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March 25, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-25

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Japs Nearly Took Chungking

W ASHINGTON-It is now possible to reveal
just how close the Japanese came to captur-
ing the Chinese capital of Chungking last Nov-.
While Lieut. Gen. Alvin Wedemeyer was en
route to Chungking to replace Gen. Stilwell,
the Japanese were driving on Kunming, gateway
to Chungking. It looked very much as if they
would capture it.
December 22, the Japanese radio was boast-
ing that Wedemeyer would eat his Christmas
dinner in New Delhi if he ate it at all. Wed-
emeyer knew the situation was grave, arranged
a conference with Chiang Kai-Shek soon after
he arrived.
"I need 90,000 men in a hurry," Wedemeyer
told Chiang. "And they have got to be good
men. Can you give them to me?"
Chiang wanted to know how Wedemeyer would
get the men to the front if he could find them.
"I've got 87 big army transports lying around
here, and I can move 100,000 men in a few
days if I can find them."
Chiang asked what men Wedemeyer wanted.
The American general told him he wanted
50,000 crack Chinese troops which had been
trained and equipped by his predecessor,
General Stilwell, and were fighting in Burma.
Chiang agreed. Then Wedemeyer asked the
$64 question.
"I also want about 60,00 of your best men who
have been fighting the Chinese Communists in'
the north, your Excellency," said Wedemeyer
nervously. "I think it is more important that
these Chinese troops be fighting the Japanese
than that they oppose each other."
Chiang never batted an eye, swiftly gave his
approval, and Wedemeyer ordered his air
transports into action. In four days he had
enough men at the Kunming fighting line to
slow up the Japs. In four weeks he had the
Nipponese drive stopped cold south of Kun-
Note--Wedemeyer is doing as complete a reor-
ganization job on the Chinese army as he can,
seems to be getting results.
Prichard Loses Weight
Newly-appointed Federal Loan Administrator
Judge Fred Vinson was a bit surprised during
a cabinet meeting last week when his colleague,
Attorney General Francis Biddle, hurled a sud-
den charge at him.
"I understand you are the meanest man in
Washington," Biddle told Judge Vinson.
"Why so?" asked the startled Vinson.
"I understand," continued the Attorney Gen-
eral, "that you caused Ed Prichard to lose 90
pounds. You are the only man in Washington
who could make him do that. When he worked
for me, he gained 50 pounds."
The Attorney General was referring to 300-
pound Edward F. Prichard, Vinson's brilliant
counsel and right-hand man, who has now
shifted from the Office of Economic Stabiliza-
tion to the Federal Loan Administration. Re-
placing him as counsel of the Economic Sta--
bilizer's Office is efficient Tom Emerson, for-
merly of OPA.
Priorities to Veterans
A new racket has developed as a result of the
WPB ruling whereby discharged war veterans
Nazi Troubles
SUGGESTIVE of what may help to shorten the
war and the casualty lists are the recent
bulletins from inside Germany.
Last Wednesday the Associated Press carried
news of a workers' riot in Berlin March 10.
Nearly 1,200 strikers demanded that Berlin be
declared an open city. Swiss sources reported
that SS (Elite Guards) in armored cars had re-
placed regular police patrols and that the Nazis
are talking of martial law for the Berlin area.
The boatsmen's strike at Frankfort-on-the-
Main is more indicative of the weakening of
civilian morale and of the inadequacy of the
police forces in coping with mass riots.
At Frankfort the demonstration began when
the Gestapo arrested a boatman and the entire

crew refused to unload the ship until he was
released. Dockworkers and crews of nearby ships
became belligerent toward intervening police, a
Swedish eye-witness reported.
The harbor demonstration joined with hunger
rioters, and 2,000 people marched down the
main street and demanded the release of politi-
cal prisoners.
Three trucks filled with SS men and machine
guns could not quell the minor revolt, and one
of the Elite Guards was trampled to death. The
police and the SS had to admit that they were
helpless in the face of this situation, the witness
The Allies may hope for increasing aid from
within as they close in on Berlin and as the
food and supply shortage in central Germany
becomes even more acute.
It is to our advantage that the rioting crowds
may make it more and more diffictilt for the
Nazis to take their shouted advice, "Better fight
against the Russians and not against us, you
black cowards."
-Patricia Cameron

