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March 17, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-17

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1Y JRna\Y. iC~h 17, JG;1;:4


L71w £ir4ltz tIIal

7-1 JJIV
'r 'o


Fi fty-Fi fth Year








Edited and managed by students of the University, of
Michigan under the authority of 'the aBoard in Control
of Student Publications.
E~dt'Drial Stall

Evelyn; Phillips
Margaret Farmier
Ray Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hang Man~tho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
,Dick -Stricliand
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee -

Managing Editor
* . .Editorial Director
.City Editor
Associate Editor
* . . Sorts Editor
* . Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business StaffBsns aae
* , , Associate BusinessUgr.
* . Associate Business Mgr.

Telep hone 23-241
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news ,g spatclhescredited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car
rier, $450, by mal, $5.25
Nattionl Advrtisifg Servie, Inta
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 144-45
Editorials pubished in The Micigan Daily
are -written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
he Pathfindes
"ITt's spring again, and birds, dogs, squirrels
and students on the grass again-"
Fron an offiial publication "The Univer
sity of Michigan has one of the most beauti-
ful campuses in the mnidwest"
Fi4ourteen students, very luckily for themselves,
saved 14 seconds yesterday morning by taking a
shortcut across the grass from 'U' Hall to the
Library. At the same time, some of their fellows
shot a cursory glance at the plants growing i
the Natural Science building greenhouse as they
mnade that ever -deepening path grow a little
"The campus is known for its wide expanse
of green lawn-"
There has been some talk lately of convert-
ing that wide space of good black mother earth
in front of Haven Hall into a campus tennis
court. A violent protest to this suggestion has
been reported, students feeling that the erection
of a cement tennis court with nets and wire
backstops would impede their progress along
that area popularly known as the crossroads of
the campus.
Student opinion: Does are cute as. they' gam-
bol merrily around the campus. S'cuirrels are
sweet little creatures who frisk gaily over the
ground and trees.
Student reaction: We should all be as happy
as the dogs and the squirrels.' Therefore, we
have made footprints in the sands of the Michi-
gan camr.pus. Especially note our work in front
of the older Medical building, Hardly a blade
of grass left, Or perhaps you've seen our fine
work on the grass between the Mled building and
the new Physics building from East 'Ui' to the
campus walk, True, it's not much of a path
yet, but it's coming along quite nicely. In fact
all around the Physics building, we've got a
lot of nice paths started.
Fromt University regulations (now defunct):
There shall be no bicycle riding on the walks
of the campus
,six-days-of -thre-week bicycle fiends have tak-
en tile ruling all too literally, and instead of
riding onl the walks, they have taken to riding
onl what used to be the grass right alongside
the walks. This makes a very pleasant criss-
cross design near the walks, and lately students
who make a hobby of identifying tire marks have
been going wild with this wonderful tread bonan-
That otr normally beautiful campus looks
like the dickens every ;sprin because too many
people refuse to use the walks placed for
their benefit is a sad commentary. That the

Ruildinig ; andlCrounds department succeeds
inMkingJ it look beautiful again by summer-
time is at-sterling tribute to the men of that

