' t.C t MYi tt l
Truman Backs Hard Peace
Fifty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by studeuta of the Untverslly of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon. .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Anm Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee
Editorsral Staff
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. Associate Sports Editor
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. . Associate Women's Editor
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. . . Associate Business Mgr.
* . Associate Business Mgr.
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. Member of The Associated Press
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscrptlons during the regular school year by car-
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
National saverislng Service, Inc.
College P&blisers Representative
- c nz t
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Itoian urrender
HE unconditional surrender of all German
forces in Italy is a further step in the im-
pending dissolution of the state that Hitler
built. The Festung Europa of which Hitler
boasted only 12 months ago is now whittled to a
ditch wide enough to hold the mortal remains
of the German nation.
News of the surrender is the third event in
four days to indicate the collapse of dreams of
world conquest entertained by the fascist
nations. The execution of Mussolini and the
reported death of Hitler, followed by the
news of the complete Allied conquest of Italy,
lead us to hope that, the last vestiges of Axis
control in Europe will soon fall before the
United Nations. -Paul Sislin
Seventh War Loan
WITH THE Seventh War Loan Drive almost at
hand, University students again will be re-
quested to dig deep in order that the nation's
war effort continue to bring peace and the end
of global suffering ever nearer.
Since the outbreak of hostilities, reports from
Europe have not been so optimistic as they are
at present, but this does not mean that America
can neglect its solemn duty to itself and to its
brother nations.
Few would maintain that University students
are wealthy. It is nevertheless true that the
University has filled its quota in each of the
The Seventh War Loan Drive is no different
from the others.
Premature optimism and recklessness now can
lead to disaster in the future.
There are millions of Allied soldiers, sailors
and marines, serving in the Pacific who would
corroborate any statement we might make
concerning the ability and tenacity of' the
Japanese enemy, yet to be defeated.
-Bob Goldman
Hitler's Germany
(INE FEUHRER dies in Germany and another
O takes his place.: If anyone expected any-
thing different, if anyone thought that Nazism
was embodied in the soul of just one man, a
maniacal fiend named Adolf Schikelgruber, he
must be doomed to disappointment. There are
millions more like Hitler in Germany who wor-
shipped him and the ideals he preached and
who will continue to do so until they, too, are
done away with or die off.
The people of Nazi Germany have been in-
doctrinated with the philosophy of herrenvolk.
In their own eyes they are still supermen. Noth-
ing the Allies can do by way of education will
dissipate this belief. Certainly any acts of
kindness will perpetuate it.
To the German people, the death of Hitler
will not symbolize the death of his ideals. The
veterans of the Wehrmacht will hold him up as
a marctyr to the fight against "bolshevism" and,
in the future, as the greatest leader that had yet
emerged in the endless battle to make Germany
top dog among the nations of the earth.
The death of Hitler should bring from us,
~n raiini_ vbut serater determinnatin t
SAN FRANCISCO-On April 25 and 26 this
column revealed that one day after President
Roosevelt was buried, a meeting was held in the
State Department at which his previous policy
of a hard peace for Germany was reversed.
State Department appeasers proposed a new
line favoring a soft peace.
On April 27, one day following aforesaid pub-
lication, President Truman called an important
meeting in the White House. Attending it were
Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau, Under-
Secretary of State Joe Grew, Undersecretary of
the Navy Bard, Assistant Secretary of War John
McCloy, and Leo Crowley, Federal Economic
At the meeting Truman laid down a flat rule
that Roosevelt's previous hard peace policy was
not to be changed.
This hard peace policy is basically that laid
down by Secretary 6f the Treasury Morgentha
last autumn, following Roosevelt's discovery
that the Army and State Department had
been planning appeasement. The Morgenthau
plan calls for the wiping out of all German
industry which could contribute to war, the
taking over of the Nazi educational system,
the banishment of Nazi school books, and a
long occupation.
