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April 26, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-26

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THE 4MiD_;ilit rD AIL'Y

Milan Lazetich May Join Michigan 's AWTime Athletic


When the 1945 football season rolls around, University of Michigan coaches can
count on the services of Milan Lazetich, six foot one inch, 210 pound freshman from..................... ..g
Anaconda, hog
Last fall Laz as he is called, was named one of th e best tackles in
country" by Grantland Rice in his Collier's All-American eection tough Fnr
raro of the Universit of Southern California, d Whitmire of Navy eceived the nod
fo ths o thre fndir eleven R a icdthan's oie-yad viefrsy diclt Hed ~ >
went on to say that the three men were almosk evenly matched, and "Laz" failed
to clinch ton_ honors only because of his inexoerience.
Chosen All-American
The Anaconda lad, however, made the Michigan Daily first string, and several A
others d was chosen for the second team by all thee major news services papers,
and periodicals. Inyaddition,Ihn he was selected for the All-Big Ten squad and was,
unanimously rt icked All-Mid-Western.
In recognition of his acknowledged ability the Cleveland Rams recently selected
him as their first choicetin he annual football "draft." However,terMaize ang
Bluetter ne hwill nothentnprofessional bill, preferin to remain ssthyh-hy igrn in college
and earn his degree.
OSIT Game Favorite
Although not given to talk about his many gridiron feats, the Ohio State clash
will go down in this scribe's mind as the best game the lad from Montana turned in
all year, and his goal line stand, when the Buckeyes were endeavoring to cash in
their second TD of the day will long be remembered.
The Scarlet and Grey eleven was on Michigan's four-yard line, first down and
goa og.Hrah who had been unable to pick up any, apprecilable yardage Hrah colt o
ih amd f M adBusletthrough Lazetic all gmdcddto slash of the Maize anBues left tackle, right . .
over the Wolverine ace, in an attempt to reach pay-dirt. A
The opposing OSU tackle who had repeatedly come out on the short end of the MILAN LAZETICII
line duels with °Laz," tipped the Buckeyes' hand when he confidently warned the
Wolverine, "We're coming your way this time bud." ground. Breaking through the Buckeye line, brushing aside, the hard-driving inter-
Three Tries Fail ference, the Wolverine charge repeatedly smeared All-American Horvath, blocking his
Three successive times Les Horvath, spearheaded by strong interference, at- attempt to bridge those four short yards to scoring territory.
tempted to knife through the*Montanan's position, and each time Lazetich stood his Realizing the futility of this action, the mighty Ohio squad gave up trying to

crash through the sturdy Michigan six-footer and, on the fourth down, ran their touch-
down play on the opposite side of the, line.
"Laz," who seems to be known around here as "Peck's Bad Boy," has led a life,
which may be termed anything but dull. In his time he has broken wild horses,
developed the knack of playing a mean guitar, served in the U. S. Navy and, strange
as it may seem, held a short tenre as a, denuty sheriff.
Bornon August 21, 1921, the Anaconda lad was raised on a ranch deep in the
cattle country, in that section the whole Lazetich family is known for its football
ability. "Laz's" older brother, Bill, a Marine Lieutenant in theSouth Pacific, attained
all-state honors while in high school and went on to play with the Detroit Lions and
the Cleveland Rams. Eli, the youngest of the three boys, was recently named all-state
halfback, and is now helping take care of the ranch.
Seven-Letter Man
While in high, school "Laz" became a seven-letter man. Playing four years of
football, he captained his team to the state championship in his senior year. In
addition, he bagged two letters in basketball and one in track.
Before enlisting in the Navy in May, 1942. "Laz" spent one year at the University
of Montana, where he captained the Golden Bears' freshman football squad. While
serving with Uncle Sam's forces he was Stationed aboard the USS Altamaha, an
aircraft carrier.
After receiving a medical discharge in January, 1943, the Montanan became a
"pillar of justice," in Deer Lodge County, Montana. During his tenure he gained
distinction when he and a fellow-deputy captured two armed escaped convicts after
a fierce gun battle in which one of the jail-breakErs was wounded.
Laz' Comes to, Ann Arbor
"Laz" came to Ann Arbor last August when Michigan's coach, Fritz Crisler,
nationally famous football mentor, took him under his wing, training him for the
coming grid clashes. In October the promising lineman entered the University as a
freshman and went on to register his name high on the list of prospective football
This year the "Big Boy" is expected to cop All-American honors and place him-
tself in the annals with such former Michigan grid stars as Friedman, Harmon,
Franks, Kuzma, and Pregulman. He is counted on to be the bulwark of the Wolver-
ine line and. the nucleus around which the 1945 Maize and Blue eleven will be formed.