T'HE LAST TEST YEARS have seen a world
wide movement toward centralization, West-
ern Man, long an idividuaist-ruggedl or rag-
ged-finds himself :impelled to coletivize today
no matter what his inmost wishes may dictate.
The choice that confronts him is not at all be-
tween centralization and d e-centraization* but.
simply between the two kinds of centralization
he may want:; the one peacefuil and democratic,
the, oilier coercive and fascistic,
Every counitry in the world, willfully or not,
has chosen along 'these rins For, any effor;
to resist these tendencies-like staes' rightism
in America-has been foiled by the Greater force
opposed to it.
Whether mien can control the course of histo-
rical events such as have culminated in the
present situation or merely adjust their minds
to them is largely a terijuological difference.
Tn reality neither view immobilizes, uis, The
determinist says we adapt ourselves to our en-
vironment; the free-wilier insists we change the
environmient itself= But, in neither case is man
reduced to inertia. Adap~ation is itself a voli
tional act, which operates within the prescribed
limits of external causality. Tts purpose is to ease
the transition from one state to another-which
will occur in any case ut whose path can bie
rough and thorny if poorly described.
This,T thinks, is the central problem of our
times- to move from the selfishness of indivi-
viualism to the selfishness of collectivism in
as painless a way ats possible, The usual left-
ist anialysis of modern wadrar postulates
strife between: one imperialist nation and an -
other; the mother contry and1 its colonies;
and the three classes within each land. These
sources of friction, would be considerably at-
tenuated if' we were to adopt a planned econo-
my within the framnework o~ a wol14 organ-
Presidentt; Roosevel, in those famous oe
hundred days when hie first, assumed office
the most glorious of his administration-some-
how sensed the realities of our position and
moved swiftly in accord with thews. Govern-
ment took its rightful place as an agency for
the melioration of social woe instead of wait-
ing for the market to regulate itself and return
--over no matter how many diseased bodies-to
normalcy. The crisis was reached--and met.
with a steady hand. Feverish but intelligent
experimentation ensued for at, least four years--
and it saved us.
Elsewhere, thle Weimar republic fel, fl1-Dtoce
tightened his grasp on the Italian corporate
state, Stalin grew more autocratic, the Kuom-
intang put Chinese democracy in abeyance,
Scandinavia socialized itself, rance patched to-
gether a Popular Front, and England, despite
the presence of lily-livered Laborites like Mc-
Donald, passed numerous and effective reform
bills. Similar problems afflicted every nation
-after all, they suffered from a common malaise
--and each, had reacted in a manner that could
not vary too greatly from the general pattern
which involves an enhraiien-,ent of governmental
Those of is who were pretty well satsfled
with the spirit that infused Mr. Roosevelt's
first termr have been unhappy since then be-
cause we Saw its principles were not being
expanded even ont a national scale. The rv-
lutionary ripple has brought a coaier-ievo-
lutionary wave. Now, before the New Deal
can be internationalized, i. must first be re-
vived. To anyone who sees beyond the no
mrenta ry goal of winning World War !i and
punishing the aggressors, it is plain that if
we disregard the direction of a collectivism
which will be upon us will-illy, evil athor-
itarian (ays can be our lot.
Big business, unable wholly to defeat tie New
Deal, has made an alliance with it. Cartel

sympathizers and arteists, per se, are actually
in the cabinet. Neither the Attorney Gene al
nor his assistants is very vigorously engaged in
trust-busting. Monopoly capital has dug its
talons deeply into the fabric of world affairs.
This is no new phenomenon These same inter-
ests have been busily at worK. regionalzing the
world into economic spheres for some deades.
At present they costtute a. sort of Supe-goV-
erment that s responsible to no body of people
other than its stockholders. T-is group i. 0.
Faibenindustrie and its affiliates, can deal a
mortal blow to democracy. We mst remembher.
as Kenneth Leslie ias pointed out, "The basic
truth about cartels s that they tend toward
internationalismn rather than ntionalisn-l, But,
equally basic," he adds, "is the fact that cartel
i trnationalismn tends to0 be the ii ,erna tionali sVt,
of a frozen' economy."
.jst as there i5 deadly danger of thle Big
T hree becoming a front door for desoti power
blocs il the political realn, so sychonoasy
in the econroic sphere, artels might well
douhle stitch that. concentration of athority
and tyranncy. To san int- collectivism and i-
tc'rnationalisyn are upon us anid there isFo
uase struigling against themn. Our only job,
and it is a staggering one, is to choose the
forh into which these miovenes will be east.
VEAPPROACH your esteemed column to
yrgive our impressions on "The Land of
Marajahs" to the various friends in and out-
side the Unversity who have ased for themn
ever since Mr. Fisi c't ecture was firt. ad
We went in with . the hope of seeing some-
thing- about our art, culture, and our way of
life, but all that we saw were buildings photo-
graphed with skill and beauty. It was a de-
light to go back visually to the Gateways of
India, The Ta, and the pageantry of Mysore,
but even the Land of Maharajahs is not just
that, And tile so-called religious rites-- you
can best 'understand our reactions by a simile
Imtagine one of* us going home and giving
a lecture about Michigan, and devoting a great
deal of time to describing ite Itakli School,
the Arboretum, Iill Auditorium, the Union
andl the League, and then set upl)fo' a con-
trast the rituals of the informal initiation, like
rolling in the tuid in the center of the campus,
or feeding boys with lubricating il and throw-
ing them in the ice cold puddles on Hll Fri-
day. But this is not the real Micihigan. Things
not shown in the right perspective distort facts,
and, that is what the "Land of tMaarajas"
amounted to.
Ina the itroduction of thle conmleILtry, Mr.
Fisher mentioned the Cripps i sion of 1942.
HeI Suggested the Indians tried a bard bargain
on the background of Dunkirk, Libya and Singa-
pore. Cripps' mission failed, not because of the
wrong psychological moment, but because the
India National Congress asked fr efective
democracy. In the Cripps plan the ultimate con-
trol remained fixed where it has been for decades
--in the single person of the "Viceroy. The
Viceroy a lone could detem in the composition
of his Council, and lhe was entitled by the Act of
1 935 to dissent, from the niajority opinion of the
Council. There were other points besides, but
you know why it was turned downr as n offer
of fr'eedomi. Nehru also uffered in 1942 complete
nmilitary cooperation, but it, was turned down,
sinlee th a t. meant, the end of British rule.
Ivr. Fisher was remarkable with his camera,
but hie did !tot show US the Land of the
Malia-aahs as we know it. really is.
-A . N. tlkar, Grad.
I~ai aC owdr, irad.
New iplotIiaey
A NEW TONE in our relations with olher na-
-tions became apparent at, the recent Mexicso
City Conference. In an effort, to revive the Pan
American Union, Secretar'y of State Edward
Stettinius displayed an encouraging readiness to
con cede certain small points which otherwise
might have prevented a~reemyent on esetials.

