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December 01, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-01

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Frontline Fighters Send Plea
ForCoed Pin-UpGirl Pictures

"Give us guns, give us tanks, give
up planes, give us a University of
Michigan coed for a pin-up girl !" is
the plea of a company of American
doughboys who describe themselves
as "just a few fellows in Germany
doing our part to end this war."
In a letter addressed to "The Fac-
ulty" of the University of Michigan.
Pvt. Andrew F. Jacobson presented
the plight of himself and his buddies
in "not finding a pin-up girl for our
small but aggressive organization."
One of the men in Pvt. Andrew's
company was a student at the Uni-
versity back in his civilian days.
Memories of beautiful Michigan
coeds went with him overseas. In
refutation to the alleged tradition
that four out of five women are
beautiful and the fifth one goes to
Michigan, this loyal man of the
maize and blue entertained the
men in his barracks with stories of
the best-looking girls in the States
--Michigan coeds. His idea of a
perfect pin-up girl was a typical
American college girl from Ann
Arbor. According to Pvt. Andrews,
this former Michigan man per-
suaded the entire company to write
to the University and ask for pic-
tures from which to choose their
The letter from the hopeful soldiers
traveled from the front lines to the
desks of various University deans,
was relayed to the president of the
Women's War Council and finally
arrived at the Student Publications
Editors of The Daily decided to
turn Pvt. Andrew's problem over to
the University coeds. Every dormi-
tory, sorority and League house is

being asked to help solve this
doughboys' dilemma by submitting
a picture of the girl in their house
whom other residents agree would
make the best pin-up.
Candidate pictures may be sent to
the Women's Editor at The Daily
affices in the Student Publications
Building. All pictures will be for-
warded to Pvt. Andrews anqs his com-
tany. The anxious soldiers have
)romised that "each letter will be
answered promptly."
The picture of the coed who is
-3elected by the men as "the typical
college girl" for whom they are
searching, will be printed in The
Daily. Reports will be made of all
lorrespondence received from -Pvt.
Andrews who promises that the pic-
tures will help them go straight
hrough to Berlin.
All house presidents are asked to
see that each picture submitted is
properly wrapped for overseas mail-
ing and is provided with sufficient
Pvt. Andrews and the members
of his "aggressive organization"
issued their plea in all sincerity.
Through these men Michigan co-
eds have found one more oppor-
tunity to demonstrate their sin-
cerity in wanting to "do their
mart." Daily Women's Editor
Red Cross To Give
echanics Course
For Motor Corps
A six week course in motor mech-
anics for all coeds who would like to
become members of the Red Cross
Motor Corps, will begin from 7 p. m.
to 9 p. m. Tuesday, in the work shop
of the Ann Arbor High School.
The course will be conducted by
Mrs. Harriet Batterson and Miss
Virginia Schumacher, both skilled in
the work of mechanics, and will meet
every Tuesday, for six weeks, exclud-
ing the week of Christmas vacation.
Arrangements will be made for
standard and advanced first aid cour-
ses, which must be taken by any
woman who wishes to become a mem-
ber of Motor Corps, after the mech-
anics course has been completed.
Motor Corps work includes trans-
portation for all of the Red Cross
chapter services, requested trans-
portation for local welfare agencies,
requested transportation for the arm-
ed forces, and necessary transporta-
tion in a disaster.

Capacity Crowd
Will Attend First
Union Formal
Bill Layton's Band, New Songs'
To Highlight Traditional Hop'
Tomorrow in Rainbow Room
The Union Executive Council will
present the first formal dance of the
season from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
morrow in the Rainbow Room of the
Union to a sell-out capacity.
Music will be furnished by Bill
Layton and the vocals will be done
by Judy Ward. Special arrangements
of all-campus favorites, including
"White Christmas," will be featured.
As an added musical highlight, the
orchestra will play a brand-new
song, "Too Late," written by Ruth
Wolkowsky, '45, music school stu-
Corsages To Be Favors
Gardenia corsages will take the
place of the ordinary favors and will
be given to all women attending the
dance. All other flowers will be
In traditional fashion the Union
Executive Council will hoki a pre-
dance banquet at 7 p.m. in the Union
Founders' Room. The members of
the council and their dates will be
headed by Jim Plate, general chair-
man of the dance, and his guest Sally
Patt of Michigan State College. Tom
Bliska, president, will escort Betty
Vaughn, '46; Hazel Ruettinger, '45-
SM, will be the guest of George Dar-
row, secretary; while Bob' Precious,
social committee member, will escort
Marcheta Frye, '46.
Members and Guests
Other members and their guests
are- as follows: Bob Lindsay, house
committee, and Cally Wade, Detroit;
Sandy Perlis, war activities, and Bun-
ny Zeman, Detroit; Dick Mixer, ori-
entation, and Rosemary Vorys, '47A;
Jim Martin, publicity, and Virginia
Post, Detroit.
Paul John, administration, and
Alma Backner, '47; Tom Donnelly,
war activities, and Kay Kaye, '47;
Glenn White, publicity, and Evelyn
Phillips, '45; Dick Freeman, admin-
istration, and Lucille Gottschalk,
House Heads


Make hers
a cozy
Beautifully tailored
Robes and Brunch
Coats. In luxurious
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Mich. Theatre Bldg.

