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April 15, 1945 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-15

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Saginaw Eastern ms rack1 eet

Wartime Baseball Teams Hard Hi


Title. Defenders-
'Beaten b on
In Invitational
Judson of Ann Arbor
High Tops Individual
Totals with 15 Tallies
Saginaw Eastern High School scor-
ed 28 points to nose out Saginaw
Arthur Hill, the defending champion,
by one tally in the sixth renewal of
the River Rouge Invitational Indoor"
Track Meet at Yost Field House last
The winners took two firsts, with
Amien Carter winning the 65-yard
high hurdles and the Eastern relay
team taking , the 880-yard event.
Team balance also figured in the
point total, with the victors taking
places in the mile, the 440-yard dash,
and the medley relay.
Judson Scores 15
Ted Judson of Ann Arbor High
took individual honors with second
places in the high hurdles, the low
hurdles and the highjump, scoring
a total of 15 points.
Saginaw Eastern took the lead in
the first event with Carter's win and
were never headed, although George
Osborn's first place in the highjump
brought Arthur Hill to within one
point of the leaders. Osborn won the
highiump with a leap of 5 ft. 11 /
in., and subsequently failed by a
fraction to tie his own meet record of
6 ft. V4 in., set last' year.
No Records Broken
Other than Osborn's valiant at-
tempt, no meet records were endan-
gered. Comparatively slow times
were turned in for the hurdles, the
mile, and the 440.
The next four teams finished in
this order: third, Ann Arbor, 23;
fourth, Battle Creek, 13; fifth, Flint
Central, 16%/4; sixth, Wyandotte, 12.
Twenty-seven schools were entered
in the meet, and the large number of
finalists made it necessary to run the
distance events and the relays in
several heats.
The meet was sponsored by the
River Rouge Department of Physical
Education and was run under the
supervision of Coaches Ken Doherty
and Chester Stackhouse. Members
of the Michigan track team acted as
A track clinic was offered the con-
testants yesterday morning, featur-
ing track movies at University High
and a demonstration by the track
team, including a competitive two-
mile relay.
are a specialty with us.
Between Michigan and State

By JOErREICLEIE eluding the pitchers, there are more
Associated Press Correspondent than 50 new starters, including 22
NEW YORK, April 14.-On the plan the stbig ludig2es
eve of the fourth wartime major playing their first big league games.
league baseball season which opens Hardest hit of all clubs are the
Monday, an Associated Press survey New York Yankees and Boston
showed today that 79.2 of the 1941 Braves. Gone are all of Joe McCar-
opening day lineups, or pre-Pearl thy's nine starters of 1941, Phil Riz-
Harbor season, have either gone into zuto, Red Rolfe, Tom Henrich, Joe
the armed services or become essen- DiMaggio, Charlie Keller, Joe Gor-
tial war workers. don, Bill Dickey, Johnny Sturm and
Of the 144 performers who helped Rius Russo. All, except Rolfe, now
open the pre-war season only 30 re- coaching at Yale, are in the service.
main on major league rosters, several First baseman Nick Etten was a first
on borrowed time, as some have day player in '41 but was then with
already been accepted for military the Phillies.
duty while others are awaiting re- Of the Braves' '41 lineup, Babe
classification. Dahlgren and Eddie Miller are still
The full extent of the broad turn- around, but Dahlgren is with the
over of manpower is best conveyed Pirates and Miller with the Reds.
by a comparison of the opening day Although well fortified with veter-
lineups of last year and this. Ex- ans of the pennant winning 1942-

'43-'44 teams, manager Billy South-
worth of the Cardinals can call on
only one player who helped him open
the '41 campaign. He is shortstop
Marty Marion.
No club is expected to present as
many as four 1941 opening day reg-
ulars in this week's inaugurals. Man-
ager Mel Ott of the Giants has out-
fielder Johnny Rucker and catcher
Ernie Lombardi, besides himself, a-
vailable. The Phillies have Vince
DiMaggio, Gus Mancuso and Jimmy
Foxx; the Cubs have Stan Hack, Bill
Nicholson, and Paul Derringer; the
Red Sox have Pete Fox, Bob Johnson
and manager Joe Cronin; the Sena-
tors have George Case, Joe Kuhel
and pitcher Dutch Leonard, and the
Pirates have Bob Elliott,. Al Lopez
and Frank Gustine.