President Roosevelt himself contributed one
pet idea of his own, namely that military music
be banned in Germany for the next decade or so.
He believed the playing of military music aroused
Ordinary etng
NOW THAT the San Francisco conference has
actually opened, we must expect an initial
small flutter of disappointment. The delegates
are but men, and many of them are bald, and
algost all of them are tired. Some are potty
and some have the heaves, and for writers look-
ing out over this sea of blue serge it appears
difficult to believe that here is the hope of the
brave new world.
Quite a few of the first press pieces dwell
disconsolately on the ordinary appearance of
this meeting; I suppose we have built ourselves
up to expect that these men would actually
look like the future, that each would be seven
feet tall and wrapped in a toga. When the
only representative of Justice at the conference
(by his own admission) turns out to be a
round-faced middle-aged man named Vanden-
berg, there is a bit of a let-down. Hollywood
would have cast the whole thing differently.
Men who failed at Geneva are here, such as
Paul-Boncour for the French, and Halifax for
the British; an array of depressingly familiar
faces, and the feeling is that men who couldn't
do it once are going to try to do it again.
Where the faces are new, they belong to
such men as Stettinius, with no particular back-
ground for this kind of business; and it is
hard to believe that Stet has it in his power
to end the world's long cycles of agony; that
mankind has been waiting through the centuries
for this gay and casual representative of a
certain section of American culture to lift his
hand, and wipe out the torment.
This is no reflection on the Secretary; nobody
seems quite big enough for this purpose; we
find it easier to believe of all of them, as they
peer about, that they are looking for their hats
rather than that they are looking for peace
Yet there is something good in the very ordi-
nariness of this meeting, in the sight of ordinary
men, with bunions and bifocals, pursuing world
peace up and down the corridors of common-
place hotels. World peace is not possible until
it has become the order of the day for quite
undistinguished men. Our story is not that a
number of ordinary men have come together to
establish world peace, but that the events of the
world have forced a number of ordinary men into
this meeting.
From this point of view, even the circus
aspects of the San Francisco conference are
reassuring; the milling about, the hoorah and
confusion, the presence of innumerable citi-
zens who have no earthly business at the con-
ference, for each of them shows, in his own
absurd or humble way, that world peace has
at last become as real as apples; and each of
them is but the hand on the dial, telling what
time it is in humanity's affairs.
One newspaper asks tartly whether the group
of delegates now present in San Francisco could
have stopped the current war. It is a fake and
superficial question. This conference has been
produced by the current war, it is as much a
part of that war as is the Battle of Berlin; and
to ask why these men didn't stop that war is
to ask why this year's flood didn't stop last
year's drought. It is an extraordinary war which
has made it possible for ordinary men to hope
to compose a peace. It will not, in fact, let them
off without doing it.
And suddenly their ordinariness does not
matter. It does not matter at all. It tells
us that what was visible before only to the
greatest among us, is now plain before the
startled eyes of any man in a blue serge suit;
and that almost none can avoid today what
so few could grasp last time.;
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)
people's warlike emotions. Instead he proposed
giving the Germans an extra quota of Wagner.
Beethoven, Strauss, etc.
The White House has had indications that the
Russians also will go for a hard peace. Big
remaining question mark is the British. Many
of their banks and business firms collaborated
closely with the Nazis before the war, and
after this war they will control the most highly
industrial sections of Germany. What they
will do with these areas remains to be seen.
NOTE-Up until the middle of last week,
Postmaster General Frank Walker was sched-
uled to be the U. S. member of the Reparations
Commission. But at the last minute he walked
into the White House and asked to be excused.
Frank has had several deaths in his family,
was deeply moved by the death of his old friend
F. l). R., and would like to retire to private
life. Ed Pauley, who will take his place, says
lie will let the State Department handle his
transportation but otherwise will not listen
to their soft peace ideas on reparations.
News Leaked Out ...