can get certain priorities on strategic materials
in order to get back into private business.
Some unscrupulous businessmen (also some
unscrupulous veterans) are arranging deals
whereby the veterans become minor partners
in their firms, then go to the WPB and se-
cure priorities for raw materials.
Some veterans don't even sign papers giving
them legal partnerships in the firm, and as a
result find themselves used as mere priority bait,
to be fired shortly thereafter.
In one case, however, when a veteran secured
leather for a firm, WPB forced that firm to give
the veteran a life contract. He cannot be fired
in the future, come what may.
The WPB was preparing to go even further
and give much broader priorities to the vet-
erans to establish themselves in small business.
However, this plan has been altered, due partly
to abuses of the present concessions to vet-
erans; due also to the fear that further con-
cessions would seriously threaten production of
war and civilian goods already scheduled,
Capitol Chaff ..
T HE WPB will crack down soon on the use of
tubes for civilian toothpaste consumption
because of a new lead shortage. . . The Army
has developed a poison gas so powerful it can
even destroy a gas mask. . . Congressman Vito
Marcantonio plans to introduce a resolution
soon for another all-out investigation of the
New York stock exchange. . . Ambassador to
China Pat Hurley raised "Holy Ned" with the
State Department after he was ordered not to
wear his Army uniform in China.
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate)
Iloiinie Says
WHEN THE YOUNG scientist goes to worship
he often misses the point. To him, God is
the unseen force coursing through the universe,
evident but difficult to describe. He might
be able to believe God to be the goal toward
which every experiment is aiming. He might
accept Him as the impersonal tendency to good.
The minister, however, seems to assume that
this is only a description of "nature" and
not a description of Deity. He assumes that
God is cause, that God stands beyond nature,
apart from man, outside of history. On God
all else depends, but God is. Such is the
preacher's concept. The hearer is apt to dis-
miss the sermon as irrelevant unless he can
become very much aware of these two different
basic concepts, Immanence and Transcendence.
On ethics and the whole range of virtue,
there are two concepts which tend to delay
communication between a scientist and a.
preacher. The scientist believes that when
he deals with the laws of physics or biology
or astronomy and can teach those laws so
they are grasped by his students and made
the basis for further knowledge, he is per-
forming an ethical service or at least he is
dealing with vital elements in an ethical
fashion. The scientist is inclined to think
of such a work as having a religious or spirit-
ual value.
The preacher, however, in most cases, will in-
sist that no amount of effort in either thought
or behavior can carry any man one whit
nearer to God. He will insist that God is
unique and adequate. God is reached not by
knowledge but only through grace. Man cannot
earn grace nor discover it by effort. Man
must ask in faith. Having eventually asked in
the proper manner, grace may be bestowed.
To understand the sermon the scientist must
credit the two views or recognize them both as
The university man at worship, therefore,
needs to be on the alert or he will fail to
understand the minister. The customary reac-
tion is to absent oneself, in which case he
throws out the baby with the bath. Failing
to grasp transcendence and being beyond
ready communication of the religious com-
munity, he may never enter into religion's
central value nor attain to its serenity.

Here is a great loss; for that community for
one reason needs scientists as our technical
men for another reason need religion.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
By Ray Dixon
UMMERLIKE WEATHER is making us hot
under the collar. The Nazis are getting hot
under the collar, too, but for a different reason.
The general gave the boys a Patton the
back and they Ruhred across the Rhine.
There is no report that the general swam
across the Rhine as he did the Saar River. But
that's just as well. Maybe now we can see a
picture of him wading ashore like MacArthur.

18-Year-Old Vote
The Daily has recently published
two editorials which set forth oppo-
site viewpoints on the question of ex-
tending the franchise downward to
include citizens 18 years of age.
Carol Zacl employs the argu-
ment that universal suffrage ". . .
is based on the idea that voting
is not a privilege but a right. This
is explicitly stated in amendments
to the constitution. If voting is a
right, then those who are capable
of voting intelligently, regardless
of their race, color or age, should
be allowed to exercise this right."
Sounds fine, doesn't it? But be-
fore we run up the colors and get out
the fife, let's look it over a bit (and
this is the part that becomes a bit
tedious to young 'uns, old ones too,
In the first place, the Supreme
Court in Minor v. Happersett, 21
Wallace 162 (1875) held that the right
to vote is not one of the privileges
and immunities of citizens of the
United States which the states are
forbidden by the Fourteenth Amend-
ment to abridge.
Further, in Ex parte Yarbrough
110 U. S. 651 (1884) while the court
did say that the right of a United
States citizen to vote for Federal
officers is protected by the Con-
stitution, it further stated that this
was true only if the individual ful-
fills the qualifications required by
his state of those who vote for the
most numerous branch of that state
legislature. More than that, the
Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amend-
ments do not state that voting is a
right of citizenship, but merely seek
jto prevent the denial of voting
rights by states or by the Federal
Government on certain grounds.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Whenever possi-
ble, Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words so that all let-
ters may be printed as soon as they
are received. Letters in excess of
that length are cut at the discre-
tion of the Editorial Director.
At this point someone will doubt-
lesstwant to take us back to the Dec-
laration of Independence (Lots of
excellent speeches have been made
using that fine material-I'm about
to make one myself.) -
I ran across this definition some-
where: "In common usage a demo-
cratic government is one based on
universal suffrage."
Athens has always beeh considered
a democracy, but in that state citi-
zenship was rigidly defined, for the
governing class was but a small part
of the total population.
Montesquieu said, " . . . it is
important to regulate in a republic,
in what manner, by whom, to
whom, and concerning what suf-
frages are to be given." E. M.
Salt in his book "American Parties
and Elections" says that many of
the framers of the Constitution
were violently opposed to extension
of the suffrage. In addition he
states that Thomas Jefferson in
1776 supported a property quali-
fication for Virginia suffrage and
later upon endorsing manhood suf-
frage did not consider it an an es-
sential element of Republicanism.
To quote Mr. Sait, "Natural right,
since it must be present from birth,
would enfranchise children, since it
has no geographical limits, it would
enfranchise the alien, and since it