To Compete in Annual Relays

Chandler Assumes New Post
As Big League Baseball Czar
Kentuckian Acclaimed by Senate Colleagues as
Successor to Late Judge Kenesaw M. Landis

#takhitf the I(S ano
Daily Sports Editor

Senator Albert B. (Happy) Chan-
dler had his inning on Capitol Hill to-
day as colleagues envisioned a "new
era and new philosophy" for base-
ball under his regime as high com-
The' Kentuckian accepted the new
post last night, succeeding the late
Kenesa*V M. Landis.
Chandler, meanwhile, disclosed
that he plans to meet Ford Frick,
National League President, here to-
morrow to "get Frick to orient me."
They probably will attend the Wash-
ington Senators-Boston Red Sox
At the Capitol, Chandler was pret-
ty much the whole show. He issued
his first statement as Commissioner
and pledged to the armed forces
that the game would be kept "clean"
and vigorous for their enjoyment
when they return.
In the Senate, nine old friends
praised him, climaxed by glowing re-
marks by the veteran Hiram Johnson
(R.-Calif.), with whom Chandler
long has enjoyed a close friendship.
The Senate tributes brought tears
to Chandler's eyes, rising in his seat
in a rear row, the new Commissioner
promised that "with God's help" he
would try to live up to all of the
kind things said about him.
"I'm very proud that my friend

from Kentucky will be in charge of
this great sport in the future," John-
son said. "He is a man of undisputed
guts, stands on his own feet and per-
mits himself no favoritism.
"Under his supervision, baseball
will be conducted with strict impar-

HE ANNUAL SPRING meeting of the Western Conference directors and
faculty committee in Champaign, May 24-26, will i.'ark "Tug" Wilson's
initial offical appearance as the Big Ten commissioner of athletics.
This annual outing, which has usually taken place in Chicago or
Evanston, has been moved to the new site in Champaign so as not to
conflict with the Big Ten track championships on May 26.
As a graduate of the University of Illinois, it will be proper and fitting
for Wilson to take on his first responsibilities in his newly-acquired job
at his alma mater, and it is a foregone conclusion that authorities at
the University will go all-out in their endeavor to make Wilson's debut a
complete success.
This meeting will prove of great interest to football coaches who will
be present as revisions of the various 1945 schedules and tentative Con-
ference schedules for 1946 will be the order of the day.
However, it is doubtful that many changes in this year's currently sched-
uled contests will occur since these tilts were booked last spring with the
idea of having as much mileage as was possible.
The directors and faculty men present will also pass their approval
on the new code of regulations which govern the commissioner's office.
These regulations are slated to give Wilson more authority than the late
John L. Griffith wielded, and it is this power that has caused so much
speculation since Griffith's death. However, these extended powers which
have been broached were done so in an effort to induce Coach Fritz Crisler of
Michigan to take this job, and every time that they are now mentioned,
they are done so in inaudible tones. Hence, it will be interesting to note
just what is done about this major issue that will undoubtedly form a
large part of this meeting.
Meanwhile, Northwestern is contemplating several people as Wilson's
successor- in the capacity of athletic director. This position has to be
filled by May 1, the date that Wilson takes over officially as Western Con-
ference commissioner.
Rumors have it that Ted Payseur, golf coach, assistant basketball
coach and ticket manager has the inside track on the job, which will
prove to be a strenuous one since Northwestern executives are planning a
huge post-war athletic program and an experienced man will be re-
quired at its head.
FROM SOMEWHERE in Germany, Corporal Jack G. MacKenzie, prewar
pro at the Sandy Run Country Club, Oreland, Pennsylvania, sent his
thoughts of athlete's returning from the war to the May Esquire's Sporting
Scene. "I think," writes MacKenzie, "an athlete in the Army, Navy, or
Marines who is kept at home will be as good or better than before, because
he will be in better physical condition. He sleeps on a mattress with good
white sheets, eats good food, and usually has enough time for relaxation.
Now for the other side, the combat athlete finds himself sleeping 'in a
fox-hole full of water and dreams about the white sheets. He eats C, K,
and D rations and the nerves that have been so well trained begin getting
frayed. The scratch of a mouse, a mole, or the rustle of leaves, and his
nerves are taut, 24 hours a day, seven days a week How, #ust how, is the
athlete who is subject to trench foot, malaria and nervous exhaustion,
even barring injury, ever going to climb the heights he left or could have
attained? Yes, we will have greater athletes, but I am sure they won't

