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November 17, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-17

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VOL. LV, No. 15











Two New Units Plow
Through Nazi Defenses

Soviet Troops Smash Nearer to Budapest)

Reds Cut into Nazi Line'
On A ustro-Czech Border
Units of Second Ukrainian Army Storm,
Capture Important Gyomro Rail Station
LONDON, NOV. 16-(A)--Russian assault forces unhinged the main
German defense line 10 miles east of Budapest today, and far to the north-
east struck to within five miles of Miskolo, battling along roads leading to
Austria and Czechoslovakia.
Russian troops also crossed the Budapest-Miskolo Railway at Vamos-
gyork, 36 miles northeast of the Hungarian capital, cutting into the rear
of a sizeable group of Germans and Hungarians trying to hold the central
section of that trunk line, the Moscow daily communique announced.

Sayre Urtoes
Of Philippines

More than 2,350
As Sizeable Gains

Bombers Blast Front Lines
Are Made by Allied Forces

ATll K.

Need for

Close In on
Japs at Limon
Artillery Fire Goes on
In Ormoe Corridor
By The Associated Press
ies in new general offensive. Vet-
eran First and long-hidden Ninth
join four others on 300 mile front.
Aerial warfare speeded up..
troops on Leyte tighten grip on
Japs. Nimitz announces revised
list of Jap losses in Nov. 12 strike
in Manila Bay.
forces unhinge main German de-
fense line near Budapest; push
along road toward Austria.
By The Associated Press
NOV. 1--Infantrymen of the 24th
Division and dismounted First Divi-
sion Cavalrymen are tightening their
grip on the Japanese salient at Li-
mon, four miles south of Carigara
Bay, on Leyte Island, headquarters
reported today.
American long-range artillery
"continue its havoc" throughout the
Ormoc corridor, leading from Ina-
mpoan to the besieged port of Ormoc,
a communique said.
Strengthen Mountain Holds
Other Yanks infantrymen are cod-
solidating their positions in the cen-
tral mountain ranges, east of Ormoc
corridor, from Mt. Monoro to Mt.
Mamban. The two peaks are about
eight airline miles apart.
Combat and reconnaissance patrols
are "combing the intricate network
of trails in the mountains to clear
out scattered enemy parties."
Heavy tropical rains, however, are
restricting operations.
American fighters bombed and
strafed the Ormoc area, sinking over
30 barges in the harbor. A Japanese
motor pool at Valencia, near the cen-
ter of the Pinamopoan-Ormoc road,
was destroyed, with the loss to the
enemy of many "dozens of vehicles."
Enemy air activity was negligible,
the communique added.
Seize Mapia Islands
While the battle for Leyte moved
toward its climax a small force of
Americans seized the Mapia Islands,
enemy lookout post off the north-
west New Guinea coast. The new in-
vasion, a protective operation to re-
move Japanese spotters, was about
900 miles southeast of Leyte.
The Mapia landings were made
Wednesday, covered by naval and
air bombardment. Only light re-
sistance was met. A headquarters
spokesman said the objective was to
protect the important Allied airbase
on Biak Island, immediately south
in the Schouten group.
Today Choral Union Concert;
Fritz Kreisler, 8:30 p.m.
at Hill Auditorium.
Today Union Dance.
Nov. 18 Guy Lombardo broad-
cast, 10 p.m., WXYZ,
Nov. 18 Michigan - Wisconsin