is not dependent upon mental
character it would enfranchise
criminals and lunatics." But Miss
Zack, old Elihu Root really fixed it,
for he said, "If there is one thing
settled it is that voting is not a
natural right, but simply a means
of government."
The Declaration of Independence
was written in an electric moment of
impending crisis and its purpose was
mainly to justify the course about to
be pursued. Let us not forget for one
moment that to our materialistic
forefathers the word "democracy"
had a most unmusical sound.
Thus endeth my tale. It seems to
me, that generally speaking, young
people find themselves with one
hand full of cake and the other full
of unromantic bread. The question
then appears to be "Do we, or do
we not want fact as a basis for
constructive thought which in turn
gives rise to constructive action
(always of course allotting to
idealisms their important and
rightful place in this scheme of
things) dr shall we operate far
less practically using only our
emotions and wishful thinking?
-John Jadwin

FOLLOWING a week of discussion
in The Daily editorial columns of
the 18-year-old vote, The Daily, in
conjunction with MYDA, took a poll
to determine the general campus at-
titude towards the extension of the
franchise to include the 18 to 21
year age group.
A random sampling of 740 stu-
dents was taken Thursday on the
question: Do you favor passage of
a bill to lower the voting age to
18? Of those polled 326 were in
favor of such a bill while 374 were
opposed to its passage.
The Daily inaugurated a new fea-

Campus Split on Question

ture which is to be continued
throughout the year.
The issue chosen for the week is
first considered by a member of the
faculty, either an objective view or
pro or con; this is followed by pro
and con discussions by students not
on The Daily staff.
Letters to the editor on the same
subject are invited. All students and
faculty members interested in the
issue under fire are asked to submit
their opinions.
The topic for consideration next
week will be post-war compulsory
military training. The question was
discussed this past week in the
Student Town Hall forum.



SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 104
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
To the Members of the University
Council: It is planned to hold the
April meeting of the University Coun-
cil on Monday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Social Chairmen and House Direc-
tors are reminded that requests for
social events mnust be filed in the
Office of the Dean of Students not
later than the Monday before the
event for which approval is request-
ed. It should be accompanied by
written acceptance from two sets of
APPROVED chaperons and, in the
case of fraternities and sororities, by
approval from the financial adviser.
1) parents of active members or
pledges, 2) professors, associate pro-
fessors or assistant professors, or 3)
couples already approved by the
Committee on Student Affairs. A
list of the third group is available
Eligibility Certificates for the
Spring Term should be secured before
April 1 in Rm. 2, University Hall.
For women students returning
from out-of-town on the night of
April first, Easter Sunday, the clos-
ing hour will be 12:30 a.m.
American Red Cross War Fund:
If you have not been solicited in
regard to your contribution toward
the American Red Cross and wish to
make your pledge, please call at the
Cashier's Office, 104 South Wing,
and receive your membership card
and pin.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Junior City Plan-
ner, $2,415 to $2,760, Intermediate
City Planner, $3,036 to $3,450, Junior
Publicist, $2,760, Identification Tech-
nician, $2,415 to $2,898, Intermediate
Social Ecgonomist, $3,164 to $3,450,
Junior Social 'Economist, $2,484 to
$2,760, Intermediate Publicist, $3,-
450, and Field Survey Aid, $2,184 to
$2,288, have been received in our
office. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
The U.S. Civil Service Commission
has announced examinations for Fed-
eral positions in the fields of admin-
istration and personnel management.
For further information stop in at
201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
State of Michigan Civil Service
announcements for the following
have been receivedein our office:
Typist Clerk CI, Stenographer Clerk
CI, $115 to $130 a month, Bridge
Engineer II, $230 to $270 per month,
Water Resources Control Engineer
V, $440 to $550 per month, General
Clerk C, $110 to $125 per month, and
Housemother B, $125 to $145 per
month. For further information re-
garding these examinations, stop in
at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Ap-
All Veterans interested in a re-
fresher course in the mechanics and
grammar of English Composition are
asked to call or contact Mr. C. M.
Davis, Veteran's Advisor, Rm. 19,
Angell Hall.rTelephone 4121, Exten-
sion 2115.
All women students who are em-