New Positions
,On Assembly
Are Now Open
Petitioning for Personnel Admin-
istrator and two War Activities
Chairmen, three newly organized
positions on Assembly Council, will
open Monday and continue through
Tuesday next week.
The Personnel Administrator will
be in charge of keeping the records
' of independent women on campus
who are interested in being active
members of Assembly. She will file
the hours that coeds, are available
for war work, and refer to them
when the need arises.
There are to be two War Activities
Chairmen, one in charge of dormitor-
ies and auxiliary dormitories and the
other in charge of league houses.
Their duty will be to gather the
monthly reports of the individual
house activities and keep records of
the monthly progress of coeds' war
All independent women except first
semester freshmen are eligible to
petition for these positions. Petitions
may be obtained and left in the
Undergraduate Office of the League
any time Monday and Tuesday. In-
terviewing will be held from 2 until 5
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons
in the Kalamazoo Room of the
At the close of Recognition Night
petitioning, Miss Robin, Publicity
Chairman of Assembly Council stat-
ed that the enthusiastic response of
the independent women is a grand
example of traditional Michigan
'Counselors. tClub
To Meet Toddy
Meeting at 4:30 p.m. today in the
small lounge of the WAB, the Camp
Counselors Club will hold their first
meeting for all coeds who are inter-
ested in learning more about coun-
seling in summer camps.
Under the leadership of Lee Well-s
man, '45, the club will be formed of
those women who have had experi-
ence in counseling and will have
as its purpose, the exchange-of ideas
to be used while at the camps. How-
ever, those coeds who are interested
in this type of work, but have not
had camping experience are cordially
invited to attend.
"We sincerely hope that all women
who are interested will come out for
this meeting. And in the future
gatherings we will have roundtable
discussions and guest speakers, so
that there will be many an oppor-
tunity for questions to be answered,"
said Miss Wellman.'
Greeting December with a flavor
of Christmas, Bill Layton and his
band will play a special arrange-
ment of "Jingle Bells" for the
weekly Union dance from 9 p.m. to
midnight tonight in the Union
Whitey Bensen will be featured
playing his own tune, "Midnight in
a Chinese Junk Yard."
Chinese Christmas
Cards Are on Sale
Christmas cards in the form of
very attractive Chinese paintings and
drawings are now on sale at the
League, the Union, International
Center, Baptist and Methodist Chur-
ches, and from all Chinese students
on campus.
All money made from the sale of
the cards, which have been printed

by the Chinese Women's Relief Asso-
ciation in New York, will go to the
war orphans of China. The cards are
priced at a dollar per dozen and will
be on sale until Christmas.
Rodriguez, Sullivan; Loraine Ten-
inga, Sutton; Barry Stuart, Vogt;
Patricia J. Coryell, Wilcox; Char-
lotte Morse, Wilson; Margaret May-
bury, Elizabeth Wood; Dorothy del
Siena, Esther Wood; Mat Chernot-
sky, Lester Co-op; Jeanne Marquiss,
Rockdale House; Minon M. McGee,
Stevens Co-op.

As Entire Facul
Any war bonds today? There are
many different replies to this ques-
tion and as the Bond Belles canvas
administration and faculty members
in the Sixth War Loan Drive, they
can honestly say that they have
heard all the answers.
Most of the stories contain items
of the kindness and cooperation of
particular faculty members. One
dean of a school wrote personal mes-
sages to his faculty, introducing the
Bond Belle and asking for their
cooperation in the drive. In some
cases, he personally took her to pro-
fessors' offices to introduce her.
Another professor who is selling
bonds himself for a service club in
town is buying his personal bonds
from the University through the
Bond Belle teams.
Some of the experiences of the
Bond Belles have been amusing. One
of the oddest ones occurred when a
professor, instead of giving the cus-
tomary "Yes" or "No" reply to the
Bond Belle, greeted her with a bar-
rage of arguments as to the extreme-
ly "uneconomical" nature of war
As one of the Bond Belles put it,
"We don't mind refusals to buy
bonds as we realize that most of
'Grid Shuff le'
Will Be Held
Another "Saturday Grid Shuffle"
which is to be held from 2 p. m. to
5 p. m. tomorrow in the Rainbow
Room of the Union, will give stu-
dents a chance to follow the Army-
Navy football game while dancing to
the music of the latest records.
In addition to posting a running
score of the game, the "Grid Graph,"
a miniature football field, will be dis-
played on the band platform. Danc-
ers will be able to follow the play-by-
play action of the game by watch-
ing the "Grid Graph" as the yard-
age losses or gains are diagrammed
on it.
The "Grid Shuffle" was introduc-
ed by the Union at the beginning of
the semester, and has proved so pop-
ular that it has been continued past
the close of the University football
season. The turnouts for these dan-
ces have been the largest that the
Union has ever had for a Saturday
The Union Tap Room will be open
all afternoon for those who might
want refreshments, and a radio will
be tuned in to the game so that
Army-Navy rooters will not have to
lose a minute of the game. Admis-
sion is free, and everyone is urged to
attend, with dates or stag, coeds, ser.
vicemen, and civilians. Paul John,
chairman of the event, expressed the
hope that all students will take ad-
vantage of the chance to hear the
biggest game of the day.