In what appeared to presage early
battles inside Budapest itself, Mar-
shal Rodion Y. Malinovsky's Second
Ukraine Army units stormed and
captured Gyomro rail station, 10
miles from the capital, thus knocking
out the pivot of German defenses
girding the prize city. The station is
nearly a mile northwest of Gyomro
village, which Berlin said also was
under Soviet assault.
Sixteen miles northeast of Buda-
pest other powerful Soviet tank and
infantry forces swept through Dany
in a headlong race along a road that
by-passes Budapest on the north and
leads to Vienna, Austrian capital.
By seizing Dany these units were
less than 11 miles southeast of God-
ollo, strategic road and rail junction
governing the ,routes to Vienna and
into central Slovakia.
The Soviet bulletin disclosed that
Russian troops, expanding their
trans-Tisza River front northeast of
Budapest to a length of 125 miles,
had crossed the upper section of the
Tisza at two new points, outflanking
the famous wine center of Tokaj and
racing in from the east toward im-
periled Miskolc.
Registration for
Blood Bank ToW
Be Next Week
Registration to fill a large campus
blood bank quota will be held next
week in the diagonal, Sam Goodman,
head of the Union blood bank a-
nounced yesterday.
The Red Cross Mobile blood
bank unit will be here Dec. 14-15
and it is important that students
and servicemen donate blood,
Goodman said, as "nationwide
blood donations have been inade-
quate during the past months to
take care of the wounded over-
Jean Loree of the League. will
cooperate with Goodman in organiz-
ing registration of men and women
on campus, 18 years of age and older,
for the December blood bank.
Eligibility requirements to con-
tribute blood state that a student
must be at least 18 years of age,
and if between 18 and 21, he must
have a proxy signed by parent or
guardian permitting him to donate
blood. Donors must observe a ten
week interval between successive
. Servicemen between the ages of 19
and 21 do not need special permis-
sion to donate blood.
Regulation proxy forms will be
available at the diagonal registration
booth, Goodman said.
Belgians Are Told to
Join Regular Army
LONDON, NOV. 16-()-In the
midst of a government crisis, Bel-
gium's Premier Hubert Pierlot, in a
nation-wide broadcast over the Brus-
sels radio, tonight called upon mem-
bers of the country's resistance
units to disband and join the regu-
lar army and surrender their arms
by nextSaturday "or be prosecuted
with the full vigor of the law."
The Prime Minister's broadcast
came at the close of a turbulent day
in which hundreds of uniformed and
civilian members of the resistance
gathered near the houses of parli-
ament to demonstrate against the
government's decision to dissolve the
"white army."

lew conomy
"In the Philippines, independence
is the only practical way out," the
son. Francis B. Sayre, HigheCo-
missioner to the Islands at the time
of the Japanese invasion declared
yesterday in an Oratorical Associa-
tion address at Hill Auditorium.
He outlined the following steps in
our relations with the Philippines:
1) Drive the Japanese invaders
out of the Islands.
2) Establish the complete politi-
cal independence of the Philippines.
3) Work out a practicable pro-
gram for economic independence.
4) Aid the Filipinos in the recon-'
struction of their country.
5) Cooperate with the Filipinos
in the establishment of world secur-
Filipinos Ready For Independence
The Filipinos are ready for inde-
pendence, Sayre maintained. "Six
years of experience has proved that
the commonwealth arrangement is
unsatisfactory to both governments,"
he asserted, "and is, therefore, un-
Sayre left Manila Christmas Eve,
1941, to go to Corregidor, remaining
there for two months. He left Cor-
regidor Feb. 21, 1942, and travelling'
via submarine passed under the bat-
tle of the Java Sea, arriving in this
country in March,.1942.
He stressed the necessity of achiev- I
ing economic independence for the
Islands, pointing out that as long
as the Philippines are dependent on
the United States, which grants them
accessibility to a free market, for 80
per cent of their exports, they cannot
be truly independent.
Discussed Bases in Islands
With respect to naval and militaryt
bases, the High Commissioner said,
"It is not a question of a great power
seeking to impose its will on a small
nation. Filipino leaders recognize
that it is a cheap price to pay for
protection from the most powerful
navy in the world."
He urged that the bases be held
by a community of nations rather
than by any individual nation for
the purpose of maintaining Pacific
Railroad Union
Praises Perkins
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.- (P)-
The Railroad Brotherhoods' official
publication "Labor" today editoriallyt
defended Secretary of Labor Perkins,j
saying she had tried to safeguard
the interests of workers.
"It is pretty well agreed that Presi-
dent Roosevelt will not make any
sweeping changes in his cabinet,"
said the editorial, captioned "Why
Pick on Frances Perkins?"s
Referring to reports that Secretary
Perkins would be replaced, "Labor"
said "big publishers and other reac-
tionaries don't like" her.
"Generally they argue that a wo-
man should not occupy that posi-
tion," the comment continued.
"There is a good deal to that, but it
isn't the reactionaries' real reason
for criticizing the present Secretary1
of Labor."1