Records Show
Rosema Leads
Squad at Plate
Kell Second in Batting;
Louthen Tops Pitching
Staff with Two Games
As the Michigan Wolverines ready
themselves for their seventh game of
the current baseball season against
Notre Dame this weekend at South
Bend, and the first records of the
individual and team batting have
been compiled.
Leading the squad at the plate is
newcomer, Tom Rosema with an im-
pressive average of .357. Next in
line for the honors is Walt Kell, ag-
gressive third sacker with .308.
Outfielders Weak So Far
The expected big bats of the three
outfielders, Bill Gregor, Don Lund,
and Bill Nelson have not yet gone
into action on a continuous scale, but
the trio have accounted for five of the
total number of round trippers plus
several other extra base blows.
Two of the six tilts played thus far
lasted only seven innings, so that the
"big boys" who were getting a great
share of the singles, got their aver-
ages cut considerably.
With extra games under their belt
the Wolverines, who have an infield
made up of mostly rookies to college
ball, should bring up the team per-
centage of .241 easily so far the
opposition has been able to muster
only enough batting prowess to get
22 hits for a .125 clip.
Louthen, Bowman Shine
Carrying the burden of the pitch-
ing duties have been "Red" Louth'en
with two wins and Bo Bowman with
one victory and one loss. In the two
shorter contests Coach Ray Fisher
used Peddy Markward, Morin, Hack-
stadt and Morrison to see how his
staff was shaping up.
At present the Michigan club is
leading the Western conference with
the all important series against Min-
nesota scheduled for next week at
Ann Arbor.
A meeting of Sphinx at 7:15 p.m.
in the lounge of the West Quad
has been announced for tonight.

Penn Relays A ttra cBest
Collegiate Track Teams
Wolverines Threatened by Army, New York
University; Doherty Hopes for Distance Wins
Seven Michigan thinclads entrain- while Lauritsen will compete in the
ed today for Philadelphia to compete Pole Vault.
in the annual Penn Relays, while an- Chances Are Fair
other contingent of Wolverines will Coach Doherty commenting on the
leave this evening and a third group condition of his squad said "We have
will depart tomorrow afternoon, definitely been handicapped by the
Twelve men and Coach Doherty are adverse weather, and we are not in
ThaelvemenndCoachohertr t 'n" -" t.h th


Mayor League Standings ...a

Chicago ...............5 0
New York ..............5 1
Philadelphia ..........4 2
Detroit...............4 2
Washington...........3 3
Cleveland......1 4
St. Louis.............1 5
Boston. ............0 6



making the trip, as Coach Doherty
decided at the last minute to take
Walter Fairservis as another middle-
distance runner.
Mann, Lauritsen To Go
The genial track mentor also an-
nounced that Bob Mann and Chuck
Lauritsen would join the nine men
already chosen to make the trip.
Mann will run in the Distance Med-
ley relay and the mile relay events,

New York ..............6
Chicago ...............5
St. Louis ..............3
Brooklyn ..............3
Philadelphia ...........2
Pittsburgh .............2



Detroit at Chicago, cold.
St. Louis at Cleveland, rain.
New York at Philadelphia, rain.
Boston at Washington, rain.
Detroit at Chicago.
St. Louis at Cleveland.
Boston at Washington.
Only games scheduled.
Complete Typewriter Service
Phone 5888

Chicago 4, Cincinnati 0.
Brooklyn at Boston, rain.
Philadelphia at New York, rain.
Only games scheduled.
Philadelphia at New York.
Brooklyn at Boston.
Chicago at Cincinnati.
Only games scheduled.
KEEP ON* * * * * *
* ~ A~e~kf*
* -I.*

come from our fighting fronts,"

FOUND: A pair

of glasses, gold

Tennis Squad Encounters Wayne Today

frame, in back of big fraternity.
Found Monday. Call 3427.
LOST: Red Waterman pen April 20
between Kellogg.-Auditorium and
Daily. Call Lynn Shapiro, 8598.
_- LOST: Boy's Macomber high school


* * 4 * * 4 * 4 4 4 4


The Wolverine netmen will engage
in their second inter-school tennis
match this afternoon, when the Tar-
tars of Wayne University, led by
Coach Norm Wann, hold their first
scheduled tennis tourney since the
1943 season.
Wayne's team is untried so far this
season, but has a roster of promising
men, who have the potential strength
to upset the Maize and Blue apple-
Bob Ryland is the Tartar chief
threat, due to his high school record
when he won the Chicago singles
championship, and was runner-up in
ihoTlink hm -incin

rated Tartar. Russel won the CIO
singles championship in Detroit, and
is co-holder of the American and
National Mixed Doubles Champion-
,hips, which were held in New York
in 1944.
Wolverine Coach Weir will field ap-
proximately the same men that he
used in their 6-2 conquest of Purdue
last week. Captain Roger Lewis will

be at number one singles; Jinx John-
son will hold down the number two
post; Gordon Nauggle will be at num-
ber three; Jack Hersh is Weir's choice
for number four singles; and Dave
Post and Roy Boucher will fill out
the Wolverine lineup.

ring. Initials K. A. K. on inside of
ring. Lost in State Theatre. Sen-
timental value. Reward. Call M.
M. Weeks. 2-2565.
FOUND: Schaeffer Lifetime pen
near Rackham. Contact D. Goris,
LOST: The chance of your life if
you don't see the Junior Girls' Pro-
Get your tickets now for fifty cents
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office for this musical comedy.
Friday, April 27th, and Saturday,
April 28th, 'Take It from There!'


DA !

Save it!

" -..%
. _,


is only a few weeks away!

I':... . ' L.: .i I ..


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