uw- 4 CA&c

THE SPIRIT COUNTS-Veterans who have had limbs amputated at Walter Reed Hospital play a hard
game of softball at Washington, with 1st Lt. W. G. Holsberg, Winthrop, Mass., taking his licks in the
hatter's box and Wally Pierowicz, Buffalo, N. Y., wh o lost both legs at Anzio, catching from a folding
seat. Billy McGowan, dean of Big League umpire s, calls 'em and other amputees cheer.



Pitchers Named
New York, April 14-(I)-Prob-
able opening day Major League
pitchers with their 1944 records
in parentheses :
New York at Washington-Don-
ald (13-10) vs. Leonard (14-14).
Detroit at St. Louis-Newhouser
(29-9) vs. Jakucki (13-9).
Chicago at Cleveland-Lee (3-9)
or Grove (14-15) vs. Reynolds
Washington at Philadelphia-
Heafner (12-15) vs. Christopher
(14-14) or Newsom (13-15).
Boston at New York-Cecil (4-5)
vs. Borowy (17-12).
St. Louis at Chicago-M. Coop-
er (22-7) or Donnelly (2-1) vs.
Derringer (17-13).
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati-Os-
termueller (13-8) vs. Walters (23-
New York at Boston-Voiselle
(21-16) vs. Javery (10-19).
Philadelphia at Brooklyn-Raf-
fensberger (13-20) vs. Davis (10-
Nicholson Reports to Cubs
CHICAGO, April 15-()-Long-
awaited Bill Nicholson, the boom-
boom man of the Chicago Cubs' at-
tack, reported to Manager Charley
Grimm today.

National League Starts Season
Pledged To Help in War Effort

NEW YORK, April 14-(P)-The
National League moves into its fourth
campaign during World War II con-
fident of its place in the war picture
on the home front.
A great percentage of our star base-
ball players are in the service uni-
forms of our country, under Army,
Navy, Marine, Air Corps and Coast
Guard orders on the various fight-
ing fronts. At home the eight Na-
tional League clubs are represented
on the ball fields by men who are
over or under military age, declared
Hal Newhouser
,To Hurl Opener
Bengals Will Face
St. Louis Tuesday
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., April 14-
(M)-Hal Newhouser, 23-year-old left-
handed pitcher who won 29 games
and lost nine last season for the
Detroit Tigers, is Manager Steve
O'Neill's choice to pitch the open-
ing game of the American League
campaign Tuesday against the St.
Louis Browns.
Paul (Dizzy) Trout, 27-game win-
ner for the 1944 Tigers, drew the
second game assignment for Wednes-
day, leaving O'Neill a choice between
Lefty Frank (Stubby) Overmire and
Big Al Benton, Navy dischargee, for
Thursday's finale at St. Louis.
Either Benton or Overmire will
pitch against Cleveland next Friday
when the Tigers open their home
season at Briggs Stadium.
Indications are that Sig Jakucki,
who won 13 games and lost nine for
the Champion Browns last season,
will toil against Newhouser in the
Detroit's opening day lineup and
batting order stacks up as follows:
Jimmy (Skeeter) Webb, ss.
Eddie Mayo, 2b.
Jim Outlaw, rf.!
Rudy York, 1b.
Roger (Doe) Cramer, ef.
Bobby Maier, If.
Don Ross, 3b.
Paul Richards, c.
Hal Newhouser, p.