It wats agreed that c hairmanxship of the
organization be shartcd ly all member na -
nations, instead of remaining an exclusive of-
fice oif the United States; th~tt special repre-
sentatives replace Latin : zbassitdors to Wash-
ington as the Union's board of directors-, and
that meetings be held at dt finiite intervals,
rather thanx only at the whime of thie United
States. These adjustments are minnor, but the
points mnight have becomne points for conten-
The, policy indicates the development of a
certain political maturity. We are pierhaps out-
growing the childishness which emphasizes the f
mere tokens of diplomatic power; we have
begun to recognize tile dividig line between
appearance and reality.
We should further develop this attitude of
mind; for it is only by disregarding incidentals
that. we shall be able to concentrate all our
efforts toward attaining that which is ulti-
imately worthwhile.
1N-Latry Brush.

VOL. IX, No. 7
Piiblication inlithe Daily tOfficial Bid-
iet i z cotisti iletive notice 10o all mein-
hers of thie university, Notices for the
Bulletin 5hiti be, seiit in typewritten
forra to the Assstant to tile President,
It i~i Inseli Hail, by 3:33 12,. i, .of the clay
jiie~edrngpirieaoon ri ii 36i a. m. at-
Faculty T-a: President aind Mrhs.
bu thvetl will be at h oine to tniernbers
of the faculty arid other townspeople
onl Sunday", Th"I(el) i3, front 4 9to 64.
o'clock, Cars imay park irithe i-e'
st i-cte'd ;zone o oil ~th t lntvei -t
betwveen 4 and 6:30 pxm.
[Wiaci eetint of the facuilty will be'
field(::on Monday, March 19, inl the
liniver si ty Ellemiyentary School JJA
barar,- The mleeting will convene it.
1 coili l :It is pta'i led tto IMold 1te
Apj-it iistims of the University Cotn-
tcit on Monday, April 16, 'at 4:15 p3m.
inj tU- Rszctl am Anpli ithat 4tu-e,
Notice Relative to Keys and Locks,
Thie Bylaws, Section :3.24, provide:f
Keys and [packs for University Build-
ings. No per son shall own or possess
a key to any University building
except under reg ulations made and
promi lgrated. by the Vice-President
and Secretary. The removal of locks
or the sub:sAtition thterefor of special
or psrivate locks or doors of rooms in1
University building., is prohibited.
Every "authorized" key has been
issued by the Key Clerk, whose office
is in the office of the Department
of Buildings anid Grounds, North
Un iversity Ave. "Authorized" keys
ar-e identifiable and any dean, pro-
fessor, official, w atch man, custodian,
or other proper representative of the