ployed part-time are required to
register this fact immediately at the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Professor Antoine Jobin, of the
Department of Romance Languages,
will give the sixth of the French Lec-
tures sponsored by Le Cercle Fran-
cais on Tuesday, March 27, at 4:10
p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial


Lakes Problems" on Wednesday,
March 28, at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphi-
theater of the Rackham Building.
The lecture is under the sponsorship
of the Departments of Geology and
Zoology. It will be illustrated with
both motion pictures and lantern
slides. The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Registration for Graduate Record
Examination: The Graduate Record
Examination will be given on the eve-
nings of April 16 and April 17 in the
Rackham Bldg. This examination,
required of all degree candidates in
the Graduate School, is open to
Seniors in the undergraduate units
and to students in the professional
schools. The University will pay the
fee for this April examination. Any-
one wishing to take the examination
must register at the Information
Desk of the Graduate School Office
in the Rackham Bldg. before March
Make-Up Examination for Psychol-
ogy 31: Tuesday, March 27 at 4:30,
Rm. 2121 N.S. Any students who
took X or Incomplete please come at
this time prepared to take an exam-
The special short course in speeded
reading will be given for students
who wish to improve their reading
ability. Those interested will meet
Tuesday, March 27 at 5, Rm. 4009,
University High School Building,
School of Education. At that time
the course will be explained and time
of meeting set. If you are interested
and cannot attend the organization
meeting, call Mr. Morse, Ext. 682, for
further information. There is no
charge for this non-credit course.
Biological Chemistry 111 Refund
Slips may be called for in Rm. 230
West Medical Building on Tuesday
and Wednesday, March 27 and 28,
from 2 to 4 p.m. Any student unable
to call in person may send written
authorization for some other person
to receive his refund slip.
German I Make-Up Final Exami-
nation will be given from 10 to 12
a.m. Wednesday, March 28, in Rm.
201 University Hall. Students who
missed the final examination should
see their instructors immediately to
get permission to take the make-up.
All-Beethoven Program: The third
program in the current series of Sun-
day evening piano recitals by mem-
bers of the School of Music faculty
will be played by Kathleen Rinck at
8:30 tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. It will include Beethoven's
Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3, Sonata, Op. 31,
No. 2, and Sonata, Op. 10. The
general public is invited.
"The Way of the Cross": an ora-
torio by Alexandre Georges, will be
presented at the First Methodist
Church Wednesday evening, March
28, at 8 o'clock. The Senior Choir
will sing and will be assisted by Bon-
nie Ruth Van Deursen, soprano;
Harriet Porter, contralto; Avery
Crew, tenor; Hardin Van Deursen,
baritone; Bernard Mason, violinist;
Mary Oyer, cellist; Ruby Joan Kuhl-
man, pianist; Frieda O. Vogan, or-
ganist. The entire ensemble will be
under the guest direction of Solon
Aloerti of New York City, who ar-
ranged and edited the work. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The International Center Sunday
program will be presented by the
girls from Martha Cook Dormitory
at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 320 of the Union.
Coming Events
The group stuftying relations be-

tween Mathematics and its alplica-
tion will meet Monday, March 26, at
7 p.m. in Rm. 3001 Angell' Hall. Mr.
M. Dresden will speak on the Ergodic
Workshop on Anti-Semitism: Its
causes and cures-The first meeting
of the Workshop will take place at
7:30 p.m. Monday, March 26 at the
Hillel Foundation, Hill at Haven.







r I


By Crockett Johnson



Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, owns a lot
of big factories. They're his private property.
And he can do anything he wants with them-


Nothing an imaginary Pixey
does can effect how we live'
Barnaby, or what we eat-

I thought there was more cold lamb
left than this! We'll have to have
salmon croquettes tonight instead.
r_ OMaI a




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