physically unfit for war service or
discharged veterans. Our best ball
teams have gone to war but there is
every indication of a keenly com-
petitive National League race here
at home.
Pledged to aid the war effort, the
National League will continue to
play games for war charities. In line
with a request from the Office of De-
fense Transportation the 1945 sched-
ule is being revised so as to eliminate
travel mileage wherever possible. The
annual All-Star game has been can-
celled for 1945, the World Series will
be held only if government officials
assure us of their approval.
Once again the clubs will have as
their guests any servicemen who wish
to attend games. This is a policy
without restriction. Any man or
woman in service uniform may attend
any game without admission on week-
day, holiday or Sunday. In 1944 ser-
vicemen at our games numbered 352,-
082. It is our belief that with many
men returning from the fronts, eith-
er as casualties or on furlough, the
number of uniformed guests will be
perhaps doubled in 1945.
Red W\ns Beat
Toronto To Stay
In Cup Play-offs
TORONTO, April 14-(AP)-Coming
from behind with three goals in the
last period the Detroit Red Wings
beat the Toronto Maple Leafs to-
night, 5 to 3, to keep alive their
chance of winning the Stanley Hock-
ey Cup. It was Detroit's first victory
after losing the first three games of
the final playoff series.
The Detroit third-period splurge
nullified a brilliant individual scor-
ing performance by 19-year-old Ted
Kennedy of Toronto who tallied all
three Toronto goals, two in the first
period and one in the second.
The result of the game was a dis-
appointment to the 14,587 Toronto
fans who had looked for the Leafs to
finish off the series with four straight
The game was the most wide-open
of the series, neither team sticking
for long at the tight-knit defensive
play which characterized the first
three games.

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. . . . . .---- Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces - . - - . -

Ja Soceaad Juipakuca
Ramos Carrion and Vital AnZ
r'I a ' a=A l nl= Tl~a e

VUE in which 140 campus
servicemen participated
was heldo in Hill Audi-
torium for the Army-Navy
Relief Fund. Late permis-
sion was granted to 500
coeds and servicemen who
attended the huge show.
Ten different acts from
both the Navy and Army
were included in the show
some of which were: the 80
piece Navy band under the
direction of William D.
Revelli, Doc Fielding as
Master of Ceremonies and
producer of the Revue.
Fielding is a Navy medical
student and did many of
the imitations, a la Sammy
Kaye, told jokes, and sang.
Sgt. Anderson of the Army
performs magical acts,
the 15-piece Navy orches-
tra under the direction of
Frank Worden made up
entirely of Navy V-12 stu-
dents played popular dance
music. There was also a
quartet from Co. A, and.
Foo Foo Fenner and his

Campus Pays Tribute
The sad news of the death of our President, Franklin
D. Roosevelt, first came over the radio at 5:45 p. m. and
the reaction of the campus and city was that of shocked
disbelief. In the Michigan Union students were filing
through the cafeteria line as a broadcast was inter-
rupted to relay the news that the President was dead.
Diners congregated around the loudspeakers of the
Union radio and listened to the bulletins reporting
the tragedy. At the Daily students crowded around the
Associated Press teletype messages to read of the news.
A series of phone calls inquired "was it really true?"
Dr. Ruthven announced that the University programs
would go on as usual as memorial services would be
held later. Professors asked for comment expressed
the universal reaction of shock and surprise. Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the LEw School called the President's
death "one of the world's greatest tragedies in view
of the problems of completing the war and winning
the peace and reconverting the country to a peacetime
economy." Prof Preston Slosson, of the history depart-
ment, called Truman "a Roosevelt man in the main
who irobably will follow his foreign and domestic
policies. Unfortunately he is practically unknown to
Europe so that he will not have the prestige in Euro-
pean councils that Roosevelt would have had" "A great
loss to the country-That's about all anybody can say,"
Prof. D. L. Dumond, of the history department, states.

IT'S AMUSIN'! Campus
reaction to the time change
has been rather less than
was expected by many ex-
perts, who last week were
predicting all sorts of con-
fusion for University per-
sonnel whose lives hence-
forward will be regulated
on a double time standard.
All University clocks are
going by CWT while Ann
Arbor remains on EWT.
There was talk that all
coeds would be coming in
to their dorms an hour
late, that no one would
know when to eat, that 8
o'clocks would be missed
fo a week, that the arbor-
etum would no longer
grow dark at a reasonable
hour, that trains would
have left an hour before
the prospective student
passengers got there, and
that in general students,
like spring, would be a lit-
tle late this year. Those
who were waiting to see
the campus in turmoil were

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