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March 23, 1945 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-23

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Galens .Society1
Will Sponsor
Caduceus Ball
Gene Devine Will Play at
Annual Semi-Formal Affair
Tomorrow in League Ballroom
Caduceus Ball, sponsored annually
by Galens honorary medical fratern-
ity, will be held from 9 p.m. to mid-
night tomorrow in the League Ball-
Gene Devine and his orchestra will
furnish the music for the dance,
which will be semiformal. All Medical
students and faculty of the Medical
school have been invited to attend.
Members of the central committee
for this year's Caduceus Ball are
Sigmund Zawacki, chairman; Jim
Skinner, music; William Brown III
and Bob Ideson, tickets; and John
Stewart and Ed Sundell, publicity.
Chaperons Named
Chaperons for the evening will be
Dr. W. M. Brace and Dr. and Mrs.
Bradley M. Patten.
The list of patrons, announced by
the committee includes: Dr. and Mrs.
Albert C. Furstenberg, Dr. and Mrs,
Robert W. Buxton, Dr. and Mrs.
Frederick A. Coller, . Dr. and Mrs.
Henry K. Ransom, Dr. and Mrs.
Cyrus C. Sturgis, Dr. and Mrs. Frank
N. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Franklin D.
Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur,.Cur-
tis. Dr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hodges, and
Dr. and Mrs. Max M. Peet.
Patron List Announced
The list continues with Dr. and
Mrs. Norman F. Miller, Dr. and Mrs.
Albert C. Kerlikowski, Dr. and Mrs.
F. Bruce Frolick, Dr. and Mrs. James
L. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Rollo E.
McCotter, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ger-
sell, Dr. and Mrs. Carl V. Weller, Dr.
and Mrs. Howard B. Lewis, Dr. and
Mrs. Malcolm H. Soule, Dr. and Mrs.
Reed M. Nesbit, Dr. and Mrs. Carl D.
Camp, Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Badgley,
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Waggoner,
Dr. John B. Barnell, and Dr. and
Mrs. John Alexander.
Asst. Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea,
Capt. and Ms. Woodson V. Michaux,
St. Col. and Mrs. Reginald C. Miller,
Lt.-Comm. and Mrs. J. J. Branson,
Lt.-Comm. and Mrs. E. A. Scott,
Capt. Charles P. Atkinson, Capt. and
Mrs. Clarence J. Deboer.'
Singing Chorus
For Junior Class
Play Made Larger
The singing chorus for Junior Girls
play has been enlarged, according
to Anne Crossley and Masaka Ono,
co-chairmen of the choral direction.
The new additions are as follows:
Elizabeth Ludlum, Dorothy Worrows,
Kit Katz, Lavonne Haslatt, Merry
Edidon, Jean Adam, Carol Anderson,
Miriam Swarlott, and Janice Whit-
The first meeting of the entire
chorus wil be at 5 p.m. Wednesday
in the jGP office in the League.
Members of the chorus are asked to
bring their eligibility cards with them.
In a variety of lovely styles and
2.25 to 5.95
r . , 1 1 1 _ I1 1 _ I

Assembly, Red '
Cross To Hold
Affair Monday
Red Cross Night, which is being
sponsored by Assembly in cooperation
with the Red Cross, will be held at,
7:30 p. m. Monday in the Rackham
Amphitheatre and is open to all who
wish to attend.
The purpose of the program is
twofold. It is an effort to familiar-
ize students and the public in gen-
eral with the actual work of the
Red Cross in this country and
abroad and to inform people how
their contributions are being used.
The career opportunities offered by
the Red Cross will also be discuss-
Red Cross Night is for the benefit
of the public. It will be informative SINGING HYMNS--GladysS
only; funds will not be solicited. radio, dons a Salvation Armyb
Three campus servicemen will be '
featured on the program. They will
give accounts of their experiences VISIT RES I DENCES:
with the Red Cross overseas. Movies'
showing the'Red Cross in action will "


Houses List Social Events


Under Way

Swarthout, star of screen, concert, and
bonnet to join choristers.

Results of Ping Pong Contest
Must Be Handed in by Mar. 31
WAA's campus-wide ping pong
tournament is well under way and
results of play-offs within the indi-
vidual women's residences must be
turned in by Saturday, March 31, at
Barbour Gym.
The tournament is an annual event'
sponsored by WAA and is designed to
give every woman on campus a
chance to participate in the compe-
tition for the campus winner in ping
Athletic chairmen in each house
are in charge of the play-offs within
their residences and they should see
to it that the games are being played
off within the time that has been
It has come to the attention ofj
WAA that some League house rep-
resentatives have not organized ping
pong play-offs within their houses.
These athletic chairmen are urged
to contact Barbour Gym if they have
not already obtained a set of rules
covering to rnament procedure. All
games within these residences must
be played by the end of the month.
When the results of these frst
play-offs are tabulated, two women
will be selected to represent each
league house or sorority, five coeds
will lepresent the smaller dorns and
ten women will represent Stockwell,
Mosher and Jordan.
Interviewing Today
}All sorority women who have han-
ded in petitions for positions on Pan-
hellenic Night and Panhellenic-As-
seinbly Ball, are reminded that to-
day is the last day of interviewing.
Members of the Board will be
holding the interviews from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. today in the Undergraduate
Office of the League, and those who
have not interviewed are asked to