may be granted a Certificate of fEl-
A freshman, during his second sem-
ester of residence, may be granted
a Certificate of Eligibility i-ovided
lie has completed 15i hours or mo-t'
of work with (1) it least one marlk
of A or B and with 'no mna-k of es
than C, or (2) at. least 21/: timers a
m1aii.y 1-onlor pointss houra s and.
withino mar-k ofl,, f.iA -4points, .t-:t,
C-2, 13i 1, E-0),.
Any stuidenlt ii S frst Semester'
of resdeceIiting rank arbove tthat
of14.lr',1t114an' tn"'. y be granted (I'er-
tif cate- of E-I.-ibility if lie wats admait
t~edto 1,0 e Ihli 'r t;; ts gin tO t taitl-
ii .
} q pp V.
t ~1fEtliility l(' Iacral: I1)iOrder to
receivet"a L,1rti f -cat f 01 lig iity va
stuidet mualt; have e rzt1i,neat, least 11
hour. of a:c adentiic ci-edit in thele i-
ceding emstror t6hlusof ct a.
demnic ct-ei,in iith1e pieced ing >-surii -
filer t' ssion , with an av ei-agc of ait
least C, .an1d have at lea"Aiaa,., "ver i~e
fort his nt11 t (.ltac ii(d-fliiCcarc er,
Unri-et-Ioted ti-ades and gia des ol',
and f ai rt.o in 11W-111t-t,('d 1; F ii i
iemovcd rilitlat c td:it ice w i1.1 U iulvter -
Sic gitt t(uifinl the opini'on of
tihe Curii t,t, on S'tudvent A Il airs'
the X or f cannot, be remnoved pi'unp-
tly, the parenthetically rep or ted
graade may be used ini place of theX
or f in computing the average.
Students who are inleligible under
Rule V mitay pt.ieltipa .i.e' only altcu-
til av ing tece ud spec iat l'i'rM-1ffIs(itt
of the Cotli>11i1t+t-'(jy 11 t (itti it AII:,t 1-..
Fra terni ty and ",oror-ity l'kesidenits
-of groups which mnainltain houses on
the camnpus, or which formerly main-
taained houses, should apply to the
Office of the Dean of Students at
once for a blanik for listing current.
Seniors in Ae 'on1 ttical, Civil, Elec-
trical, and Mec han~licacl Enineeroing:
IMr. Perry Gage o~f the Lockheed Air-

University has the right to inspect cr'rft Corporation will interview senl-
keys believed to open University buil- iors who will graduate in June and
dlings at any reasonable time or place,.Oc tuber, 1.945, oni Monday, MVarchi 19,
No person hiolding an authorized key llRm. 13-47 East Enginieer-ing Build-
may order, have made,. or permit to ing. Initer ested, students will pleazse
be ordered or made any duplicate of sign the interview schedule posted onl
his or her University key otherwise the Aeronautical Engineering Bulle-
than through the Kfey Clerk's office,I tin Board. Application blanks, which
nor may lie lend his authorized key. I n-ist lbe filled ouit prior to the intet'-
Ccmplete comipliarnce with the regu-- view, may be obtained in the Acro-
lations would undoubtedly have say Iii~iia niern fie
cad the University arid individuals natclEgnern;fie
numerous losses from theft in the' Ch11ral IUnion Mfembers: Membelars;
peast. In the present war emergency of the Choral Union whose atteni-
compliance is especially desirable and dla ce records are clear, will please
requestedl. Violations of these regu- call for their courtesy basses admnit.-
lations, when found, will be referred tins to .the.=Chicago Symrph-oniy (O-
to the dean or other proper head of chestra concert, Monday, March 19,.
tihe University division concerned tfot between the hours of 9 :30, and 11 :30
his action in. accordance with the a 'nd l and 4 o'clockr. After 4 o'e~clck
pici:ples here set forth.t no passes will be issued,
The Kvey Office at th-e Buildings-

