Dean Bennett
To Leave for
Annual Meeting
Dean Wells I. Bennett of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design will
attend the annual meeting of the
Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture, which will be held in
Atlantic City, N.J., from Saturday
through Monday.
As a member of the Michigan
State Registration Board for Archi-
tects, Engineers and Surveyors, ne
will also attend a meeting, to be held
earlier in the week, of the National
Council of State Architectural Regis-
tration Boards.
Dean Bennett will go to Washing-
ton to participate in several confer-
ences on city planning, to be held
April 25 and 26.
Balance Between Socialism
And Democracy Advocated
Associated Press Correspondent
SANTA MONICA, Calif., April 14-
- The hope of the world lies in the
union of freedom and socializing in-
fluences-"a true social democracy"
-says novelist Thomas Mann.
"There must be a balance be-
tween socialism and democracy,"
the 69-year-old German emigre said
in an interview. "Germany, at the
end of a tragic era which had its
beginning with Frederick II, ap-
parently is going socialistic after
the war. I think France and Italy
likewise will go socialistic.
"There are socializing trends in
America and Britain, too. But the
II , ____ -. - rfl
people here are basically demo-
cratic; I think they will be all
Certain economic securities, such as
those extended to Americans during
the depressed 1930s, epitomized this
course, he asserted, adding:
"I believe President Roosevelt has
pursued a general socializing policy,
although the war naturally has re-
quired him to make some concessions.
Mann, whose books Hitler burned
by the thousands, characterizes true
press freedom as a vital factor in
maintaining the balance upon which
he contends world tranquility de-
pends. The peace terms, he declares,
should incorporate a bill of rights'
guaranteeing an untrammeled press
as well, as freedom of expression in
the arts and other fields of bene-
ficial human endeavor.
"However," Mann said, "we must
distinguish carefully between a
free press and an unbridled press,
just as we must differentiate be-
tween free enterprise and economic
"The abuse of freedom can jeop-
ardize liberty. We must remember
that the Nazis, in the early days
before anyone feared them deeply,
had the rights of free assembly and
free utterance of their doctrine.
They found a voice in the press.
When the world woke up it was
too late.
It might not have been too late, he
added, if Hitler had permitted the
German people access to factual in-
formation about other peoples and
their views on totalitarianism.
ij t~e
tmeU to order
trateruity Jewelers at lMicligun *
Two Churches
To Hold Special
Services Today
Memorial Rites Given
To Honor Roosevelt
Memorial services in honor of the
late President Roosevelt will be held
in two churches today.
A memorial service will be held in
the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at
5 p.m. EWT (4 p.m. CWT) today.
The service will be conducted by the
Reverend Henry Lewis, and the Men
and Boys' Choir will sing.
Unitarian Church Holds Service
The other memorial service will be
[held at the Unitarian Church. The
sermon, "We Have Conquered Fear"
will be delivered by the Rev. Edward
Redman. The sermon title was quot-
ed from one o Roosevelt's speeches.
The sermon will be concerned with
the future and a summary of Roose-
velt's accomplishments. Passages
from the late President's speeches
will also be read.
In the regular service at the Pres-
byterian Church, the Rev. James Van
Pernis will preach on "Sight Without
Vision", while the Rev. Loucks' ser-
mon at the First Baptist Church will
be "The Transforming Mind".
Dr. Kenna Will Speak
Dr. Brett Kenna's sermon at the
First Methodist Church will be "Sav-
ing the Christian Home". Dr. Fred-
erick G. Poole, at the Weslyan
Guild, will speak on "An Individual's
Personality". N
At the Congregational Church, Dr.
Parr's sermon topic will be, "He
Could Not Enter Canaan". Following
the supper at the Congregational-
Disciples Student Guild, Dr. Howard
McClusky will speak on "Courtship
and Engagement". This is his second
speech in the series on "Love and
Carillon Recital
Will Be Given
Italian Arias, French
Songs Will Be Played.
Prof. Percival Price will present
four original numbers, selections
from old Italian arias, French folk
songs and compositions by Dvorak
on the third in a new series of caril-
lon recitals at 3:15 p.m. EW (215
p.m. CWT) today.