Coeds at Betsy Barbour Residence
will entertain V-12 men at an open
house from 7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. to-
A reading by Dorothy Edgar, "Life
on the Ocean Wave," will set the
theme for the floor show. Guests
will be conducted on a mythical oce-
an voyage, stopping at several points
in their travels to see entertainment
typical of the country they are visit-
Stopping in England, they will see
Gracie Fields, imitated by Johanne
McMillin, who will also lead them
in community singing. The Russian
stop-over will be characterized in a
Russian dance, presented by Doro-
thy Wilhelm and Lois Perkins.
Virginia Scott and Florence Zarat-
ziau will bring the guests back to
America, with a American jitterbug
routine, and coffee and doughnuts
will be served at the end of the
Announcement that Alpha Tac'
Omega will hold an infermal rec-
ore dance from 9 p.m. to- midnight,
tomorrow, was made yesterday by
Phil Marcellus, president.
The dance will be preliminary to
the annual Founder's Day and ini-
tiation program planned for Sun-
day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Beck,
and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney A.
Maulbetsch will act as chaperones
for the dance.
Initiation of pledges will take
place Sunday at 11 a.m. George
Acton, Hugh, Caneren, of the V-12,
Alan McManus, and Richard Se-
guare are the four initiates. The
Detroit Alumni Association of A.
S0. have been invited to attend
the Founder's Day program and
dinner which will follow the initia-
tion ceremonies.
P-J's will be the correct attire for
Mosher Hall coeds when they attend
their after-hours dorm party from
10:30 p.m. to midnight, Tuesday.
Entertainment will include a chor-
us line, led by Phyllis Gorbett, a

dialogue given by Serene Sheppard
and Gloria Anne Salter, and a musi-
cal skit presented by Betty Jean
Iiuse*, Beverly Solorow, and Vir-
ginia Zapf. Terry Prince will play
her own arrangement of "St. Louis
Blues," and Beverly Solmow her's of
"Elack Magic."
Introduction of the various acts
wOll be in Johnny Mercer style, com-
bining rhyme and rhythm to an-
nounce thenumbers. Refreshments
will be served.
Paper Published
At Stockwell
When the recent. Issue of the "Tick-
er" appeared, it disproved the men's
pet remark that "Coeds can't coop-
erate." The "Ticker," a four-page
mimeographed weekly paper is writ-
ten, edited, and read by the Stockwell
girls only.
The paper was organized last seme-
ster by Jane- Quail, '48. It's popular-
ity with the 450 residents brought
about its continuation this semester
as an experiment.
Campus and sports news, editor-
ials, social items, and general "gos-
sip" appear in the "Ticker." Harriet
Wilson and Barbara Cross, both '47,
act as page editors under the man-
agement of Jeanne Throne, '48, and
Miss Quail who continues to watch
over the progress of the paper.
The women claim that they are
economical too, for although "Ticker,"
operates on a small budget of $50
per semester, ,in its ten issues of last
term, it stayed out of the red.

D. .., , A K [dRh Nl. L, /, III ,,

,be presented during the evening.
A representative of the Red Cross
will speak on the opportunities of-
fered to the Organization's work-
ers. Volunteer workers have vari-
ous duties among them home nurs-
ing, nurse's aid work and jobs in
the motor corps. The positions of
field directors and overseas recrea-
tion workers are fulltime duties,
which may be selected as life-time
A period will be set aside follow-
ing the program in which the public
may ask questions they have con-
cerning the Red Cross.
Spring Forces
Coeds T Turn
Toward Cotton
One warm spring day and already,
the Michigan coed is contemplating
packing her sweaters away in moth
balls and blossoming out in bright
cotton dresses.
The ever-popular suit of seersucker
is back again this year and is a par-
ticular boon to those who dread the
long tedious hours of ironing most
cottons require. In stripes or solid
colors they are equally attractive and
tle skirt can serve as a basis for'
many outfits by wearing it with
different blouses.
Fu1i Skirts Are Popular
Low necklines, as little sleeve as
possible, and as much fullness in the
skirt as restrictions will permit are
top trends in the cottons now on the
market. They've done wonders to
gingham this year-taken it out of
the "house dress" class and created
dresses that will take you to the
Union Dance or dinner at the Allenel.
For utter coolness when the mer-
cury starts to rise you might con-
sider a dress. of the ever-popular dot-
ted swiss. Your friends may be swel-
tering in the heat but you'll look
fresh as a daisy in a dress of this
Colorful Chambray
'If you're looking fo,: a dress that
will literally "last fer ages" the solu-
t.ion to your problem is a tailored,
button-down-the-front dress of cha-
mbray. They come in all colors of
the rainbow and it s a dress you'll
always treasure.