By The Associated Press
SHAEF, PARIS, FRIDAY, NOV. 17-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower welded
the Allied attack in the West into a great all-out six-army offensive pointed
straight at Berlin yesterday by hurling two more American armies into
the line and in the first few hours they captured up ot a dozen small towns
in and beyond the Siegfried Line.
The long-hidden U. S. Ninth Army, which slipped quietly into the
line north of Aachen weeks ago, and the veteran American First Army,
launched simultaneous assaults yesterday inside the Reich through
the gaping hole already torn in Hitler's Siegfried Line.
More than 2,350 U. S. and RAF heavy bombers based in Britain
delivered a series of blows at the enemy directly in front of the attack and
headquarters of the First Rrmy officially described the greatest tactical
air support of the war.
Both American Armies registered sizeable gains in the opening
hours of their offensive, overrunning numerous small towns and
The Ninth, taking its place between the British Second and American
First armies, lashed out north of Aachen. on a nine-mile arc between
Geilenkirchen and Eschweiler and swept ahead 2,000 yards to within four
miles of the Roer River.
Resistance was heaviest in the area of Settrick, about four miles
east of Ubach.
Associated Press correspondent Wes Gallagher, at the front, said
many objectives were taken ahead of schedule. The little towns of Euchen,
five miles northeast of Aachen, an dImmendorf, Beggendorf and Floverich,
all from two to three miles east of Geilen Irchen, were captured in the
first few hours. Shocked German prisoners were taken by the score as
the Americans broke through the crust of enemy defenses.
At the hour of assault the Eighth Air Force sent more than 1,200
heavy bombers under 450 fighter escort hammering across the skies and
loosening a storm of anti-personnel bombs on Duren and Eschweiler,
between Aachen and the Rhine in a tactical assault comparable to that
whicp touched off the St. Lo break-through in France.
The U. S. First Army under Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges leaped
from muddy foxholes at 11:00 a. m. and launched the assault on an un-
disclosed sector of the front under the druming thunder of bonibs and
heavy artillery raining on enemy positions ahead.
On the left flank, the mysterious U. S. Ninth, struck at 12:45 p. m.,
plowing into Germany behind a big aerial bombardment after -an 800-mile
leap-frogging trek across the paths of other Allied armies that befuddled
the Germans.
From the front dispatches filed through strict-censorship restric-
tions energed one fact-for the first time the United States now has
four great armies hammering against Germany.
These concerted blows were dealt even as the U. S. Third closed a
nutcracker on Metz in the second week of its offensive, the British Second
drove to within a mile of the Maas river facing Germany some 30 miles
north of Aachen in the second day of its attack, and the U. S. Seventh
and French First Armies struck deeper into the German, Vosges Mountain
lines guarding the southern Rhineland.
See FRANCE, Page 2

Royal E. Ingersoll, former Commander in Chief of the Atlantic fleet,
reads his orders naming him commander of the western sea frontier as
he took over his new command aboard his flagship at the Navy Yard
at Washington, D. C.
German Hoax Results in Mass
Execution of Dutch Civilians

{ ..._

By The Associated Press
HEUSDEN, The Netherlands, Nov.
16.-How the Germans deliberatelyl
blasted to death 135 women and
children they had lured into the
basement of the town hall "for safe-
ty" was described today by the bur-
gomaster of this medieval Dutch
town of 2,000 people.
The 'mayor-weary from at-
tempts to restore some semblance
of order in the stricken commun-
ity-said the Germans dynamited
Post-War Trade
Is Discussed
Economic Future Is
Outlined by Churchill
LONDON, NOV. 16--(P)-Prime
Minister Churchill told the House of
Commons today that once Germany
is beaten "We must make exertions
to restore our export trade," but that
first on the production priority list
would be the filling of essential civil-
ian needs in clothing, furniture and
In his first public discussion of the
growing question of postwar econo-
mic competition among the Allies, the
British leader endorsed the suggest-
ion of one member that "undue re-
striction" on export industries ought
to be removed, but he accompanied
this, with the statement that "until
Japan has been defeated the war
must have first call on our efforts."
The housing shortage in ravaged
sections of Britain would have to be
tackled "as if it were a wartime
measure," he said.