FRIENDS of handsome Senator "Long Tom"
Connally attribute publicity rivalry between
him and Senator Vandenberg of Michigan as the
reason for the leak about armistice talks with
For years the genial Texan has helped battle
Roosevelt's foreign policies through the Senate.
But last fall Roosevelt began playing up to
Vandenberg as one of the leading ex-isola-
tionist Republicans with considerable influence
in the Senate, and at one meeting of Senate lead-
ers it was especially noticeable that Roosevelt
went out of his way to defer to the Michigan
It was: what do you think of this, Van'? And
what do you think of that?" until the neglected
Senator from Texas was obviously piqued.
At San Prancisco, Vandenberg, also has been
grabbing the ball and running with it. By all
odds he has been the dominating member of
the American delegation. Stettinius has sat
somewhat in his shadow. Vandenberg is the
man most sought out by newsmen. He is also
the delegate who had advised other Ameri-
can delegates that their strategy should be put
out one good story to the newsmen every day.
Meanwhile Senator Connally has said little,
sawed wood. But the other day when news
reached the delegation from Washington that
Himmler had approached Churchill regarding a
surrender, it was too much for Long Tom. He
got even for all the news tips Vandenberg had
been feeding out by handing newsmen the story.
lDiferences Revealed ...
ONE LITTLE-NOTICED difference between the
U. S. and Great Britain on one hand, and
Russia on the other hand, at San Francisco is
the Western Allies attitude toward punishing
war criminals.
It may get squeezed out in the discussions
between Stettinius, Eden and Molotov, but
the Russians took an alarmist view of the way
in which the State Department squeezed out
Pell as head of the American delegation to
the War Crimes Commission in London. This
Commission is charged with working up dos-
siers against Axis war criminals and seeing
that they are brought to trial instead of organ-
izing World War I. During the past year,
sincere, graying Herber Pell maneuvered him-
self into a position where he was scheduled
to be head of the whole Allied War Crimes
Commission. Instead he was thrown out.
The real inside story of Pell's ouster has never
before been told. What actually happened was
that at one of his last commission meetings in
London, Pell proposed that every German hold-
ing Nazi party membership cards from number
1 to 100,000 (the men who originally founded
the Nazi movement) be put to death without
This proposal so infuriated appeasement-
minded British members of the commission that
they tipped off State Department pals in Wash-
ington, who went to work on Pell and caused
his early removal.
Although several months have passed since
Pll's ouster, nothing has been done to give
America real representation on the War Crimes
Commission, despite the recent hideous Nazi
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
i E
"That War Bond may be a ticket to freedom, Mate, but it's not
a liberty pass!"
Self-Censorship Sg gested
"CES DAMES aux Chapeaux Verts'
by Albert Acremant is a fair
comedy, with a generous overlay of
French corn, thoroughly aged in the
wood, and husked prior to World War
I. Last night, Prof. Charles Koella
and the Cercle Francais players did
a brilliant job of collaboration with
an author in need of help: a large
audience gave this opinion its elo-
quent support. Incidentally, it should
be remembered that the long weeks
of organ.zaticn and rehearsal were
directai ty M. Koella without bene-
fit of the usual fellow-committeemen.
The eldest and grimmest of the
four green-hatted spinster sisters was
admirably played by Shirley Schwar-
tz, who had to cope, among other
things, with a preposterousmcharacter
transformation in the third act.
Evangeline Shempp fully justified
her promotion from last year's med-
iaeval slapstick to a role in which
she competently rearranged the emo-
tional horizons of the other princi-
pals in the story. Pamela Wrinch
gave the shrinking violet enough
skillful competition to shake one's
faith in shrinking vieiet,. Martha
Sanders, complete wlih snow-boots
and sneeze powders, was an excellent
"malade imaginaire", while Helen
Dickinson provided the right note of
constantly tortured perplexity.
