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May 16, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-16

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Trials May Reveal 'Secrets'


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon..;
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy.
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
*,Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions' during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
German People
ADOLF HITLER has died many times in the
last few weeks. What is of significance, how-
ever, is not so much his death itself but the
manner in which he died. What is of signi-
ficance is that none of his reported deaths is
the result of an anti-Hitler uprising. And that
is significant because it manifests again that
the Germans wanted Hitler, believed in him and
what he did, and did not falter in that belief
up to the last day.
Contrast this with our other former Fascist
enemy, the Italians. Mussolini was killed by
partisans. The Italians as fighters are a stand-
ing joke in this war, and they fought poorly
because they simply were not interested in what
they were theoretically fighting for. The Ital-
ians never took to anti-Semitism, to torture
on a grandiose scale, to mass murder, the way
the Germans did. The Italians have no Dachau
or Buchenwald to their credit. The Italians
did not produce scientists who devoted their
talents to inventing new methods for killing
more and more people. But the Italians did
organize a partisan movement that aided the
Allies and cost the Fascist leader and numer-
ous'of his satelites their lives. Similarly, all
the countries conquered by the Germans had
underground forces that worked against the
oppressor. A German partisan movement against
the Nazis has never given adequate evidence
of its existence. Good Germans seem to have
a knack for being out when the time is ripe
for them to display their virtue.
Adolf Hitler once said that the German
people were in complete accord with him.
That was one of his few true statements.
We would do well to bear it in mind.
-Eunice Mintz
SEVERAL weeks ago the New Yorker printed
an amusing cartoon showing a couple of
hypothetical novelty salesmen comparing bric-
a-brac to be sold in San Francisco during the
Peace Conference. The humor of a couple
of weeks ago is very real but not so funny
today as movie stars, publicity seekers, and oth-
er hangers-on crowd the west coast city in an
attempt to turn the international meeting into
a combination circus, state fair, Broadway
amusement gallery and Democratic National
Pictures in Life magazine show our highly-
touted American "celebrities" at the peak of
their self-abasement. To them the dishonor
they pay the nation is incidental. It is
unlikely that they will change their conduct
in response to anything less than the letters
and editorial comment which represent their
only criterion-receipts at the box office.
-Milt Freudenheim
Dog Quarantine
IN CASE you have forgotten, and it seems many
people have, there is a dog quarantine in
Washtenaw County.
The quarantine ruling was enacted recently

to protect pedestrians and livestock from a
dread disease-rabies. Residents of Ann Arbor
and the county have been requested to keep