the town hall and two beautiful
old Catholic and Protestant chur-
ches before withdrawing under the
pressure of British advances.
"It was terrible, terrible," he said.
,'The Germans pretended to be help-
ing our people find shelter from
British artillery and then they them-
selves set off dynamite which killed
135 of the 200 people in the basement
of the town hall."
He gave this account of the
tragedy, which was first announced
a week ago by the official Nether-
lands agency:
"Between 2 and 3 o'clock Nov. 5,
the 200 villagers were huddled in
the basement when suddenly there
was a terrific explosion. The build-
ing shuddered and caved in, leav-
ing a pile of dusty rubble. Only 65
of those who took shelter on the
Germans' advice escaped death.
Simultaneously the two ancient
churches of Heusden were blasted
into a great pile of shattered brick.
"The Germans had placed dyna-
mite under the structures, using a
plunger to blow up the three build-
ings at the same time, after setting
a time fuse to allow them to escape
the blast."
Med, Dent Students
May Join 'M' Union
Medical and Dental students who
have been unable to register this
term for the privileges of member-
ship in the Men's Union may do so
Those in the Dental school may
register from 8:45 to 9:15 a.m. today
in the lobby of the Dental building,
while Medical students may register
from 12:45 to 1:15 p.m. in the lobby
of the East Medical Building.

Revised Jap
Fleet Casualty
List Revealed'
QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Nov. 16.
-(AP)- Third Fleet carrier planes
sank one Japanese cruiser, four de-
stroyers and 11 cargo vessels and
oilers in Manila Bay during the Nov.
12 strike, revised figures showed
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz in a com-
munique today listed this revised
list of damage:
One light cruiser sunk (it prev-
iously was reported badly damaged).
Four destroyers sunk (two had
been reported "exploded").
Eleven cargo vessels and oilers
sunk (this same number was reported
sunk or set ablaze).
The Pacific commander also re-
ported that a Navy search Liberator
probably scored a bomb hit on a
small Japanese cargo vessel near Iwo
Jima and a Marine Mitchell bomber
possibly hit a medium-sized cargo
ship at Haha Jima.
British Will Relax
Conscription Laws
LONDON, Nov. 16.-(IP)-Britain's
conscription age maximum limit will
be lowered and numerous manpower
controls will be relaxed in the inter-
val, between the defeat of Germany
and the end of the war with Japan,
Minister of Labor Ernest Bevin an-
nounced today.
Making public a plan for reallocat-
ing manpower to industry, Bevin
said that the conscription age for
men for the war against Japan would
be from 18 to 27 as soon as the war
in Europe ended. The present draft
age maximum is 35.
Men's Judiciary Council

Massive Aerial
Assault Opens
Allied Offensive
LONDON, Nov. 16.-(IP)- Three
thousand heavy bombers and almost
as many fighters and mediums
launched a massive new aerial as-
sault on western Germany today
with 2,500 Lancasters, Fortresses and
Liberators touching off a gigantic
winter offensive by the American
First and Ninth Armies.
Five bombers and five fighters were
missing from 1,200 Eighth Air Force
bombers and 450 fighters that poured
into the Aachen area for an hour,
unloosing 5,000 tons of fragmenta-
tion bombs between Duren and Asch-
weiler on the road to the Rhine.
It was the first time since D-Day
RAF heavyweights had struck in dir-
ect support of advancing American
The Lancasters concentrated their
approximately 5,000 tons of TNT on
buildings in the vicinity of Duren,
Julich and Heinsberg that had be-
come storage depots for German
ammunition and gasoline.
About 250 Mustangs and Spitfires
escorted the British heavy bombers
in their assault on enemy installa-
tions and troops east of the Holland
The RAF announced that its big
fleet was controlled throughout the
day by Master Bombers, who claimed
that all attacks were highly concen-
This was the first time that the
term "Master Bomber" had been
used officially, although it was no
War's Medical
Progress Told
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.- ()-
The United States would have lost
this war swiftly. Brigadier-General

Kreisler To Appear Here for Concert-


Fritz Kreisler, recognized through-t
out the world as the master violinist
of the present day, will be heard at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium
at the third Choral Union Concert.l
Program Listed
Kreisler, who will be accompanied

quartets, violin concertos and oper-
Kreisler many times has been the
center of a storm of controversy
because he edits compositions into
more practicable shape for his per-
formance. His version of Tschai-

instruments, a Stradivarius, a Gagli-
ano, and two violins of Joseph Guar-
nerius del Gesu.
No Instrument Preference
For recitals in smaller halls, Kreis-
ler uses the Stradivarious, a small,
delicate instrument. The Gagliano

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