The recital series which began
Sunday, April 8, will continue to June
14. The Sunday program will be
repeated at 7:15 p.m. EWT (6:15 p.m
CWT) each Thursday.
"Se Florinda e fidele" by Scarlatti
and Monteverdi's "Chio non t'ami
d'Astorga-Morir vogl'io" will com-
prise the group of Italian numbers.
Such French folk tunes as "Cadet
Rouselle", "Sur le pont d'Avignon",
"Le Corbeau et le renard" and "Ah!
vous direz-je, maman" will also be
The largo from Dvorak's "New
World Symphony" will complete the
A fourth in a series of reports be-
ing prepared at the University as
part of a nation-wide search for new
petroleum reserves has just been re-
leased, according to Mr. George V.
Cohee of the United States Geologi-
cal Survey.
The U. S. Geological Survey, the
Geological Survey Division of the
State Department of Conservation,
and the geology department of the
University are collaborating in this
research, which was begun in Octo-
ber, 1943, with the Department of
Geology providing office and labora-
tory space. Prof. K. K. Landes, chair-
man of the department, is associated
in the study, and several stu~dents are
Geologist To
Helen Martin Will
Discuss Houghot
Miss Helen M. Martin, research
geologist for the Geological Survey
Division of the Department of Con-
servation, will speak at 4:15 p.m.
EWT (3:15 p.m. CWT) at a cere-
mony in the Rackham Amphitheater
commemorating the death, one hun-
dred years ago, of Dr. Douglas
Houghton, Michigan's first geologist.
Dr. Houghton, the University's first
professor of geology and a prime
mover in opening the wealth of the
great northern copper district, was
one of the men who laid the founda-
tions of modern Michigan. Born in
New York, he accompanied the ex-
plorer Henry Schooleraft as a sur-
geon for his expeditions.
Becoming interested in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan, he remained
there, studying and reporting on the
copper deposits. He was named state
geologist in 1837, the first to hold
such a position. The instructions
accompanying his appointment told
him to make a complete and accurate
survey of the geology and natural
resources of the state in six years, a
job which is not yet complete.
Dr. Houghton was made professor
of geology at the University in 1839,
but never taught here.before his
death. He lost his life when his
small open boat went down in a sud-
den snow squall in sight of Keewe-
naw Peninsula, Oct. 13, 1845.
"An adequate supply of petroleum
is vital to successful war activities,
and known reserves are being deplet-
ed rapidly," Mr. Chee said. "Our
program of investigation is designed
to provide subsurface information
throughout the state, which will be
helpful to the industry in further
testing and exploration for oil and
Subsurface information has been
obtained by examination of drill cut-
tings from numerous wells. Reports
are in the form of maps, showing
statigraphic sections, thickness of
oil-producing formations, and mar-
gins of possible producing zones. The
Michigan project is only one of sev-
eral being undertaken in various
states, with the purpose of outlining
broad areas favorable for oil produc-
Conference Resolution Approves
The importance of the work is in-
dicated by a resolution passed by the
National Conference of Petroleum
egulatory Authorities Feb. 23. The
Conference expressed "its sincere
appreciation to the U. S. Geological
Survey for the splendid work it has
done and is doing . . . to aid the oil
industry in its quest for new petro-
leum reserves. Such work is of in-
calculable value to the industry and
to the nation as a whole."
The latest map published shows
what is known of the Lower Ordo-
vician and Cambrian rocks in the
Michigan Basin. These are the oldest
layers which might yield gas and oil.
Below them are only granite masses
formed before any life appeared on
the earth.
Study Helps Oil Geologists
"This is simply a study of the old-
est sedimentary beds," Mr. Cohee ex-
plained. "It provides no definite in-
cations of oil, but does tell the oil
geologist what rocks he can expect
at that depth in his search for oil
and gas. These fromations are 4,00
feet thick in eastern Illinois and
taper off to nothing in Ontario.
Somewhere along the bevelled top of
the formation, there is a possibility
of oil traps."
Oil and gas have been found in
the Cambrian and Ordovician for-
mations in other states. Commecial
production in some of the large fields
in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and
Ohio comes from them.
(Continued from Page 6)
firmative side of the question, "Re-
solved: That the legal voting age
should be reduced to eighteen years,"
and Union High School of Grand
Rapids will uphold the negative.
