lair Jun
Mostly'Cloudy with Showers
Lrate in Day
Hits Japanese
2 Nazi Armies Face Annihilation;
Russian First Army Nears Stettin
Reds Battle
Four Miles
From Port
Forces Penetrate
West To Danzig
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 16-Russian as-
sault forces smashed to within three
and one-half miles of Germany's
great Baltic port of Stettin today and
battled through bitter enemy resist-
ance to a point only six miles west
of the former free city of Danzig.
The German radio said that Mar-
shal GregoryK. Zhukov's First White
Russian Army had penetrated to the
"inner defenses" of Stettin. These ap-
parently were based on the suburban
stronghold of Altdamm, across the
mouth of the Oder River from Stet-
Rosengarten Captured
Zhukov's tanks and infantry cap-
tured Rosengarten, one mile south-
east of Aldamm in their closest ap-
proach to Stettin, northern anchor
of Berlin's Oder river defense line.
Eleven miles south of Stettin, Zhu-
kov's men swept into the Oder river
town of Greifenhagen, guarding a
big highway bridge spanning the riv-
er defense :line, while other Soviet
forces pressed toward Danzig, cap-
turing Ramkau, six miles from the
embattled port.
In East Prussia, Moscow's opera-
tional communique said, the Third
White Russian Army captured 12
more places in the mop-up of the
German pocket near Koenigsberg.
Chimes Cavort
To 0Old1Sol's
Prelude to May
The Liberty Bell rang again yester-
day, or at least a reasonable facsimile
thereof. Several University students
were forever cheated of 15 priceless
minutes of higher education when
the erratic ringing of the Carillon
released classes early.
At 10:40 it first became apparent
that something was in the air. The
clock chimed quarter of, sonorously
and with confidence. Five minutes
later, apparently unperturbed, it re-
peated itself, hesitated, and added a
fourth quarter.
Reversing its usual procedure at 11
a. in., the bell next sounded eleven
strokes, followed by the musical sym-
bol for the hour. After a brief re-
turn to normalcy, the Carillon in-
dulged itself in a veritable orgy,
striking seven quarters straight.
About this time, professors began to'
dismiss classes from sheer frustra-
According to Oscar Prieskorn. elec-
trician foreman of the buildings and
grounds department, it was just tha'
"something was out of adjustment."
However that may be, we are tempted
to add something about bats in the
Today First Saurday Luncheon
at Lane Hal 12:5 piii.
followed by a book re-
view and discussion
Today Post War Council movies
on Poland at 7:30 p. M. in
Rakham Amphitheatre.
Marclh 188 illel Mixer 9 p. mn. to
midnight at the Founda-
March 18 Faculty Recital by Mrs,
Mabel Ross Rhead in Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre,
March 19 Deadline for petitions1
Dr. Colegrove A dvocates
Post War Conscription
Long-Term Military Commitments Make
Draft a Necessity, Says Political Scientist
With the defeat of Germany the
United Nations will be required to
make long-term military commit-
ments and the United States will find
it necessary to continue its system of
Selective Military Service, Dr. Ken-
neth Colegrove, Northwestern Univer-
sity political scientist explained yes-
terday in a lecture in the Rackham
Law Reigns With Force
Speaking on "American Collabora-
tion in the Dumbarton Oaks Chart-
er," Dr. Colegrove said that "Dum-
barton Oaks rests solidly upon the
New Town Hall
Plans Iforma
Campus Debate
Compulsory Post-War
Training Is Subject
Student Town Hall, a new all-
campus discussion group, will hold
its first meeting on compulsory post-
war military training at 7:45 p.m.
Thursday at Lane Hai
Student participation will be stress-
ed in the series of three informal
meetings, according to Martin Sha-
pero, co-chairman with John Condy-
The Stump Speakers of Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speech society, will
open the discussion with a brief de-
bate, presenting background and ba-
sic issues of the compulsory training
Following the debate, all students
will have "the chance to talk instead
of being lectured to," said the organ-
iation's co-chairmen, who believe
that complete emphasis on student
participation will be unique to Stu-
dent Town Hall.
The meetings will be held every
other Thursday. April 5 is the date
of the second meeting which will
have as its topic the eighteen-year-
old vote controversy.
movies To Be
Shown iToday
'Land of my Moter'
Pictures Polish Life
Post-War Council will present mov-
es on Poland at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Rackham Amphitheater.
A technicolor film, "Land of. My
Mother," will picture Polish scenery
and will be narrated by Eve Curie,
French writex. It will include scenes
of the Polish Tatra Mountains and
monuments in Lwow, Krakow, Poz-
nan and Vilno. It will also show
peasants at work in the fields and
Polish mountaineers.