peaiersu ureau ivernDers
Talk on Campus Projects

Women's dormiitories, sororities,{
large league houses and auxiliary{
dormitories are visited frequently
throughout the semester by the mem-
bers of Assembly Speakers' Bureau,
who publicize various campus events
as one of the Bureau's publicity un-
The Bureau's cocds are giving
short talks and skits in the various
houses, making their entrances at
the dinner hour or later in the
evening, even after hours. All cam-
pus wmen's houses cannot be con-
tacted becausec of the small number
of members in the Bureau.
The Speakers' :Bureau publicizes
all Assembly functions and any char-
ity or campus drive. Dr. Kenneth G.
Hance of the speech department is
the advisor of the Bureau and aids
the members by giving them effective
speech suggestions.
The Bureau will be mach cam-
pus-wide if the present organiza-
tion proves successfuL Its services
and membeirships will be extended
to all. Plans are now being con-
sidered for such a project.
Coeds who are interested in be-
Rushees Will Collect c
Party Invitations
Rushees are asked to pick up their
last set of party invitations from 10
i a.m. to 2 p.m. including the noon
hour today at the Panhellenic Office
in the League.
Preferenceslips will also be dis-
1 tributed at this time. Rushees are
to indicate numerically the sororities
which they prefer on these.
Alpha Epsilon Phi and Sigma Del-
ta 'Tui have been granted permission!
to hold their Final Desserts on Mon-
day and Tuesday because of the
forthcoming religious holidays. '

coming members of the Bureau may
call Helen Alpert, chairman, at 2-
In addition to Miss Alpert the fol-
loing women are members: Barbara,
Ann Hazelton, Maiy Ellen Wood, Joy.
Eazant, Doris Nash, Serene Shep-
pard, Marjorie Hetler, Shirley Pope
and Joan Lindsay.
Other members are Edith Van An-
del, Judith Pregerson, Carolyn New-
berg, Harriet Risk, Mary Ruth Levy,
Betty Lou Bidwell, Ida Marie Ras-
mussen, Marjorie Fisher and Ethel
Are Revealed
The engagement of Betty Bonisteel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe 0.
Bonisteel of Ann Arbor, to William
Johnson ,son of Mrs. Edgar H. John-
son of Grand Rapids and the late
Mr. Johnson, has been announced.
Miss Bonisteel is a senior in the
University Law School. She is af-
filiated with Kappa Alpha Theta and
Kappa Beta Pi sororities. Mr. John-
son is a graduate of Princeton and
of the University Law School. He was
a captain before being released from
the armed forces this spring.
Doris Rosenshine's engagement to
Dr. Maynard M. Cohen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Aleck Cohen of Detroit, has
been announced by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jay Rosenshine also of De-
Miss Rosenshine is a senior at the
University. Dr. Cohen is a gradu-
ate of the University and also of
the Wayne University College of

Give Today To
The Red Cross

" - it Iot' Suit
SOFT LITTLE: SUIT to lead the Easter
Parade . . . to play a versatile role in
your Spring wardrobe. Navy jacket
with fuchsia coin dots and skirt, black
with emerald. Pure wool. Junior sizes.



>'r _
b",afl. _ r z


In lovely floral designs and solid Linen or ballon cloth (all vers';.
colors. of the old standby cotton) are being
29c to 1.00 used for dressier dresses and are well
worth the dent .they make in any
coed's diminishing bank account. For
AN K LE SOX something a little different think
about a backless dress with a match-
In a variety of colors to match ng bolere.
your Easter outfit. Sheer full-- --------
fashioned hosiery in new Spring Ex-Studen tin Englland
shades. Sizes 8 to 10,. Barbara Berry has arrived in Eng-
land for further assignment in the
SMARTEST European Theater of Operations as
HOSIERY SHOPPE an American Red Cross staff assist-
ant. Miss Berry is a graduate of the
Michigan Theatre Bldg. University of New Hampshire and
attended the University.
;;;;;; t ;;;;;;> t;;;;;;> -<;;;;;> <;;;;;>r o c;;>oo t>teo
v I
The Flowers
that bloom ."
IT's SPRING AGAIN and we have
just the collection of snappy new
suits to make you look fresh as the
flowers. Checks and stripes and all
the colors of the rainbow. Come in
and choose a tailored suit for classes
or a dressy one for "best" ,
SIZES FROM 9 to 20

V " 1
llC l ,
..J "./J 4
" °

t .,~<q>'






/ ;i
p. <


ton-on-Bows to add that
fnmshin 1touch of fdeminiss


. ,


; K' } ,
e+-.as. 3 r.
' 1 w k


.. ,
(1 N'.

for your Easter Outfit, 500
day. . . practical for all-Spring wear. Won- GiveN

Dainty, shcer hbu ses
just in . . in white
aild pa.stl s . . jeweL.:
.1.1;..... r r tC l I r5



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