ty Is CanvassedI

them are backed up by excellent rea- sororities participated, was held las
don s - nt ncial an d oheg rwis s. W e night under the sponsorship of Pan
don't attempt any high pressure
salesmanship, and all we ask for is hellenic Board.
courtesy when we try to sell a bond. The dinners, which will be helt
What we really object to is getting once a month, have been planned s
the 'cold shoulder.'" that all sorority women may becom
better acquainted. The sororitie
Of the total sales of Bond Belle were paired off by drawing lots, ant
teams, approximately 50 per cent half of one house went to dinner a
have been to faculty members the other house, which in turn ex
while the other half of the sales changed half of its members.
have been made to students and The sororities which participate(
their friends and families. The were: Chi Omega, Theta; Sorosit
percentage of sales on the part of Kappa Delta; Alpha Gamma Delta
the faculty is attributable in part Tri Delta; Delta Gamma, Alpha Ch
to the fact that there is much com- Omega; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Al
petition between local service clubsp.P.
merchants, and the University in pha Omicrom Pi; Pi Phi, Alpha Pli
sellng wr bods.Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Xi Delta
selling war bonds. Sigma Delta Tau, Alpha Delta Pi
Total sales have reached $21,064 and Gamma Phi Beta, Zeta Tau Al
but $100,000 looms far away. Accord- pha.
ing to Fran Goldberg, chairman of A new schedule will be made u:
for each exchange dinner, and sche
the drive, a special effort will be dules for future dinners will be post
made in the remaining weeks of the ed, according to Peg Laubengayei
drive to reach the goal. '45BAd, president of Panhel Council
A 'S wagger Spors asual
That'ss y
Cl**j'O t
R i''r

'Bond Belles' Hear All Answers

Fr New


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Ar :Announced
Names of dormitory and league
house presidents have been an-
nounced' for 1944-45.
They include Cornelia Groefsema,
Betsy Barbour; Betsy Follin, New-
berry; Dorothy Townsend, Jordan;
Clarise Finkbeiner, Mosher; Florence
Eckberg, Stockwell; Ruby Kuhlman,
Adelia Cheever; Ann Terbrueggen,.
Martha Cook; Jan Thalner, Austin;
Phyllis Van Brocklin, Ball; Patricia
Williams, Chicago Lodge; Nancy
Laird, Colonial; Angeline Goodwyn,
Day; Ellen Estlund, Geddes; Emily
Menthorn, Hill; Carolyn Weigold,
Lincoln; Gerry Teipel, Lockwood Ma-
nor; Aileen Allen, Madison; Esther-
lou Carlson, Oakwood; Marian Mil-
ler, Ridgway; Jean Whitney, Wash-
tenaw; Bernie Davidow, White
House; Una Wright, Woodlawn.
The list continues with Barbara
Whitaker, Asman; Shirley Gale, Aug-
spurger; Barbara Hamef,' Benson;
Jean Carmichael, Britt; Louise
Prangley, Breitmeyer; Laura Palley,
Calvin; Patricia Duff, Cook; Sue
Ratinger, Daum; Melva Fox, Evarts;
Alyce Spicer, Farley; Marian Thomp-
son, Field; Marjorie Roptis, Feiner;
Muriel Kleinewaks, Hillel Founda-
tion; Dorothy Petrie, Hunt; Betty
Pochert, James; Portis Capps, Jeff-
rey; Helen Kloppert, Keusch; Ri
Wooten, Lodge; Natalie Maguire, Mc-
Cormick; Virginia Law, MacDowell;
Donna June Meyer, McGregor; Mar-
jorie Crandell, Magioncalda.
Norrine Mathews, Miller; Alison
Hallman, Moore; Elizabeth Schoen-
felder, O'Connor; Patt Randall, Pray;
Margaret Robinson, Reeves; Nancy
Gavihill, Richard; Louise Patrick,
Ross; Jean L. Emens, Schultz; Juan-
ita Gregory, Delta Smith; Twila
Hendrickson, F. L. Smith; Luz D.

I I 1

Jao o



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