"Scottish Mazurka" will show the
Polish Army training in Scotland af-
ter the fall of France. It will feature
a chorus of Polish soldiers singing
folk songs of Poland and Scotland.
"Polish Underground" will tell the
story of the resistance movement.
Another film will show Polish refu-
gee children in Iran
principle that law will reign only
with force behind it. Education,"
the political scientist asserted, "may
bring law without force. But it will
require several centuries of uniform
education in seventy or more coun-
tries to accomplish this desirable
Nations Not Expected to Disarm
Dr. Colegrove commented that we
cannot expect other nations to dis-
arm and that demobilization on the
part of the United States would lead
to loss of our prestige. He explained
that military training is not for the
welfare of the individual boy but for
the safety of the nation and the peace
of the world.
Because Dumbarton Oaks is only
the beginning of a long procession of
commitments, Dr. Colegrove explain-
ed, a more democratic method of
ratifying treaties should be devised.
He urged that the American people,
by an amendment to the Constitu-
tion, remove the Senate monopoly
over the enactment of treaties and
terminate the two-thirds rule.
Remove Causes of Aggression
"Unless the causes of aggression,
which include barriers to foreign
trade, high tariffs, unfair cartels,
radial discriminations and unjust
boundaries are removed," Dr. Cole-
grove declared, "all the work of the
Big Three and the Security Council
will have been in vain. He pointed
out that "if we allow pacifists and
perfectionists to obstruct world peace
plans, the pendulum of internation-
alism will retreat and may develop
into a dangerous rout."
New Breaks
Made in Ruhr
Supply Road
Yanks 20 Miles
Beyond Moselle
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Mar. 16.-The U.S. First
Army slashed across the great Ruhr
super-highway at two points east of
the Rhine today, and southwardha
sensational break-through by the
Third Army 20 miles beyond the
Moselle River set up two German
armies for imminent annihilation.
These two seasoned, hard-hitting
armies were dealing tremendous body
blows to the reeling armies of the
Reich, while the Seventh Army was
crashing through into Germany from
the south.
Moselle Triangle Collapsing
The Moselle-Rhine triangle-- 80
miles from top to bottom and 85
miles wide at the base-was collaps-
ing under the terrific impact of the
Third and Seventh Armies and it
appeared that soon not a German
would stand on the soil of the Reich
west of the Rhine.
The First Army, carrying a fight
to the enemy fraught with the most
immediate peril, deepened the Rhine
bridgehead to seven miles, swept a
mile north to within three miles of
the open plains of Germany, and
smashed the first big tank-led coun-
The Third Army broke loose along
the Rhine valley on a 14-mile rain-
page that cleaved through the heart
of the enemy defenses between the
Rhine and the Moselle 60 to 70 miles
north of the Germans fighting in
defense of the Saar Basin and the
Bavarian Palatinate.
Senior Engine
Officers Name
Activities Planned
To Revive Spirit
Six senior class committees in the
College of Engineering were an-
nounced yesterday by class officers
Jim Wallis, Bob Precious and Bill
To Revive Class Spirit
Intended to revive class spirit, the
new committees hold office until
October. Among the activities plan-
ned are stag parties, class meetings,
the sale of graduation announce'
ments (for the benefit of the class),
souvenir programs, and tentative
planning for a Senior all which has
been approved by the Student Affairs
The committees are as follows:
Finance: Russ Youngdahl, chair-
man, Paul O'Hara, Ed Schreiber,
Emmons Smith, Mack Milks, Don
McKinnon; Program: Dick Cheno-
weth, chairman, Bob Grandy, Bill
McConnell, Bob Henderson, Ed Har-
ris, Tom Lootens; Social: Tom
Barnes, chairman, Gerald Bouwkamp,
ob Peck, Clem -Bauman, John Jens-
wold, Dick Freeman.
Seitz Chairmans Ca and Gown
Cap and Gown: Dick Seitz, chair-
man, Bob Champion, John Peterson,
Don Vance, Jack Verschoor, Bob Dil-
laway; Announcements: Bob Bennet,
chairman, Dick Barnard, Bill Dull,
Jim Finnegan, Don McGaw, Lynn
Walton; Arrangements: Bill Carlson,
chairman, Bill Jones, Bob Ruggles,
Roger Lewis, Ted Greer, Jim Mac-
County Nears
led Cross Goal
Ninety-Three Per Cent
Of Quota Is Pledged
Ninety-three per cent of Washtenaw
County's minimum quota has been
pledged so far in the Red Cross Drive.
The local membership drive is part
of a nation-wide campaign being car-
ried on simultaneously throughout
the month of March by volunteer
workers in every municipality. City
workers reporting at a luncheon yes-
terday redoubled their efforts to put
the drive over the top.