By action of the Board of Regents,
all mnale students of this College, ex-
cept veterans of World War II, must
elect Physical Education for Men,
This action has been effective since
-dine, 1943, and will cotinue for the
durautonr of the war.
Studients may be excused from ta-
ing the course by (1) The University
Ifealtl1i Service, (2) The DBean of the
College or byv his representative, (3)
The Director of 11hysical Education
anid At~hletic.
Petitlins for exemption by 'stu-
dents ite ttis College should be ad-
dre,"sed by freshmien to Professor Ar-
thur: Van Duiren, Chai'ma~n of the
Academic Counselors (108 Masoa
Hil); bv alt other tudents to Asso-
ciate Dean I'> A. Vater (1220 Angel
ExcelptI under ver y etrordintary
('i-cuntmtalkes, no petitions will be
eorsidered a fter the cud of thre third
q ocieothe .1iSpiing Tei-m.
'~rue iAdninistrati-Ve Board of
t~e. College of Literature,
S'ience, and the Arts.
Stuients, Cllege of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
lie electe'dl for credit rafter the end of
the third week or the Spring Terms.
March 24 is therefore the lst date
on which new elections mnay be ap-
proved. The willingnesas of an indi-
viciual istruictor to admit a student
la ter d o(' nt aet, lthe1.1.1a tr aiion of
-- .A. Walter
Mldake-triji exanina~ation in History:
Students who plat to take the exam-
ination which is to be' given March
23 from 4 to 6l in lRm, C,aven Hall,
should consult their instructors in
advantrce and bring witten perm is-
sion with themn at thei( time of thle
miakce-u 1 .,
Mathematics 3894 will be devoted
thi semester to the study of -History
of Relations Between Mathematics
and lIts Applications. Monday, March-
119 a 7p.m., Rm. 3001 Angell Hall,
a general introduction to tie subject
wilt bie given by Professor El-f. Rohe.
I1Mathemnatics 348: Seminar in Ap_1
plied Mathematics and Special Funei-
tionis meets Mondays at 2 pi.m. ini
Rrm. 318 West Engineeiing. Monday,
March 19, Prof essor Copeland will
talk on "rhe Nature of Turbulence."
Ph'lilosophuy til) will met Monday
evening from 7 (sharp) to 8,30 i
Facualty Recital: Mabel Ross Rhead,
Professor of Piano in the School of
Music, will be hear-d in the second of
a series of Sunday evening piano
recitals at 8:30 Sunday, March 8, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her
program wil include compositions by
Bach, Corelli, Ramneau, Mozart and
Scthumann, and wil be open to the
genelci public without charge.
Choral Union C'oncert: The Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestr'a, Desire
Defauw, Conductor, will give the
tenth concert in) the Choral Union
Ser-ies, Monday night, March 19, at
8 :34 o'clock, hi 'hill Auditorium. Mr.
Diefauw has arraniged ,a programa con-
'sisting; of works by Gretry, Respighi,
Ct lazournuft, CI iaussot amnd Berlioz.
A limited nmilber of tickets are
available at, the offices of the Uni-
versi ty musical Society inl Burton
Memroril Tower. After 7 o clockc on
thie night of the ic coet they will be
oni wale at dt, 'ioxn(office in Hill
Arid i torialln.
Events 7"oday
All Latin-American Students are
requested to attend a meeting at 3
1-un. at the International Center to
make arrangements fear a Pan-Amer-
ican Day programr.

The Lii herain Student Association
is having a Scavenger I'unt this
evening. We will meet at Zion. Luth-
eran Parish Hall, 309 R. Washington
St., at 7:30. Come and join in the
funi. Thme regular Association meet-
ing will be held Sunday afternoon at
5 in the Parish Hall. A panel discus-
sion on "What the Bible Says About
Sin" will be led by three students,
Supp;'er will be served at 6 and the
fellowship hour will follow,
Several lishi movies will be shown
in Rackhain Amphiitheater tonight
at 7:30 under the auspices of the
Post-War Ctouncil. Admission is free.
The public is cord ially invited to
GamMA Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, is having a party tonight at
8:30 at the Lutheran Student Center,
1511 Washtena<w.
Corning Events
Intergulhl Council: The regular
meeting will be held Sunday, 1Mtrch
18, at three-thirty at Lane Hall,