Judges for the debate will be Profes-
sors Gail E. D'ensmore and Carl G.
Brandt of the University of Michigan,
and" Paul D. Bagwell of Michigan
State College. Marquis E. Shattuck,
Director of Language Education in
the Detroit Public Schools, will act as
s i
Petroleum Reserve Report Released
J -:5: --ti P.
Ai .:
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enbroidered bridge sets, guest
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SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1945
l eze
said. But when students
at breakfast at 6:30 in
time to get to 7 o'clocks
with no apparent extra dis-
comfiture, when Michigan
men begain making dates
with Michigan women for
the dances from 8 to 11
p.m., and when students
only smiled when State St.
clocks said 5 p.m. while the
carillon tolled 4, the sadists
gave up. For campus had
quite quickly realized that
although University clocks
had been set back one
hour, all permanent sched-
'ules, office hours, .and class
hours had been set back an
hour too. The two changes
then had in effect can-
celled each other, and
though everyone was really
doing things at the very
same actual time they al-
ways had been, they were
calling it somewhat differ-
ent. Girls are coming in on
time, warm nights are still
enticing nature lovers in
an easterly direction, and
the local railroads report
that, to their knowledge,
nobody has missed a train
yet. In fact no one at all is
confused about the time
parents, bring the total
foreign students enroll-
ment to 498. China ranks
first with 15 students; Tur-
key is second with 44; and
Canada third with 32.
European countries repre-
sented include Austria,
Czechoslovakia, Denmark,
France, Germany, Greece,
Italy, Lithuania, the Neth-
erlands, Poland, and Spain.
Germany has the largest
delegation among these
* *
OFFICER, recent graduate
of the University C.A.T.
School and now in Ger-
many, has been sending
crates of propaganda in-
formation, books, posters,
and underground Belgian
newspapers to War His-
torian F. Clever Bald at
the Clements Library. One
magazine received was the
"Der Undtermensch" (The
Sub-Man) which was a
pictorial contrast between
the German superman and
the Slavic and Jewish
people. The pictures show-
ed healthy, happy-looking
Germans on one page and
tion and distributed ,sec-
retly., A striking contrast
could be made between the
two types of books that
were included in several of
the crates of material sent
the library by this officer.
One book, an English read-
er for a German girls' high
school depicted the United
States and England very
favorably. It included stor-
ies and pictures of histori-
cal incidents, stories of our
famous men and life in the
United States. One picture
showing a self-service news
stand in Boston where pur-
chasers drop two cents in
the box and take a paper,
was used to illustrate the
apparent honesty of the
American people. This
book was printed and pub-
lished in 1939 just before
the Nazis started on the
Books published since
1939 have changed strik-
ingly if the ones received
by Clements Library are
any indication. Some just
received were titled "In
God's Country" and "Das
Land ohne Herz" (The
Country Without a Heart)
MICHIGAN'S baseball
sqnad opened the 1945 sea-
son in a two-game series
with. Western Michigan
Friday and Saturday,
dropping the initial con-
test, 5-4 in 10 innings, and
coming back to take the
second, 5-1. Errors cost Bo
Bowman, veteran lefthand-
er, a victory in the first
tilt, but the Wolverine de-
fense tightened up behind
Ray Louthen, former West-
ern Michigan hurler, the
next day. In the opener,
the Broncos struck for
three runs in the first in-
ning on two walks, a hit
batsman, two errors, and
an infield single, and added
another in the fourth'with-
out benefit of a hit. Mich-
igan's bats were muffled by
freshman chucker Bill
Maxwell until the eighth
when two runs came across.
First baseman Tom Rose--
ma's homer in the ninth
with one on knotted the
score at 4-all, but a triple
and an error gave the
Broncos the winning tally
in the tenth. The second
game saw the Wolverines
jump into a one-run lead
1. ;v
~II .
near the water . . . swimming or sunning
.. wear as little as the law and your figure allow. If you're sparce
mid-ways, by all means have a bare midriff swim suit. But if your
waistline isn't as whittled as you'd like, we've so many wonderfully
exciting swim suits that are as lively as a rolling wave . . . and so
. - ., - .1- . 7 . " . 1 f - I- . -- Film it.. 10 . nn