As reports from the student drive
were yet to come in, latest totals
from the Army Units on campus and
University personnel indicated that
together they have added $540 to
their last figures.
Army Units have contributed to,
date a total of $2,074. Co. B has
turned in a 100 per cent report. Fac-
ulty and University personnel, re-
porting their donations through the
University Business Office, have con-
tributed approximately $3,700.
The quota set for student donations
is $5,500, of which $4,000 will be soli-
cited by the League and the remaind-
er by the Union.
on the Mitsubishi airplane plant and
Kawasake locomotive plant, its crew
reported to Associated Press Corre-
spondent Elmont Waite.
The Superforts swept over Kobe
at only a one-mile altitude to dump
their loads on Japan's principal sea-
port and shipping center.
Maj. Leon Lowry, San Carlos,
Calif., said "everything worked slick."
He reported only light antiaircraft
fire, although he saw searchlights
piercing the skies from Osaka, hav-
ocked only three daysbefore by an-
other 2,000-ton raid.
Although the 21st Bomber Com-
mand announced only that a "very
large task force" of B-29s attacked,
indications were that more than 300
aircraft participated.
This was the fourth great strike-
all incendiary-on Japan's major
cities in eight days and the first
mass B-29 assault of the war on
Tokyo was hit a week ago today in
the first big attack inaugurating the
new strategy of burning down the
enemy's industrial areas.
Nagoya was hit two days later,
March 12 and Osaka on March 14.
All the raids were staged in the
dark hours soon after midnight.
The three previous raids-details
of the Kobe attack are not yet
available-caused great conflagra-
tions, much damage to industries,
burned out many square miles of
congested areas and caused the
Japanese government to make
many changes in its air raid de-
A "sizeable" force of the sky giants
previously had hit Kobe Feb. 4, start-
ing 34 fires. They also smacked the
Kawasaki aircraft engine factory at
Akashi town, 10 miles west of Kobe,
on Jan. 19.
* * *
Iwo Taken in
Bloodiest Battle
By 'te Associated Press
QUARTERS, Guam, Saturday, Mar.
17-Three American Marine Divisions
sustained 19,938 casualties, including
4,189 dead, in capturing Iwo Jima
for an advanced air base 750 miles
from Tokyo, fleet Adm. Chester W.
Nimitz announced today.
Iwo was the bloodiest, toughest and
costliest battle in the 168-year histo-
ry of the United States Marines,
their officers agreed.
Yanks Bomb Kobe
In Dawn Attack
Over 300 Superforts Drop 2,500 Tons
Of Incendiaries on Shipbuilding City
By The Associated Press
21ST BOMBER COMMAND, Guam, March 17--(Saturday)-More
than 300 B-29s dropped 2,500 tons of incendiaries on Kobe-Japan's great
shipbuilding center and sixth largest city-in a pre-dawn attack today.
Bombs from the second plane over the target started a string of
fires in the important dock areas. Resultant fires illuminated the previously
blacked-out city.
Tethrplnscrddrc is
Defauwv To Conduct Chicago
Symphony Orchestra Monday
Akers Elected
President of
Grad Council
Bill Akers was elected chairman of
the temporary Graduate Council at a
meeting of graduate students in the
Rackham Building Thursday evening,
March 15. He will direct organiza-
tion of elections . for, a permanent
Council and will sponsor the All-
Graduate Party which is to be given
Friday, March 23.
Dean C. S. Yoakum GivesTalk
Before the election, Dean C. S.
Yoakum gave a brief, informal talk
in which he stressed the need for an
organization which would represent
all branches of the Graduate schools
and would promote social activities
among the graduate students.
The graduates plan to revive inter-
departmental co-operation and social
life which will make use of the facili-
ties provided in the Rackham Build-
ing. They will form a permanent
Council, comparable to the pre-war
organization, which will be elected
early in April.
One Officer on Council
The chairman will be the only of-
ficer of the temporary council. Akers,
a transfer from the University of
Texas, is a student of chemical engi-
neering. This is his second semester
at the University.
To Be Chosen
March 23 Announced
As Date of Election
A special campus election in order
to elect two new vice-presidents to
the Board of Directors of the Mich-
igan Union will be held from 8:45
a. m. to 2:45 p. in., March 23, it was
announced by the Men's Judiciary
Council which is in charge of the
The vice-presidents will be chosen
by schools, one to represent the Law
School, and the other to represent the
combined schools of Business Admini-
stration, Music, Forestry, Education,
and Public Health. Only men stu-
dents in the above schools will be
eligible to vote in this election.