A QUIET move is under way to get France's
ex-Premier Edouard Herriot invited unof-
ficially to the U. S. A., perhaps by Harvard, to
cement relations with France, sagging as a
result of De Gaulle-State Department bungling.
Before France fell, Roosevelt proposed that 100
French leaders come to England or the U.S.A.
to lead France from the outside, but Herriot
refused. He said the leaders of France should
stay and suffer with their people; also that the
men who would lead France after the war would
be those who suffered privation in France dur-
ing the war.
A lot of people are not at all happy about
having French collaborationist Premier Laval
brought to trial. He has a strong box in a
Madrid bank containing correspondence with
various people, including the British, which
won't look good if made public in court. . . .
Marshal Petain is in the same boat. He
even has a signed treaty with Churchill. . . ,.
Some day the real reason why Mussolini was
shot instead of being brought to trial will
leak out. He also had some papers.
If Hermann Goering really goes to trial, the
true story of the mysterious Rudolph Hess
flight to Scotland finally will be told. Some
people are not too anxious to have Goering
stand trial publicly.
New Jersey justice. . .
NEW JERSEY'S Attorney General Van Riper,
though let off by one jury, still faces a
charge of check kiting, plus another on income
tax evasion. . . . When Chief Justice Stone of
the Supreme Court was U. S. Attorney General
under Coolidge he fired Van Riper from the
Justice Department, but Senator Walter Edge
did his best to have him reinstated. Today
Edge, now governor of New Jersey, is still try-
ing to protect Van Riper. . . . The parole
board is split two-to-one against letting Louisi-
ana's ex-Governor Dick Leche out of jail. The
one member who wants to let him out is T.
Webber Wilson from the neighboring state of
Mississippi. But Edward Reidy and Arthur
Wood are opposed.
Jonathan Daniels, retiring White House
press chief, was offered by Truman the job of
Rural Electrification Administrator. He turn-
ed it down to go with the MacMillan Pub-
lishing Company. . . . If general William
O'Dwyer doesn't run for mayor of New York,
Warner Brothers have offered him a top spot
in their company. . . . Liberty correspond-
ent Burnet Hershey, returning from the war
zone, reports that various Allied groups al-
ready have begun grabbing for the huge Ger-
man gold cache U. S. troops found in a salt
mine. The gold bars are not stamped with
the name of any country, and Holland has
pointed out that part of her gold reserve was
snitched by the Nazis.
Barney Baruch's Dream ...
BARNEY BARUCH has laid before President
Truman an up-in-the-clouds proposal to
reduce the cabinet to the State, War, Navy and
Treasury Departments, plus three other posts
not now of cabinet status-Office of War Mobi-
lizer, Foreign Economic Administrator and Bar-
ney Baruch, himself. Barney is a little vague
about what his job should be, but he is not
vague about the fact that he wants a job in the
cabinet. . . . President Truman listened to
Baruch with outward cordiality, pretended he
would think it over.
Democratic Chairman Hannegan has decid-
ed not to go to the Philippines on the junket
with Senator Tydings. (There aren't any votes
in the Philippines.) . . . Filipino leaders
complain that when they go to see Tydings,
chairman of the insular affairs committee,
he snaps at them: "Talk fast, talk fast."...
Far-sighted General Fred Osborn, chief of
the Army'g special services division is com-
pleting arrangements for opening a univer-
sity in Paris where American soldiers can
study until they are shipped home. . . . Al-
though Portugal broke off relations with
Germany just before V-E Day, she refused to
cooperate with the Allies on the day follow-
ing her break when the U. S. State Depart-

ByRayDixon 1
N ATTEMPT is being made this month to re-
vive "class games," the annual pre-war war
between sophomores and freshmen. Evidently
the idea is for the sophs to prove that the
freshmen are too fresh and for the freshmen
to prove that the sophomores are too sopht.
Some people call this sort of stuff "silly"
while others call it "class spirit." We are
neutral. Just so no one gets the perennial
idea of having the freshmen wear pots.
A pot is a cap that no one gets much enjoy-
ment out of except the guy who sells them.
We understand that this pot-time employment
can be very lucrative.
And we can't help but feel that a good
percentage of the energy spent organizing a
program of this kind would be better used if
directed toward organizing a bond drive or
tag day sale.