A detail like World War 1I tiid
not prevent M. Koeila from assem-
bling an outstanding masc ulin
division in his cast. Richard Xup-
pitch, French play veteran of three
years, excavated masterly results
from the none too inviting part of
the inhibited schoolmaster. Geirge
Petrossian did special honor to the
special clerical type that he was
assigned tc represent. Lesser parts
were successfully handled by David
Brodman and Rostislav Goluzevski,
not to mention Barbara Swain and
Victor Shukur.
The Bozo Cough Drops, utilized by
Miss Sanders in the first act, were
made availabie througn the courtesy
of Harriett Wilson and Alma Buck-
-Edward B. Ham
coverng the San Francisco con-
feence wouild appear to have com-
itted errors of judgmentso serious
in reporting the United Nationsl
meeting that public opinion is brand-
ing them irresponsible. - I
The conference, as painted in the'
newspapers, becomes a glorified three
ring circus with each correspondent!
vying for the honor of the loudest
calliope. The delegates do not de-
bate; they quibble. When a decision
is made, specific countries win or
icse 'another round'. The Russians
do not walk from the conference;
they 'stalk' from the conference room.
Foreign Minister Molotov announces
that he is forced to return to Moscow
to face the problems of imminent
Allied victory; he is leaving in a pet,
pouting over Poland. No mention is
made of the fact that Anthony Eden'
is also anxious to return to England
for similar reasons.
What is it in the make-up of news-
papermen that brings forth the most
eptimistic reports on the progress of
the war even in the face of reverses
ard yet that same newspaperman is
cast down when the 46 nations meet-
ing to form a world organization fail
to reach complete unanimity? Why
the cynicism toward a positive ap-
proach to world peace?
This nation is justly proud of its
free pess. That free press has
never, however, granted license.
The San Francisco conference de-
serves to be treated with the dig-
nity of its purpose. No guidance
frain above, but simply judicious
self-censorship on the part of cor-
respondents is recommended.
-Betty Roth
VOL. LV, No. 137
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angeli Hal, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
To the Members of the Faculty,
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: The May meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts for the aca-
demic year 1944-45 will be held Mon-
day, May 7, 1945, at 3:10 p.m. in Rm.
1025 Angell Hall.
The reports of the various commit-
tees have been prepared in advance
and are included with this call to
the meeting. They should be re-
tained in your files as part of the
minutes of the May meeting.
Hayward Keniston
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of April 2, 1945, ,pp.
1163 to 1167) which were distributed
by campus mail.
2. Consideration of reports submit-
ted with the call to this meeting.
a. Executive Commitee- Professor
F. E'. Bartell. b. University Council-
Professor D. L. Rich. c. Executive
Board of the Graduate School-Pro-
fessor I. A. Leonard. d. Senate Advis-
ory Committee on University Affairs
---Professor A. H. Marckwardt. e.
Deans' Conference- Dean Haywardl
3. New Business.
Hall, and the date of interviews will4
be announced as soon as' received.
State of New York Civil Service
Announcements for Senior Stenogra-
pher, $1,386 a year, and Public Health
Nurse, $1,800 a year, have been re-
ceived in our office. For further in-
formation stop in at 201 Mason Hall,
Bureau of Appointments.
announcement of the War Ship-
ping Administration, Training Or-
ganization, for appointment as Ca-
det-Midshipman (Engine) and Ca-
det-Midshipman (Deck) in the U.S.
Merchant Marine Cadet Corps, has
been received in our office. For fur-
ther information, stop in at 201 Ma-
scn Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
U.S. Civil Service Announcement
for Student Dietician, $1,752 a year,
has been received in our office. For
further information stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
Junior Girls Play: All juniors who
ordered pictures from the Junior
Girls Play, please bring $1 for each
picture ordered to Miss McCormick's
office in the League from 12:30 to
4 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, May
3 and 4. Anyone wishing to order
a.dditional pictures may do so then.