Deadline for petitions, which
should be turned in to the Student
Offices of the Union, will be Mon-
day afternoon. These petitions
should contain the candidate's quali-
fications, his experience in extra-cur-
ricular activities, and the platform
he would uphold if elected to the
Board. A statement of the qualifica-
tions and program of each candidate
will be printed in The Daily next
Prof. Sellars
Speaks at Hillel
"We must put our own house in
order if we expect to do well in a
world organization," stated Prof. Roy
W. Sellars of the philosophy depart-
ment in an address delivered at Hil-
lel Foundation last night.
Prof. Sellars explained that in or-
der to alleviate such conditions as
racial discrimination, any laws pass-
ed in that direction must have edu-
cation as a prerequisite. Understand-
ing of such problems must be stress-
ed in order for remedial measures to
be of any value. The moral idea
through which we should approach
Desire Defauw will conduct the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra in a
concert at 8:30 p. m. Monday in Hill
Auditorium under the sponsorship of
the University Musical Society.
Owns Own Home
The orchestra is one of the few or-
ganizations of its kind which owns its
own home-Orchestra Hall. During
its season the orchestra gives six ser-
ies of concerts at its home.
The principal of these is the sym-
phony series. The others consist of
E.. Prevails
In Anig arbor
Mayor Leigh Young indicated yes-
terday that Ann Arbor will continue
on Eastern War Time, unless "the
city council rules differently next
Meanwhile, University President
Alexander G. Ruthven stated that
the time controversy "hung in the
balance," with the Board of Regents
scheduled to consider the issue in
their monthly meeting 10 days away.
For the present, the University will
abide by the tentative Ann Arbor
ruling, he added.
Popular concerts and two series of
Young People's concerts.
. Dr. Defauw has appeared as guest
conductor with the leading European
orchestras, including the Berlin Phil-
harmonic, the Augusteo of Rome, and
the orchestras of Vienna, Moscow,
Leningrad, Madrid, and Budapest.
He served as conductor of the New
Symphony Orchestra of London for
four years. He founded the "Con-
certs Defauw" in Brussels and estab-
lished a permanent national orche-
stra in Belgium.
Appearances in America
In America he has appeared as
guest conductor with tihe NBC Sym-
phony, the Boston and the Detroit
Symphonies, and at the time of his
appointment as, Musical Director of
the Chicago Symphony he was the
director of the "Concerts Sympho-.
niques" of Montreal.
Monday's program is as follows:
Balet Suite From "Cephale et Procris"..
...................... G retry
"The Birds," Suite for Small Orchestra..
Symphonic Poem, "Stenka Razine," Op.
Symphony in B-Flat majpr, Op. 20..
............ ........... Chausson
Selections for "Damnation of Faust"..
Maj.-Gen. Cramer To Deliver
Address at Exercises Today
Major General Myron C. Cramer
will review the role of the Judge Ad-
vocate General Department when he
delivers the commencement address
to 74 graduating Judge Advocates,
at formal JAG School graduation
exercises, 10 a. m. today, at 100 Hut-
chins Hall.
Other speakers at the exercises will
be Major General Russel B. Rey-
State Enrollhnent Speaks for Value of Extension Courses
nolds, Commanding General, Sixth
Service Command, here on his first
visit to Ann Arbor and the JAG
School, and E. Blythe Stason, Dean
of the Law School. Both speakers
will be introduced by Lieutenant Col-
onel Reginald Miller, Commandant
of the School and Commanding Of-
ficer of all military personnel sta-
tioned at Ann Arbor.
At yesterday's Parade, held in the
Law Quadrangle, 45 graduates of the
10th Officer Candidate class and 29
members of the 21st Officer class
were ireviewed by Gen. Cramer, Gen.
-Reynolds, Colonel William H. Mc-
Carty, Commanding Officer, District
One, Sixth Service Command, De-
troit; Colonel Oscar Rand, Staff
Judge Advocate, Sixth Service Com-
mand; other guest officers, and offic-
ers of the JAG School faculty.
There are those who never cease to
Although the University Corre-
spondence Study Division of the Ex-
tension Service numbers among its
1,500 Michigan studients- house-
wives, war workers, hosnital pa-
tients, professional men- anyone
"Who wants to learn."
Detroit leads the state with 134
correspondent students, with Ann
read to her; ministers, Willow Run
workers, and high school students
are taking advantage of the courses.
In Stambaugh, Mich., 40 boys, all
1n one class, are taking correspon-
dence work.
Oldest student until a few weeks
ago was a 78-year-old man, taking
Spanish courses who dropped the
work, to take a job in a war plant,
"because so many younger men are
going off to the armed serviue"