ment asked Portugal to "block all German and
other enemy accounts and safe deposit boxes."
The Portugese refused, declaring such action
would mean war with Germany.
Vandenberg's Chiiwaman' y
SENATOR Arthur Vandenberg i working sin-
cerely and energetically at being a states-
man and bringing good-will to the Allies. But
he's not doing so well with the Chinese. The
other day, Vandenberg was asked some questions
by newsmen about proposed amendments to the
United Nations charter.
"They don't have a Chinaman's chance," was
his reply. Four chinese newsmen present were
furious, said nothing.
Note--The late Secretary of the Navy Frank
Knox got into the same kind of trouble right
after Pearl Harbor when the Chinese ambas-
sador called to express China's sorrow at
Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.
"We'll fix those yellow-bellied so and so's,"
exploded Knox in reply.
Belgian Exit . .
HOUGH put in the shade by the spectacular
figures of Eden and Molotov, San Francisco
is studded with notable world statesmen. One
is Belgian Foreign Minister Henri Spaak, jailed
for two years by the Germans in the last war,
and imprisoned by Franco and Petain while a
refugee in this war. . . . Spaak is one of Bel-
gium's foremost socialists, his mother having
been a strong socialist and Belgium's only
woman senator. . . . The Belgium delegation to
San Francisco represents all walks of political
life, including an active member of the Com-
munist party, Dr. Albert Marteaux, the Minister
of Public Health. He is also a physician and
was imprisoned ten months in Spain by Franco,
. . . Another Belgian delegate, Victor Dele-
velye, gave up his law practice to fight the Fas-
cists and is originator of the "V for Victory"
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
current Movies
At the State
O CELEBRATE the gala re-lighting of the
town's marquees, the State brings in one of
the year's more important attractions, a Selz-
nick production called "I'll Be Seeing You."
You've probably heard a lot about this film,
because despite it's capricious title, it deals
with the problem of returning serviceien. It
is the first major, serious effort to explore this
problem, and as such it demands more than
passing attention.
"I'll Be Seeing You" does not rank as a
study of the over-all problem because it deals
with an abnormal case, a psychopathic soldier.
Also, the situation in which the soldier finds
himself is not a normal one. The film details
his meeting with a girl on Christmas parole from
prison and the resolution of their problems as
they spend the holidays together.
If "I'll Be Seein You" lacks sope, it is
still an Admirable piece of work. Joseph Cot-
ton's portrayal of the soldier is one of the
year's better performances. Ginger Rogers
makes a remarkably chic prison inmate. Shir-
ley Temple is involved in the proceedings also
and while she seems a little worse than usual,
she does not seriously detract from the over-
all effect of the film. The production is up
to the usual tasteful Selznick standards.
At te Mihign . . .
1ETRO'S animated recruiting poster, "Keep
Your Powder Dry," is typical Hollywood
fluff. Starting out with the purpose of glor-
ifying the Women's Army Corps, it ends up
as a three-ring glamour circus which is more
interested in Lana Turner's pout and Laraine
Day's coiffeur than it is in presenting a co-
herent picture of life in the WACs. It's a
typical product of movie-land, smartly cast,
mounted and photographed and quite inconse-
Which isn't to say that "Keey Your Powder
Dry" is altogether hopeless. It's the type of

thing movie patrons have been supporting
for years, and it quite probobly mwill prosper.
The aforementioned three rings are occupied
by Lana Turner, Laraine Day and Susan Pet-
ers, which takes care of the scenic end of the
production in fine style.
This staggeringly photogenic trio has not
been provided with the world's best script,
however. Metro has simply applied the old
service-film formula which has been previously
applied to West Point, the Marine Corps, An-
napolis, the Army Air Corps, etc., etc. It's
simply in skirts this time, and still wheezing
with age despite the novelty of its new sur-
roundings. It roughly involves three WAC re-
cruits. Two, Miss Turner and Miss Day, feud
constantly for diverse reasons. Miss Peters is
the tried and true friend who likes them both
and referees from the sidelines.
Although "Keep Your Powder Dry" is cer-
tainly a film of little significance, it cannot be
called the worst film of the year. It's just that
one hates to see the Women's Army Corps play
a supporting role to the Hollywood glamour

