of
the Junior Girls' Project, called
"Bond Belles," who will canvass all
parts of the University. You will re-
ceive an official receipt from these
canvassers for the order. and pay-
ment. If requested, arrangements
can be made to deliver the bonds
.o your offee.
2. You can call for a "Bond Belle"
to take your order by phoning 2-3251,
extension 7. Bonds will be on sale
at the cashier's office, Univcrsity
Hall. Orders by campus mail can be
sent to Investment Office, 100 S.
Wing, University Hall. This latter
office will be glad to answer ques-
tions about the various bonds avail-
able during the drive or the proced-
ure for purchasing them (Unive sity
Extension 81).
3. Checks should be made payable
to the University of Michigan. Please
print or type names and addresses
-University War Bond Committee.
Approved organizations. The fol-
lowing organizations have leen ap-
proved for the academic year 1944-
45. Those which have not been regis-:
tered with the Dean of Students this
fall are presumed to be inactive for
the year.
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Phi Omega
Am. Inst. of Electrical Engineers
Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers
Christian Science Organization
Delta Omega
Engineering Council
Forestry Club
Interfraternity Council
Kappa Phi
Michigan Union
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Mu Phi Epsilon
Newman Club
Phi Delta Epsilon
Philippine-Michigan Club
Pi Lambda Theta
Post-War Council
Robert Owen House
Sailing Club
Sigma Xi
Society of Women Engineers
Veterans Organization
Women's Athletic Association
Zeta Phi Eta
Phillips Scholarships: Freshman
students who presented four units of
Latin, with or without Greek, for
admission to the University, and who
are continuing the study of either
language, are invited to compete for
the Phillips Classical Scholarships.
Two scholarships, of fifty dollars
each, will be awarded on the basis of
a satisfactory written examination
covering the preparatory work in
Latin or in both Latin and Greek, as
described in the bulletin on scholar-
ships, a copy of which may be ob-
tained in Rm. 1, University Hall.
The examination will be held this
year in Rm. 2013 Angell Hall on
Thursday, Dec. 7, at 4 p.m. Inter-
ested students are requested to sub-
mit their names to Professor Copley,
2026 A.H., or to Dr. Rayment, 2030
University of Michigan Chinese
Cultural Scholarships: By the gen-
erosity of the Ministry of Education
of the Chinese National Government,
the University of Michigan is author-
ized to offer five Chinese Cultural
Scholarships annually, for which in-
dividuals of Chinese nationality are
not eligible. The purposes of these
scholarships, in which the University

of Michigan heartily concurs, are to
promote and strengthen the cultural
relations between China and the
United States and to encourage Chi-
nese studies in this country. The
general conditions under which these
scholarships will be administered are
as follows:
1. Eligibility. As a minimum con-
dition, applicants must have shown
merit in at least one year's study of
Chinese language, history, literature,
art, geography, or the social sciences
in relation to China. Authorship of
published writings, on any of the
above subjects, if judgedto be of
value by the committee in charge,
will be taken into consideration.
Candidates may be either persons
already registered as students in the
University of Michigan or eligible for
admission to the University of Mich-
igan as graduate students or as un-
dergraduates with upperclass stand-
ing in one of the other units of the
2. Stipend and term of appoint-
ment. The scholarships carry a sti-
pend of $1,500 per year of two semes-
ters (or terms). Appointments will
be made on the annual basis, and
may be renewed upon expiration, ex-
cept that no individual will be per-
mitted to hold the scholarship for
more than three consecutive years.
3. Selection of scholars. A com-
mittee appointed by the President of
the University will receive applica-
tions and select the most suitable

ences as they relate to China. The
holders of scholarships must carry on
their studies in residence at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, except that on
recommendation of their faculty ad-
viser and with the approval of the
committee in charge arrangements
may be made to do a portion of the
work elsewhere.
If suitable candidates appear, ap-
pointments will be made at the be-
ginning of the Spring term, 1944-
45, and thereafter.
Amended Notice for World War II
Veterans: Dr. Bruce M. Raymond of
the U.S. Veterans Administration,
Dearborn, Mich., will be available for
consultation in the office of the Vet-
erans Service Bureau, 1514 Rackham
Building, Friday, Dec. 8 instead of
Wednesday, Dec. 6 as previously
University Lecture: Dr. Y. G. Chen,
President of the University of Nan-
king will lecture on the subject "To
Win the Peace. as a Chinese Profes-
sor Sees It," under the auspices of
the International Center and Com-
mittee on Intercultural Relations, to-
night at 8 in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre,.-The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Ceramics, a new course offered by
the Extension Service, will be divided
into two sections. Besides the class
which started on Monday, Dec. 4,
there will be another class starting
Wednesday, Dec. 6. There areplaces
for a few more people on Monday
night. Both classes will meet at 7
o'clock in Rm. 125 of the College of
Architecture and Design. William
Moore is the instructor. Fee is $10.
Bacteriology Seminar will meet
IFriday, Dec. 8 at 8:30 a.m. in Rm.
1564 East Medical Building. Subject:
General Problems in Coordinating
Research. All interested are invited,
Geometry Seminar: Thursday, Dec.
7at 4:15 in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall,
Mr. E.t4:.Spanier will speak on
Postulates of Inversive Geometry.
ea at 4.
Physical Education for Women-
Riding Classes: For those students
who have missed riding classes there
will be opportunity for make-ups on
the following days:
Thursday, Dec. 7 at 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 14 at 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 4:30 p.m.
The group will meet at ' the
Women's Athletic Building.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
beheld from 4:15 to 5:15 this after-
noon, Dec. 6, in Rm. 319, West Medi-
cal Building. "The Biological Syn-
thesis of Polysaccharides -Recent
Studies" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will be heard
in another of his current series of
recitals at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7.
His program will include the Andante
Movement from the "Surprise" sym-
phony by Haydn, five British folk
songs, and Mendelssohn's War March
of the Priests.
Architecture Building, main corri-
dor cases, through Dec. 9, "How an
Advertisement Is Designed." An ex-
hibit furnished by courtesy of Young
& Rubicam, Inc., New York.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Important re-
hearsal tonight. Music for Christmas

Kappa Phi, Methodist College Wo-
men's , Club, will hold its regular
supper meeting this evening at 5:30
at the First Methodist Church on
State St. The topic for discussion
will be "Chiarm."
Wesley Foundation: Informal Open
House and Tea today in the Student
Lounge at the ' First Methodist
Church 4-5:30 for all Methodist stu-
dents and their friends.
The staff and concentration stu-
dents of the Fine Arts Department
invite all students interested in any
phase of the arts to an informal tea
this afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock in
Rm. B, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Veterans' Organization: There Will
be a regular meeting of the Veterans'
Organization at 7 tonight in Rm. 304
of the Michigan Union. Nominees
for offices please bring their eligibil-
ity cards. Topic for discussion will be
on Post-War Military Training. Ev-
eryone is - cordially invited .
Mortar Board will meet today at
7:15 in the Michigan League. Any
member who is unable to attend
should contact Bette Willemin, 2-
,Xi Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta,
National Honorary Society for Wo-
man i *W11r+fnn 'vilm s o fe m .



SHORTLY before his nomination as Secretary
of State, Edward Stettinius, referring to the
Russian-Polish border dispute, announced that
"this government's traditional policy of not guar-
anteeing specific frontiers of Europe is well


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By Crockett Johnson
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