University Lecture: Dr. Chiang
Monlin, President of the Provisional
National University of China, will
speak on "Educational Problems of
China", on Monday, May 7, at 3:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater,
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Oriental Languages and Lit-
eratures. The public is cordially in-
Curriculum are due May 12. Report
blanks will be furnished by campus
mail and are to be returned to Dean
Crawford's Office, Rm. 255, W. Eng.
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Ten-week reports below C of all Navy
and Marine students who are not in
the Prescribed Curriculum; also for
those in Terms 5 and 6 in the Pre-
scribed Curriculum are to be turned
in to Dean Emmons' Office, Rm. 259,
W. Eng. Bldg., not later than May 12.
Report cards may be obtained from
your departmental office.
May Festival Concerts. To avoid
confusion and embarrassment, the
sympathetic co-operation of Festival
concert-goers is respectfully request-
ed, as follows:
The public will please come suf-
ficiently early as to be seated on
time, since doors will be closed and
latecomers will not be admitted dur-
ing numbers.
Holders of season tickets will please
detach the coupons for the respective
concerts before leaving home, and
present for admission, instead of pre-
senting the entire season ticket.
Those leaving the auditorium dur-
ing intermission are required to pre-
sent door checks for re-admission.
Parking regulations will be en-
forced by the Ann Arbor Police De-
The several concerts will take place
as follows:
Thursday, May 3, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30
C.W.T.)-Ezio Pinza, bass; Philadel-
phia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy,
Friday, May 3, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30
C.W.T.) - Oscar Levant, pianist;
Philadelphia Orchestra; Choral
Union; Eugene Ormandy and Hardin
Van Deursen, conductors.
Saturday, May 5, 2:30 E.W.T. (1:30
C.W.T.)--Zino Francescatti, violinist;
Festival Youth Chorus; Paul Leyssac;
narrator; Philadelphia Orchestra;
Saul Caston and Marguerite Hood,
Saturday, May 5, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30
C.W.T.-Bidu Sayao, soprano; Rosa-
lind Nadell, contralto; Women's
Chorus of the Choral Union; Saul
Caston and Hardin Van Deursen,
Sunday, May 6, 2:30 E.W.T. (1:30
C.W.T.) - Rudolf Serkin, pianist;
Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or-
mandy, conductor.
Sunday, May 6, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30
C.W.T.) - Eleanor Steber, soprano;
Hertha Glaz, contralto: Frederick
By Ray Dixon
ITLER'S birthplace is captured on the same
day that he is reported dead. This should
have happened 56 years earlier.
Don't know whether the report is true or
not, but we have observed that the Fuehrer's
face always did have a dead pan expression on
Let's hope that the Allies are good coffee
drinkers so they can start dunking Doenitz.
Most of Germany has become like a baseball
game-no Huns, no Hitlers, no carers.
Adolf was probably mad about the capture
of Munich and now he too is putsch out of the
Academic Notices
4. Announcements. Graduate Students: A list of stu-
dents expecting master's degrees in
Fellowships for Women: Pratt & June has been posted in the Gradu-'
Whitney Aircraft, Hartford, Conn., ate School office. Each student is
are again offering scholarships to requested to check whether his name
prepare young women for positions is listed properly with the correct de-
in their Engineering Department. gree and department indicated.
Only scholastic requirement is high
school algebra and geometry. This Extension class in Appreciation of
plan was begun in 1943, and is to be Art will meet Thursday, May 10,
continued as a part of their perma- !rather than Thursday, May 3, on
nent program. Further information account of the May Festival.
is available at the Bureau, 201 Mason ---
Doctoral Examination for LeRoy
Henry Klemm, Chemistry; thesis:,
SCrocke 2Johnson "The Synthesis and Derivatives of1
1-Cyclopentylnaphthalene and Re-
ac CYE-l' lated Compounds", 309 Chemistry, 1
Cushlamochree! The JUIINSO / p.m. (CWT). Chairman, W. E. Bach-
Lef's go up to the haunted house and see
Y Ln M.." C'.r .,.-4 ,, ( 777 ,t..+..,
I'll glance through the ads of II