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May 16, 1945 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-16

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Meet Indiana

This Weekeru

I -

fIlaking the tGun44
Dully Sports Edlito,

Michigan-Hoosier Conte
Major Effect Upon Big Te

A5 THE NOTRE DAME spring football drills draw to a close, Coach Hugh
Devore is quite certain that the team he fields next September will
equal s me of the past great Irish squads.r reDvrewsstsid
with his spring drills, since he is assured of having enough veterans on
hand to bolster the inexperienced personnel.
The quarterback position on the Irish squad, which has featured an
outstanding gridder year in and year out, will find this year no exception,
as this post can be ably filled by Frank Dancewicz, who handled the
assignment completely last season. Dancewicz will be a senior this year,
and since he was regarded as one of the best passers in the Midwest last
season, the added experience he has picked up produces an additional
sigh of content in the coaching ranks at South Bend.
George Ratternian, outstanding basketball nlayer on the Irish cage
team this year. has also merited praise for his ability as a quarterback,
and If past experience is any indicattion, he should be in the thick of
the fight for that position.
WJHEN RATTERMAN arrived on thie Notre Damne campus last summer, he
was hailed as one of the best Ibacks to come out of Cincinnati, rated on
a par with Bob Hoernschmeyer. However, Ratterman broke his collar-
bone shortly before the start of the '44 season and didn't play again until
spring drills started this year.
Since spring practice is concerned mainly with the fundamentals
of football, Ratterman hasn't had a chance to demonstrate his ability -
in actual competition, but his performances were more than credit-
able. One of the prime requisites of an Irish quarterback is that he
can pass, which Ratternman convinced Devore that he could do, as well
as being adept at picking holes, demonstrating poise, and showing
sheer speed.
Some of the other outstanding prospects for this fall's squad include
Fred Schmidt, 210-pound fullback from New Jersey, whose aggressiveness
was noticed more than once during recent workouts.
Two other Jersey boys who have discharges from the service, Tom
Potter, 185-pound guard, and Matt Seidlicki, 210-pound tackle, com-
plete te list of promiiv newcoers who reported for spring training.k,
powerful center last year, will also be back on campus when fall practice
begins, and with the entrance of most of the better high school players
in school this fall, it looks as if the Irish are ready to start their long
climb back to the football pinnacle which fans usually associate with the
name of their school.

Lo ithien, Bowm1an1
To Share Hurling
When the Wolverine baseball team
meets the Hoosiers of Indiana Friday
and Saturday at Ferry Field, the
clash between the Conference leaders
will be, in the words of Coach Ray
Fisher, '"a natural".
Both the clubs will be carrying a
perfe'ct season average of 1.000 into
the fray, and the outcome will have
a direct bearing on the results of
the Conference title race. The Maize
and Blue nine is now riding on the
crest of a ten-game winning streak.'
having dropped only their opener to
Western Michigan April 13.
Ilas Won Ten
Indiana has piled up a formidable I
record so far this year, also winning
ten tilts, against a lone loss and a
tie. The Hoosiers have racked up a
total of 97 runs in chalking up their
victories, while their pitchers have
Two Conference tams Ilinoi pand
Purdue, have bowed before the Bloo-
mington crew.
In the Illinois series, the Hoosiers
had an easy time of it in the first
game, wvinning 10-2. But in the sec-
ond, the clubs played to a 6-6 tie
which was called at the end of 15
innings. Don DeArmond, the Indiana
hurler who is slated to pitch Satur-
day against Michigan, hurled six-hit
ball for 13 innings, but was finally
Six over .300
Purdue, who bowed twice last wveek-
end to an impressive Wisconsin club,

gve two victories to the Indiana
nine, 8-6 and 8-4, thus losing their
chance of finishing on Lop in the
Six lettermen froni last year's In-
diana squad will be making the trip
this week-end, and another six are
now batting over the .300 mark. Ted
Kluszewski, the regular center-fielder
and clean-up hitter; Mike Linko,.
left-fielder; Al Kralovansky, first
baseman; Ed Zabek, shortstop; Bob
Miller, third baseman and lead-off
man; and Ed Murray, right-fielder,
are all hitting the ball above the
magic average.
Fisher Pleased
Coach Fisher. who is encouraged
over the showing made by his club
in conquering Notre Dame, 12-3, is
looking forward to a close, hard-
fought series. He was elated at the
way the Wolverines performdd at
the plate, especially the showing
made by Jack Weisenburger. Domi-

sts To Have
'n Standings
nic Tomasi, and Walt Kell, who all
rapped out three hits.
Leaden skies and wet grounds are
preventing the squad from getting
all the outdoor practice it needs for
the crucial series, but workouts are
going on "per schedule." Ray "Red"
Louthen, the big right-hander who
has won four straight, and "Bo"
Bowman, last year's leading Confer-
ence hurler, will share the mound
duties in the Indiana series.
ODT Curtails
Sports Travel

BOARD OF STRATEGY-Team Capt. Don Lund and baseball Coach
Ray Fisher get their heads together on plans for winning another
Western Conference championship.


CrilerBesee by Queries
Of GIs During Panama Trip


Teams in Sports Gala

Five service teams will compete in
a sports carnival on Friday, May 25',
from 6 to 9 p.m. CWT (7 to 10 p.m.
This carnival will be a major event
in intramural athletics for the spring'
season. The Marines, Naval ROTC,
and Battalions One, Two, and Three
have contingents entered in the car-
nival. These teams have been con-
testing throughout the past season.