VOL. LV, No. 148
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angel Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts; College of Pharmacy;
School of Business Administration;
School of Education; School of For-
estry and Conservation; School of
Music; School of Public Health:
Spring Term, Schedule of Examina-
tions: June 16 to June 23, 1945.
Note: For courseshaving both le-
tures and quizzes, the time of exer-
cise is the time of the first lecture
period of the week; for courses hav-
ing quizzes only, the tim of exer-
cises is the time of the first quiz
period. Certain courses will be ex-
amined at special periods as noted
below the regular schedule. To avoid
misunderstandings and errors, each
student should receive notification
from his instructor of the time and
place of his examination, Instruc-
tors in the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts are not permitted
to change the time of examination
without the approval of the Exami-
nation Committee. All hours listed
are CWT.
Time of Exercise Examination
Monday at 7 .......Sat., June 16, 1-3
Monday at 8 ... .Tues., June 19, 1-3
Monday, 9: Mon., June 18, 9:30-11:30
Mon., 10: Thurs., June 21, 9:30-11:30
Monday at 12 . . . .Fri., June 22, 7-9
Monday, 1: Wed., June 20, 9:30-11:30
Monday, 2: Sat., June 16, 9:30-11:30
Tuesday at 7 . . ..Mon., June 18, 7-9
Tuesday at 8 ....Fri., June 22, 1-3
Tuesday at 9 .... Thurs., June 21, 1-3
Tuesday at 10 . .. .Wed., June 20, 7-9
Tuesday at 12 .. . . Tues., June 19, 7-9
Tuesday at 1 . . . .Sat., June 16, 7-9
Tuesday at 2 . . Thurs., June 21, 7-9
Conflicts, Make, Irregular: Sat., June
23, 7-9
Special Periods, College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts:
Zoology 42.......Sat., June 16,'7-9
Soc. 51, 54 . .Sat., June 16, 9:30-11:30
Span. 1, 2, 31, 32 .. Mon., June 18, 1-3
Ger. 1, 2, 31, 32 ..Mon., June 18, 1-3
Pol. Sci. 1, 2, 51, 52: Tues., June 19,
Speech 31, 32 . .Wed., June 20, 1-3
French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62, 91, 92,
153.......,..Wed., June 20, 1-3
Chem. 55 . .Wed., June 20, 9:30-11:30
English 1, 2 .. . . Thurs., June 21, 7-9
Ec. 51, 52, 53, 54: Thurs., June 21, 7-9
Botany 1. .Fri., June 22, 9:30-11:30
Zoology 1 ..Fri.. June 22, 9:30-11:30
School of Business Administration:
Courses not covered by this schedule
as well as any necessary changes will
be indicated on the School bulletin
School of Forestry: Courses not
covered by this schedule as well as
any necessary changes will be indi-
cated on the School bulletin boar1.
School of Music: Individual In-
struction in Applied Music: Individ-
ual examinations by appointment
will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elec-
ted for credit in any unit of the
University. For time and place of
examinations, see bulletin board at
the School of Music.
School of Public Health: Courses
not covered by this schedule as well
as any necessary changes will be
indicated on the School bulletin

Identification Cards: Because of
the shortage of film and paper it has
been decided that identification cards
which were issued for the Summer,
Fall and Spring of 1944-45 will be
revalidated for the Summer Term
1945. All students 'planning to at-
tend the Summer Term should hold
their cards for validation at the time
of registration.
Men's Residence Halls: Reappli-
Picture Banned
IN A country fighting'for democratic
principles, including racial and
social equality, the action of the
Memphis, Tenn. Board of Motion
Picture Censors in banning the
motion picture "Brewster's Millions"
from Memphis theatres is discourag-
The board gave as reasons for
the action the importance of the
role of "Rochester" (movie com-
edian Eddie Anderson) who had
"too familiar a way about him"
and that the picture "presents too
much social equality and racial
-Jeanne S. Cockburn
By Crockett Johnson

Illustrated by Hilda Terry
- l
"'Mr. Boggle wants a glass of milk, tomato and lettuce
sandwich and a War Bond without mayonnaise."




cations for the Summer and Fall
Terms must be returned to the Office
of the Dean of Students by May 18
in order to be considered before
assignments are made to incoming
State of Connecticut Civil Service
announcement for Assistant Social
worker, $1500 per annum, has been
received in our office. For further
information stop in at 201 Mason
Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
The Fair Store: Chicago, Ill, is
interviewing senior girls for perma-
nent positions and undergraduates
or summer work on Thursday, May
7 in our office. If interested, call
Bureau of Appointments, University
Exension 371 for an appointment.
Transcontinental and Western Air-
lines: Representative is going to be
in our office Thursday, May 17, to
interview all seniors who are inter-
ested in positions as hostesses, reser-
vationists, and ticket agents. Girls
who are interested should call the
Bureau of Appointments, University
Ext. 371, for appointment.
United States Civil Service an-
nouncement for Printer Proofreader,
$3,950 a year, has been received in
our office. For further information
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Petitions for Interfraternity Coun-
cil Officers are due Wednesday, May
23 in the Council office 306 Michigan
Union. Interviews will be held at
4 p.m. May 24.
Men interested in summer work as
camp counselors apply for further
details at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
Notice to 'Ensian Owners: Re-
quests for recent back issues of the
'Ensian are coming from the Army
Information Centers set up to advise
servicemen wishing to return to col-
lege. These requests say that the
annuals are in great demand as giv-
ing the best picture o the institu-
tion. Anyone having 'Ensians which
are no, longer needed are asked to
call the University News Service, Ext.
The Henry Russei Lecture: Dr.
Edward H. Kraus,, Professor of Crys-
tallography and Mineralogy and for-
mer Dean of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, will de-
liver the annual Henry Russel Lec-
ture at 3:15 p.m., Thursday, May 17,
in the Rackham Amphitheater. His
subject will be "The Unfolding Crys-
tal", illustrated. At this time public
announcement of the Henry Russel
Award will also be made. The public
is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Roberta Boot,
Pianist, will be heard in a recital at
7:30 p.m. (CWT), Thursday, May 17,1
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. She
is a student of Maud Okkelberg, and
presents the program in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music. The
general public is invited.
Student Recital: Raymond Spag-
nuolo, violinist, will present compo-
sitions by Handel, Bruch, Beethoven,
and Saint Saens, at 7:30 p.m. CWT,
Friday, May 18, in the Assembly Hall
of the Rackham Building. A student
of Gilbert Ross, Mr. Spagnuolo will
give the program in lieu of thesis
requirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music in Music Education. The
public is cordially invited.
Choral Union Concerts: Concerts
will be given in the Sixty-seventh an-
nual Choral Union Series next season,
as follows:
PAUL ROBESON, Baritone. Sat-