By Buy Dixon

! and Grounds department is open
front 1-4:301p.m., Monday through
lFrday antli18-12 a.m., Saturday.
Shirley W. Smrrith
Rules govet-n ing liaxticipatiotI ili
Publlie Activities:4
ParticipAion fin, lublic Acti-vities:
IpartioiPatioi in £a p:ublic actiity is-
delined ras service of airy kind. on a
commr)ittGee or LIptiblication, ini a pub-
lic 1ierforrnan eerIa.i-ellea i-sal, or in
Itoh tin col lice ini a class or other
studeWu< oraization. T'illI1t is not
intenided 1to be exhauistive, bunt merely
is indiceave of the cliaiaclter and
icol(' of thle actirvities included,
Certficate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semiester a-rnd 5111)1-
ci'r session every student shall be
conclusively lpr,-tinnedt to be ineligi-
ble for anyty public activity 'until his
eligib-ility is affirmatively established
by obtaininifrorn the Chiairmani of
the Comimittee on Student Affairs,
ini the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibilit,
P articipation before tile opening oif
the first semester murrst be approved
as at any other time.
B efore permti11itg any students to
participate in a public activity (see
dlefiition of Part~icipationia~e
the chairman or manager of such
acti-vity shall (a) require eacth apli- -
cant to 1.irescnt a certificate of eli-
2-ibihity (bL sign is initials on the
back of such certificate amnd (c) file
with the Chairman of the Committee
on Student Affair's the names of all
those who h avye prlesented certificates
of eligibility and a signled statenmenit
t,0 exclude asll other from participa-
1~o.1011iBlaks, for the chait'man's list~s
may lbe r,ht ained in thle Office of the I
Detirt of Sttt(menus.
Certificates of eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
Mafrch 1.
Probation and Warninug: Students
on probation or' the warned list Lare
forbidden to participate in any p~ub-
lic activit~y.
Elligibility, First Year': No freshi-
man In his first semester of residence
("y Ciod- Reu ohnson
F 7Tirght out of able k iy jj

May Festival Circulars and 'lick-
e ts: Announcements containing de-
tailed programs, biographical sketch -
es of performers, etc., concerning the
Festival, are now available at the
offices of the University Musical so-
ciety in B~ur-ton Memor-ial 'P'ower.
Season ticket s are now ott sale over'
the coun ter'. Beginning Mon day,
Mar~ch 26, the sale of tickets for in-
dividus I cl oncerts will beg:in. Season
tickets ar-c avra ila~ble at V$3.40, and
$7.20; atnd tickets for indiviloal eotin-
ceits will be $1.20, $1 ,80 and $2.40.
$3.00t)'Ill including tax.
All1 Sorority Wom ent living outside
theirirei-spec~tive h ouse.";will Ihave
1t:3 pOiel-missiotl oniiTiiesdlay, lVfaicli
241 an d 'l'tii-sda.y, M arch 22.
Ciyof Detroit Civil Service An-
ncceinent for secondi Operatingi
E-igine er Stearn Engine) , salary $2,-
829) to $3,174, heas been received in
o1111 office. Fo- fut-thet'° infor-mationi
stop in at 201 Mason Hlall, Bur~eau of
Appoin trnenit .
State of New York Civil Servic~e
Amnoua mcricemlYents for DistrictL Ranger,
salary $2,600 to $3,22), F aiin Mana-
ger, $2,1001 to $2,60o0, Gas Inspector,
$1,8300 to $2,300, Institution Photo-
grtapher, $1,650 to $2,150, Junior Ar-
chiitect $2,400 to 3,000, Junior Attor-
ney or Principlal Law Clerk, $2,400 to
$3,000, Office Machine Operator.
(Key Punch---IBM), $1,200 to $1,700,
and Statistics Clerk, $1,200 to $1,700,
have been received in our office. For
further information 5101-) ini at 201
Mason ITall, Bureaui of Appoint=
Bronson= '-Thomas Annual German
Language Award offered juniors and
senior's in Ger'man. The contest will
be held from 2 to 5 p. m. Friday,
March 23, in Rm. 204 University
Hall. The award, in the amount of
$28, will be presented to the student
writing the best essay dealing with
some phase in the development of
Ger'man literature from 1750-19000
Students who wish, to compete and
who have niot yet handed in their
applications should do so imnmediate-
ly in Him 204 Univer-sity .Hall,
K~othe-)F ildner Annual German
Language Award offered students in
Courses 31, 32, 35, and 36. The con-
test, a translation test (German- I

0OURMLITARY EDITOR tells us that the man
holding the batrs for a superior officer who
hands them out to newly commissioned officet-s
is sometimes known as a "bartender."
"It's rumored that all army personnel oan
campujs will be presen-t at the JAG comrmission-
ing exercises today to get in on the tr-aditional
"buck passing."
x -n g x
Whenever freshmen Hopwood announcements
are made, there is always a tea in connection
with it. Proving, we suppose, t~hat: all Hopw-ood
winners are teatotalers.
W 'k *
Germans make a bid for peace on the con-
dition that the Nazis remain in power. What
the Allies want is peace with the Nazis ini


x --

I 7

lAnd that's the trouble with1
Iunderlings, Bar'noby! Can't

F es, Mrs. Bla~ct O'aleen
wo Yesl Mrs Bac, O'Mto ey se }~

lhiige& I've niever evert met

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