The carnival will be held in the
sports Building and will beon to
the public. There will be six events,
including eight boxing and 16 wrest-.
ling matches, gymnastics, finals of
the paddleball and volleyball tour-
naments, and a swimming meet. Be-
sides these events, exhibitions in
badminton, handball, squash, and
weight-lifting will be given.

"GI's in the Panamanian Comn-
mand Area, like most soldiers, are
tremendously interested in almost
every form of sports, but they do
no gt nouh ifration tosts
0.(Fritz) Crisler said yesterday.
Crisler's commission, recently re-
turned from a tour of the Panama-
nian area, was showered with ques-
tions concerning almost every con-
ceivable type of sport. On occasion,
Crisler would put himself on the spot
and say that any serviceman asking
him a sports question that he could-
n't answer would be greatly rewarded.
Crisler Repartee
One GI, thinking he had the re-


ward in his pocket, confidently ask-
ed, "What is the longest quick kick
on record?" After hesitating a mo-
ment, Crisler asked, "Son, do you
When the boy said that he didn't,
Crisler confidently remarked, with
customary wit, "95 yards!"
But there were many serious quer-
ies asked of the coordinator of ath-
letic facilities in the zone. One such
question was, "Did Evashevski make
Harmon?" Crisler would answer that
neither of these football greats would
shave been nearly as outstanding
without the other.
TEvashevski certainly contributed
to Harmon's greatness, but so did the
entire line. Harmon also made 'Evy'
and the line the great blockers that
they were. I would say they sup-
plemented each other. But in an
open field, Harmon's speed and agil-
ity spoke for themselves," Crisler
would retort.
However, all Crisler's time was not
spent answering questions. Most of
his time was devoted to setting up a
comprehensive sports program,
Established Programn
Crisler and his aides succeeded in
establishing a football schedule that
runs from June to October and a
basketball league that will cover the
same months. "The climate of Pa-
nama is unlike ours, and there are
mne months of rain," Crisler said.
This made it necessary to have
the football and basketball seasons
during the rainy months and hold
baseball and boxing during the drier
days. Thus, he concluded, 'boxing
lasts from October to December, and
baseball follows frmm Doeuebr to
Major ea~gue Sta idimgs

easy \victOry

W~lvrine . p YOU R SP IRIT
Visitor Take Second
Crack at Trackmen
In its last dual meet before the
Western Conference Championships,
Michigan's once-defeated track team
will face Purdue at Ferry Field next
This meet will be the second crack
the Boilermakers will have at the
Michigan powerhouse this season.
The Wolverines won an easy victory
over Miami and Purdue in a triangu- f rom $8 95
lar' meet two weeks ago, scoring 80
points against 40 for Purdue.
Purdue Expects Firsts\
Nonetheless, the visitors are con-
ceded a chance of taking firsts in
five of the fourteen events. Boris
Dimancheff, all-Conference half-
back last season, and Ben Harvey
should make a strong bid for the first
two places in the 100-yard dash and TO THE FLATTERY of a nipped-i) waistline, add the courtiei
the 220. Dimancheff beat out Julian
Witherspoon for first in the 100 at touch of finely worked tailoring and you have a slack suit thai
Lafayette two weeks ago, and Har-
vey ran the distance in ten seconds gives you "figure-perfect" chic. Tailored to careful perfictior
flat in Purdue's last dual meet.
Dimachef, winerof te bradn Rayon gabardine, Rayon flannel, or Congo cloth . . . Saddl<
jump in the triangular meet, is also stitching, Mexican embroidery trim, or the combination of two-
favored in that event. Dick Kilpat-
rick, the Drake Relays champ, is tone colors add a novelty touch Grey, Navy, Brown or Mexican
given the edge in the high jump.
Featuring Dhnancheff and Harvey, colors. Sizes 1 0-20.
the Boilermaker mile relay team,
which also includes Don Weber and
Larry Nielsen, should give Michigan
stif competition.
Purdue chances Slim I
Weaker in the hurdles and the C U t L t a ///afm
other field events, Purdue stands J ( R
only an outside chance of beating the
team that outscored them by 40
- - -

~ ' .C

er~ NOT OV~
'~ -

New York
Brooklyn . ...
Chicago ...,.
St. Lvuis ....
Pittsburgh ...
Boston ..,.
PmIla deli a

. 18 5
.....14 6
... . 10 10
.. ..10 10
.....9 11
8 11
7 1I
* 5 17




EVftDVUDY~M/ ind&
i#wyp'ioa ~erWarIond~

Ne Yrk5Chicg 4.


T Japa have boasted they're
ready for a hunidred years of
war if necessary. And they mean it!
It's up to you-everybody-tci
pour out America's might NOW in
the Mighty 7th War Loan to show
the sons of Nippon that their -days
are actually numbered. And don't
forget, either, that the Mighty 7th
takes the place of the two drives
that were scheduled by this time

last year. That means, to do your
part, you must buy MORE BOMDS and
BIGGER BONDS. For never has the
need been greater. Mountains of
equipment must still be made,
shipped across thousands of miles
of ocean and sent into battle before
the final hour of this war.
When you think you've bought
all the War Bonds you can, that'a
the time to buy more. -

New York *..13
Detroit .. 11
St. Louis ,. 9
Washingt en ,..10
Boston .,,.. . 8
Cleveland .... 6

7 .650-
7 .611 1
9 .500 3
12 .455 4
12 .429 4
12 A400 5
13 .316 6%

Tim fo aget-together. Have a Coke
I 2 a
..or making the party a success

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