urday, Nov. 3.

JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violinist. Fri-
day, Jan. 18.
TRA, Desire Defauw, Conductor.
Thursday, Jan. 31
nesday, Feb. 13.
TRA, Karl Krueger, Conductor. Mon-
day, March 11.
O ,rders for season tickets, accom-
panied by remittance to cover, will
be accepted, and filed in sequences;
and selections made accordingly.
Ticket prices are as follows:
$15.60 (Block A, Patron Tickets).
Three center sections on main floor
and in first balcony.
$13.20 (Block B). Side sections on
both Cmainfloor and in first balcony.
1d0.80 (Block C). First sixteen
rows in the top balcony.
$8.40 (Block C). Last six rows in
the top balcony.
Remittances should be made pay-
able to University Musica Society,
and mailed to Charles A. Sink, Presi-
dent, Burton Memorial Tower, Ap
Sixteenth Annuai Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement.
Twenty-Second Annual Exhibition
by the' Artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity: In the Mezzanine Exhibition
Rooms of the Rackham Building
daily, except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7
to 10 p.m. The public is cordially
"Krishna Dancing with the Milk-
maids" an original Rajput brush
drawing with studies of the hands in
crayon. Also examples of Indian fab-
rics. Auspices; the Institute of Fine
Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri-
day, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al-
umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B.
Events Today
Michigan Alumni Club: Annual
Meeting and Spring Tea at Mrs.
Alexander Ruthven's this afternoon,
2-4, Central War Time.
Interguild Seminar: There will be
a seminar on Guild Leadership Trai-
ning led by Mr. Littell in Lane Hall
this afternoon at 3 CWT.
Music Hour: The regular Music
Hour will be held in Lane Hall this
eventing at 6:30 CWT. Mozart's last
symphony, "Jupiter", will be played
and group discussion will follow, led
by Les Hetenyi.
Outing Club: There will be a meet-
ing of the Graduate Outing Club
tonight at 6:30 in the Outing Room
of Rackham. All graduate students,
alumni, faculty, and other suggested
members are eligible to join. Te
program for the next four weeks
will be planned.
Research Club: The Club 'will meet
in the Rackham Building, Amphi-
theater, this evening, at eight o'clock.
Professor Frederick F. Blicke will
present a paper on "The Develop-
ment of Synthetic Drugs" and Pro-
fessor Irving A. Leonard a paper on
"Amazons, Books, and Conquerors".
Coming Events
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. Faculty,
foiign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Ladies Lounge of the Rackham Buil-
ding at 6:45 p.m. An all Brahms pro-
gram will be featured, and will/in-
clude The Academic Festival, Violin
Concerto in D Major, and Trio No. 1
in B Major. All graduate students
are cordially invited to attend.
The Geological Journal Club will

meet in, Rm. 4065 Natural Science at







Wc'! go up front. The[
terry's about to start- -

5 .;

And let's not hear a word about that
imaginary Fairy Godfather of yours-

cqocA ~71-~

.1CJ1-I NS
Hush, m'boy
Your mother


We're moving now ... See
Y. the big boats out there-

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